"previous" button to the last frame of a MC

I have a question that I hope will be super easy - I just
can't see to find it. Also, flash is not my main app but I'm trying
to pick up on some work that someone else had started. Here is the
breakdown - in the main timeline there are a series of projects
(frames labeled "projA, projB, etc). If you open up each project
movie clip (say projB) it opens up a slide carousel-like interface
(frame1=image1, frame2=image2, etc). The next button says
"onRelease go to frame 2" and so on. When we get to the last frame
in projB, the NEXT button says go to the root and play projC. This
allows the end users to just hit NEXT the whole time and work their
way through the presentation.
Where I'm a bit stuck is on the PREVIOS button frame of
projB. I would like it to go to the LAST frame of ProjA but the
best I can do is to make it go back to the begining of Proj A
Is there a way to make it go to say, frame 4 of projA? Or
better yet, just the "last" frame of projA? I know this is probably
not the ideal way to set up the file, but i inherited the
presentation from my co-worker. Any suggestions on how to make the
PREV button work a bit better?

you might be able to accomplish this through the use of a
variable, although it will be tricky in the scenario you describe.
declare a new variable on frame one main timeline, let's say
var back:Boolean;
then on the frame label for each project you will use a
condition to see if 'back' is true - if so, then use the condition
to nav to the last frame of the project clip - something like:
if(back) {
back = false;
this would belong on the main timeline, so in your previous
button's 'on' handler add a statement to set 'back' to true so that
the condition fires. and navigates to the last frame of the proj
clip, as in:
_root.back = true;
repeat this procedure for all project frames and buttons
replacing the MC instances with the corresponding names.

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    I think you are mixing Previous and Next in a browse sequence and the Previous and Next that you get in the browser itself.
    In a browse sequence, they are automatically disabled at the start and finish. When in the first topic in the sequence only Next will be enabled, when in the last topic only previous will be enabled.
    Previous and Next in the browser are working on the topics your user has viewed which is not the same thing.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • How do I loop back from the first frame to the last frame?

    Hi there,
    I'm currently working on the framework for a product viewer.
    I have:
    a movie clip called 'viewer_mc' which contains the images take from different angles of the product. The actionscript generates a script on the last frame of this that returns it to frame 1.
    a button instance called 'autoplay_btn' which plays through the movie clip from whatever the current frame is, and stops on frame 1.
    a left and right button which serve to move the movie clip frame, to give the appearance that the product is rotating.
    I have succeeded in getting it to:
    have the movie clip play through once, return to frame 1 and stop.
    have the buttons return functions when held down, that move the frame in the movie clip using nextFrame and prevFrame commands. The right button successfully loops round to frame 1 and continues functioning to give the appearance of continual rotation.
    The last problem I am experiencing is getting the left button to act in the corresponding manner, going from the first frame to the last and continuing to function.
    Here is my actionscript so far:
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    var lastFrame:Number = viewer_mc.totalFrames;
    var thisFrame:Number = viewer_mc.currentFrame;
    var backFrame:Number = viewer_mc.currentFrame-1;
    1. This is the part that gets it to play through once before returning to the first frame. I think perhaps the problem I am experiencing is because of the 'viewer_mc.addFrameScript(lastFrame-1, toStart)' part i.e. although I'm holding the left button, its returning to this script and therefor getting bounced back immediately to the first frame. However, there is no flicker on the screen which you might expect if this were the case
    Note - as this is a generic product viewer which I can use as a template I am using lastFrame etc. as opposed to typing the value in
    function toStart (){
    viewer_mc.addFrameScript(lastFrame-1, toStart);
    2. This is the functionality for the autoplay_btn that will play through a rotation / return the viewer to the initial (frontal) view of the product (frame 1).
    autoplay_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, autoplay);
    function autoplay (ev:MouseEvent):void{
              var startFrame:Number = viewer_mc.currentFrame;
    3. This is the functionality of the right button, which when held, moves the movie clip to the next frame via the 'rotateRight' function based on the 'nextFrame' command. It loops back round to the first frame due to the 'viewer_mc.addFrameScript(lastFrame-1, toStart)' script generated on the last frame of the movie clip, as is desired.
    right_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rightDown);
    function rightDown(e:Event){
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stoprightDown); //listen for mouse up on the stage, in case the finger/mouse moved off of the button accidentally when they release.
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateRight); //while the mouse is down, run the tick function once every frame as per the project frame rate
    function stoprightDown(e:Event):void {
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateRight);  //stop running the tick function every frame now that the mouse is up
        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stoprightDown); //remove the listener for mouse up
    function rotateRight(e:Event):void {
    4. This is the functionality of the left button, which when held, moves the movie clip to the prev frame via the 'rotateRight' function based on the 'prevFrame' command. And this is where the problem lies, as although it works for getting the movieclip back to frame 1, it does not loop round to the last frame and continue functioning, as is wanted.
    left_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, leftDown);
    function leftDown(e:Event){
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stopleftDown); //listen for mouse up on the stage, in case the finger/mouse moved off of the button accidentally when they release.
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateLeft); //while the mouse is down, run the tick function once every frame as per the project frame rate
    function stopleftDown(e:Event):void {
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateLeft);  //stop running the tick function every frame now that the mouse is up
        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stopleftDown); //remove the listener for mouse up
    I'd imagine it is probably my logic for this part that is really letting me down - I can do a similar function in actionscript 2, but am trying to learn actionscript 3 just to move with the times as it were, and struggling a bit. Still this is only a few days in!
    function rotateLeft(e:Event):void{
              } else{
    Any help you can give me would be gratefully received. For an example of the effect I am trying to achieve with the autoplay button etc. I recommend:

    Thanks for getting back to me.
    Here's the code without my comments / explanations:
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.events.Event;
    var lastFrame:Number = viewer_mc.totalFrames;
    var thisFrame:Number = viewer_mc.currentFrame;
    var backFrame:Number = viewer_mc.currentFrame-1;
    function toStart (){
    viewer_mc.addFrameScript(lastFrame-1, toStart);
    //last image of viewer_mc = first image of viewer_mc
    autoplay_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, autoplay);
    function autoplay (ev:MouseEvent):void{
              var startFrame:Number = viewer_mc.currentFrame;
    right_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rightDown);
    function rightDown(e:Event){
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stoprightDown); //listen for mouse up on the stage, in case the finger/mouse moved off of the button accidentally when they release.
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateRight); //while the mouse is down, run the tick function once every frame as per the project frame rate
    function stoprightDown(e:Event):void {
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateRight);  //stop running the tick function every frame now that the mouse is up
        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stoprightDown); //remove the listener for mouse up
    function rotateRight(e:Event):void {
    left_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, leftDown);
    function leftDown(e:Event){
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stopleftDown); //listen for mouse up on the stage, in case the finger/mouse moved off of the button accidentally when they release.
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateLeft);//while the mouse is down, run the tick function once every frame as per the project frame rate
    function stopleftDown(e:Event):void {
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateLeft);  //stop running the tick function every frame now that the mouse is up
        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stopleftDown); //remove the listener for mouse up
    function rotateLeft(e:Event):void{
    The definition of the rotateLeft function is where the problem lies I think - I've taken out my poor attempts at doing the logic from the previous post. If I were to write it out long-hand the statement I want to write is: 'If you get to frame 1 and function rotateLeft is called go to the end of the movie clip'.
    The reason I have to use the viewer_mc.totalFrames-1 definition in the addFrameScript call is the addFrameScript function is 0 based i.e. if you want to call frame 1 of the movieclip you have to return a value of 0 in the addFrameScript (or such is my understanding of it anyway). As such, the last image in the movie clip will need to be the view obtained at 360 degree rotation, which is of course the same view as at 0 degree rotation. As a consequence, the last frame in the movie clip is superfluous for the user, but necessary for the overall effect to be achieved. And, in addition, to keep up the effect of a 360 degree view when the rotateLeft function is called it needs to skip that last frame to go to the lastFrame-1 (or totalframes-1), or in other words, the view of the image prior to completing the full 360 rotation.
    the variables thisFrame and lastFrame are defined at the very top of the script. Like you said they might need to be defined or called on again elsewhere.

  • Aminated gifs only showing the last frame on the 2nd time of viewing

    I have 2 animated gifs and on pressing a button i am changing between the 2 on te first click the animated gif runs sucessfully and clicking the button again the 2nd animated gif runs sucessfully. However when i go to run the first animated gif again it only shows the last frame and this continues no matter how many times you press the button. Is there any way of getting it to start from the first frame. By the way just in case it makes a difference both the animated gifs run once they do not continously keep going and that is how i want them to be.

    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){
                   reversed = false;
                   reversed = true;
    public void setImageFile(java.lang.String imageFile) {
         fieldImageFile = imageFile;
    /* Get and download the image for the new postcard background */
    backgroundImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( fieldImageFile );
         MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker( this );
         mt.addImage( backgroundImage, 0 );
              mt.waitForID( 0 );          
         catch( InterruptedException ie )
         mt.removeImage(backgroundImage, 0);
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    {     if( backgroundImage != null )
         g.drawImage( backgroundImage, 0, 0, this );
    so basically i press an srea area on the screen and every time i do it alternates between these 2 animated gifs gui.getBackImage() just returns te string of the animated gif file. I've checked to make sure that a new instance of the media tracker is being created each time and it is so i'm not really sure where the problem is!!

  • Movie after playing doesn't stop at the last frame.

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    You have fragments (leftovers) beyond the end of the Timeline content that you intended.
    I am going from an Elements Windows workspace, so please translate into Mac accordingly.
    Expand your Timeline content to the maximum with the Zoom Out Zoom In slider above the Timeline.
    Press the End key of the computer keyboard. That should take the Timeline Indicator to the fragments which must be deleted.
    Explore all the tracks in that area.
    Repeat the End key press until the Timeline Indicator stops at the end of the intended Timeline and not some 3 hours afterward.
    What you find at "end of track" could be fragments or files that you moved out of the way of the active project and forgot were there.
    The fragments typically present as thin vertical black lines scattered about the tracks.
    Please let us know the outcome.
    Thank you.

  • Urgent: Gif animation shows only the last frame when reloaded

    I use ImageIcon to show gif animations on screen. I want to use only non-looping gif animation files.
    Always when I show a gif animation for the first time it runs correctly through all the frames.
    However when reloading later the same gif animation only the last frame appears. I want to see all the frames of the animation, not only the last frame.
    So for the first showing of the animation this works well:
         icon = new ImageIcon("first_animation.gif");
           label = new JLabel();
           label.setIcon(icon);Then I show another animation and also it works well:
           icon2 = new ImageIcon("second_animation.gif");
           label.setIcon(icon2);Now I would like to show the first animation again but only the last frame of that first animation appears on screen:
    label.setIcon(icon);And even this alternative way to refresh does not work:
           icon = new ImageIcon("first_animation.gif");
    How can I reload the first animation again so that it shows all the frames not only the last frame???
    I have tried for ex. commands updateUI(); and setImageObserver but they don't seem to help.
    I am only a novice so...
    Please I would really appreciate your detailed advice what lines I should rewrite in my code and how?
    Thank you very much!!

    By flagging your question "urgent", you are implying that either your question is more important than other people's questions, or your time is more valuable than mine (or someone else's answering questions here). Both are not true.

  • Why is the green screen visible on the last frame before the next clip?

    Hey guys!
    Maybe I'm ******** but i m having trouble here. I have "key-ed" a bunch of clips and successfully removed the green screen from them. But when placed in the timeline, the green screen of the clip reappears for the single frame before a next clip starts.
    I've re-rendered and chopped ends off but the green screen keeps appearing in the last frame of any keyed clip that is about to cut to a different clip.
    Where am i going wrong?

    Hey! I tried both suggestions but even the self contained quicktime file has the green screen frames popping up.
    I just dont get it, it's infuriating!
    I used "chroma keyer" effect on the clip, only enable "key on saturation", the green screen disappears, I place clip on V2 and image on V1. Image is then visible where the green screen was. All is well until the last frame before a next clip because on that ast frame the green screen appears again. Where am I going wrong? Please help!

  • Insert a button on the last row of a report

    Hi all,
    my client wants an "add" button on the last row of any report that he has. I can do it easy on the first row (SELECT DECODE(rownum,1,'button','')), but I couldn't find a solution for this situation.
    Can anyone help me?
    Thanks in advance.
    Nelson Freitas

    Sorry, but I didn't quite understand the answer. Here's my example, a real one :)
    select     "SGP_DIS_ENT_ANO"."SCE_ID" as " ",
         "SGP_ANO_ESC"."SAE_ANO" as "Ano",
         "SGP_CUR"."SCU_DES" as "Curso",
         "SGP_DIS"."SDE_DES" as "Disciplina"
    from     "SGP_ANO_ESC" "SGP_ANO_ESC",
         "SGP_EST_ANO" "SGP_EST_ANO",
         "SGP_CUR" "SGP_CUR",
         "SGP_DIS" "SGP_DIS",
         "SGP_DIS_CUR" "SGP_DIS_CUR",
    and     "SGP_DIS_CUR"."SDE_ID"="SGP_DIS"."SDE_ID"
    and     "SGP_DIS_CUR"."SCU_ID"="SGP_CUR"."SCU_ID"
    and     "SGP_EST_ANO"."SAE_ID"="SGP_ANO_ESC"."SAE_ID"
    and "SGP_DIS_ENT_ANO"."SEN_ID" = :P19_SEN_ID
    Could you help me with it?

  • How to view the first and the last frame of a clip or a selected range in the time line?

    How to view the first and the last frame of a clip directly or in a selected range in the time line ? Up arrow and down arrow keys changes only between the first frame of the consecutive clips. Even ; and ' does the same. I mean what is the shortcut keys for first to last and last to first frame of a clip? Help please.

    SELECT PurOrderNum,
    SELECT PurOrderNum,
    MAX(OrderDate) OVER (PARTITION BY DATEDIFF(mm,0,OrderDate)) AS MaxDate,
    MIN(OrderDate) OVER (PARTITION BY DATEDIFF(mm,0,OrderDate)) AS MinDate
    FROM Purchasing.PurOrder
    WHERE OrderDate >= '2013-02-28'
    AND OrderDate <= '2014-12-29'
    WHERE OrderDate = MaxDate
    OR OrderDate = MinDate
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Vote This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
    My MSDN Page
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    My Facebook Page

  • Error Messages on clicking the previous button from the review of PCR.

    When we fill the PCR form and review it. it works fine.
    Once i click the 'previous' button from the review stage, A pop up window with title - 'Adobe Reader' comes up which says - 'Message limit exceeded <a number> errors not reported'.
    Does this have to do with the Action methods of this button.
    This is common across all forms including the standard forms delivered by SAP.
    Any pointers or duggestions to this will be highly appreciated.
    s/m - NW2004
    reg: ISR Adobe forms
    Kindly help.

    Hi Anto,
    i've seen this message too in the ISR scenario on NW2004. It is related to the Active Component Framework (ACF). Please try installing the most recent xACF file. See note 766191 for more info and a link to the file for SP18.
    kind regards,
    Marijn Sponselee

  • When I send mi presentation to a Quick Movie, the program record only the last frame

    Why when I send mi presentation to a Quick Movie, the program record only the last frame, how I do to record the whole presentation of 52 frames

    I mean when I try to burn a CD.

  • DataLine replay the last frames when I dont write in it

    I have an App who receives bytes[] from UDP Packets, and write in a dataLine. The problem is clear, when I dont receive any packets, dataLine replay the last frames:
    This is the code:
    AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat(8000, 16, 1, true, false);
    DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,
    SourceDataLine dataLine = null;
    dataLine = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem
    if ( receive Sound )                    
              decode_G729 = gd.G729Decode(soundReceived);
              dataLine.write(decode_G729, 0, decode_G729.length);
    }This is the output of the frames:
    Start receiving sound:
    8160 Stop receiving sound in this moment:
    You can see that??? In some moment, when Im not writing in the DataLine, the FramePosition get back to an earlier position, and in some cases, replay the last moment of the sounds!!
    Is really annoying, and I dont know how to fix it.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    AntonioMG wrote:
    My intention was to put a code as clear as possible, I think theres no need to be rude...If you're asking for someone to help you find a bug in your code, you don't rip out sections of your code that could contain the bug you're looking for for the sake of clarity. It's a waste of everyone's time, and frankly, makes you look like a troll.
    Giving the impression of wasting my time will result in me being rude to you. Sorry for the misunderstanding...
    That said, try the following code and report back the results...
    AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat(8000, 16, 1, true, false);
    DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,
    SourceDataLine dataLine = null;
    dataLine = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem
    while(true) {
        RTPPacket rtpPacket = new RTPPacket(packet.getData() , packet.getLength());
        if ( rtpPacket.getPayloadType() == 18 && rtpPacket.getPayloadLength() == 20) {
         // Ensure the line is started
            decode_G729 = gd.G729Decode(soundReceived);
            dataLine.write(decode_G729, 0, decode_G729.length);
        // Stop the line if it's inactive
        if (! dataLine.isActive() {
            if (dataLine.isRunning()) {

  • Latest Address and the Previous Address in the last 30 days

    Morning folks.
    I need to find out all Customers whose Address changed based on the Effective Date. The Query should be based as of Effective Date 01-JUN-12 and not SYSDATE. So, we want to check the MAX(effective_date) is <= 01-JUN-12 and the Previous Address's Effective Date is between 02-MAY-12 and 01-JUN-12 (30 days). This would suggest that an Address has changed. For argument sake, the Zip Code is enough to differentiate that an address has changed for now.
    Based on the data, I only want to pick up Customer 1002 but not 1001, 1003. As for Customer ID 1003, even though his/her address changed in the last 30 days, we are not interested as the Address effective 1st June was good for a long time.
    Also, even though the Address for Customer ID 1001 changed twice in that period, I am only interested for the latest two addresses.
        "STREET"   VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
        "CITY"     VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
        "STATE"    VARCHAR2(2 BYTE),
        "ZIP_CODE" VARCHAR2(9 BYTE),
      );INSERT Script
    Insert into CUST_ADDRESS (CUST_NO,STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,EFFECTIVE_DATE) values ('1001','123 Picket Fences','Santa Ana','CA','92704',to_date('31-MAY-12','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into CUST_ADDRESS (CUST_NO,STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,EFFECTIVE_DATE) values ('1001','12259 Circular Dr','Irvine','CA','92705',to_date('10-APR-12','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into CUST_ADDRESS (CUST_NO,STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,EFFECTIVE_DATE) values ('1001','22 Green Road','Newport Beach','CA','92709',to_date('03-JAN-12','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into CUST_ADDRESS (CUST_NO,STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,EFFECTIVE_DATE) values ('1002','12 Parkside Dr','Chicago','IL','60601',to_date('20-MAY-12','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into CUST_ADDRESS (CUST_NO,STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,EFFECTIVE_DATE) values ('1002','3200 Court Road','Indianapolis','IN','46201',to_date('02-MAY-12','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into CUST_ADDRESS (CUST_NO,STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,EFFECTIVE_DATE) values ('1003','24 Jaeger St','Bellingham','WA','98225',to_date('01-JUL-12','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into CUST_ADDRESS (CUST_NO,STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,EFFECTIVE_DATE) values ('1003','145 NE 38th St','Fort Lauderdale','FL','33334',to_date('18-JUN-12','DD-MON-RR'));
    Insert into CUST_ADDRESS (CUST_NO,STREET,CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,EFFECTIVE_DATE) values ('1003','212 Coral Drive','Miami','FL','33010',to_date('01-JAN-95','DD-MON-RR'));Thanks a bunch.
    Edited by: Roxyrollers on Jul 26, 2012 9:35 AM

    Something like this
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select *
      2    from (
      3  select ca.*,
      4         max(effective_date) over (partition by cust_no) max_eff_date,
      5         lag(effective_date) over (partition by cust_no order by effective_date) prior_eff_date
      6    from cust_address ca)
      7   where prior_eff_date between date '2012-05-02' and date '2012-06-01'
      8*    and max_eff_date <= date '2012-06-01'
    SQL> /
    1002 12 Parkside Dr       Chicago              IL 60601     20-MAY-12 20-MAY-12 02-MAY-12Justin

  • What is the keyboard Shortcut to go to the last frame or end of a clip?

    I used to have this shortcut set up, but I reformatted my mac and now I can't find it anywhere. I've searched the forums and can't find it, and yes, I looked at the help and looked at the manual. I've also went to Tools->Keyboard Layout and went through every keyboard shortcut listed. It is probably staring me right in the face!
    The closest I can find is the "goto next edit".
    I do a lot of photo montages and had this shortcut set up so I could double clip the photo on the timeline, set my first keyframes and then shortcut to the end of the photo and set my last keyframes so I can do my "Ken Burns" effects. I actually had set a macro on my mouse to simulate the keyboard shortcut.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks
    Power Mac dual 2.5 Ghz G5 Mac OS X (10.4.9) 2 gigs RAM, 2 250Gb internal hard drives,FCP 4.5, Motion 1, DVDSP 3

    yes it is Michael, but our poster gave particular criteria where he loads a timeline instance of a clip in to the viewer and then wants to navigate to the first and last frame in the timeline instance of that clip ... which is in effect the in and the out point, hence Shift I and Shift O

Maybe you are looking for

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