Preserve single quote in text data.

I have text data that is read into a BurrefedReader, some text contain single quoutes such as Ray's. When I retieve the data instead of seeing the single quote I see a square box replacing the single quote. What can I do in java to preserve the single quote?

Many is my original code:
public static String ClobToString(Clob cl) throws IOException, SQLException
if (cl == null)
return "";
StringBuffer strOut = new StringBuffer();
String aux;
String aux2;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(cl.getCharacterStream());
String ls =System.getProperty("line.separator");
while ((aux=br.readLine())!=null)
return strOut.toString();
Here is the code with the encoding convertion:
public static String ClobToString(Clob cl) throws IOException, SQLException
if (cl == null)
return "";
StringBuffer strOut = new StringBuffer();
String aux;
String aux2;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(cl.getCharacterStream());
String ls =System.getProperty("line.separator");
while ((aux=br.readLine())!=null)
StringInputStream st = new StringInputStream(strOut.toString());
InputStreamReader inStreamReader=new InputStreamReader(st,"UTF-8");
BufferedReader bufReader=new BufferedReader(inStreamReader);
StringBuffer strOut2 = new StringBuffer();
while ((aux2=bufReader.readLine())!=null)
return strOut2.toString();
I do thank you again for any help.

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    I'm using the following code to produce a list of zipcodes
    for a radius search:
    <cfset Caller.passedreturneddata =
    Caller.passedreturneddata & "'#mystruct.zipcode[x]#' or ">
    The result is like '12345' or '23456' or '34567'.
    CF is turning the single quotes into double quotes and giving
    SQL error below. How can I preserve the single quotes?
    Error Executing Database Query.
    [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC
    Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error
    (missing operator) in query expression &apos;fee = No And
    Category = Horoscope And Subcategory = Horoscope3 And ZipCode =
    &apos;&apos;80212&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80212&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80212&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80034&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80214&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80214&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80214&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80214&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80211&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80033&apos;&apos; or
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    &apos;&apos;80001&apos;&apos; or
    &apos;&apos;80002&apos;&apos; or&apos;.
    The error occurred in eventsradius.cfm: line 8
    6 : And Category = #form.category#
    7 : And Subcategory = #form.subcategory#
    8 : And ZipCode = #form.zipcode#
    9 : Order by date, time
    10 : </cfquery>
    SQL Select * From Calendar2 Where fee = No And Category =
    Horoscope And Subcategory = Horoscope3 And ZipCode = ''80212'' or
    ''80212'' or ''80212'' or ''80034'' or ''80214'' or ''80214'' or
    ''80214'' or ''80214'' or ''80211'' or ''80033'' or ''80033'' or
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    ''80204'' or ''80295'' or ''80257'' or ''80266'' or ''80266'' or
    ''80248'' or ''80217'' or ''80265'' or ''80292'' or ''80215'' or
    ''80215'' or ''80215'' or ''80255'' or Order by date, time
    DATASOURCE normmy_denver
    SQLSTATE 42000

    That worked for the single quotes, but I've never seen this
    error before. Not finding anything in Google either.
    Error Executing Database Query.
    [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC
    Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] In operator
    without () in query expression &apos;fee = No And Category =
    Horoscope And Subcategory = Horoscope3 And ZipCode IN
    Select * From Calendar2 Where fee = No And Category =
    Horoscope And Subcategory = Horoscope3 And ZipCode IN ''80212','
    80212',' 80212',' 80034',' 80214',' 80214',' 80214',' 80214','
    80211',' 80033',' 80033',' 80033',' 80001',' 80002',' 80002','
    80002',' 80204',' 80295',' 80257',' 80266',' 80266',' 80248','
    80217',' 80265',' 80292',' 80215',' 80215',' 80215',' 80255',' ''
    Order by date, time

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    returns: George Clooney
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            AS (    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (p_10_item,
                      FROM t
                CONNECT BY LEVEL <=
                                LENGTH (p_10_item)
                              - LENGTH (REPLACE (p_10_item, ','))
                              + 1)
    SELECT payment.*
      FROM payment, t2
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  • Single quote in dynamic query

    Hi all;
    Can u please help me on the following dynamic query code ? I know I am missing the single quote around 2 dates but could not figure out where to put it ! I have tried putting 2 or 3 quotes around 2 bind vars but to no avail.
    Want to create a dynamic query to simulate the the following:
    EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE from emp where HIREDATE >= to_date('01/01/1981','MM/DD/YYYY') and HIREDATE <= to_date('12/31/1982','MM/DD/YYYY');
    dynamic code:
    v_q varchar2(4000);
    v_q :='select EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE from emp ';
    V_q := V_Q
    || 'where HIREDATE >= '
    || 'to_date(' || :P_DATE1 || ',' ||'''MM/DD/YYYY''' || ' )'
    || 'and HIREDATE <= '
    || 'to_date(' || :P_DATE2 || ',' ||'''MM/DD/YYYY''' || ' )';
    -- end the sql
    v_q := v_q ||';';
    dbms_output.put_line ('V_Q is ' || V_Q);

        v_q varchar2(4000);
        v_rec emp%rowtype;
        v_cur sys_refcursor;
        v_q :='select EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE from emp ';
        V_q := V_Q  || 'where HIREDATE >= to_date(:P_DATE1,''MM/DD/YYYY'') and HIREDATE <= to_date(:P_DATE2,''MM/DD/YYYY'')';
        dbms_output.put_line ('V_Q is ' || V_Q);
        open v_cur
          for v_q
          using '01/01/1981',
          fetch v_cur
            into v_rec.empno,
          exit when v_cur%notfound;
          dbms_output.put_line('empno = ' || v_rec.empno);
          dbms_output.put_line('ename = ' || v_rec.ename);
          dbms_output.put_line('job = ' || v_rec.job);
          dbms_output.put_line('mgr = ' || v_rec.mgr);
          dbms_output.put_line('hiredate = ' || to_char(v_rec.hiredate,'MM/DD/YYYY'));
        end loop;
        close v_cur;
    V_Q is select EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE from emp where HIREDATE >=
    to_date(:P_DATE1,'MM/DD/YYYY') and HIREDATE <= to_date(:P_DATE2,'MM/DD/YYYY')
    empno = 7499
    ename = ALLEN
    job = SALESMAN
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 02/20/1981
    empno = 7521
    ename = WARD
    job = SALESMAN
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 02/22/1981
    empno = 7566
    ename = JONES
    job = MANAGER
    mgr = 7839
    hiredate = 04/02/1981
    empno = 7654
    ename = MARTIN
    job = SALESMAN
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 09/28/1981
    empno = 7698
    ename = BLAKE
    job = MANAGER
    mgr = 7839
    hiredate = 05/01/1981
    empno = 7782
    ename = CLARK
    job = MANAGER
    mgr = 7839
    hiredate = 06/09/1981
    empno = 7839
    ename = KING
    job = PRESIDENT
    mgr =
    hiredate = 11/17/1981
    empno = 7844
    ename = TURNER
    job = SALESMAN
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 09/08/1981
    empno = 7900
    ename = JAMES
    job = CLERK
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 12/03/1981
    empno = 7902
    ename = FORD
    job = ANALYST
    mgr = 7566
    hiredate = 12/03/1981
    empno = 7934
    ename = MILLER
    job = CLERK
    mgr = 7782
    hiredate = 01/23/1982
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SY.

  • Single quote used with in text data renders to inalid display

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    I am putting this into a pretty standard text object.  When the report is previewed and subsequently printed as a PDF each single quote is transformed to the text string &_#_3_9_; code (without the underscores). This also occurs for quotation marks appearing as &_q_u_o_t_; and ampersands appearing as &_;_a_m_p_;
    I've tried changing the text interpretation property from none to rtf and, with a refresh, nothing changed.  It is hard for me to believe that no one else has seen this but since you can not search the forum for this string (as it converts it to the single quote) may not one has asked.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Don,
    The CLOB would do it. 
    Not sure there is a way around this aside from how you've already been dealing with it. 
    To simply your formula a bit, you don't need to do a loop just have it check for each of the tags like:
    stringVar TempText := {PPR_Main.CONCERNS};
    TempText := Replace (TempText, '&_#_3_9_;', "'") ;
    TempText := Replace (TempText, '&_;_a_m_p_', "&") ;
    TempText := Replace (TempText, '&_q_u_o_t_;', '"') ;
    I agree though that there may be other tags added later on based on other characters so it could be infinite.  Try the common characters like Exclamation and Question marks. 
    Good luck,

  • SQL*Loader and data enclosed by single quotes

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    We can do 'Find and Replace' to replace the single quotation marks with double quotations, but some of the Sybase tables are huge, and we'd like to avoid having to open and edit them. However, if this is the only way to go, then we'll have to use it. I just wondered whether anyone had run into this before and been able to solve it.

    We are running into a problem because we cannot figure out how to use the OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY parameter with single quotesTry

  • Text within single quotes

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    I have a requirement wherein i need to take out text which exists within single quotes.
    For eg:
    string1 = Hi ' I am within single quotes' .
    here i need to take the text which is inside single quotes aside.
    Kindly provide me a solution.
    Thanks and Regards

    Use SPLIT.
          END   OF ITAB_TYPE.
    SPLIT 'Hi '' I am within single quotes''' AT '''' INTO TABLE ITAB.
    So you will have the entire string in the second record of the table.
    Note that working with single quotes in ABAP makes you use twice single quotes, in order to avoid ending the string.
    Message was edited by:
            Angel Garcia

  • Can we have a Single quote in the tooltip text?

    We have some tooltips for the presentation columns which contains a single quote.
    When I try to view the tooltip from answers the single quote is being replaced by double quotes.
    I tried to use all sorts of escape characters for single quote, like "\'" and ''' and "'" but that didn't work.
    Is there any way to do this.

    As I said in my earlier post, I am looking for the tooltips for the Presentation tables and columns. The tooltips for these were extracted from the RPD using the externalize Strings option and these externalized strings are stored in the database.
    So I am escaping the single using a single quote both in rpd and in the database.
    Example text I have used both in the rpd and database is something like "Shipment's start time". I tried with "Shipment''s start time", " Shipment'''s start time", but it didn't work.

  • Dynamic SQL and Data with Single Quotes in it.

    Hi There,
    I have a problem in that I am using dynamic SQL and it happens that one of the columns does contain single quotes (') in it as part of the data. This causes the resultant dynamic SQL to get confused as the single quote that is part of the data is taken to mean end of sting, when in fact its part of the data. This leaves out a dangling single quote that was meant to enclose the string. Here is my dynamic SQL and the result of the parsed SQL that I have captured:
    ****Dynamic SQL*****
    l_sql:='select NOTE_TEMPLATE_ID '||
    'where TRIM(LEGACY_NOTE_CODE)='''||trim(fp_note_code)||''' '||
    'and TRIM(DISPLAY_VALUE)='''||trim(fp_note_text)||''' ';
    execute immediate l_sql INTO l_note_template_id;
    Because the column DISPLAY_VALUE contains data with single quotes, the resultant SQL is:
    ******PARSED SQL************
    And the problem lies with the single quote between teh characters t and d in the data field for DISPLAY_ITEM. How can I handle this?
    Many thanks,

    I have been reliably informed that if one doesn't enclose char/varchar2 data items in quotes, the right indices may not be usedI am into oracle for past 4 years and for the first time i am hearing this.
    Your reliable source is just wrong. Bind variables are variables that store your value and which are used in SQL. They are the proper way to use values in your SQL. By default all variables in PL/SQL is bind variable.
    When you can do some thing in just straight SQL just do it. Dynamic SQL does not make any sense to me here.

  • URGENT  update a table with a text that has a single quote in it

    Hello, I am trying to update a table with a text that has a single quote in it. I believe I need to use two singles quotes but I am not sure how.
    For example:
    SET DESCRLONG='Aux fins d'exportations'
    WHERE etc...
    Should I put 2 singles quotes before the quote in the text?
    SET DESCRLONG='Aux fins d'''exportations'
    WHERE etc...
    Thank you very much :)

    The best way depends on the version of Oracle.
    But, the quick and universal answer is to use two single quotes
    SQL> connect test/test
    SQL> create table test (descrlong varchar2(128));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into test values ('This is a string with a '' single quote');
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from test;
    This is a string with a ' single quote
    SQL> update test set descrlong='Aux fins d''exportations'
      2  where descrlong like 'T%';
    1 row updated.
    SQL> select * from test;
    Aux fins d'exportations

  • Data model: single quote in default parameter value

    when I assign a default value to a parameter in my Data model, which includes a single quote (i.e. "It's a default value"), then the single quote is escaped with a backslash (i.e. "It\'s a default value") when I open the report associated with the data model. How can I get rid of the escape character when opening a report?

    Hi Yogini,
    Thanks for your reply.
    When the customer name is selected, discoverer reports automatically enclose the customer names in single quotes. like 'ABC LTD', 'ABC's INC',
    I know how to change this single quote format. Also we don't want user to change the parameter selection criteria once selected.
    Also related to double quotes isn't it doubles are treated as column names in the SQL query and can not be used for any other purpose.
    Apologies, I haven't tried this but I think it will not work. Have you tried this with discoverer viewer.
    As mentioned intrusting things is when a customer name with single quote is selected in discoverer Plus it automatically formats the filter criteria to look like ['ABC LTD', 'ABC''s INC'] but this thing doesn't happen in viewer.
    I think this is a bug in discoverer viewer and think there must be some patch available to correct this problem.
    Sorry, don't have a solution yet but will certainly update the thread once I get the solution.
    Also please keep looking for a solution and let me know as well.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Best Regards,

  • How to make search string for the searched text containing single quote?

    Hi all,
    When trying to search some Contacts from Eloqua, I have to make a search string which would list out some specified EmailAddress.
    Unfortunately, I meet several emails who have single quote in their spelling.
    I got 'invalid format' error when both using them directly and making single quote twice.
    Any suggestions?

    When testing, the following examples:
    GET /Api/rest/1.0/data/contacts?search=emailAddress=bm'[email protected]
    GET /Api/rest/1.0/data/contacts?search='emailAddress=bm'[email protected]'
    GET /Api/rest/1.0/data/contacts?search=emailAddress="bm'[email protected]"
    GET /Api/rest/1.0/data/contacts?search="emailAddress=bm'[email protected]"
    All return:
        "name":"bm'[email protected]",
        "emailAddress":"bm'[email protected]"
    Likewise, the following returns nothing:
    GET /Api/rest/1.0/data/contacts?search=emailAddress='bm'[email protected]'
    Hopefully this helps,

  • Sharepoint 2013, Document Library: Sharepoint is changing data in a single line of text column to ISO8601 after modifying other columns

    Hello there,
    basically, as the title says: We have a Document Library on a Sharepoint 2013. Attached to every document are multiple columns, the type for every column is 'Single line of text'.
    One column is called 'billing date' and has suitable data in it, e.g. 01.01.2015, 26.02.2015, 29.03.2015 an so on.
    Sometimes when someone is editing an other column of the same document the data in 'billing date' changes from 01.01.2015 to 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z for that document, seemingly randomly.
    Is there any way to configure or prevent this?
    Thanks in advance and kind regards,

    From your description, my understanding is that SharePoint changes the format of date in single line.
    It is very strange issue. I try to reproduce your issue in my environment, but everything is OK.
    To solve your issue, I need to collect some information, please confirm these points below:
    When will the format of date change? Does it change immediately when you edit the document or after clicking save button?
    Does the issue occur in this document library or each one in your environment?
    Do you have some special configurations for this document library?
    In addition, could you provide a screenshot as below?
    Best Regards,
    Vincent Han
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • How to print long raw text data in report output in single line?

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where I need to print raw comma separated text data in the report output which end user will open in excel and can sort as required. I can not directly generate excel output.
    Now there is huge set of data and each row from the report query should be get printed on single line, It should not get printed on the next line.
    I tried to extending the report with 240 characters but still there are some text data which is getting printed on the next line.
    Please share your view if someone has any solution on this issue.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Make the report even wider. By default a report layout can be 10 pages wide. If you need more, change the "Max. Horizontal Body Pages" property, and extend your layout too.
    IMHO, I wouldn't even use Reports to create a csv file. Utl_file or an sqlplus script that spools to a file are better options I think.

Maybe you are looking for