Precision Editor collapses when used

A strange problem has suddenly arisen with the Precision Editor in one of my projects.  Other projects are unaffected.
The Precision Editor opens normally, but when I click & drag on anything (clips, handles etc) the editor collapses back to Timeline view and I'm dragging the clip or handle around in that view!  If I'm dragging a media clip from the B-side, it remains under the restored Timeline view until released, at which point it hops back into the timeline.   If I'm dragging the handle, it replaces the transition symbol in the Timeline view, again until released, at which point the regular transition symbol reappears.
Any ideas?  As it's only affecting one of my projects (sadly the one I have to work on at the moment!) I'm at rather a loss.

Thanks for both your suggestions! I've tried them both, but unfortunately neither helped.   The strange thing is that it appears only to be this one project that is affected; and the Precision Editor has been working normally previously.  The only thing that's the changed is that FCPX is now on 10.0.5.
This is what immediately happens when I try using the Precision Editor.  The interface collapses back to near-normal timeline, and when the selected clip/handle is released, you're fully back in the normal timeline.

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    Hi Wilko Girl,
    Try using Panorama without importing the photos from Organizer. Just open the photos from Editor and launch Panorama. This problem should not occur.

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    Brie Fly:
    I tried to replicate that using Photoshop and could not. When starting an edit with PS a file is created and remains is I abort the edit in PS. However, if I edit again with PS and save the original modified file is changed with no other file being created.
    What 3rd party editor are you using? The only time I get a _1 file is when I move a file to an event that has the same file name as a file already in that event.
    What system are you running and are you at iPhoto 7.1.1, iLife Support 8.1.1 and Quicktime 7.3?
    Happy Holidays
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    Hello Kedar,
    please check with SAP GUI for Java 7.20 rev 5 before submitting a bug report.
    Also please verify, that cmd-< and cmd-> are not assigned as "Keyboard Shortcuts" in the "Keyboard" control panel of "System Preferences".
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    Best regards

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    Also, the transition playback is a little jerky. Fortunately, all is well with normal playback and exported footage.
    OK. I'm on iMovie 9.0.4. I think this is the latest version I can use with OS X version 10.6.8. I saw a post with iMovie 9.0.7 mentioned, but that only works for Lion. OK, so my question is, will these bugs be fixed if I upgrade to Lion and the most current version of iMovie? Or, am I doing something wrong?

    CORRECTION: Sorry, the mismatch of frame rates is not responsible for the bottom strip of the Precision Editor (PE) from showing the wrong footage. I did a test where some Super 8 18-fps footage placed into iMovie 24 fps  worked fine. But most cases still exhibit the problem. So I don't know what's causing it.
    I'm reasonably sure that frame-rate mismatching is the cause of the keywords problem. I took some test footage with the Mac's camera and that's at 15 fps. If I work with that footage in a 30 fps project, all works well. If I work in a 24 fps project, I never get the checkmarks when marking footage, but I am able to use Remove All to remove all the keyword marking strips. But when I work with my Super 8 footage, 18 fps original in 24 fps projects, it's even worse. I can't remove the keywords except via Cmd-Z. Acutally, many moons ago I think I did find a way, but it was difficult and took much experimentation, and thus much time. Come to think of it, the "many moons ago" was almost certainly a time when I had an eariler verion of iMovie. Other than this, my tests yield consistent results -- so far ((!))
    Great program, except for the annoying bugs. I like the design. I really like the "extendo buttons", as David Pogue and Aaron MIller's book iMovie '09 calls them (Apple term: Fine Tuning buttons). And now that I'm adding a few transitions to my VFT movie, I'd really like the PE to work. Bummer.
    As for stuttering transitions, I have more experimentation to do.
    Sorry for the goof about the PE.

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    The precision editor includes video and its associated audio, additional audio tracks such as from itunes are treated as extras and therefore don't display their waveform, which can otherwise be seen by selecting the audio track and using clip trimmer. Sorry i didn't fully understand your question to begin with.

Maybe you are looking for