Premiere Elements 9 no sound

I used to be able to use Adobe Premiere Elements 9 on this computer to edit my videos in WMV format. Now when I try to render me project edits into a WMV output file, the output file has no sound. Experimenting with another product, I discovered that product would not play back a MPG file because it could not handle HD Dolby sound. The video played back fine, but there was no sound. It has been 3 years since I used elements v9. So it occurred that there may have been an advancement in HD Dolby the elements 9 originally was not designed with that capability in mind. Actually, when I try to play beck the rendered WMV file, there is sound but it is terrible noise. What is the cure for this because I have been looking for a long time without good results.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Ted Palmer

Thank you for you response.
Every attempt I made to apply updates to my Adobe Premiere Elements 9.0 Ninja yielded the same result. I kept getting the attached error message.
My operating system for this computer is Windows-7.
>> What are the properties of these source wmv files and what project preset are you setting to match those video properties?
If I right click the WMV file name (there is only one), the property window that opens has 4 tabs on it. The "Details" tab has a ton of attribute value pairs on it. It seems like it would take the rest of my life to make screen shots of it all. Are there some specific ones that would be most helpful?
>> If your export is Share/Computer/Windows Media, what is your export preset and what are the Export Settings for the Video Tab and Audio Tab under the Advanced Button of the preset?
A screenshot of my AdvancedPresetsExportSettings is attached below:
I hope this response will help move this solution along, and much thanks for your help.
Ted Palmer

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    Sound plays fine but the video is too slow to even start a project.

    On what computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on? Have you updated 12 to 12.1 yet? If not, please do so by using an opened project's Help Menu/Update.
    Not enough information in order to help you.
    Looking for
    1. Properties of source media (including file extension and brand/model/settings of camera that recorded the video).
    2. Is problem restricted to one particular file in one particular project? What happens if you start a new project? What is the
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    Lots more questions, but let us start here and then decide what next based on your reply.
    Thank you.

  • When importing a clip to adobe premiere elements 11 the sound on the video doesnt appear in the audio

    audio help

    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 11 running on? If Mac, was your purchase the Adobe Premiere Elements 11 Editor from the Mac App Store?
    Be that as it may, what are the properties of the video audio file that you are importing in Premiere Elements 11?
    A quick way might be for you to tell us the brand/model/settings of the camera that recorded the video audio file (including the file extension of the file).
    When the file reaches the Expert workspace Timeline which is the case
    a. no sound, but audio file is represented on Audio 1
    b. no sound, audio file not represented on Audio 1
    c. no sound, audio file represented on Audio 1 and, when you toggle the Audio Display Style to waveform, you
    see or do not see a waveform.
    (to the left of the word Audio 1 is a speaker icon...clicking on that icon toggles the audio track of the
    two choices is the waveform).
    Assuming Premiere Elements 11 on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit for now, go to Libraries/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Elements/12 and delete the complete contents of the Media Cache Files Folder that you find there. Then open the program and determine if the audio problem persists. Look to the bottom right of the workspace to observe any "conforming" activity in progress when you import the file.
    We will be watching for your follow up.
    Thank you.

  • Premiere Elements 13 - No sound effects

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    However, I do have some soundtracks. All I think.
    Anyone knows why and how to get the effects?

    What computer operating system is involved?
    How long ago did you install Premiere Elements 13? And, did you do it with antivirus and firewall(s) disabled?
    If you are within 12 hours of install, then give the Sound Effects more time to appear within the opened project.
    There have several reports of a significant delay between the finish of program install and the appearance of the Sound
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    What is grayed out? You are not talking about fx Effects. Right? Do you see the Sound Effects Tab pointed to in the
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    Please review and then we will decide what next.
    Thank you.

  • Premiere Elements 10 no sound for MP4 or MOV files

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    Your question is being answer in your other thread as I remember. Some has asked for further information so that they can help you.
    The usual information that is require to troubleshoot you issue includes:
    a. Do you have QuickTime installed on your computer with Premiere Elements 10? Have you said what computer operating system is involved?
    b. Are you running Premiere Elements 10 as Run As Administrator and/or from a User Account with Administrative Privileges?
    c. Where are these .mov and .mp4 files coming from? The brand/model and your camera settings would be very helpful, especially if you cannot supply the properties of these files. That .mov or .mp4 are file extension that wrap the video and audio compression, so we need to know the video and audio compression as well as the frame size, frame rate, interlaced or progressive, pixel aspect ratio. You can get all that from a MediaInfo properties read out
    d. What are you setting as the project preset for your project?
    e. Is there no sound just for these two video types .mov and .mp4 or is there no sound within Premiere Elements for anything?
    f. Have you gone into the Edit Menu/Preferences/Audio Hardware and click on the ASIO button to check out the ASIO setting to make sure of what is enabled?
    Please review the above. We will be watching for your details.

  • Premiere Elements 4 - No Sound in Editing Mode

    There is probably a simple answer to this. I've just begun playing with this software althought it is clear that I bought it a long time ago in a bundle with Photoshop Elements 6.0. I have no driving desire to create videos, but would like to be able to use the program to edit existing video files. I've some experience with audio editing using Audacity. I find it relatively intuitive and see some similarities between it and PE4.
    I opened the program, started a new project, used Files and Folders to import a mpg file that plays fine. I dragged the file from the right pane into the one on the left and I can see video and audio tracks. I begin playing the file. I can see the video change images, but I hear no audio. I don't see a 'volume' or audio on/off switch and am at a loss how to search for such in the Help file.
    I had one straightforward editing task that I could do based on images alone. I clipped the track at two points and deleted the selected portion and closed up the track. I think it is still seen as two clips, but I managed to export it as an avi file and that plays, with sound.
    Now I want to edit out 40 seconds from the 30 minute mpg and export that as an avi file. My edit requires that I be able to hear the audio. How do I get access to it while editing?

    You are most welcome.
    As that article states, there are a lot of places, where Audio must be set, from the system to the editing program, and then, depending on the Audio device (sound card, or chip), there might be additional places in the control console software for that device, where setting need to be made. Luckily, once the proper settings have been made, one should not have to make any changes, unless the swap out the sound device.
    Also, all sound devices will require a software driver to function fully, and especially in a program, like PrE. It is a good idea to periododically update that audio driver, just like one does with the video driver. If, after all settings have been correctly applied, and the sound fails, that would be the first action - update the audio driver.
    Good luck, and looks like you can mark your question as Answered. Happy editing.

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    Welcome to the forum.
    AVI is but a wrapper, and much can be contained within it. What is the Video CODEC inside that AVI?
    Some Video CODEC's, such as DivX, or Xvid, just will never edit well, and must be converted.
    This ARTICLE goes into more detail, and also tells you how to "peek inside the wrapper."
    Good luck,

  • Premiere Elements 9 : no sound with .mts files

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    Mind, these .mts files play fine in both the organiser AND windows 7. They're created on a Canon HF100 camcorder.

    I do not know if there is a "Getting Started" tour of PrE offered now, but there should be, and in big, bold print, there should be a first message, that explains the necessity of matching the Project Preset exactly to the source footage. Next, the tour should go into how to determine the attributes of the source footage to a Project Preset. If there is not such a "tour," I feel strongly that there should be.
    I believe that PrE 9 has added a feature that helps one match source footage to a Project Preset. In PrPro CS5, one would just drag one of the source videos to the New Icon, at the bottom of the Project Panel, after Import. This then creates a new Sequence (think mini-Project within a "master Project"), with the exact specs. required.
    Many new users are unaware of the above necessity, and then are confounded by a whole list of Presets, that often do not make a lot of sense - yet. Probably a good 20% of all program problems trace back to a mis-match between the Project Preset and the source footage.
    As for mixed format/CODEC footage, the best way to handle that is to either convert secondary set of footage to match the primary footage, for which the Project Preset has been established, or to do separate Projects, each matching their source footage 100%, and then doing an Export/Share to a format/CODEC, that matches the primary footage. Then, one can easily combine all of the footage into a single, new Project, or Import the Exported footage into the Project with the primary footage for final editing.
    Good luck,

  • No sound on playback with premiere elements 13

    No sound on playback with adobe premiere elements 13 . Sound does not exists on  camcorder , but not when uploaded to desktop (window 8)  and playback with adobe premiere elements 13.  Please  assist.

    Your latest copy of this thread was seen and answered.
    No  sound on playback  with Premiere  13
    Please do not duplicate threads. That tends to be confusing to the person originating the thread and to those trying to reply.
    Remember this is not Adobe. Rather user to user who visit as his/her time permits. There are no instantaneously generated answers.
    We try to contribute with viable answers as soon as possible.
    I am going to request that a moderator close or delete this thread that we are in now. And, I would refer all those who want to
    contribute a reply to your issue to do so in the copy of the thread in the link above.
    The answers are in the details. So, details will expedite matters.
    Thank you.

  • No sound after I export a video in premiere elements 12

    Alright I am doing a walkthrough on a video game so I am deleting audio out of my clips and adding in narration. While I can hear and see my narration just fine in one of my videos, when I export it I hear no narration or sound at all.
    I have tried adding more narration tracks that didn't work.
    I have tried rendering it in different format files didn't work.
    And I have even uninstalled and reinstalled premiere elements 12 and it still glitches on that one video
    Anybody have any ideas.

    There is a known issue with Premiere Elements 12/12.1 in which addition of narration using the project's Narration Tool results in a loss of sound for audio on
    numbered audio tracks and Soundtrack. Llamadude came up with a solution which is described in the following link
    Please review the solution and let us know if it works for you.
    Another possibility...are you working with video audio that was recorded with a variable frame rate. If so, that might be a factor. In those instances, the problems range from audio out of sync to not being able to import the video audio file at all. The typical fix is to take the file into the free HandBrake to convert from variable to constant frame rate - result H.264.mp4 file with constant frame rate for import into the Premiere Elements project.
    Please review and consider and then let us know if any of those considerations worked for you.
    Also, what are the complete properties of the source media coming from these games recording?
    Thank you.

  • I no longer have sound when playing my clips through adobe premiere elements 12. How to I correct this problem? I have checked all audio levels and there is no mute on etc. I have updated to 12.1. Still no sound.

    I no longer have sound when playing my clips through adobe premiere elements 12. How to I correct this problem? I have checked all audio levels and there is no mute on etc. I updated to 12.1, but still no sound in any clips. Even not on old files which used to work.

    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12/12.1 running on? Can we assume that this audio plays back OK
    on the same computer when you are using a computer player independent of Premiere Elements?
    What are the properties of these clips that worked before but do not know with regard to sound
    For now, I will assume that you are working on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit.
    Have you checked the Edit Menu/Preferences/Audio Hardware ASIO settings? Do you have any 3rd party audio devices incorporated in your computer environment?
    Please delete the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file and, if that does not work, then the whole 12.0 Folder in which the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file exists. The Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit path is
    Local Disk C
    Premiere Elements
    and, in the 12.0 Folder, is the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file that you delete. If that does not work, then delete the whole 12.0 Folder in which the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file exists. Make sure that you are working with Folder Option "Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives" active so that you can see the complete path cited.
    Do you have installation files or installation disc with the purchased serial number in case we need to resort to uninstall/reinstall?
    We will be watching for your follow up.

  • How do I create surround sound 5.1 audio in Premiere Elements 10?

    Okay, that's my question.
    I have a Zoom H2n which captures two stereo channels from its 5 microphones and it creates a pair of stereo audio files. I would like to import them into Premiere Elements 10 on my Mac (OS X Lion on a desktop Mac), create a video and export the video and audio to a DVD with surround sound.
    Is this possible? I have a 5.1 video camera, and the sound from that is exported correctly to DVD, so I know Premiere Elements handles existing 5.1 sound correctly.

    > please report your success
    Confident, aren't we? :->
    Audacity would import the sound from the .mts files that my Canon saves video and surround sound to, but Audacity couldn't play the sound. It was there in the waveforms, but just a click came out. C'est la vie. I just went directly to my H2n files, and it works fine with them.
    I shoot a video using a regular mic, and I also record the sound externally to my Zoom H2n. I use a finger snap or clap as my clapper board. I have the H2n set to 4 Channel, which means it records two stereo audio streams, one with a name ending in MS.WAV, and the other ending XY.WAV. I use the MS stream as my front, and the XY as the surround. I also make sure the H2n is recording at 48000.
    I copy the two .WAV files to my Mac. I copy the video to my Mac.
    The current version of Audacity is 1.3.14, which I used. Other versions may vary in how to set them up. You'll need current versions of LAME and FFmpeg, and Audacity directs you to the correct locations to download and install them, if you need to. Then you follow the directions to tell Audacity where to find the files; when all is correct, Audacity displays the version numbers instead of asking you where they are.
    In the OS X version of Audacity, go to File -> Import -> Audio ... and locate the MS and XY files. Select them both by command clicking them, then select Open. I get two warning dialogue boxes about working on original files, so I work on copies, click OK both times. Audacity then shows its main window with two files, each having 2 tracks of audio. I do no processing in Audacity, but you may choose to if you wish.
    I select File -> Export and in the resulting dialogue box I choose as my format AC3 files (FFmpeg). Choose a file name in the Save As box, then click Save.
    Now is the hard part. I get a window for Advanced Mixing Options. Because I have four streams of sound, the window defaults to four channels. However, I need six channels, so I slide the slider over to get the six. For my Mac and Audacity versions,
       Channel 1 is left front
       Channel 2 is right front
       Channel 3 is center
       Channel 4 is low frequency effects (LFE)
       Channel 5 is left surround
       Channel 6 is right surround
    By clicking the boxes you connect or disconnect MS left to Channel 1, MS right to Channel 2, XY left to Channel 5, and XY right to Channel 6. Then I click to OK button, and Audacity writes the .ac3 file with the name I gave it.
    Start up Adobe Premiere Elements; I'm using 10, and I use the timeline. I import the video file and the .ac3 file. I double-click the video and shorten it to the first useable snap. Then I double click the .ac3 file and do the same.
    I drag the video to the timeline and play it just o make sure it's where I want it and to watch the waveforms from the audio portion. Then I drag the audio to the narration track and sync its snap to the snap on the video's soundtrack. If I remembered to record at 48000, all is in perfect sync.
    Right-click the video and select Unlink video and audio. Then select only the audio track that is with the video and delete it. Then select the video and .ac3 tracks and link them. Export to DVD, and I get a 4-channel surround sound with the video.
    I understand from Audacity forums that the assignments of the various channels to left, right, center, and LFE have changed between versions. Be aware the assignments may not be correctly reported here and that they may change with later versions of Audacity.
    Audacity is free, and so are LAME and FFmpeg. Audacity lives here: and its wiki is here:

  • I have adobe Premiere Elements 13. It will not let me delete audio or have it fade in or out. I can move the yellow line all the way down till the volume reads -0.0, but the sound is still there on playback. I can click on fade in and fade out and the yel

    I have adobe Premiere Elements 13. It will not let me delete audio or have it fade in or out. I can move the yellow line all the way down till the volume reads -0.0, but the sound is still there on playback. I can click on fade in and fade out and the yellow line that graphs volume takes a sharp raise or dip at the beginning or end of the clip, but there is no change in volume when I play back. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for the reply. Great news about the volume adjusts.
    Now about those fades for the volume. How are you doing that?
    1. Right click the Timeline video audio and select Fade and then
    see the Fade options (I had a video with audio file, so I saw the choices as shown in the screenshot)
    2. You can also create two volume keyframes at each end of the Timeline audio clip rubberband (orange line that goes horizontally across the middle of the audio clip). At the position of the Timeline Indicator, click the Add/Remove Keyframe icon, and then with the mouse cursor position the white dots (volume keyframes) to achieve the Fade In and Fade Out audio. In the screenshot below I have moved the Timeline Indicator so that you could better see the white dots (volume keyframes).
    Please let us know if any of the above works for you with regard to the audio fades.
    Thank you.

  • Premiere Elements 9 - importing MPEG files hear sound but no picture

    Have just bought a new Dell XPS8300 i5-2320 3.3Ghz 12MB RAM 1.5TB computer and have Premiere Elements 9. Am trying to put video from my Olympus VR-310 camera into Premiere Elements. Have downloaded the MJPEG Codec. When I bring the video clips in, I can hear the sound but get no picture. It is either a blank black or blank turquoise screen. I've looked at suggestions on forums and have downloaded the latest Nvidia GeForce GT545 driver for the computer and have checked everything using GSpot. The video plays fine in Windows Mediaplayer, Quicktime and VideoLAN. Am now running out of things to try. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    Unless the Oly version of the MJPEG CODEC is not compatible with PrE (that can happen, and not just with the MJPEG CODEC), you should not need to convert the footage to WMV. Still, that will depend on exact tweaking of the MJPEG CODEC by Oly.
    As for VLC Player (and MediaPlayer Classic HC, and probably for others, like GOM Player, as well), those players contain their own set of CODEC's, though mostly for playback.
    As mentioned in that CODEC article, linked above, there are basically 3 uses for a CODEC:
    Used for playback - the vast majority of Video CODEC's
    Used for encoding - still, a large sub-set of the Video CODEC's
    Used for editing - a much smaller sub-set of the Video CODEC's, and usually limited by the exact NLE program
    With the Oly MJPEG CODEC properly installed, I would test editing the footage natively, as I would anticipate that should work, with no WMV conversion, with produces heavily-compressed files, that require a lot of processing power to edit.
    Good luck,

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    I am using the trial version at the moment, but would like to purchase the real version, but want to make sure I can use all of the old files first.
    Thanks in advance for any advice.
    The sound will not work on the Photoshop elements organizer either.

    Have you gone to settings > sound to make sure your built-in speakers are selected? That would be my first guess for troubleshooting.

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