Preview a shared unprotected article in Web Viewer?

I want to create my app to “Enable Web Viewer”, have many unprotected articles, and no paywall enabled. I want to use email, twitter and copy link sharing so that many non-iPad users can view my content via a browser. Can I do this? (Understanding of course that I will be charged for downloads based on the formulas outlined.)
How can I test this before making the certificates, product ID and hitting publish?  I want to see the user experience in the browser to see what overlays work and don’t work. Since the tools to make these choices are in the DPS Viewer Builder process, I couldn’t figure out a way to “preview” this.
Is there a way? Am I making this more complicated than it actually is?
I’m using CS5.5 for Mac, DPS Release 21, Enterprise Edition
Thanks for your help.

Yes, you can enable Web Viewer with email, twitter, and copy link sharing. If you're using v21, you need to create a 1024x768 folio using either PNG or JPG image format (not PDF). With v21, sharing articles from an iPad 3 doesn't work well in Web Viewer. With the upcoming v22 release, there will be better support for handling renditions, so you might want to hold off for a couple of weeks and test social sharing when v22 is available. (With the v23 release, it shouldn't be necessary to create a PNG/JPG folio -- any PDF folio will be uploaded to the Web Viewer server as PNG.)
You can't test social sharing on your own content without using Viewer Builder to create a development app. You can test other apps that enable social sharing, such as Backpacker and DPS Tips. Unfortunately, for the DPS Tips app, I set a low paywall for demo purposes, so it's difficult to test multiple articles.
You can read more about social sharing and its current limitations here: 000.html

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    What version is the app?
    Perhaps you can reply offline and let me know which publication you're referring to, what issue and what article?
    I suspect that you might have a web rendition available.  Also, is specified in your account settings as the hosting URL, the redirect URL or the Fulfillment level reached URL , and/or the paywall button URL
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    I'd be willing to look into it for you. I'm an Adobe employee.
    If you are willing to post the link here that would be ideal but you can also just post the "guid" portion of the URL.
    So for example, given this link tml
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    No problem! glad it worked. I forgot to mention the workaround for your Page hyperlink object
    You can just create a URL button that links to the page within the article.
    You do this the same way you did the jump to another article by replacing URL with "navto://articlename" but now we add "#" and the page number.
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    I tested this method so it should work.
    Good luck and Best regards

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    If you are referring to the preview of a webpage that you printed then in Safari in the Print dialog box is a tick box labelled 'Print headers and footers', if you untick this then they will not be included in the printout and also not included in the PDF version viewed in Preview.
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