Powershell output results log

Hi guys.
I have a question and do not know if you can
help me.
I do not know much about Powershell,
but I created a script that disables,
moves and changes the description of dismissed
enterprise users through the registration number
(POBOX in my case).
The question is would you like to generate a log
each time this script was executed,
stating whether or not the actions were
performed successfully.
with some examples I found on Technet
but did not work.
Does anyone havea hint howcan I includethis functionalityin my script?
$csvFile = ".\list.csv"
$disabledUsersOU = "<OU DESTINATION>"
Import-Csv $csvFile | ForEach {
 $f = $_.POBox;
 Get-ADUser -Filter {POBox -eq $f} | Disable-ADAccount
 Get-ADUser -Filter {POBox -eq $f} | Set-ADUser -Description "Disable User Script v4"
 Get-ADUser -Filter {POBox -eq $f} | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $disabledUsersOU
 $user = Get-ADUser -Filter {POBox -eq $f} -Properties MemberOf
 foreach ($group in ($user | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MemberOf))
  Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $user -Confirm:$false
Thanks a lot.
David Soares MCTS:MBS - MCTS - MCITP

You could try something like this:
$csvFile = ".\list.csv"
$disabledUsersOU = "<OU DESTINATION>"
$Results = Import-Csv $csvFile | ForEach {
$f = $_.POBox;
Get-ADUser -Filter {POBox -eq $f} | Disable-ADAccount
Get-ADUser -Filter {POBox -eq $f} | Set-ADUser -Description "Disable User Script v4"
Get-ADUser -Filter {POBox -eq $f} | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $disabledUsersOU
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter {POBox -eq $f} -Properties MemberOf,Description,Enabled
foreach ($group in ($user | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MemberOf))
Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $user -Confirm:$false
$user = Get-ADUser $user -properties MemberOf,POBox,Description
New-Object PSObject -property @{User=$user.samaccountname;POBox=$user.POBox;Description=$user.Description;MemberOf=(($user | select -expand MemberOf) -join ",");Enabled=$user.Enabled;DN=$user.DistinguishedName}
$Results | Select User,POBox,Description,MemberOf,Enabled | Export-CSV ".\results.csv" -NoType
All I really added was to create New-Object for each user and each one gets included in $Results, which gets piped to a csv file.  This way you can see what may or may not have succeeded.  The alternative is to evaluate each of the values and compare
it to what you expect - if any of them are not what you would expect, then User = fail and instead of the new-object line and having all of the output go to $Results you could do:
Out-File ".\results.log" -InputObject "$($User.sAMAccountName) = FAIL" -append
(or PASS, or SUCCESS, or whatever works).  The reason I provided the approach above is that you have a complete picture of the results.
The select in the last line orders the columns in the CSV, otherwise Powershell chooses the order and it isn't usually what you would like.
I hope this post has helped!

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    Get-Service | where{$_.name -like "BrokerInfrastr*"}|Format-list
    Figure 1:  format powershell output
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    Thanks, this has been helpful. I have been trying to figure out how the PSObjects work.
    I created a function that takes an object and creates a function to create PSObjects
    Function Get-ObjectPropertiesFunction
    $Members=Get-Member -InputObject $Object
    $ValidPropertyType = @{"{get;set;}"=$True;"{get;}"=$True;}
    $ValidReturnType = @{"bool"=$True;"byte"=$True;"string"=$True;"string[]"=$True;
    $String=$String+"Function Get-PSObjectPropertiesFromObject `n"
    $String=$String+"{ `n"
    $String=$String+" [CmdletBinding()] `n"
    $String=$String+" [OutputType([PSObject[]])] `n"
    $String=$String+" param `n"
    $String=$String+" ( `n"
    $String=$String+" [Parameter(Mandatory="+"$"+"true, `n"
    $String=$String+" ValueFromPipeline="+"$"+"false, `n"
    $String=$String+" ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName="+"$"+"false, `n"
    $String=$String+" ValueFromRemainingArguments="+"$"+"false, `n"
    $String=$String+" Position=0, `n"
    $String=$String+" ParameterSetName='Object')] `n"
    $String=$String+" [ValidateNotNull()] `n"
    $String=$String+" [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] `n"
    $String=$String+" [Object]"+"$"+"Object `n"
    $String=$String+" ) `n"
    $String=$String+" Begin `n"
    $String=$String+" { `n"
    $String=$String+" $"+"Output = New-Object PSObject -Property ([Ordered]@{ `n"
    ForEach ($Member in $Members)
    IF ($Member.MemberType -EQ "Property")
    IF ($Name.Substring(1,1) -NE "_")
    [String[]]$Definition=$Member.Definition.Split(" ")
    IF ($ValidPropertyType[$PropertyType])
    if ($ValidReturnType[$ReturnType])
    $String=$String+" $Name="+"$"+"Object.$Name `n"
    $String=$String+" }) `n"
    $String=$String+" $"+"Output `n"
    $String=$String+" } `n"
    $String=$String+"} `n"
    Here is the output from the above function for the WIN32_BootConfiguration class (Small Class)
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    PS C:\>> $Function
    Function Get-PSObjectPropertiesFromObject
    $Output = New-Object PSObject -Property ([Ordered]@{
    PS C:\>>
    The function also works for other and more interesting classes like SQL Server.
    PS C:\>>
    $srv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("(local)")
    $db = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database($srv, "AdventureWorks2012")
    $Function=Get-ObjectPropertiesFunction $db
    Function Get-PSObjectPropertiesFromObject
    $Output = New-Object PSObject -Property ([Ordered]@{
    PS C:\>>

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    I'm looking for the best way to output data from my powershell.
    Basically im running a ForEach loop and want to print different data
    foreach ($line in $data){
    get-mailbox | select-object identity,emailaddresses
    get-mailbox | format-table identity,emailaddresses
    get-mailbox | format-table identity,emailaddresses -Autosize
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    Any input is apreciated.

A: Powershell output format

Hi again
I will try to explain a bit more about what i'm trying to achieve.
I have a list of users
For each user I woul like to print to the console (or csv if not possible)
Display Name,WindowsEmailAddress,ExternalEmailAddress,EmailAddresses
User01,[email protected],usr01ext.maildomain.com,STMP:[email protected];sip:[email protected]:smtp:[email protected];smtp:[email protected]
User02,[email protected],usr02ext.maildomain.com,SMTP:[email protected];sip:[email protected]:smtp:[email protected];smtp:[email protected]
User03,[email protected],usr03ext.maildomain.com,SMTP:[email protected];sip:[email protected]:smtp:[email protected];smtp:[email protected]
Maby more or other object attribute i the future
The format above is a wish scenario, I don't have a fixed size on any attribute, they can vary much in length.
also the last part of the UPN can be different.
What is the best way to output the result
When using Array, I seem to get too much info out it adds @{attributename=attribute;attributename=attribute}
I can't get Write-host to output the result even using "`t" because I don´t have a fixed length.
Normally I would use | Select-Object attribute01,attribute02
But this prints the header each time it is run, and when using it in a foreach loop gives me a lot for headers.
should I go for Export-csv instead ?
Or is there a magig powershell comand I don't know about.

Hi again
I will try to explain a bit more about what i'm trying to achieve.
I have a list of users
For each user I woul like to print to the console (or csv if not possible)
Display Name,WindowsEmailAddress,ExternalEmailAddress,EmailAddresses
User01,[email protected],usr01ext.maildomain.com,STMP:[email protected];sip:[email protected]:smtp:[email protected];smtp:[email protected]
User02,[email protected],usr02ext.maildomain.com,SMTP:[email protected];sip:[email protected]:smtp:[email protected];smtp:[email protected]
User03,[email protected],usr03ext.maildomain.com,SMTP:[email protected];sip:[email protected]:smtp:[email protected];smtp:[email protected]
Maby more or other object attribute i the future
The format above is a wish scenario, I don't have a fixed size on any attribute, they can vary much in length.
also the last part of the UPN can be different.
What is the best way to output the result
When using Array, I seem to get too much info out it adds @{attributename=attribute;attributename=attribute}
I can't get Write-host to output the result even using "`t" because I don´t have a fixed length.
Normally I would use | Select-Object attribute01,attribute02
But this prints the header each time it is run, and when using it in a foreach loop gives me a lot for headers.
should I go for Export-csv instead ?
Or is there a magig powershell comand I don't know about.

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    Can any one tell me what are the ways (brief explanation) that I can do this?
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    Thanks for your time.

        There are so many ways to find out the user exits.
    To see SAP Exits -> Use Tcode SMOD
    To See create a project for Customer Exits -> Use Tcode CMOD
    There are projects to which Exits are assigned. Selects the relevant projects.
    What is User Exit:
    How to find then:
    All Exits List:
    Do a search on SAP Exits, Customer Exits, enhancements, etc
    Step 1 :- Execute transaction
    step 2 :- Click on Status Menu
    step 3 :- Double click on the program (screen) __?????___
    Step 4 :- Search source code for the 'Customer-Function' string using the find button. Remember to select 'In main program'.
    Step 5 :- A list of search results should be displayed indicating where all function exits can be found.
    You can now double click on each of them to go to its position in the source code. This also
    allows for the insertion of breakpoints so that you can test if the exits are called in the
    appropriate place.
    Step 6 :-Once you have found the Function Exit within the source code (Find Function Exit) you need to
    access the actual function module it executes. This is done using the following steps:
    Step 6.1 :-
    Step 1
    Locate desired 'Call Customer-function' statement within source code.
    Step 2
    If code is not within main program (module pool) e.g. SAP* then you will need to find this
    out by selecting 'Main Program' from the 'GOTO' menu. The Main program for transaction
    Step 3
    The actual function module name can now be calculated based on the information retrieved,
    it is defined by the following format:
    EXIT_<Program name>_<Exit number>
    eg :- 'EXIT_SAPLMR1M_004'.
    Step 7.1:-
    Once you have found the Exit function module
    Step 1
    Execute transaction CMOD
    Step 2
    Select 'SAP Enhancements' from the 'Utilities' menu.
    Step 3
    Select 'All selections' from the 'Edit' menu.
    Step 4
    Now populate the Component name field with the exit function module and press
    the execute button.
    Step 5
    A list of all Exits(Enhancements) containing that function module should now be displayed.
    Step 5
    You can now double click on the desired exit to display a detailed description of its uses and a list of all
    components contained in it.
    Implementing Function Exit
    This is required in-order to activate Function exit:
    Step 1
    The first step is to enter source code into function module in the usual way i.e. via SE37.
    There will already be an include declaration within the code with the following
    format: Include zx*.
    Double click on this to create it, source code can then be entered within here.
    Although it is good practice to create another include with this to store your
    code, this allows separation of difference enhancements allowing them to be easlity
    removed without de-activating the enhancement.
    Step 2
    Execute transaction CMOD and create new Enhancement. Enter name and press the create
    Step 3
    The following screen should be displayed, enter short text then click on the 'Enhancement
    Step 4
    Now enter the Exit name (enhancement) which contains the desired Function Exit.
    Step 5
    Return to initial screen of CMOD and press the activate icon. The exit is now ready for use.
    Please Mark The Helfull Answers & close the thread.
    reward for all useful answers.

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    HarishDv wrote:
    I dont have indesign  installed on my system. I only have the binary , which needs modification and i have to save back to the DB as indd.
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    If you need to do this on native InDesign documents, you have to buy and install it.
    * "Not true, there is always IDML". But that's not a 'binary'; and you cannot (**) "convert" a binary INDD to IDML and back again without InDesign.
    ** Again, for a remotely realistic value of "can".

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    I have problem, for which I didn't find solution yet.
    I have query and this query returns the unknown count of rows (this row count is unknown in time of developing). I would like output results of this query to more than one result column to the screen.
    I would like output results like this:
    Result 1 Result 3 Result5
    Result 2 Result 4
    so the number of the rows is minimal!!!
    It can be called real down/across!
    (not like this:
    Result 1
    Result 2
    Result 3
    Result 4
    Does anybody know the generic solution, how to do?

    Place the data models as you want and design with additional frames
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by abcdefgh:
    I have problem, for which I didn't find solution yet.
    I have query and this query returns the unknown count of rows (this row count is unknown in time of developing). I would like output results of this query to more than one result column to the screen.
    I would like output results like this:
    Result 1 Result 3 Result5
    Result 2 Result 4
    so the number of the rows is minimal!!!
    It can be called real down/across!
    (not like this:
    Result 1
    Result 2
    Result 3
    Result 4
    Does anybody know the generic solution, how to do?

  • Oracle script:How to avoid output in log file?

    I am try to create the xml file using some sql statements in a script.
    I dont want to display the output from these sql statements in log file.
    I tried with SET TERMOUT OFF, even then i am getting the output.

    I am getting the output even after using the SET echo off.
    I have given the following SET options,
         SET heading off
         SET feedback off
         SET verify off
         SET wrap off
         SET pagesize 0
         SET linesize 3000
    SET server off
         SET echo off
    I do not want to display the output in log file when i run the concurrent request.

  • Would you tell me If window server installed with "routing and remote access" can output firewall logs.

    I install "routing and remote access" into Window Server and make it work as a firewall.
    When connections are accepted or denied at firewall, would you tell me if the firewall can output the logs ?
    If that function can, would you tell me how to configure ?

    Hi Kohenro31,
    I'm a little confused about configuring RRAS to work as firewall, cause we usually deploy RRAS as VPN connection, router etc, would you please post more information in detail?
    Routing and Remote Access Service:
    In addition, to view firewall event logs please check this article:
    Viewing Firewall and IPsec Events in Event Viewer:
    To enable RRAS logs, please check this article:
    Enabling logs for RRAS:
    If I have any misunderstanding, please let me know.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang

  • Write the results script of results log pane to XLS or CSV file with VBA.

    How can I write the results script of results log pane to XLS or CSV file with VBA code or something? I tried so hard but i can't.

    This is actually not a trivial process. You need to use the results object and code it to write to your file (it is described in the help files).
    e-Tester automatically saves the results log as a text file so you may just want to stick with that for simplicity.

  • ZERO Total Costs of the Solution and No Result Log after Optimiser Run

    Hi Experts
    I found that after SNP optimiser run for one variant with selected product and location, the Result Log generated & Total Costs of the Determined Solution is ZERO from OPTIMISER LOG.
    Before optimiser run, I had run consistency check /SAPAPO/CONSCHK, /SAPAPO/TSCONS & /SAPAPO/OM17.
    Also note, sale optimiser profile is used later with other set of products and location, but there Result Log and Total Costs of the Determined Solution is there in optimiser log.
    What could be the reason of this? Please suggest.
    Pradipta Sahoo

    Hi Pradipta,
    Did you see any result from your optimizer run? Means, if you see some pln ord/purch req. , generated from the optimizer run, to meet the demand?  If yes, then it sounds like a master data issue with cost maintenance. If no, then it could be master data issue with  cost maintenance or there is no source (for example- no t-lane for those products you used in the optimizer run) to meet the demand and you have set the indicator for 'no order w/o source'.
    Anyway I would suggest to check the following-
    1. As Anand said, make sure you have maintain all the penalty cost for the product-locations where you have the demand. Also please check if the products are assigned to the lane (from Source to destination location).
    2. If you have maintained any production cost  in PPM (if used one) or storage cost in the demand location or transportation cost (in the T-lane), then make sure these all cost are way lesser than the non-delivery penalty cost.
    But yes, even if, this is the case, then optimizer should generate some non-delivery penalty cost, when demands are not fulfilled! So, it seems like there is no penalty cost.
    Did you use any optimizer cost profile or it is same as previous one?
    Please update us.

  • WMI - Output result

    Am trying to fetch information from my client computers, that they have installed Skye or not  on there computers.
    I was able to write a WMI script,  works well, but the output result is written on cmd.
    How can i get the output result to excel or notepad..
    Please help me with the output script code.
    Here is my code 
    strComputer = "." 
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") 
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
       "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service where displayname like 'Skype%' ",,48) 
    For Each objItem in colItems 
       Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objItem.displayName

    Iam trying to fetch information from my client computers, that they have installed Skye on there computers.
    I was able to write a WMI script,  works well, but the output result is written on cmd.
    How can i get the output result to excel or notepad..
    Please help me with the output script code.
    Here is my code 
    strComputer = "." 
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") 
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
       "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service where displayname like 'Skype%' ",,48) 
    For Each objItem in colItems 
       Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objItem.displayName

  • Running a non mandatory program from remote using powershell without a logged in user

    Hi all,
    is there a way to execute a non mandatory program (a task sequence in my case) from remote using powershell
    without a logged in user on the target system?
    I have the following code: 
    $ProgramObject = Get-WmiObject -Class CCM_Program -Namespace "root\ccm\clientsdk" -ComputerName $ComputerItem | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "$ProgramName" }
    Invoke-WmiMethod -class CCM_ProgramsManager -Namespace "root\ccm\clientsdk" -Name ExecutePrograms -argumentlist $ProgramObject -ComputerName $ComputerItem | Out-Null
    Works like charm, but only with a user logged in on the target system what is not a good solution for me. 
    I saw some other ways on the internet but these only work when the program is mandatory.
    Is there a way to archive what I need ? 

    If you deploy the program as a available deployment, there need a user to run the program. Otherwise, the program will never run. This is contradicted with your requirement(run the program at log off).
    So I concur with Peter.
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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