Previous session won't restore but I can see the websites in Sessionstore.old, Help please.

I saved the old files but all the things I read on this site have not helped. I can see the links of the tabs if I open sessionstore.old in firefox but there is like 200 tabs and there must be a faster way then copy and pasting each one into the browser. This has never happened before. It has crashed and opened back up many times, the last one yesterday with no problem but now I get a grey out for restore previous session. I updated to the latest version recently but it opened fine after. Please help.

Firefox doesn't use a sessionstore.old file.
Did you try to copy this file to sessionstore.js?
Did you check for History > Recently Closed Tabs/Windows if you can't restore the previous session?

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    First off, I would STRONGLY suggest that a external hard drive would make you life much easier by at least being able to back up your songs on the external drive for when you need them. Even if you don't want them in the iTunes library, you can have them all ready on the external to be re-added as needed. You can get 100's of gigs for under $100 shipped.
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    These network ports are used by Apple TV for communications on your network.
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    2. Minor Database corruption: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.
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    Note the time in your Mac's menu bar or some other accurate timepiece. Then, press the button to put the MBA to sleep. Wait until the cursor disappears and for all indications that the Mac appears to be asleep.
    Then, wake the Mac the way you normally wake it.
    Then, find the Console app - it is in your Utilities folder and looks like this
    You can find it by selecting Utilities from the Finder's Go menu.
    Open Console.
    If the log list column on the left is not already displayed, show the log list by selecting Show Log List from Console's View menu.
    Locate system.log in the list and select it. Many date and time-stamped entries will appear, hundreds of them, and you must find the entries relevant to your Mac's sleep problem. To do that type the words sleep cause in the Filter field at the upper left of the Console window:
    That will cause all log entries to be hidden, except for the entries containing those words. The last entry in the list will correspond to the last time you woke the Mac. It will have a time stamp in the form hh:mm:ss later than the time you noted in the Mac's menu bar prior to putting it to sleep.
    Make note of that exact time in hours, minutes, and seconds.
    Next: Clear the filter field by clicking the x in the above screenshot. It should then look like this:
    All previously displayed log entries will reappear.
    Next: Find the log entry that corresponds exactly to the time you noted in hours, minutes, and seconds containing the words "previous sleep cause". You may have to scroll up or down a considerable distance. When you find that line, select it and drag your cursor up and prior to the entry corresponding to the approximate time you noted before putting the Mac to sleep. This will result in a selection of perhaps 50 to 100 lines or so.
    One or more of them, along with their time stamps, may reveal the reason for the fifteen second delay.
    Copy and paste those log entries in a reply.
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    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps... Sign Out of your Account... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... ( But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons...
    If no joy...
    Reset all settings
    Settings > General > Reset > Reset all Settings.
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    Hello DelaineF,
    Congratulations on your new iPhone 5!  It sounds like you would like to transfer your ringtones from your iPhone 4 to your iPhone 5. 
    If the ringtones were purchased from the iTunes Store, you can transfer them to iTunes using the steps in this article:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    Once you have the ringtones on your computer, I recommend using the steps in the following article to sync it to your iPhone 5:
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Set up syncing for iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Use these steps to remove saved (form) data from a drop down list:
    #Click the (empty) input field on the web page to open the drop down list
    #Highlight an entry in the drop down list
    #Press the Delete key (on Mac: Shift+Delete) to remove it.
    See also:
    Did you disable to remember form data if you do not want Firefox to remember it?<br />
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    *Tools > Options > Privacy > History: "Remember search and form history"

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    Now I'm a happy share drive user!

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