Premiere Pro CS4 Absturz nach Projekterstellung

Hallo zusammen,
ich nutze Premiere Pro CS4. Dummerweise macht es seit einiger Zeit permanent den selben Absturz durch:
Sobald man nach dem Start der Software die beiden Menüs zur Projekterstellung ordnungsgemäß durchgegangen ist und auf seine Projektwünsche angepasst hat, lädt das Programm das neue Projekt, reagiert dann aber nicht mehr.
So weit ich das sehen kann hängt es dabei, die automatisch erstellete, leere Sequenz in das Schnittfenster zu laden. Sie ist oben links im Importfenster zu sehen, jedoch eben nicht im Schnittfenster.
Wenn man irgend etwas anklick, wird der gesamte Fensterinhalt weiß und Windows hängt dem Programm im Taskmanager ein (keine Rückmeldung) an.
Ich hab das ganze CS4 schon deinstalliert, dann mit Ccleaner Reste in der Registrierung entfernt und neu installiert - leider ohne Erfolg, der Fehler bleibt.
In diesem Zustand lässt sich nicht mit arbeiten.
Hat jemand eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte?

tag mylenium,
hab sowohl grafikkartetreiber deinstalliert und aktualisiert wie auch soundkartentreiber - ohne Erfolg, Problem bleibt.
Hatte auch zwischen der Zeit, in der Premiere noch super funktioniert hat und heute keine Video- und Soundtreiberveränderungen vorgenommen.
Ein kompletter Scan mit Sophos Antivir ergab keine Treffer.

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    Bin als Rentner ein totaler Neuling in der Videowelt. Habe einen neuen Rechner mit FP 250 GB(C) für Programme und eine FP 750 GB(D) für Projekte. Betriebssystem XP SP3, Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 und Matrox RT.X2. Das System wurde von einem EDV-Fachmann geplant und gebaut. CS4 stürzt in kurzen Abständen, egal auf welcher Ebene ich gerade arbeite, ohne Vorwarnung laufend ab. Habe jetzt ein Projekt ohne Einbindung von Matrox angelegt und hatte nach ca. 3 Std. noch keinen Absturz. Liegt dies evtl. an Matrox?? Mein EDV-Berater sucht nach der Ursache, ich selbst bin kein EDV-Freak, aber vielleicht hat jemand eine Problemlösung.
    Jetzt schon vielen Dank

    tag mylenium,
    hab sowohl grafikkartetreiber deinstalliert und aktualisiert wie auch soundkartentreiber - ohne Erfolg, Problem bleibt.
    Hatte auch zwischen der Zeit, in der Premiere noch super funktioniert hat und heute keine Video- und Soundtreiberveränderungen vorgenommen.
    Ein kompletter Scan mit Sophos Antivir ergab keine Treffer.

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    Vorab vielen Dank für eine Antwort.
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    thank you beforehand for answer

    Hallo Torsten,
    Ja, ich spreche deutsch aber ich wohne in den Niederlanden, in Rotterdam. Ich habe jedoch das Glueck gehabt in der Schweiz zur Schule gegangen zu sein und gelegentlich noch deutsch oder sogar baernduetsch zu reden. Mein Vater und meine Tochter leben beiden in der Schweiz, genau wie verschiedene Freunden. Also deswegen...
    Die Adobe Mitarbeiter haben deine Frage offensichtlich nicht ganz verstanden. Es ist richtig dass du 5.1 Audio von Encore ausgeben kannst ohne plug-in, aber sie haben sich nicht die Frage gestellt woher diese Audio in 5.1 Format herkommen soll. Sie haben einfach angenommen dass du schon ein 5.1 Soundtrack zur Verfuegung hast. Dazu brauchst du die Surcode plug-in zur Ausgabe von PR nach EN.
    Die unkontrollierte Knackser die du hast, kommen oefters vor. Meistens ist das zurueck zu fuehren auf ungenuegend Disk Geschwindigkeit. Du kannst probieren die Media Cache zu entfernen, PR ab zu schliessen, PR erneut zu starten und dann wird alles erneut indexiert, conformed und PEK files werden erneut hergestellt. Vielleicht hilft das.
    Hallo Harm,
    Du sprichst deutsch! Damit hätte ich jetzt nicht gerechnet. Eigentlich bin ich auch davon ausgegangen, dass mein schriftliches Englisch misserabel ist!
    Danke nochmals für Deine Antwort und das Angebot Dir eine PN schicken zu dürfen, wenn ich noch eine Frage haben sollte. Ich habe vor einigen Wochen eine Hochzeit gefilmt mit meiner Sonykamera und bin fast verrückt geworden, dass ich das mit 5.1 nicht hinbekommen habe. Ich habe meine drei Tests nun aufgebraucht und werde mir die Freischaltung des SurCode holen.
    Eine Frage hätte ich noch, die mich momentan beschäftigt. Ich habe in den letzten Wochen verschiedene Aufnahmen getätigt. Wenn ich mein Filmmaterial in Premiere Pro importiere, habe ich im Sound immer wieder unkontrollierte Knackser. Wenn ich mir jedoch das Originalmaterial, z. B. mit dem VLC-Player anschaue, sind keine Knackser vorhanden. Hast Du darauf eine Antwort oder Idee. Das Soundmaterial liegt wieder in 5.1 vor.
    Ich habe auch bereits mit Adobe u. a. wegen diesem Problem Kontakt aufgenommen, jeodch von dort erhalte ich keine Vernünftige Antwort. Die wollten mir auch weiß machen, dass ich mit dem Encore mein Video in 5.1 ausgeben kann und kein Plug-In benötige.
    P.S.: Lebst Du eigentlich in Deutschland?
    Grüße Torsten
    Uebrigens, woher kommst du eigentlich? Trifft dies zu:
    Von der Weser bis zur Elbe,
    Von dem Harz bis an das Meer
    Stehen Niedersachsens Söhne,
    Eine feste Burg und Wehr
    Fest wie unsre Eichen
    halten alle Zeit wir stand,
    Wenn Stürme brausen
    Übers deutsche Vaterland.
    Wir sind die Niedersachsen,
    Sturmfest und erdverwachsen,
    Heil Herzog Widukinds Stamm!
    Wir sind die Niedersachsen,
    Sturmfest und erdverwachsen,
    Heil Herzog Widukinds Stamm!

  • Grafikkarte für Premiere Pro CS4

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    Bin kein EDV-Mann, bitte Antworten die ich verstehe. DANKE

    Hallo Gottfriedius, vielen Dank für deine Raktion. Mein Problem ist noch nicht vollständigt gelöst. Abstürze habe ich direkt keine mehr nachdem ich mein RAM von 4 GB auf 8 GB aufgerüstet habe. 4 GB RAM reichen mit Sicherheit nicht aus, denn ich habe nach dem Start von CS4/Matrox RT X2 mit Vista bereits eine Auslastung von ca.3,8 GB auf RAM.ohne dass ich mit dem System arbeite.
    Ob nach dem Austausch der Gradfikkarte das Problem vollständig gelöst ist kann ich noch nicht sagen, denn ich war bis 3.1. im Urlaub und fangen jetzt erst wieder an mit dem Video. Da ich erst seit einem Jahr mit dem Video angefangen habe, bin ein totaler Neuling auf dem Gebiet und auch kein EDV-Mann und auch schon ein älterer Herr mit 69 Jahren, habe ich jedoch bereits ein Treffen mit meinem EDV-Berater auf den 12.01.10 vereinbart. Vielleicht gibt es bald eine Lösung. An Matrox scheint das Problem nicht hängen es muss ein CS4-Problem sein. Von Adobe bekommt man ja keine Unterstützung die spielen den Ball mit einem Fragenkatalog immer wieder zurück. Auf viele Fragen habe ich gar keine Antwort.
    Wir können gerne in Kontakt bleiben auch per Tel. Gruß Peter
    "Gottfriedius" <mailto:[email protected]> schrieb:
    Habe soeben deinen Beitrag gelesen, ist ja schon ein Monat her. Hast du das Problem schon gelöst? War die Graka daran schuld, oder vertrugen sich PremPro und Matrox nicht , oder??
    Würde mich über eine Antwort freuen, denn ich werde demnächst auch mit PP CS 4 arbeiten (wollen).
                   LG Gottfried

  • PREMIERE PRO CS4  CRASHES every time I try to export to media....

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    Premiere Pro has encountered an error.
    After pressing "continue" it brings another message:
    Sorry, a serious error has ocurred that requires Adobe Premiere Pro to shut down. We wil attempt to save your current project.
    I press OK and the Crash Report dialog box appears....
    I installed Premiere Suite 3 weeks ago and I have never used this software before....Premiere has never allowed me to export any file...
    My Lap Top has Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 with NVidia GT 130 1 GB video card, 8 GB of RAM, 1 TB of HD and 1920 x 1080 P display...
    Any advice?  or somebody who has had the same problem?
    Thanking you for your time and courtesies in assisting me, please receive my best regards.

    Have you just installed the software or applied
    updates also?
    Updates are needed for premiere as well as Media and other.......

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    I've run into a new problem with Premiere Pro CS4. Basically, when I select "File > Export > Media" my Export Settings window doesn't show up. If I click on the Premiere window I hear the beeping sound and nothing happens, if I hit Enter the Export Data window pops up and then Media Encoder opens. So, it seems that my Export Settings window is still open but I can't see it and make the necessary setting changes. It does not appear to be minimized and I can not locate it on my desktop anywhere. This is really frustrating because I was able to see the Export Settings window just a few weeks ago when I was exporting my last project. I've tried changing my screen resolutions but that didnt reveal the Export Settings window.
    Does anyone know what is going on here and, more importantly, how I can fix it? I am really stuck here and am working against a deadline. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

    THANK YOU!!!! For two days I have been struggling with the exact same issue. And of course it was simple to fix, if I had just thought about it. Thank you for taking the time to post your experience. I had tried all sorts of stuff trying to get everything onto my #1 monitor, with desktop & workspace resets, resizing my display, etc. After reading and printing your post,
    Hitting ALT+Space,
    Down Arrow,
    and then pressing the left arrow and watching my Export window slide into view, I was laughing so hard, that I was tearing up. It would have been a month waiting for my second monitor to get repaired to get to see what was still being displayed on this ghost monitor. Each week, I video and edit our church's service and then post three versions (Windows Media Player, Ipod-MP4, MP3 Audio) of it to our web site. I would have been four weeks behind were it not for your post.
    Again, a BIG Thank You!!!
    Tony Salso
    [email protected]
    Cedar City, UT 84720
    Tony—Professional Digital Pictures
    --Videographer and Webmaster
    Red Hills Southern Baptist Church
    Serving Jesus in Southern Utah
    [email protected]

  • Premiere Pro CS4 over remote desktop does not play sequence

    Hi all,
    I have been researching this issue over the internet but I have found absolutely no references to it:
    I am running Premiere Pro CS4 on my high-resource PC but would like to work from a different room so I am remoting form my laptop to my "good" PC.
    The system lets me do everything I could normally do when working directly on the main PC with the exception of playing back my edited files (before rendering). This is an obvious handicap since I can not watch my edited sequence and am, therefore, working in the blind. I am able to step through it frame by frame, but when I click the play button, it changes to a pause symbol (as usual) but nothing is shown in the video window. This does not just happen when previewing my edited sequence but also when previewing any imported resource.
    Essentially, Premiere Pro CS4 is not playing any video content over a Remote Desktop.
    Other normal playback software (such as VLC, Windows Media Player etc...) works though, so it is not an issue of no video playback at all. This just happens when I'm using Premiere Pro.
    Any suggestions as to what this may be? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    I was able to edit a full 1080p HD video in Premiere Pro CS5 remotely using HPs RGS (Remote Graphics Software).  I had a Workstation at work with Premiere Pro installed on it and all the source footage on it.  I was then able to log on remotely from home with my old weak-sauce desktop and successfully edit and play back the HD footage remotely.  You just do a google search for HP RGS or go to this link.
    There is a free trial available too. I don't know why there is not more information about RGS on the web, but it seems to me to be the only solution to work on Premiere or After Effects remotely.
    I hope this helps

  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 4.1.0 update  not working!files wrong size too?

    when i go to download Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 4.1.0 update it says that file size is 30.5MB but when it starts downloading it it says thats the file size is 110mb and once installed it wont let me import VOB files.  Has anyone got a solution?

    Other users have reported having trouble with VOB files from DVD recorders.  Properly authored DVDs work.
    Where did you get the VOB files that won't work for you?

  • Premiere Pro CS4 does not import EX1 files longer than 1 hour

    I had to record a long speech and used a Sony XDCAM HD EX1 camera with a 32 Gb and a 16 Gb SXS cards. The speaker paused after 1h 26 min. I stopped the recording and waited until the green light that allows recording the segment came on. Later I recored smaller segments.
    I copied all the recorded files to the PC hard disk ( Intel Quad Core 2.4 Ghz with 3.25 GB RAM with XP Proofessional SP3).
    I used Sony Clip browser to watch the clips and all of them were perfect. Then I opened premiere Pro CS4 4.21 and I wanted to import this 27 GB file. In the media browser appeared only one mp4 file. All the short ones where imported normally but the big one freezed premiere and the only way to close premiere was with the windows task manager.
    I checked again in the Sony XDCAM clip browser version 2.6 and you can see it perfectly. There was a detail, though: in the lower part of the preview window I saw 6 marks. When I checked the file in the disk, I found that the 27 Gb file was separated in 7 parts. Each of them was 3.51 Gb and the last one 2.5 Gb. That means that the file was cut in pieces that were less than 4Gb supposed max file lenght.
    I tried many ways to import and no result. The I used the "export " of the sony clip browser. There is one choice that is "MXF for XDCAM HD". When I chose this item another panel appeared and showed a 1440 X 180 59.94i 25Mbps choice. I took it and after some time it created the 27 Gb file that I could import it normally with 4 audio tracks. But there is a drawback a "media concept" logo appeared to remeber to "buy" the program.
    Anyhow, the question is: How can I import to Premiere CS4 a MP4 file created by a Sony EX1 HD camera whose lenght is more that 1 hour long ?

    I think  is the contrary because the clip browser copies all the foleders needed. I got this opinion from another forum that copies into Final Cut:
    "My workflow is to create a hard drive folder for the project, then use Clip Browser to import the clips from the card. I review the clips, labelling them, adding logging notes, setting the status and putting in essence marks as needed (the number of characters available for the essence mark description is fairly limited). I then open FCP, create and save a new project then call up XDCAM Transfer. I select the project folder and it will pull in all the clips. I then filter for OK status, occasionally create subclips then import. The clips come over to the bin, with their names and with the essence marks converted to markers. Obviously there are backups taken - I've not mentioned them."

  • Premiere Pro CS4: 64-Bit App or Not?

    I read in the new Premiere Pro CS4 specs that it was "optimized for use on Win Vista 64-Bit..."
    Using that language, is Adobe saying it's still a 32-bit app, but will work fine on the Vista 64-bit platform? Would appreciate somebody clarifying that point.
    Bill Buchanan
    Buchanan Film Co.

    Good Marketing.

  • Premiere Pro CS4 - editing video from GoPro video camera

    I am having a problem trying to edit video from the GoPro camera in Premiere Pro CS4 (PP). Have not been able to get much help from GoPro - they just tell me to speak with Adobe. I think the video codec used by the camera is MJPEG (?). It won't play at all on the timeline. Interestingly it will in After Effects (AE) CS4 and if I export it out of AE as a Microsoft AVI file I can then play it in PP. However if I go straight to Media Encoder and import the clip and then try export the clip via ME as a Microsoft AVI the exported clip from ME won't play in Premiere Pro. I am confused. Does anyone know this camera, it's codec and why it just won't work when directly imported into Premiere Pro but it will when imported directly into After Effects. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    Please see a post I made this morning under my screen name BruceERoberts .... details below
    I just purchase Adobe Premiere Pro a few days ago - and subsequently updated it to Ver 4.2.1.  A started a new project - I tried to import some video footage I just shot with a GOPro Hemet Cam while skiing at our local mountain.  I can easlily see the clip using Real Media Player - or the Quick Time player.  It is a 10.9 MB ... 7 second MPEG-4 movie clip.  File name is "gopro0030.mp4"
    I created a "bin" called video .... then right clicked to import the file.  You can see the file name in the media browser.  But the file would not import.  I received this error message:  "109C ImporterProcessServer.exe  Application Error.  The instruction at "0x05efcac" referenced memory at "0x00000014".  The memory could not be read. CLick OK to terminate."
    This is very frustrating - I just purchased the software - and it won't import a 7 second video clip!  It did import still fotos with no problem.  What can I do?
    thank you for your attention to this.
    Bruce Roberts, Vernon B.C.
    March 14th 2010
    System Info
    MS Windows XP
    Version 2002 SP3
    Dell Dimension XPS
    Pentium 4 CPU 3.4 Ghs
    3.39 Ghz  3.00 GB of RAM

  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 4.0.1

    An update to Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 will be available via Adobe Update Manager shortly. The file will also be available for download tomorrow (November 20) on, as will the readme (at In the meantime, here is the text of the readme.
    We're really excited about this update, especially considering we released CS4 just one month ago. To force an update, choose help --> find updates from any Adobe application. The AME update that releases with this update is required as well.
    Important note: if you are using the Elemental Technologies RapiHD plug-in, you must update to the latest version in order to use Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 4.0.1. You can update the plug-in by visiting the Elemental Technologies web page:
    New in this release
    - OMF export
    - Final Cut Pro import
    - Edit in Audition (Windows only)
    - Surcode support
    - AAF import and export
    - High quality motion
    - Third-party support
    Notable fixes
    - Attempting to trim locked tracks results in a crash (#1888355)
    - Crash on Win and error on Mac when using Numpad-Asterisk keys to generate marker when
    playing in Program Pane when Effect Controls pane is closed (#1890626)
    - Crash when the Metadata panel is brought into focus when a DVCPro HD clip is selected
    - When a filter/search is applied in the Metadata Panel and then a different asset is selected, the
    filter does not update (#1876954)
    - Custom schema causes Adobe Premiere Pro to crash performing many basic operations,
    starting with New Project (#1888938)
    - Render of transition in imported EDL-based sequence fails; on Mac, causes application to hang
    indefinitely, user must be force-quit application (#1873434)
    - After ASND is saved, an effect is always ON if it turns OFF while playing (#1864978)
    - Crash when attempting to load a project that contains a composition if headless Adobe
    Premiere Pro is serving Adobe After Effects (#1871578)
    - Exporting video as MPEG 4 will create a video file that imports at the incorrect length
    - Trimming both ends of a clip, then moving the clip will cause looped playback to be silent, or
    only playback portions of the clip (#1868409)
    - When exporting a timeline containing cuepoints, deleting a cue point via AME Batch-> Export
    Settings, the cue point is still present in the output file (#1866690)
    - Playing an audio-only file in the source monitor will cause the application to lock up (#1887330)
    - Exporting any MT session as 24bit WAV leads to garbled audio Mac only (#1881684)
    - Adobe Premiere Pro allocates too much memory and reads too much data from disk when
    loading project files on the Mac (#1890579)
    - With camera connected, opening clip from Timeline into Source and selecting File  Debug
    results in a serious error (#1889197)
    - Export to tape is active from DVCPRO HD sequences (#1863718)
    - Application intermittently crashes when exporting a movie (#1868405)
    - Render and Replace of offline clips takes over 20 minutes (#1885273)
    - Application crashes when cancelling Normalize Audio Track dialog (#1887615)
    - When an AVCHD clip is inserted into a DV timeline with Scale to Frame Size applied, rendered
    previews of the clip show artifacts during Timeline playback (#1863988)
    - Using scale to frame size in a timeline lowers output quality and softens detail and sharpness;
    typing in scale attributes manually or using Adobe After Effects produces much better results
    - Multiplexed MPEG files exported to HD size and then imported back in to Adobe Premiere Pro
    show up as 601 color space instead of 709 color space and hence the colors of the imported
    files are off (#1852977)

    Other users have reported having trouble with VOB files from DVD recorders.  Properly authored DVDs work.
    Where did you get the VOB files that won't work for you?

  • Use of a capture board in Premiere Pro CS4

    For several years I have been using Premiere Pro 1.5 with a Canopus Storm 2 capture card and drivers.  It has been working fine for me.  Actually I have been doing event video for about twenty years and have gone through a lot of Premiere progams.  I went from VHS to S-VHS and then into Mini DV.  I don't think I will be going to HD.  However, like life, we need to keep up with some of the changes.  So I have been considering upgrading to Premiere Pro CS4.  I was told that Canopus is no longer working with Adobe and that now it is Grass Valley and they have their own editing software.  They no longer want to let the user of their products use Adobe products.  If this is so, then what type of capture card is working with Premiere Pro CS4?  And what is the cost for my changing my system?  At least a ball park figure.  I just had a new OS put into my video editing computer and right now everything is screwed up.  The Adobe Premiere Pro and Canopus seem to be working okay, but I am not getting anything out from my computer to my editing monitor and sound mixer.  I worked all week on it and to no avail.  For years I did event video and put out some fantastic stuff, now I just want to do some informational videos and nothing is working right.  I am open for suggestions.

    Okay Harm,  that is part of the problem.  Since I put in a new OS I can't get my video editing to do right.  Nothing is showing up on my studio monitor that is hooked to the Storm 2 card and nothing is coming in to my Mackie 1402 VLZ Pro line mixer that is connected to a CREATIVE Sound Blaster Live card.  I have done everything I can think of and nothing is coming out.  I have everything hooked up just like it has been for the past five or six years.  I downloaded all of my software - Previere Pro first and then Canopus and then Sound Blaster and the plug-ins seem to go in okay.  What I am getting is a sound apperance on the Premiere sound screen and also a wave form on the timeline.  In all apperance the Storm card and the Premiere are working, but nothing seems to be coming out.  Also I am getting no sound out when I download music in Audition.  I did before I replaced my Windows XP SP3 OS.
    I didn't know that the Canopus Storm 2 had a conflict with PP 1.5.  I guess I never experienced any trounble before.
    I just now went into my Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 and opened up a capture that I had downloaded into the timeline.  Here is what happens. When I scrub the Capture monitor in PP everything works fine in the computer and the studio monitor and sound line mixer.  But when I scrub the timeline I get no sound out, and nothing shows up on my studio monitor.  It is almost like everything is reverse.  

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    I have an application having a main screen that uses buttons to select other screens.  All screens have multiple gauges that fill each screen, run full screen visibly replacing the main screen, and navigate ack to the main screen to select other scre

  • Unexpected error message (-49)

    I keep getting this when updating my iPod. I am using an iMAC g5 and have the latest version of iTUNES and iPod software. Any ideas? Really annoying as I constantly have to restore.