Powerpoint, excel, word, jpeg to pdf presentation

I need to email a presentation that has a combination of powerpoint slides, word documents, excel spreadsheets, and jpegs.  Can I get an unbiased recommendation, Is creating one pdf file my best way to go as far as having a clean, easy to follow presentation?

You can either convert each file from its original application to PDF and then combine those in Acrobat, or create a new PDF from multiple files and add the source files you want to use.

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    Thanks in advance

    Start by creating an Item type of OLE container. Set the following properties:
    - OLE Tenant Types: Embedded
    - Database Item: Yes
    Make that item the last item in the block.
    Create a push button such as 'Insert Document' with similar code:
      vcFile VARCHAR2(1024);
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         'PDF files (*.pdf)|*.pdf|Excel Files (*.xls)|*.xls|Outlook message files (*.msg)|*.msg|All files (*.*)|*.*|',
      go_block('<block name>');

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    Message was edited by: foamtech

    Please find below the official Microsoft blurb relating to this issue:
    'If your copy of Office 2008 was installed with an invalid product key, or if you mistakenly used the same product key to install Office 2008 on more than one computer, you must remove the invalid product key and enter a valid product key to use Office 2008.
    1/ In the Finder, select /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/OfficePID.plist, and move it to the Trash.
    2/ Select /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008/Microsoft Office 2008 settings.plist, and move it to the Trash.
    3/ Restart.
    4/ After your computer restarts, open any Office 2008 application. The Office Setup Assistant opens.
    5/ Accept the software license agreement, and then enter your valid product key. The product key is located on the back of the Office 2008 for Mac DVD sleeve or on the back of the Install Guide.'
    You will need to find your original product key/serial number before you can get it up and running again.
    In the short term if you can't find it you can use OpenOffice It won't give you an alternative to Entourage but at least you will be able to open and work on existing Microsoft Office documents. If you create docs from scratch and are sending them to other people either in OpenOffice Menu/Preferences under Save set the docs to save in Windows XP etc format or Save As when saving your docs so that the recipient can open them in their copy of Word, Excel etc

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    Hi Sara!
    Yes this sounds interesting. Can I update to that from the PDF Export I have just renewed? How much would that cost?
    Thanks for your quick answer.
    Best Regards
    Per-Olof Egli                                         Logga Egli C.I.S
    Managing Director
    Egli C.I.S. Consulting
    Lapphundsgränd 43
    SE-128 62 SKÖNDAL
    Phone:         +46 708 23 03 53
    <http://www.eglicisconsulting.se/> www.eglicisconsulting.se
    <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]
    Skype: eglipo
    Från: Sara.Forsberg 
    Skickat: den 10 september 2014 22:11
    Till: P-o Egli
    Ämne:  How do I convert a pdf-presentation into Powerpoint, which it is said that I can do? I can convert into Word, but that is of no help as I need to change the text in the document.
    How do I convert a pdf-presentation into Powerpoint, which it is said that I can do? I can convert into Word, but that is of no help as I need to change the text in the document.
    created by Sara.Forsberg <https://forums.adobe.com/people/Sara.Forsberg>  n Adobe ExportPDF - View the full discussion <https://forums.adobe.com/message/6718870#6718870>

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    You can refer the following SDN Thread where the similar problem is reported.
    Xcelsius won't export to PPT or DOC

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    If we try to print a PDF file, will it work properly? Please also try to change the default printer to test the problem if you have another printer.
    We can also try to run a repair of your Office installation and then try to print again to check the result. See:
    Additionally, try to uninstall and reinstall the printer driver to check if it helps.
    Please let me know the result.
    Best Regards,
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

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    I'm so sorry that I forgot the Office programs even not open in safe mode and provide useless information in my last reply.
    The problem persists when we perform a Windows clean boot, right?
    Were the Office programs suddenly not working? Or it just can’t be open after you install it? Did you get any error message?
    If you haven’t try a repair of your Office installation, we can try it to check the result:
    In addition, try to use Event Viewer to see if we can get some useful error log about this problem. See:
    Steve Fan
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

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    Thank you everyone. I apologize to confusing all but I am up to date and running OS X 10.8.2.  It's possible I purchased the key for Office but I don't think so although it was 3-4 years ago. I guess I will stop in the Apple Store and just ask. I may just buy the new bundle anyway to get the most updated.
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    Thank you all!!! You've been great!

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    To be expected if you are working in a contemporary OS and contemporary MS Office suite.
    The Acrobat 9.x product family passed into End of Support mid-year of 2013.
    The product isn't compatible with contemporary OSs or Office suite.
    You may have to step up into the Acrobat XI product family.
    Be well...

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    Attach all of them again.
    Be well...

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    Yes you need other components
    Some of solutions need license, like BI Publisher.
    There is also free solutions using e.g. Cocoon, Jasper reports ...
    ANNOUNCE:JAPEX Open Source PDF reporting & Blob Download/Flash upload

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    Buy version 2011 of MS Office.
    Or you can download OpenOffice, LibreOffice or NeoOffice, which all come very close to working with MS files just like MS Office does.
    Or iWord, I have heard, you can purchase.

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    News Roman).
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    My email: [email protected]

    Do you know which font it was substituted for? If the entire
    font is not required, the PDF Conversion process will create a
    subset font, and will then change the name of the font (since it is
    not technically the full original font). However the glyphs used in
    the subset font should be identical.

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    How do I do that?

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  • Disable "logon" button for BPC for Excel,powerpoint and word .

    Hello All,
            Is there way to hide u201CLOGONu201D button for BPC for excel, word and PowerPoint. We want that our end users canu2019t see it.We have 300 users .  Is there any environment variable or BPC package setting for this to do it for all users in one shot?
    Saquib Khan

    I still don't get why this requirement but I can understand it is required by a customer.
    I don't understand where is the problem if somebody will press by mistake that button.
    It will prompt login window and the user will be able to press cancel button.
    I think the solution proposed it is really dangerours and it can cause a lot of issues with BPC if you will delete the logon dll.
    What I want to clarify is who is asking about that button to be hide?
    Are we speaking about BPC users?
    If yes then they will use a really nice functionality.
    Majority of BPC users are working in Excel and at some moment they need access to BPC.
    So in that case it is easy they have just to press the logon button.
    If you will hide that button they will have to go into launch page and from there to start BPC webexcel.
    So that's means they will really loose a lot of time just to be back again into excel.
    So I don't get why the people request to hide that button.
    Let's suppose somebody press by mistake that button ...what is the issue with that?
    I need to understand the requirements to be able to understand what kind of solution we can provide for customer.
    Sorin radulescu

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