PRD settings disappearing

hello, friends.  i wish to share an experience...
this is actually either a BASIS or it could potentially be a hardware issue.
has anyone ever experienced that in PRD, one moment settings are there, then the next moment they are gone?  in between, there were no transport of requests.
for example, copy controls exist between the order and delivery types.  then the next moment the settings are gone!  item categories previously existing in PRD will in a few minutes just disappear!
i wonder if this is because of certain options during transport?  as in when tables are being re-transported partially, these should just update and not overwrite the tables in PRD, correct? or are there BASIS settings that allow overwriting?
many thanks.

This is really a strange issue which your basis should have a look at it.  If they are unable to solve, perhaps, you can refer to SAP itself.
In fact, in ECC6, any configuration settings moved from quality to production client, immediately if you check the settings, many times you wont be able to see this new settings.  It is taking sometime to refresh and only after a few minutes, you could see.  At times, this issue is there while creation and saving of master datas also.  This is my personal experience.
G. Lakshmipathi

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    I'm not sure what you mean by "the import doesn't work." If you're trying to use File>Import, that's for importing content or FCP XML; it definitely will not work for something like a workspace XML.
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    Quit the application.
    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.  Select Library/Mail/V2/MailData/Accounts.plist

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    Hi! Thanks for the welcome - wish it were under less dire circumstances for me. But I suppose dire circumstances are what brings many to the forums!
    OK, thanks for help! So far no success. Here is what I've done:
    So, I have not renamed my home dir - that all looks fine.
    Used install disk - came back with no repairs needed.
    Did Safe Boot and Repair Permissions. It did do some things. See detailed log below.
    Rebooted normally, logged in.
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    So I am stuck again. Any further thoughts? Thanks much. Here is the Repair Disk Permissions details if they help:
    Nov 30 13:16:24: Disk Utility started.
    Repairing permissions for “Macintosh HD”
    Determining correct file permissions.
    User differs on ./Applications, should be 0, owner is 501
    Group differs on ./Applications, should be 80, group is 501
    Permissions differ on ./Applications, should be drwxrwxr-x , they are drwxr-xr-x
    Owner and group corrected on ./Applications
    Permissions corrected on ./Applications
    Permissions differ on ./Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Shockwave 10/Shockwave 10 Preferences, should be -rwxrwxr-x , they are -rw-rw-r--
    Owner and group corrected on ./Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Shockwave 10/Shockwave 10 Preferences
    Permissions corrected on ./Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Shockwave 10/Shockwave 10 Preferences
    Permissions differ on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Info.plist, should be -rw-rw-r-- , they are -rw-r--r--
    Owner and group corrected on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Info.plist
    Permissions corrected on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Info.plist
    Permissions differ on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Flash Player, should be -rwxrwxr-x , they are -rwxr-xr-x
    Owner and group corrected on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Flash Player
    Permissions corrected on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Flash Player
    Permissions differ on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Resources/Flash Player.rsrc, should be -rw-rw-r-- , they are -rw-r--r--
    Owner and group corrected on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Resources/Flash Player.rsrc
    Permissions corrected on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Resources/Flash Player.rsrc
    Permissions differ on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/flashplayer.xpt, should be -rw-rw-r-- , they are -rw-r--r--
    Owner and group corrected on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/flashplayer.xpt
    Permissions corrected on ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/flashplayer.xpt
    Permissions differ on ./Library, should be drwxrwxr-t , they are drwxrwxr-x
    Owner and group corrected on ./Library
    Permissions corrected on ./Library
    Permissions differ on ./private/var/log/secure.log, should be -rw------- , they are -rw-r-----
    Owner and group corrected on ./private/var/log/secure.log
    Permissions corrected on ./private/var/log/secure.log
    Permissions repair complete
    Permissions differ on ./usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi, should be -r--r--r-- , they are -r-xr-xr-x
    Owner and group corrected on ./usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi
    Permissions corrected on ./usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi
    The privileges have been verified or repaired on the selected volume

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    The crop tool always works like that, even though you enter precise values you can still make the selection as small/big as you like however once you accept the crop it will be the size you specified.
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    Please check these variables in table rszglobv... (tx: se16)
    is the flag: dynchange=x set for these variables... if so this means that these variables are only processed once.. and do not appear on refresh....
    (X = true)
    or you can also check the flag... Varinput=x.... if these variables are not ready for input... then they are being prefilled either by authorizations or by code (sap or customer exit) and will not appear in the popup.
    I hope this helps
    best regards

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    You need to download the Network Setup app from the Marketplace (It's under Nokia Collection)
    This will automatically setup any APN and if not, This now has the option to Manually configure one
    If this Post is helpful. A click on the White Kudos star is always Appreciated
    Last Nokia: Nokia Lumia 800
    Current Phone: A Non Nokia Device
    Previous Phones:Don't Ask ;-)

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    What are you clearing when Firefox closes?
    Tools > Options -> Privacy --> History = Clear history when Firefox closes - hit the Exceptions button = what do you have set there?
    '''Site preferences''' - is what you shouldn't be be clearing

  • Files & Settings Disappeared

    I'm working on an issue for a customer, and I'm stumped.
    Computer 20in' iMac Core Duo
    2 days ago the system lost power due to a power outage, and, of course, they don't have a UPS. On the next boot up, all their user settings had been reset and numerous files were gone (ie. No bookmarks in Safari*, documents on the desktop gone without a trace, parallels vm's gone, dock reverted to default settings and layout, the desktop background reset back to the Mac OS X default).
    Now, not all the user files were gone. It seems to be more focused on items in the user's Library folder and the desktop.
    *One oddity is that all the bookmarks in Safari were gone, except the very first one ever input. It's like the user account reverted back in time (no Time Machine comments please).
    I've never seen behavior like this, but I'm more of an expert on PCs than Macs.

    no, the user account folder wasn't renamed (that I
    can see, anyway). I did check both visually and with
    Spotlight to see if I could trace any of the missing
    files, including looking at the User directory to see
    if the user folders had "doubled up".
    Weird that a power failure should do this.
    If you are not worried about using Unix, have a look in the Root Directory (and the Home [username] directory for that matter) and run the command,
    ls -la
    That will display all files, including invisible ones. In Unix, a file with a . in front of it is invisble.
    The thing that stumps me is that some files for the
    user are there and intact, while others are there and
    reverted to some unspecified earlier time, while
    still others are gone all together.
    Was File Vault activated?
    I'd almost say the they reverted to a much earlier
    backup if I didn't already know that they don't have
    any backups.
    See my last comment. As you write, it does look like a reversion, although the only appplication I know that happens to when their have been problems, is Safari.

  • Bridge ACR Settings disappear when reopening folder of images

    Frustrating! I'm working on 537 images, I set the exposure, color, etc., and also crop.
    Once the folder is closed and reopened all 537 images have reverted to "As Shot".
    I am hitting "Enter" when cropping is completed; however, hitting "Enter" after color etc. adjustments closes
    the ACR individual icon window and I have to go thru Cmd-R again.
    What am I doing wrong and what should I be doing right?
    537 images have to be redone. Again.

    The .xmp files are listed in the file folder. The "Date Created" for each .xmp
    file is correct, and reflects the time
    the file was worked on originally; however, after closing and reopening the
    file in Bridge, the "Date Modified" for all images
    is "Today, 6:58 PM".
    Check your hard drive permissions, choose the HD icon and then the Get Info
    command (cmd+i). In this window you can see at the bottom if you have read
    and write permissions. If it is set to read only you are not able to write
    data to it. Copy a few to your main disk without the existing xmp files and
    open them in PS, maybe the data is also still in the Camera Raw Data Base,
    just a wild shot.
    Purging the cache does not restore the .xmp editing choices but does delete
    the cropping functions.
    sorry to hear that it did not work, however, purging cache should not
    delete the crop settings, at least, I tried it with one file that is on my
    main hard drive and both ACR settings and crop were kept after purging cache
    for that file.
    The files are located on an external drive. Is this possibly an issue?
    See above, it might be the permissions but also a bad functioning drive. Use
    Apple Disk utility or Desk Tool Pro to check the Disk. (something you should
    do regularly). Ideally the external drive should be formatted in HFS+ for
    Mac but other formatting will also function as long as the drive shows on
    your desktop.
    Personal I never work on files on external drives, I use my main drive for
    it and use external drives (have lots of them...) only for storage and back
    Is there any method to update the "Date Modified" with the "Date Created"
    info in the .xmp files in the file folder?
    Not sure why you want this but in general you can't change xmp yourself if
    the metadata panel has no option for it (only the ones with a pencil icon
    can be edited by the user) other then using scripting I believe.
    However the next time you modify the file in Bridge, finder ACR PS etc your
    modification date should update itself.
    Putting back the modification date will probably not bring back your earlier
    changed settings, at least I don't think so.

  • Network Settings Disappearing

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Maybe you are looking for