Primavera sdk

I'm using primavera sdk to connect to the pmdb database and select the fields I need. My select statement works but the where condition doesn’t work.
For example:
SELECT task_name from TASK WHERE task_id = 31773
Or any similar command Doesn’t return any result set. But this select commands without 'where' work and return the result. what is the problem?
Any help is appreciated.
Edited by: 856195 on May 22, 2011 4:32 AM

It's release is 6 and no update and insert command works.

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    JDBC connects to databases. It does not connect to database utilities.
    The documentation for that SDK makes it quite clear, actually in the first two paragraphs, that one uses ODBC to connect to the database itself.
    So you use the jdbc odbc bridge or you find another ODBC driver for java that does the same thing.

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    Things like SPI, scheduled percent complete, etc are calculated fields and thus not stored in the database.
    You will need to use an integration tool such as the SDK, API or Web Services to get that information.
    As for how to use something like Visual Studio, you need only supply the SDK ODBC connection information in the code to establish the connection to the SDK.
    You can find code examples for MS Access, Visual Basic / ADO and Java in the Programmers Guide that is installed with the SDK so I would start there.
    The default location on windows is: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Primavera Common\PMSDK\Doc\Programmer's Guide.htm
    A small example from the guide on Visual Basic:
    ‘1) create ADO connection object
    Set SDK = New ADODB.Connection
    ‘2) establish connection
    Call SDK.Open(<System Data Source Name>, <username>, <password>)

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    On the Oracle Support Site search for the following doc ids:
    How To Import And Export Project Management Activity Data To Excel (Doc ID 903308.1)
    How to Import and Export EPS and Project Data to Excel using Project.xls Utility (Doc ID 894555.1)
    How to Import and Export WBS Structure Data to Excel. (Doc ID 910968.1)

  • Primavera 8.3 SDK XLS

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    The problem i faced is, SDK XLS files worked prefect on my pc which runs on sql server 05 database. But my another Laptop with Oracle XE database faced issues running the SDK XLS files. None of the files responded and Error shown.
    Could any experts suggest what could be the cause of this SDK XLS failure? Is there any system or database pre-requisite for this SDK XLS to establish successful connection with primavera?
    Thanks and Regards

    If you have access to My Oracle Support (MOS) site, I would recommend you to check the following KM notes:
    Master Note For Primavera P6 Software Development Kit (SDK) Installation And Common Technical Or Application Issues (Doc ID 1315425.1)
    The Primavera P6 SDK Data Source Is Not Viewable After Installation On Windows 7 64-bit (Doc ID 1064306.1
    In the master note you will find common technical issues, questions and videos on how to install SDK on your machine.
    Hope this helps,

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    Thank you

    I'm not familiar with Primavera P6 and Access. May be you should post the question in the
    Oracle Primavera forum.
    The following thread is about similar issue, you can try to use primavera SDK provider or ODBC connection:
    Fanny Liu
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Stored procedures in PV database

    I want to create PL/SQL stored procedures in Primavera database(Oracle 8.1.7) using JDBC ODBC bridge driver which further uses system dsn PrimaveraSDK_PE(Installed by standard Primavera client).
    Whenever i try creating it, i get an error message saying syntax error near word procedure.
    Same error occurs when i try creating a table.
    Following are my connection parameters:
    odbcURL = "jdbc:odbc:PrimaveraSDK_PE"
              con1 = DriverManager.getConnection(odbcURL, "admin", "admin");
    I can create the procedures using Oracle OCI driver but using that i do not have access to all errors says..invalid column.
    following are connection parameters:
    String driverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
              con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sapxi","privuser","privuser");
    Since I cannot see all the fields of database through PL/SQL, I think this approach would not work. To see all the fields of database I must access it using DSN ONLY!!! Even the administrative login is not been able to show me all the fields.This is the way they have designed it....
    So whats wrong in creating the stored procedures in oracle database using JDBC ODBC bridge driver using system DSN????????
    Please help

    Thanks for your reply!!!
    Here is the code!
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    class Try
    static String odbcURL = "jdbc:odbc:PrimaveraSDK_PE";
    static public synchronized Connection getConnection ()
                   throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
              Connection con1 = null;
              con1 = DriverManager.getConnection(odbcURL, "admin", "admin");
              return con1;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              Connection con = getConnection();
         String actionQuery = new StringBuffer( "select wbs_id, wbs_concat_name , wbs_short_name , wbs_name from projwbs where wbs_id = 3986").toString();
              ResultSet rs=null;
              PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(actionQuery);
              rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
              int wbsID = 0;
              if (rs == null )
                   System.out.println("rs null");
              wbsID = rs.getInt(1);
              System.out.println("rs not null");
              System.out.print(" " + wbsID);
              System.out.print(" " + rs.getString(2));
              System.out.print(" " + rs.getString(3));
              System.out.print(" " + rs.getString(4));
    // Creating Stored Procedure....
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    System.out.println("Proceudre created or updated successfully!");
              catch(Exception e)
    and the complete stack trace!!!
    rs not null
    3986 EN EN ABCfghjkl
    java.sql.SQLException: [ATI][OpenRDA ODBC]Syntax error in SQL statement. syntax error line 1 at or after token <OR>.
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(Unknown Source)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExecDirect(Unknown Source)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.execute(Unknown Source)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
         at pack1.Try.main(
    First two lines show the valid output for the select query..which is absolutely correct. But the create procedure statement is throwing above mentioned errors.
    Also one more important thing, I am not been able to view all the columns of table projwbs(its regarding Primavera SDK) through SQL Plus having administrative rights.
    But I can access all the fields using jdbc odbc bridge driver in Java.
    Is there any specific security or access control????
    so that users would able to access specific columns through JDBC only and not through SQL Plus.
    Please help!!!

  • ScheduleReview using Smartplant

    Dear All,
    Request to let us know the procedure for linking primavera schedules with Intergraph Smartplant Schedule Review.
    Smartplant Review Support informs us that access to Smartplant Review can be established using Primavera SDK. Smartplant Review Support also informed that it accesses files with extension .p3 when launched using the Smartplant Schedule Review.
    Your urgent feedback on the above will be highly appreciated.
    With Warm Regards,
    Uhde India Pvt. Ltd.

  • Import Activity Code Values

    I need to create a long list of activity code values. I'm looking for a work-around to avoid typing them in. There doesn't seem to be an option to import them, but when I import a file, activity codes are created. So maybe I accomplish this by importing codes via excel? Does anyone know how to make that work?

    hi. you need the Primavera SDK component installed and "Dictionary xx" (a macro-enabled MSExcel file specific to your Primavera version schema) to read from/write to the database. best of luck,

  • SDK in a Windows 7 64-bit environment

    Has anyone been able to get SDK (activity6x, project, and dictionary6x) to work in a P6.7 Windows 7 64-bit environment? Any thoughts appreciated. Need not immediate.

    In response to your post Tibi:
    "as for Win 64-bit environment, i use the xls files (to set up global data, bulk import data, etc) on client-server configurations on a regular basis, with the client running either 32 or 64-bit Windows and the database server usually running 64-bit. i don't recall using the xls files on SDK on standalone under 64-bit Win OS."
    I have the Primavera P6 7.0 cleint installed and functioning correctly (database connectivity), but I am having trouble creating a ODBC connection for my Excel WBS import SDK file. I am having trouble running an import XLS file (import WBS structures into Primavera P6 7.0) on my Windows 7 64-bit machine. For some reason I cannot get the Primavera Software Develpment Kit ODBC connection working. It doesnt show up within the ODBC managment .exe application. I have tryed to install and even tweak some registry settings to no avail. Was there anything special or out of the ordinary you had to do to get this functioning correctly?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated..

  • Primavera - SAP Interface/ integration

    I Need some information and help related to Primavera - SAP Interface/ integration.
    1. what are the Prerequisites?
    2. How it works - means how data will get transferred from primaver to SAP?
    3. whether this transferr is Direct or some third party tool required. if yes then may know the options?
    4. How much it cost approximate?  any option to transfer data without any third party tool?
    5. any documents if you are having related to this please do send on same Id

    Dear Venkatesh,
    I had developed and deployed the SAP PS - Primavera Interface in one of my projects. We had developed it using an ABAP program. I hope i answer all your questions to your satisfaction.
    1. what are the Prerequisites?
    I dont think there is any need for some major prerequisites other than the version of the Primavera   software you are using. In our case we had used Primavera version P6. Find out from your business owner as to what all data he needs to upload or download using this interface. You can modify your ABAP program likewise.
    2. How it works - means how data will get transferred from primaver to SAP?
    a) The data between project structures will be mapped one to one basis. Ex. Project in SAP PS is mapped to Project in Primavera, WBS Elements in SAP PS will be mapped to WBS in Primavera, and Activity data in SAP PS is mapped as Activities in Primavera.
    b) Frequency of data transfer will be weekly or Monthly. Every time data is exported from SAP PS to Primavera, new project will be created in Primavera.
    c) Data will be transferred from SAP PS to Primavera in Batch mode and with manual intervention.
    d) Data will be transferred from SAP PS in Comma Separated (.CSV) File format.
    e) Primavera users will access MS-Excel interface to import data from CSV file in Primavera. MS-Excel will have a Macro written in Visual Basic Application (VBA) which will be initiated by user for data transfer.
    f) Primavera Software Development Kit (SDK) will be used for transferring data in Primavera.
    3. whether this transferr is Direct or some third party tool required. if yes then may know the options?
    Hope the above mentioned points answer this question.
    4. How much it cost approximate? any option to transfer data without any third party tool?
    I may not be able to comment on the cost part since this interface was internally developed by our team. This interface is successfully being used by our organization as a reusable component in various projects, thus reducing the efforts considerably.

  • SDK Driver Installation

    After installing successfully SDK and its database
    connection made OK, I followed the C:\Program Files
    (x86)\Common Files\Primavera Common\PMSDK\Doc\Programmer's
    Guide.htm, Working with the ODBC Data Source Administrator
    section. I opened the Control Panel\Administrative Tools,
    ODBC Driver Tab but the SDK driver is not installed at all
    and not listed in the driver list. Also, there is no file
    to be installed in the PMSDK folder. I am running windows
    vista home premium 64 with SQL 2008 express.<br
    />What should I do to make add it as a driver in the
    ODBC driver so I can start use the project data in
    external database?
    Tarek Gamil

    I tried to repair and uninstall and reinstall the SDK
    but no success. However, I manage to make it working
    by following these steps:<br
    />1.     Search
    windows registry for odbc.ini<br
    />2.     It
    is appear in 3 sections<br
    />a.     HKLM\software\odbc\odbc.ini<br
    />b.     HKLM\software\wow6432\node\odbc\odbc.ini<br
    />c.     HKEY_USERS\HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-830790631-2547209369-1782501783-1000\software\odbc\odbc.ini<br
    />3.     P6
    SDK installation and drivers is installed in the
    />4.     However,
    it seems that Control Panel -> Administrative
    Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) -> ODBC
    Data Source Administrator read the section in point
    2.a above only and ignore the other 2 sections.<br
    />5.     I
    copied the registry keys and data from wow6432 section
    to the section mentioned in 2.a and 2.c<br
    />6.     I
    opened MSQuery and P6 SDK is there showing the
    />7.     However,
    it will be great help to have the documentation of the
    tables�(tm) contents if it is available.<br

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