Previewing Audio

I'm editing a cartoon in Motion and was wondering if it's possible to preview the audio by dragging the toggle? If I just press play, it sometimes takes a secons for the audio to start while the video's playing and then sometimes it won't stop playing.
But can I change a setting or something so I can preview the audio by dragging the toggle (looks like an unside down green triangle on the timeline) ?

in the preferences you can set playback of complex sequences to drop video frames and play audio. This is what I do since i need to time to audio so much.
it should play straight off then. Unless of course you are trying to layer up audio in Motion and are using mp3's or other compressed formats. In which case it could slow it all down.

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    or am i doing something wrong. 
    Not sure, I can play mpeg 4  both music and video as well as MP3 without problems in Bridge. However the ability to play .m4a files in my music library (Mac- iTunes) is depending on what files I use.
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    this thread.

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  • RAM preview audio will not play through bluetooth headphones

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    BTW - the only time headphones actually work is when they are plugged into the tower. These ones obviously can't be plugged in.
    Thanks! (Screenshots provided for help)

    Thanks! I definitely did try that first... (trying to find a solution with the headphones). You can't find any info about them online/their website. Regardless though, After Effects will not allow me to play the audio output through any other device except for the Mac Pro tower - even playing it through the LCD Cinema Display won't work.
    Thanks for your reply

  • AE CS5 ( Ram Preview - Audio stops and continue playing randomly

    I already reported this issue to Adobe as a BUG but I want to ask here if somebody else have this problem or can confirm it.
    Audio breaks/stops and continue playing randomly when 'Ram Previewing'
    It happens mostly when the RAM is fully filled up with image cache files! When the Ram is not filled up totally with image cache files it happens rarely!
    Steps to reproduce BUG / issue:
    1. create a new composition with a length of for example 5 minutes.
    2. create a new solid with size of 50x50 pixel and animate the position of the solid for a very long time so when ram previewing the whole ram/memory gets filled up with different image cache data (this is very important!). Alternatively you could use a long video file to fill up the RAM completely.
    3. import a wave file .wav 16bit 48khz uncompressed which is very long for example 5 minutes.
    4. insert the wave file in the earlier created composition which contain the animated solid or video file.
    5. Set the work area bar (preview range) for the whole composition.
    'Ram Preview' the composition until the whole RAM/memory is filled up with image data.
    AE has to stop rendering because there is no more space available in RAM.
    make sure 'from current time' checkbox is off.
    6. listen to the audio which stops playing randomly for about 1-2 seconds and comes back and continues playing (***BUG***)
    7. Now set the right handle of the composition work area bar (preview range) to less then the maximum RAM size
    (less then the green cache indicator on the right side)
    8. "Purge image caches" or "Purge All"
    9. Ram preview the now smaller work area
    10. listen to the audio. The audio breaks are gone! (***Workaround***)
    Additional information:
    I have the latest After Effects CS5 update installed (
    This behavior is tested with different audio drivers inside After Effects CS5 (After Effects WDM Sound, Generic Low Latency ASIO Driver,  ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver)
    I also tried different Sample Sizes Buffers (alternatively to the default 2048 samples) but without success.
    Reducing the amount of RAM which After Effects can access didn't solve the problem!
    Win7 64bit all latest Updates, 8GB RAM, CPU: intel Core 2 Extreme QX9300, nVidia Quadro FX 2700M, IDT High Definition Audio Driver v6.10.0.6227
    There is no driver problem on my system because After Effects CS3 & CS4, Premiere & Soundbooth CS3 CS4 CS5 have no audio problems!
    I have lots of other professional audio software like Steinberg Cubase 5.... on the same system and they all work fine.
    I also turned off AVG Anitivirus and Windows firewall for testing without success.
    AdobeQT32Server.exe, dynamiclinkmanager.exe, PProHeadless.exe, afterfx.exe do not get blocked by firewall they have full permission.
    The CS5 Production Premium installation went fine and without errors and antivirus protection was turned off for the installation.
    Any help would be nice!

    Yep, I agree with craulmedia....
    It's 1 month ago after my initial post and no valuable feedback from Adobe although I filled out the bug report in addition to this post and provide my email for further information.
    The only reason for upgrading from CS4 -> CS5 production suite was the use of all my 8GB RAM in AE and now AE can use it but when it's using it the audio have issues.
    CS5 is on the market for nearly a year and still have such essential issues... And my fear rises there will be no valuable update fixing these issues but instead Adobe forces me to upgrade later this year to CS6 in hope something change...
    I have had support request for different Adobe products in the past including telephone support, web support via Adobe ID... none with success the web support answered my request 3 weeks later with the message they will look into it... time went by and in the end the result was "Yes we know it's a known bug" the bug did not get fixed for that CS version. it even exists in the next major CS release! (talking about EncoreDVD here). Once the web support answered weeks later when I was in holidays and after some days I was not able to respond they closed my case. I reopened the case but never got an answer! Telephone support is nearly waste of time because in 95% of all cases it does not help to reinstall the whole operating system and talking to people who know less about computers in general or Adobe products then my mom - it's a waste of time.
    I don't want to blame here anybody for things happend in the past I just want to point out that this time I choose an other support channel (bug report and forum post) but it seems that this support channel is also a waste of time after 1 month with no valueable feedback!
    I bumped up this post 2 times and thanks to craulmedia for the third time.
    And now here is my fourth time *BUMP*
    All I got so far is: "I saw your bug report it's in the queue"
    Is it still in the queue? which queue nr. does it have? how long will it take to get any answer? is it reproducible? Is it confirmed as a known bug by Adobe? Is Adobe working on a fix? When will this fix be available? Is the fix provided in form of an update or in the next major release?
    OK, I know this is a user to user forum and Adobe people only stop by in their free time and there is no guarantee for any real support.
    But it started out so good in the first time...
    Last 2 things I want to add here:
    1. Why should I provide my email in the bug report? Sure so Adobe can get back to me for further information... but wouldn't it be nice if Adobe would be so kind to give some status report to that given email as a small present for the enthusiastic beta testers ?
    2. please Adobe take a look at already Autodesk started to move there with 3ds Max.

  • After Effects CS4 freezing with RAM preview audio?

    Firstly, I'm on a mac.  This problem just started a few hours ago after I made some system updates.  When I hit preview in a comp with audio it runs through the frames, then locks up when it would normally start playing.  I just get that dang spinning beach ball of doom.  If I turn off the audio on the layer, it previews fine.  I believe the only think I had updated when this problem began was upgrading to quicktime 7.6.2.  Would this effect the RAM preview?  Since the problem, I've updated AE to 9.0.2 and OS 10.5.7 with no change.
    Anyone come across something similar?

    Mmh, well, seems ominous, but quite obviously QT is somehow involved. do you use any dedicated video hardware such as AJA or BMD cards? If so, the QT update may have introduced an incompatibilty with their drivers... Even if not using any such equipemnt, definitely check your QT system control panel. Also use OnyX to flush your QT components cache. They may just need to re-initilaized to function properly. Short of that I'm not aware of such issues, but anything is possible. If the issue persists, using Pacifist and downgrading your QT may be the only option. What Mac are you on exactly?

  • On disc preview audio is fine, but when burned there is no audio

    I'm making a dvd of 4 short videos I've made.
    I put 3 videos on the main title page of the DVD in Encore. And then the 4th one has its own sub title page. This is the video I'm having problems with.
    After I burned the disc from Encore onto a DVD, I play it on my TV and go tot he sub folder for the 4th video, and play the video. Everything is great, except there is no audio. On the disc preview in Encore, the audio was there and sounded right, but after the burn it wasn't right.
    I'm suspecting there was a problem with the encoding? I wasted 3 different DVDs after trying to fix it. I deleted the video and re added it and re encoded it.
    The audio on all the other videos are great, it's just the 4th on my disc in a sub title page. Maybe the sub title page is messing something up?
    I don't know, if you ahve any ideas please reply!!

    Easily - go into your preferences, and check what the default is for project transcodes. It could well be set to MPEG Audio, which is an optional format only these days and was never that well supported in NTSC land to start with.
    Reset this to either PCM if high quality audio is an issue & you don;t have space issues on the disc.
    Reset to Dolby Digital if you are short on space.
    Also - get yourself a pack of DVD-RW or DVD+RW discs.
    It will save you a fortune in coasters!

  • RAM Preview Audio Skipping Issue

    - After Effects Version: (This is the most recent update as I installed it today)
    - OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
    - So, I rendered out a clip from Media Encoder in H.264 format, and imported it back into After Effects and attempted to use RAM playback.  The video plays fine without skipping, but the audio plays back partially, and begins to leave out certain parts.  In other words, the audio says, "I'm going to try to spend more quality time with Luke, last time didn't go too well", After Effects plays back "I'm going to try to spend more - last time."
    - I rendered out a series of clips.  However, only the first two that I rendered in Media Encoder playback the audio in After Effects correctly, the rest all have skipping audio in AE only.  I can play them back in Windows Media Player perfectly.
    - My PC setup is: Intel Quad Core i5, 8 GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 series video card, 1920x1080 monitor, and 1 hard disk.
    - My GPU driver is: GeForce Game Ready Driver (version: 344.65)
    - I render all of the video clips using H.264 format in a .mp4 container.
    - Quicktime version:
    - I am only using After Effects for all of the video and audio and Media Encoder to render.
    - No third party effects or codecs.
    - I don't think I am using OpenGL features. (I'm not sure)
    - This, as previously stated happens when I preview the already-rendered clip in the RAM preview, but it also happens when I put the rendered clips together in one video and render them out again.
    - I am not doing any multiprocessing frame rendering.
    - I am not using the ray-traced 3D renderer.
    - If it helps, here's my output settings on Media Encoder:
    Audio settings:
    Video settings:
    NOTE: I followed the FAQ guidelines as best as I could.

    First, try exporting using one of the presets.
    Second, H.264 has highly compressed audio and AE does not like that very much. If you are intending to do more editing on this video clip then you should be exporting a production format not a highly compressed MPEG format. Your audio problems are most likely caused by using some non standard settings somewhere along the way. That's why you should pick a preset and not mess with the audio encoding at all.

  • I can't preview audio files any more

    Hi all
    I used to be able to preview an audio file in a finder window. It showed as a black icon with a play button in it .
    This option has disappeared !
    any ideas?
    help always appreciated

    You show as running 10.6.7 - have you not updated to 10.6.8?
    by the way quicktime player 10.0 (131). Not sure if that's relevant
    Nor am I, but:
    Mac OS X 10.6 includes QuickTime versions 10.0 and 7.6.3. The QuickTime 7 player will only be present if a QuickTime Pro key was present at the time of installation, or if specified as part of a custom install, or individually downloaded:
    Snow Leopard update 10.6.4 included an update to 7.6.6 (if installed). You can install it from the above link  even though it says for 10.6.3. It's the same version of QuickTime Player 7.6.6.
    (Only QuickTime Player 7.6.3 or 7.6.6 can be updated to "Pro".)
    A Mac OS X v10.6, OS X Lion, and OS X Mountain Lion-compatible version of QuickTime Player 7 is available for use with older media or with AppleScript-based workflows. QuickTime Player 7 can be used to playback formats such as QTVR, interactive QuickTime Movies, and MIDI files. Also, it supports QuickTime 7 Pro registration codes for access to QuickTime Pro functionality.
    How to install Quicktime Player 7 on Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion when it is not already present:

  • Monitoring and previewing audio while capturing HDV

    I have seen this discussion in the thread but there is no solution.
    When capturing HDV via firewire, the audio is being previewed. This didn't used to happen. Is there a way to turn this off so that I can use other programs with sound like itunes? I can't find any way of doing this.
    Any solution?

    so that I can use other programs with sound like itunes..
    Buy another computer and use that for iTunes. Seriously.
    If you start dedicating CPU cycles and RAM to listening to music while capturing, you are asking for trouble. Dropped frames, glitches, messed up files (pick one or more)
    Yes, there is another way -uncheck the audio preview button.
    Message was edited by: Nick Holmes because I am an idiot who cannot spel

  • Video stops during preview, audio follows shortly after

    I'm starting to feel that I should stop asking what format DOESN'T work and start asking what formats Premiere can actually use...
    Okay, after dealing with .movs that won't sync, I have a new problem, on a different computer, with a different set of cameras doing the same 30 minute show:  I had a webcam record a show as a .wmv. When I import it into Premiere, I have a number of issues: 1) Naturally it has to conform, which takes about twice as long as the video (it took 45 minutes.  The show is 24 minutes). That wouldn't be so bad except it locked up Premiere while it did that... just annoying, but survivable).
    The problem is that now I get about 10-15 seconds of video before the video stops... then about 5 seconds later the audio stops.  The cursor is still moving in the timeline, and when I hit stop, the video updates after about 10 seconds or so.  If I wait about 30 seconds and hit the space bar, it starts again, rolling about 10-15 seconds before it stops again.  If left alone, the video will update about one frame every 20 seconds.
    Assuming this is like my previous problem (Audio not synching because of variable frame rate), I loaded it into Handbrake and converted it.  Now it's an MP4 with the same issue.  Worse, I imported a second MP4 video from a tried and true camera (That I have edited in this copy of Premiere on this system before) and it's slow as well... so something about the first recorded video is really messed up.
    Needless to say this is taking 5-6 hours to edit something that really should only take one hour.
    Now, I don't think you guys will answer my question before this must be published Wednesday, so let me ask a followup question:
    I downloaded a capture program for future shows, I won't use Logitecs' standard video capture system anymore (It only records as wmv).  The new capture system allows me to record in any number of formats... I don't have the time to try each and every format and risk losing more shows (These problems have already cost me two of my shows, and added tons of hours to 4 others, heck we are even on a completely new SYSTEM to try to avoid these problem);  what would be the best way to capture from my camera to ensure a 30 minute show will load into Premiere and will be able to be edited easily?

    Oh! Sorry! Yes...
    1) Creative Cloud, and up to date
    2) Windows 7
    3) Source footage is a little strange and I know it, It is .wmv, but I'm unsure what other information I can find for you.
    4) I was editing on a copy of Premiere that has been working solidly for 7 months without a single issue (save the previous one discussed elsewhere).
    5) No other software (Save, naturally, Firefox to be here)
    6) No third party effects, I do all effects work in After Effects.
    7) Intel Dual Core Q8200 2.33GHz with 8GB of ram.
    8) No Mercury Playback Engine GPU acceleration.
    9) It takes an hour to output, I haven't tried that yet.
    Okay, as a last ditch effort I copied over the source to an external drive and now it's viewable (It's at 5-10 FPS and no longer stalling out), I can complete the edit now.

  • How to preview audio in real time in the canvas/timeline

    Hello there, I am new to Apple and FCP (though am an experienced Avid editor) and I have managed to get acquainted on many things already but the following is driving me nuts:
    Whenever I try to play most audio clips (sfx or music in mp3/m4a/caf format) in the timeline I get a beeping warning sound as if it was unrendered. This happens even when only playing 2 tracks of audio and nothing else. the same clip plays absolutely fine in the viewer but not in the timeline/canvas. The only clip I have tried that I don't have this issue with is the sample audio clip downloadable from the FCP help menu.
    I have made some research and believe this is due to sample rate of the source material which is not compatible with that of the sequence. In this forum someone has advised to convert all audio files to 48Khz/16bit sample rate to make things easier. Does anyone know how I can do this and/or offer general advice on this issue?
    Many thanks, Emi Polito.

    The list of audio files that FCP can work with is in the manual.... MP3, m4a's etc aren't supported. You need to transfer them to Aif's or WAV files. MP3 and M4a files are delivery formats, not editing formats. Transfering them in QuickTime or iTunes or even FCP or compressor all work to do this. But it has to be done in order for FCP to work with them.

  • Problem with Quicklook - Issue Previewing Audio Files

    I have an intermittent problem with Quicklook and in particular audio files (MP3 and AAC). Quicklook works most of the time and plays the audio file, but if I query one file after another quicklook (usually) stops working and just displays the file icon with no playback options.
    I love the feature, but it's annoying it fails to work. The files that fail can be quick looked later, so I don't think it's a problem with the files I'm trying to query.
    Any ideas why this is happening? I've tried to repair permissions but to no avail.
    Any idea if this 'bug' is fixed in 10.5.3?

    The Console is giving me these sort of messages:
    Jun 6 12:54:58 PowerbookG4 Finder [89]: [QL ERROR] quicklookd crashed while thumbnailing file://localhost/Users/Me/Downloads/podcast.mp3
    Jun 6 12:54:58 PowerbookG4 Finder [89]: [QL ERROR] Too many problems with generator at (null). Disabling it
    I also get errors saying "[QL ERROR] 'Creating thumbnail' timed out".
    So QL is going belly up on certain files. I encoded some M4a files and QL also crashed according to the log. Why is this? If the files are encoded at wider settings than the usual iTunes files, does QL just refuse? If the file is downloaded, could it be fragmented and this is causing it? According to my log, QL is just crashing again and again trying to create thumbnails for whole folders of audio files.
    Message was edited by: Peter Knapp

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