PreCompilation of JSP in Weblogic

i am using Weblogic 8.0. i wanna write ant script for precompilation of JSP. Could anybody provide the build.xml
          Thanks in advance.

TÃtulo: Quer mudar sua vida??Leia com atenção!
          Autor: LUIZ
          Data: 19/11/2005
          Cidade: Boa Vista
          Estado: RR
          PaÃs: Brasil
          Eu achei uma mensagem sobre esse assunto e não dei muita atenção por ser um texto muito longo e parecer ser presente de papai Noel, más resolvi arriscar e deu certo. Vou tentar resumir para que vc tbm não ache esse texto cansativo e se quiser mais informções mande-me um e-mail – [email protected].
          Funciona assim:
          PASSO 1: Separe 6 meias folhas de papel e escreva em cada uma, o seguinte bilhete: " POR FAVOR, PONHA-ME EM SUA LISTA DE REMETENTES" colocando seu nome e endereço logo abaixo. Agora adquira 6 notas de R$ 1,00 e envolva cada uma em um dos bilhetes que você acabou de escrever. Em seguida, envolva cada um deles novamente com um papel escuro, para evitar que alguém veja a nota e viole o envelope, roubando o dinheiro. Então coloque cada um dentro de um envelope e lacre. A lista abaixo contém 6 nomes com endereços e você tem 6 envelopes lacrados. Você deve REMETER PELO CORREIO, um envelope para cada um dos nomes da lista. Faça isto, anotando corretamente o nome e o endereço nos envelopes, depositando em seguida no correio. A lista se encontra no final desse texto : PASSO 2: Elimine o primeiro nome da lista (#1). Reordene a lista de 1 a 5, ou seja (2 torna-se 1), (3 torna-se 2), etc.. Coloque o SEU nome e endereço como o 6º(sexto) da lista. :
          PASSO 3: Após feitas as alterações acima, coloque este artigo em pelo menos 200 fóruns e newsgroups.Você pode modificar o texto deste artigo, mas por favor, mantenha a integridade da mensagem. Isto é importante. LEMBRE-SE, quanto mais mensagens nos fóruns, newsgroups e livros de visitas você colocar, mais dinheiro você ganhará!
          O retorno será melhor se você colocar um bom tÃtulo ( ou esse mesmo), que fique visÃvel para todos.
          Agora, coloque o artigo modificado (ou esse mesmo).Existem milhares de fóruns e newsgroups. Você só precisa de 200. Então mãos à obra, LEMBRE-SE Toda vez que alguém agir como você, salvando esta mensagem, seguindo e executando corretamente todas as instruções, 6 pessoas estão sendo beneficiadas com R$ 1,00 cada e seu nome subirá na lista. Assim as listas multiplicam-se rapidamente e seu nome vai subindo até atingir a primeira posição. Desta forma quando seu nome alcançar a #1 posição, você já terá recebido milhares de reais em DINHEIRO VIVO! Lembre-se que você só investiu R$6.00. Envie agora os envelopes, suba o nome dos participantes da lista e adicione seu próprio nome na sexta posição da lista, poste-a nos fóruns e você está no negócio!
          Etapa 1) Copie e salve este artigo em seu editor de texto. (selecione o texto, clique em Editar e Copiar, abra seu editor de texto e clique em Editar e Colar, depois clique em Arquivo e Salvar como .txt) Etapa 2) Faça as devidas alterações neste artigo, incluindo seu nome na sexta posição da lista. Etapa 3) Salve novamente o arquivo. Clique em Editar e Selecionar tudo. Clique novamente em Editar e Copiar. Etapa 4) Abra seu navegador, Netscape, Internet Explorer ou algum outro qualquer e procure vários newsgroups (fóruns on-line, cadernos de mensagens, locais de conversa, discussões) e poste uma mensagem nova em cada MURAL ou ÁREA, ou algo similar. Etapa 5) Para postar entre nesses newsgroups. No campo destinado para digitar o texto ou mensagem a ser enviada para o newsgroups, clique com o botão direito do mouse. Em seguida clique em Colar. Como Assunto ou tÃtulo, digite um nome que chame a atenção, como o meu, ou invente algo parecido. Clique em enviar e pronto, você acabou de enviar sua primeira mensagem! Parabéns...Etapa 6) Selecione outro newsgroups e repita o passo 5. Faça isso no mÃnimo para 200 newsgroups. **QUANTO MAIS MENSAGENS VOCÊ ENVIAR AOS NEWSGROUPS MAIS CHANCES VOCÊ TERÁ DE GANHAR MAIS DINHEIRO ** Pronto! Você logo começará a receber dinheiro pelo correio. Se você deseja ficar anônimo, você pode inventar um nome para usar na lista, contanto que o endereço esteja certo para que você receba o dinheiro. **CONFIRA SEU ENDEREÇO!!!.
          ------- PORQUE RENDE TANTO DINHEIRO --------
          Agora vamos ver POR QUE rende tanto dinheiro: Fazendo uma análise bastante pessimista, vamos supor que de cada 200 mensagens, apenas 5 dêem retorno. Assim das minhas 200 mensagens, receberei apenas R$5,00 referentes ao meu nome na #6 posição. Agora, cada uma das 5 pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei R$ 25,00 referentes ao meu nome na #5 posição. Agora, cada uma das 25 pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei R$ 125,00 referentes ao meu nome na #4 posição. LEMBRE-SE ! Estamos considerando um exemplo extremamente fraco. Agora, cada uma das 125 pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei R$ 625,00 referentes ao meu nome na #3 posição. Agora, cada uma das 625 pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei então R$ 3.125,00 referentes ao meu nome na #2 posição. Agora, cada uma das pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei nesta última fase R$ 15.625,00 referentes ao meu nome na #1 posição. INCRÍVEL! Com um investimento original de apenas R$6,00, cria-se uma oportunidade gigantesca. Estima-se que entre 20.000 e 50.000 novas pessoas se juntem à Internet todos os dias e vão para os chats e fóruns. "O que são seis reais para tentar uma chance milionária que pode dar certo?" As chances são grandes quando milhões de pessoas honestas como você estão se juntando a esse grupo?? Lembre-se, a HONESTIDADE faz parte deste jogo. MANDE UM DÓLAR AO INVÉS DE UM REAL PARA OS ESTRANGEIROS .
          IMPORTANTE: O envio das cartas contendo o bilhete e R$1,00, é que torna honesto e prospero o sistema, assim o sistema sobrevive, pois tudo que é desonesto, mais cedo ou mais tarde, fracassa certamente.
          1)Luiz Carlos Rodrigues - Av. Dr. Nilo Peçanha,252 - Marapé.
          CEP: 11070-050 SANTOS - SP
          2)Renato Pontes Eller - Rua Ranulfo Alves,709 Vila Isa.
          Cep: 35044-220 Governador Valadares - MG
          3)Dalton Sampaio - Rua Senador Máximo, 75 - Centro.
          Cep: 57250-000 Campo Alegre – AL
          4)Samuel Rodrigues P. Junior – Av. Ernani do Amaral Peixoto, 195 Apt 701 - Centro.
          Cep: 24020-071 Niterói - RJ
          5)PatrÃcia A de Barros Silva – Rua Maria Teresa Assunção 479 A –Penha
          CEP:03609.000 –São Paulo-SP
          6) Luiz Faustino – Rua Ágata, 238 – Jóckey Club
          CEP: 69313-108 – Boa Vista - RR

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    I am trying to precompile jsp file which is there in a war.Main jsp file code includes one more jsp which is there in other folder under defaultweb directory.
    While deploying the war i am getting the following error.Can any bosy help me in this regard
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    ..... cannot resolve symbol
    symbol: class Reference
    location: jsp_servlet._jsp._common._au_head
    Reference provinceList = selfserve.getProvniceList(); //[ /jsp/common/au_head.jsp; Line 4]
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    <%@ page import="com.xertex.api.account.Address" %>
    <%@ page import="com.xertex.api.reference.Reference" %>
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    <taskdef name="wlappc" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.j2ee.Appc" classpath="${wl.home}/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
    <target name="jspcompile" depends="init">
    <wlappc deprecation="true" source="${build.dir}">
    <patternset refid="sources.jsp.path"/>
    <path refid="classes.path.compile" />
    The sources.jsp.path reference is the location of all jsp files in no particular order. The classes.path.compile reference is the location of all classes that jsps use in no particular order. Please Help. I really need this for my work.

    You may need to add the location of the unresolved reference to the classpath IN THE ANT SCRIPT.
    just a guess

  • Precompiling JSPs using weblogic.jspc

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    Test scenario:
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    Suppose my commonJSP is like this:
    String hello= "Hello";
    and suppose my index.jsp is like this
    <%@ include file="commonJSP" %>
    Now when I serve index.jsp to clients it compiles correctly because the commonJSP is included in the source before compiling.
    HOWEVER, when precompiling the JSPs in my web application using the <java weblogic.jspc ..> tag in my ant build file, I am getting errors on compiling index.jsp that 'hello' cannot be resolved.
    When using the WebLogic JSP compiler, is there any way to tell the compiler to not treat JSP pages as individual 'servlet' classes but look at the 'big picture'?

    Anybody ?

  • Failure in Precompilation of JSPs  due to include file in WL6.1 SP2

              We are getting the following error when we try to do precompilation of JSPs using
              precompile param to true in weblogic.xml
              We are deploying our application as war files.
              eagerly waiting for your help
              Issue description and StackTrace:
              Precompilation of JSPs fail while using precompile param to true in weblogic.xml and deploy it as War file. It is througing "failure pre-compiling JSP's
              weblogic.utils.ParsingException: nested TokenStreamException: antlr.TokenStreamE
              xception: Could not include index.jsp" exception.
              OS: Windows 2000
              Jdk: Sun Jdk1.3.1
              Weblogic: 6.1 SP2
              <Dec 17, 2002 1:05:51 PM CST> <Error> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(3961036,AdvW
              eb,/AdvWeb)] failure pre-compiling JSP's
              weblogic.utils.ParsingException: nested TokenStreamException: antlr.TokenStreamE
              xception: Could not include index.jsp
              at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.parse(
              at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.doit(
              at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.parse(
              at weblogic.servlet.jsp.Jsp2Java.outputs(
              at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(

              We experienced this sympton as well. In our JSPs, we converted
              <%@ include file="xyz.jsp"%> (static include, source time) to
              <jsp:include page="licensedQuote.jsp"/> (dynamic include, run time)
              and the problem went away.
              We still use static includes at the very start of the JSPs. It seems the problem only occurs when the static include is inside of a tag whose body does JSP evaluation.
              "Ramesh Danala" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
              > Hi
              > We are getting the following error when we try to do precompilation of JSPs using
              > precompile param to true in weblogic.xml
              > We are deploying our application as war files.
              > eagerly waiting for your help
              > sincerely
              > Ramesh
              > Issue description and StackTrace:
              > Issue:
              > Precompilation of JSPs fail while using precompile param to true in weblogic.xml and deploy it as War file. It is througing "failure pre-compiling JSP's
              > weblogic.utils.ParsingException: nested TokenStreamException: antlr.TokenStreamE
              > xception: Could not include index.jsp" exception.
              > OS: Windows 2000
              > Jdk: Sun Jdk1.3.1
              > Weblogic: 6.1 SP2
              > ***Stacktrace*************
              > <Dec 17, 2002 1:05:51 PM CST> <Error> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(3961036,AdvW
              > eb,/AdvWeb)] failure pre-compiling JSP's
              > weblogic.utils.ParsingException: nested TokenStreamException: antlr.TokenStreamE
              > xception: Could not include index.jsp
              > at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.parse(
              > at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.doit(
              > at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.parse(
              > at weblogic.servlet.jsp.Jsp2Java.outputs(
              > at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(
              > )

  • Step by step details to deploy jsp in weblogic

    can any one give me a step by step details to deploy jsp in weblogic 7..
    i am abs new to EJBs and weblogic...

    sai krishna wrote:
    can any one give me a step by step details to deploy jsp in weblogic 7..
    i am abs new to EJBs and weblogic...
    sai.Sai if you are completely new to this on WLS I would recommend reading:
    Then Possibly: &&
    You can also find more programming information here:

  • Urgent. Unable to set up JSP in Weblogic server

              I wish to enable JSPs in the weblogic server. i went thru the bea documentation and
              added the following lines in hte file :
              weblogic.httpd.documentRoot=XXX (The root directory for the jsps.
              weblogic.httpd.register.*.jsp=\ weblogic.servlet.JSPServlet
              weblogic.httpd.initArgs.*.jsp=\ pageCheckSeconds=1,\
              verbose =true
              After this, i started the weblogic. But apparently, it says that all the above properties are undeclared.
              I am not able to go further on this. Could anyone help me out on this.
              I am working on a HP machine.
              thanks in advance. prashant

              It is really hard to tell exactly what is going on without more information. If all you are using are JSPs, try
              removing the servlet classpath altogether. Put any helper classes into the weblogic classpath.
              Can you get one of the example JSPs working in your environment? This would be a good place to start just to verify
              that your environment is set up correctly.
              Can you post your JSP file that is not working?
              Hope this helps,
              prashant wrote:
              > Good Morning.
              > I just changed the path as you had said. now it stands as :
              > weblogic.httpd.documentRoot=/sclNewArch/weblogic/pgupta/jsp
              > workingDir=/sclNewArch/weblogic/pgupta/jspworkingdir
              > weblogic.httpd.servlet.classpath=/sclNewArch/weblogic/pgupta/jspclass
              > But still it gives the same error : javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet class: could not be loaded - the reques
              > ted class wasn't found in the classpath
              > Pleae help.
              > Prashant
              > Robert Patrick <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >1.) Do not make the working directory the same as the document root (or a subdirectory of the document root
              > >hierarchy).
              > >2.) Do not put the working directory in the servlet classpath.
              > >
              > >prashant wrote:
              > >
              > >> Hi,
              > >> Sorry, that was an error on my part while writing to this forum. i had actually done it correctly.
              > >> To tell you in more details, among other things, i have set the following parameters :
              > >>
              > >> weblogic.httpd.documentRoot=/sclNewArch/weblogic/pgupta/jsp
              > >>
              > >> workingDir=/sclNewArch/weblogic/pgupta/jsp
              > >>
              > >> weblogic.httpd.servlet.classpath=/sclNewArch/weblogic/pgupta/jsp
              > >>
              > >> Now, a small jsp that i made is in the same directory. When i try to run the directory with the following :
              > >> http://localhost:8013/a.jsp, it gives the error as given below. I am not able to understand what is the
              > >> problem, since my jsp is in the same directory where the class file is to be made.
              > >>
              > >> Please help.
              > >>
              > >> Thanks,prashant
              > >>
              > >> Fri Jan 05 17:31:45 CST 2001:<E> <ServletContext-General> Servlet failed with Ex
              > >> ception
              > >> javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet class: could not be loaded - the reques
              > >> ted class wasn't found in the classpath
              > >> /sclNewArch/weblogic/pgupta/jsp
              > >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(ServletStubI
              > >>
              > >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.getServlet(ServletStubImpl.
              > >> java:164)
              > >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubIm
              > >>
              > >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextImpl.invokeServlet(ServletCon
              > >>
              > >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextImpl.invokeServlet(ServletCon
              > >>
              > >> at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextManager.invokeServlet(Servlet
              > >>
              > >> at weblogic.socket.MuxableSocketHTTP.invokeServlet(MuxableSocketHTTP.jav
              > >> a:361)
              > >> at weblogic.socket.MuxableSocketHTTP.execute(
              > >>
              > >>
              > >> "Tamilselvan Ramasamy" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >> >"\" means that property continue in the next line.
              > >> >
              > >> >so your changes as follows
              > >> >
              > >> >weblogic.httpd.documentRoot = /opt/app1/jspdir
              > >> >
              > >> >weblogic.httpd.register.*.jsp=\
              > >> > weblogic.servlet.JSPServlet
              > >> >weblogic.httpd.initArgs.*.jsp=pageCheckSeconds=1,\
              > >> >compileCommand=/opt/java1.2/bin/javac,\
              > >> > workingDir=XXX,\
              > >> > verbose =true
              > >> >
              > >> >/selvan
              > >> >Captura Software Inc
              > >> >
              > >> >"prashant" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > >> >news:[email protected]...
              > >> >>
              > >> >> Hi,
              > >> >>
              > >> >> I wish to enable JSPs in the weblogic server. i went thru the bea
              > >> >documentation and
              > >> >> added the following lines in hte file :
              > >> >>
              > >> >> weblogic.httpd.documentRoot=XXX (The root directory for the jsps.
              > >> >>
              > >> >> weblogic.httpd.register.*.jsp=\ weblogic.servlet.JSPServlet
              > >> >> weblogic.httpd.initArgs.*.jsp=\ pageCheckSeconds=1,\
              > >> >> compileCommand=/opt/java1.2/bin/javac,\
              > >> >> workingDir=XXX,\
              > >> >> verbose =true
              > >> >> After this, i started the weblogic. But apparently, it says that all the
              > >> >above properties are undeclared.
              > >> >>
              > >> >> I am not able to go further on this. Could anyone help me out on this.
              > >> >>
              > >> >> I am working on a HP machine.
              > >> >>
              > >> >> thanks in advance. prashant
              > >> >
              > >> >
              > >

  • How to modify JSP on Weblogic without restarting a server

    Could someone explain how to modify JSP on Weblogic without restarting a server?
    We use WL 10.2.
    I search and modify required jsp on a server, but nothing happens on a Web Browser. I run in Development mode.
    Please advice,

    Hi Yuri,
    As you are in Development mode you have one options to use the Auto Deploy folder which can be found in the following path (domain_name/autodeploy).
    More information on Auto Deployment check the below link:
    Other option is to use the following parameter "*page-check-seconds*" in your weblogic.xml file
    For more information check out the below link
    Topic: jsp-descriptor
    Hope this helps you.
    Ravish Mody
    Middleware Magic | Come, Join Us and Experience The Magic…

  • Problems configuring jsp and weblogic.

              can anyone tell me what all things i need to configure if i have to test jsp
              on weblogic. what things i need to include in web.xml and weblogic.xml. Also
              do i need to create I m using weblogic 6.0. I do have
              a jar file which is deployed on weblogic.
              Any help will be appreciated.

              I m trying to test a html page on weblogic 6.0. when i type the url
              http://localhost:7001/mytest.html i get following errors. I m not able to
              test any of my jsp pages. I m getting the following error....
              <Jul 23, 2001 5:04:04 PM EDT> <Error> <HTTP> <HttpServer(6962399,null
              default ct
              x,localhost) found no context for "GET /mytest.html HTTP/1.0". This should
              not h
              appen unless the default context failed to deploy.>
              can any one tell me what are the steps / things i should consider for
              testing a jsp (web.xml, weblogic.xml...etc...)using weblogic 6.0 i do not
              want to deploy it i want to test using exploded directory format. My Jsps
              are in turn retrieving information from EJB's.
              I did read quickstart guide in
              Any help in this matter is appreciated.
              "Shree Unde" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Thanks.
              > -Shree
              > "Kumar Allamraju" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:[email protected]...
              > >
              > >
              > > Shree Unde wrote:
              > >
              > > > Hi,
              > > > can anyone tell me what all things i need to configure if i have to
              > jsp
              > > > on weblogic. what things i need to include in web.xml and
              > Also
              > > > do i need to create I m using weblogic 6.0. I do
              > have
              > > > a jar file which is deployed on weblogic.
              > > >
              > > > Any help will be appreciated.
              > > >
              > > > Thanks
              > > > -Shree
              > >

  • Calling property file inside jsp in weblogic.

    In JSP file, sometimes, we use the following code in the jspInit()
              ResourceBundle resouce =null;
              public void jspInit() {
              resource = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources");
              The is the file to have the name value pair, which is
              easy to get a list of something.
              Can I still use properties file in my JSP in weblogic? where should I put
              properties? is it weblogic\myserver\under public_html ?
              Thank you for any help.

    Can I still use properties file in my JSP in weblogic? where should I          put
              > > properties? is it weblogic\myserver\under public_html ?
              > yes, put the properties file in your java classpath.
              I mean to say, put properties file in a directory, which is in Java class
              "Ramu" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:3a6623c0$[email protected]..
              > "li" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:3a661a8c$[email protected]..
              > > In JSP file, sometimes, we use the following code in the jspInit()
              > > <%!
              > > ResourceBundle resouce =null;
              > > public void jspInit() {
              > > resource = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources");
              > > }
              > > %>
              > > The is the file to have the name value pair, which
              > > easy to get a list of something.
              > >
              > > Can I still use properties file in my JSP in weblogic? where should I
              > > properties? is it weblogic\myserver\under public_html ?
              > yes, put the properties file in your java classpath.
              > -ramu
              > >
              > >
              > > Thank you for any help.
              > >
              > > li
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > >

  • Weblogic Precompilation of Jsps

    Hi there,
              I'm deploying a project to Weblogic 8.1.2 and I'm trying to use Ant - in conjunction with Weblogic tasks - wldeploy and wlappc - to build and deploy my project for me. And I'm noticing some bizarre behaviour with the weblogic precompilation.
              As part of the build process - all jsps are precompile when assembling into an ear file. However when I deploy the ear - Weblogic Server goes ahead and recompiles the jsps all over again - which the defeats the purpose of compiling them at assembly time.
              The message I get from the server is
                        16-Aug-2004 10:45:53 o'clock BST> <Info> <HTTP> <BEA-
              101295> <Recompiling JServletContext
              (id=26194723,name=coronersDB,context-path=/coronersDB)], resour/pages/AdminLetter.jsp], because it is stale. It
               was previously compiled using a  different version of
              WebLogic Server.JSP build version: build
                                            Does anyone know how I can stop this second precompilation?
              Thanks in advance

    I never found a fix for this.
              In the end I just wrote an ant script using basic ant tasks i.e. no weblogic ant tasks - and used the weblogic.xml file to get the server to precompile jsps at deploy time.
              My experience with the weblogic ant tasks has been less than satisfactory.
              Good luck - and let me know if you have any major breakthroughs.

  • Precompiling JSPs Outside Weblogic Home Directory

    Using Weblogic Server 9.2. Was able to precompile JSPs in a war file with weblogic.appc at the command line with only the weblogic.jar inside the Weblogic installation directory in my classpath. I then translated this into an Ant task, and because the script may need to run on a box that does not have Weblogic installed, copied weblogic.jar to my build area and included that one in my classpath. It immediately began throwing NoClassDefFound exceptions. Discovered the "Class-Path" list of additional jars in the MANIFEST inside weblogic.jar, searched these jars and found all of the missing classes--except for the last one. The missing class is org/apache/bcelx/classfile/ClassParser, and the error I'm getting is "WARNING: unable to get an input stream for jar:file:D:\APPS\Java\jdk1.5.0_13\jre\lib\rt.jar!" followed by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. The error occurs in at line 178. There is a BCEL Apache project, but they have no mention of BCELX on their website. Anyone know where I can find this class, or source code for
    Edited by willhandley at 06/06/2008 10:25 AM

    I tried the wlappc target:
    <target name="_precompile-jsp">
         <taskdef name="wlappc" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.j2ee.Appc" classpathref="class.path" />
         <echo message="Precompiling JSPs in ${appfile}"/>
              <wlappc source="${appfile}" debug="true" verbosejavac="true" verbose="true" runtimeflags="-J-ms1024m -J-mx2048m"/>
    But I keep getting:
    [java] [wlappc] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    We've got quite a lot of jsps in our application. It seems the memory options are being ignored and it seems other people have experienced the same problem with the memory options being ignored when using wlappc and have switched to weblogic.appc.
    When I switch to weblogic.appc I don't get the out of memory issue, though of course I'm still getting the initial stack trace reported. Any other ideas?

  • Filename case issue in precompilation of JSPs for Windows

              I have determined why my JSP pages have been recompiling
              despite including the corresponding compiled class files in
              my application package.
              It seems as though on Windows, any jsp files that have
              filenames that have upper
              case letters are being recompiled, even if their precompiled pages
              are included in the .war file. JSP files that have filenames that are all
              lower case
              are not recompiled, which is expected behavior.
              The UNIX version of BEA does not seem to have this bug
              related to the case of JSP filenames.
              Could someone from BEA please give us more information
              on this issue and when we can see it fixed?
              Thank you very much,
              Peter Kim
              p.s. I am using Weblogic Server version

    I'm seeing something slightly different here.
              I'm including __MyJsp.class (with the proper case) in my
              packaged .war file, but when a request is made for MyJsp.jsp,
              BEA looks for __myjsp.class instead of __MyJsp.class--
              therefore it recompiles MyJsp.jsp.
              "Simon Spruzen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > You get the same behaviour on 6.1 SP2 as well. MyJsp.jsp gets turned into
              > (all lower case), but WebLogic looks for __MyJsp.class. This works just
              fine on
              > NTFS which is case-preserving/case-insensitive, but is hosed on Unix.
              Hence the
              > recompile.
              > But the generated class file refers to the correctly cased Jsp page in its
              > method. Sigh.
              > simon.
              > "Peter Kim" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >Hello,
              > >
              > >I have determined why my JSP pages have been recompiling
              > >despite including the corresponding compiled class files in
              > >my application package.
              > >
              > >It seems as though on Windows, any jsp files that have
              > >filenames that have upper
              > >case letters are being recompiled, even if their precompiled pages
              > >are included in the .war file. JSP files that have filenames that are
              > >all
              > >lower case
              > >are not recompiled, which is expected behavior.
              > >
              > >The UNIX version of BEA does not seem to have this bug
              > >related to the case of JSP filenames.
              > >
              > >Could someone from BEA please give us more information
              > >on this issue and when we can see it fixed?
              > >
              > >Thank you very much,
              > >
              > >Peter Kim
              > >
              > >p.s. I am using Weblogic Server version
              > >
              > >

  • Precompilation of JSPs

    Hi all....
              we have a problem regarding the precompilation of the JSP pages. In
              development mode we don't want the jsps top get precompiled when the
              Server is restarted or app is redeployed as it takes a lot of time to
              see a minor change working.
              For this we have modified our weblogic.xml file in the WAR
              descriptors as:
              but for some reason it does not seem to work..
              any pointers to correct it...????

    I never found a fix for this.
              In the end I just wrote an ant script using basic ant tasks i.e. no weblogic ant tasks - and used the weblogic.xml file to get the server to precompile jsps at deploy time.
              My experience with the weblogic ant tasks has been less than satisfactory.
              Good luck - and let me know if you have any major breakthroughs.

  • Precompiling a JSP that uses a bean

              I am facing a problem when I startup Weblogic with precompiling ON.
              I have a JSP that uses a bean. When the JSP is being compiled, Weblogic is
              actually trying to instantiate the bean and is executing code in the
              constructor of the bean !
              When I use the weblogic.jspc compiler to compile the JSP, no such thing
              So this happens only when I precompile such a JSP when starting up Weblogic
              - Why does weblogic attempt to instantiat the bean ?
              - Is there any way to tell weblogic "dont instantiate this bean now" ?
              Also, the compiler is unable to find a class that is required by the bean. However, this class is there in the /applications/..../WEB-INF/lib in a JAR file. So why is the class not being found ?

    Do a stack trace from the constructor to determine who is calling it, and
              maybe why ...
              Cameron Purdy
              Tangosol Inc.
              << Tangosol Server: How Weblogic applications are customized >>
              << Download now from >>
              "Jayakumar Nandakumar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:3bb0f6d6$[email protected]..
              > Hi,
              > I am facing a problem when I startup Weblogic with precompiling ON.
              > I have a JSP that uses a bean. When the JSP is being compiled, Weblogic is
              > actually trying to instantiate the bean and is executing code in the
              > constructor of the bean !
              > When I use the weblogic.jspc compiler to compile the JSP, no such thing
              > happens.
              > So this happens only when I precompile such a JSP when starting up
              > server.
              > - Why does weblogic attempt to instantiat the bean ?
              > - Is there any way to tell weblogic "dont instantiate this bean now" ?
              > Also, the compiler is unable to find a class that is required by the bean.
              However, this class is there in the /applications/..../WEB-INF/lib in a JAR
              file. So why is the class not being found ?
              > Thanks,
              > Jay

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