PPRO CS5.5 Project File Compatibility

Hoping someone from Adobe can answer this one.  Will PPRO CS5 be able to open PPRO CS5.5 project files?

Not directly. If a project is saved from PP CS5.5 and subsequently opened in PP CS5, you will be presented with the conversion dialog box you see if PP encounters an older version of a project. If the project uses features which are new in CS5.5 (such as merged clips), they will of course not convert down to CS5 in their native form, so in the case of merged clips the will appear in CS5 as a normal A/V sequence both in the timeline and the bin. CS5's converter module makes an independent copy so it's not realistic to flip the same material back and forth between CS5 and CS5.5. If you re-open a CS5 project in CS5.5, you'll get the same conversion dialog box, this time asking to upsave a copy.
There's no direct "save as CS5" option in PP CS5.5, as the conversion tool at the remote end of the chain handles the process.

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    natswilson wrote:
    I'm shocked that you are having the same problem on a mac. This seems to suggest a problem that could be really widespread. You've also beaten my 1.5GB file bloat size.
    What the hell is going on with Premiere Pro? I'm surprised to have heard nothing from Adobe either via my support request or on this forum, save for Jeremys useful work around, considering how serious an issue this is.
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    For future reference, you can Open your PRPROJ file in NotePad, or WordPad, or similar, and see what the Path is, that PrPro "thinks" should be linked to.
    If you do any editing of the XML in the PRPROJ file, be very sure to Save_As, so as to not overwrite your original PRPROJ file, in case you mis-type.
    Good luck,
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    I would assume that Exporting to XML in 5.1 would produce an XML file that would Import fine into the Browser of a new project in a 5.0.4 system.
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    Jeff Foster

    Just opened the old project I was going to work on a bit.  Two things relevant here:
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    I don't know how much profit you could generate with your marketing, but its certainly worth further investigation - depending on the client type that you cater to.
    Here's what I've been doing:
    For ALL clients, I always keep the project file and original acquisition tapes as well as a DVCam master and DVD master.
    For corporate clients that have projects that routinely require updating, I keep their material on an ATA drive - the cost of the drive is figured into their budget. when it's time to update a project, I slide their drive into a WebieTech DriveDoc and I'm ready to go.
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    All this costs me is a few cents for some blank CDs or DVDs. As I said, the hard drives are paid for at the time the project begins for those clients that will definitely need regular edit updates.
    I use my method as a selling technique in initial consultations, by letting the prospective client know I keep the original tapes and masters on hand.
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  • Captivate Project File Backward Compatibility

    I tried searching online, as well as in the forums, but I wasn’t able to find a similar scenario where Captivate 6 can open/work with/convert old Captivate 1 .cp project files.
    We have an old version of Captivate (Macromedia version 1.01.1418.1418) and we already have created a number of .cp files.
    System specs where Captivate 1 is installed:
    Windows XP Professional 2002 (32-bit), SP3,Intel Core 2 Duo, P8400 @2.26GHz, 1.98Gb RAM
    System specs where Captivate 6 (Trial Version) is installed:
    Windows 7 Enterprise 2009 (64-bit), SP1, Intel Core 2 Duo, E8400 @3.00GHz, 2.00Gb RAM
    We tried to open it with the trial version of Captivate 6 but the file won’t open. Files opened were already saved locally. The following notification appears:
    We already checked that no other application is accessing the said file while it is being opened in Captivate 6.
    Is there a way to convert the file so that it can be opened in Captivate 6?
    We already have a purchase of new licenses for Captivate 6 in the works. We just want to confirm this early if there’s a way to handle the projects we created using Captivate 1. This way we could adjust resources if we need to work on the .cp projects we made using Captivate 1 and start from scratch using Captivate 6.
    My apologies if this inquiry has already been addressed somewhere in the forum, however, I really need to find out the solution at the soonest possible time.

    I suppose the only way would be to try to find some versions between CP1 and CP6 and try to upgrade in steps. There has been so many changes since that version, and it is clearly told that you cannot upgrade that far backwards. Not even sure if you could upgrade without issues from CP1 to CP4. CP5 was a totally different version, so you should at least have to upgrade first to CP4. Even then there could be a lot of problems going from 4 to 5 and later, because AS2 is no longer supported.
    However there is no problem to have both versions installed on the same system. I have CP4, 5, 5.5 and 6 installed on my laptop and they are living happily together

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