Print from a jsp in linux

Hi all,
I've got a problem with a web application... :(
I have deployed that application on a Tomcat 5 server, jre 1.4.2, the same version I used to build the war file.
When I tested the application on a Windows Server everything was ok.
the application list from a directory all tiff files present, display the one chosen by the user on the scrren. and, pushing the proper button, print the document.
I used java.awt.print package in order to do this.
well, when I run the application on linux I have
after I give thefilename to print to the printer class.
the structure is:
jsp page which contains the commands and the viewer area, in which I display the image (the src of the image is a displayingservlet).
pushing the "print" button, the filename & path of the image displayed is given to the printTheDocument() method.
my print class:
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.MediaTracker;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import java.awt.print.Book;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.Printable;
import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
public class PrintDocument {
    public static final int POINTS=72;
    static String fileName="";
    /** Creates a new instance of PrintDocument */
    public void printTheDocument(String filename) {
        int numPages=getNumberOfPages();
        PrinterJob pj=PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
        Book book=new Book();
        PageFormat pf=new PageFormat();
        book.append(new Document(),pf,numPages);
            }catch(HeadlessException ex){ex.printStackTrace();}
            catch(PrinterException ex){ex.printStackTrace();}
    public int getNumberOfPages(){
        int numPages=0;
            SeekableStream ss=new FileSeekableStream(fileName);
            ImageDecoder id=ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("tiff",ss,null);
        }catch(IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();}
        return numPages;
    private class Document extends Component implements Printable{
        public int print(Graphics g,PageFormat pf,int page){
            Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)g;
            g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));
            Rectangle2D.Double border=new Rectangle2D.Double(
            MediaTracker mt=new MediaTracker(this);
            String imageURL=fileName;
                SeekableStream ss=new FileSeekableStream(imageURL);
                ImageDecoder decoder=ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("tiff",ss,null);
                int number=decoder.getNumPages();
                RenderedImage[] image=new RenderedImage[number];
                for(int i=0;i<number;i++){
PlanarImage image2=PlanarImage.wrapRenderedImage(image[page]);
BufferedImage image3=image2.getAsBufferedImage();
}catch(InterruptedException ex){ex.printStackTrace();}
(int)(0.25 * POINTS),
(int)(0.25 * POINTS),
(int)(6 * POINTS),
(int)(8.5 * POINTS),
}catch(IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();}
return (Printable.PAGE_EXISTS);
in windows it works properly.
any idea???
thanks, Camilla

You need to set CATALINA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless= true in your

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    You don't need to mess with samba, or create users, etc. to print to a Linux box. OS X can print right to CUPS. Just replace your /etc/cups/cupsd.conf in Linux with this one below, and browse to the network printer under OS X print utility to add it.
    # /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
    # Simple CUPS configuration file for a print server
    # which serves printers within a private local area network.
    # - There is no need for additional security within the print server, ie only authorises people can access the machine.
    # This setup also allows access to the CUPS "Administrative tasks" system
    # via your web browser to http://localhost:631
    # File based on Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) (Linux version 2.6.12-10-386)
    # Server Directives are explained in http://localhost:631/sam.html
    # 25/04/2006
    # [email protected]
    ConfigFilePerm 0600
    LogLevel info
    Printcap /var/run/cups/printcap
    RunAsUser Yes
    Port 631
    Include cupsd-browsing.conf
    BrowseAddress @LOCAL
    <Location />
    AuthType None
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From @LOCAL
    Allow From
    Allow From
    Allow From
    <Location /jobs>
    AuthType None
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From @LOCAL
    Allow From
    Allow From
    Allow From
    <Location /printers>
    AuthType None
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From @LOCAL
    Allow From
    Allow From
    Allow From
    <Location /admin>
    AuthType None
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From @LOCAL
    Allow From
    Allow From
    Allow From
    Dual CPU 2Ghz Powermac G5 Mac OS X (10.4.8) Logic 7.2.3 Gentoo PPC

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    on peopletools 8.44 firefox is not a certified platform. from peopletools 8.48 they started certifying firefox and safari.
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    Failed to load database information.---- Error code:-2147482931 Error code name:failed Source)
         com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.s.a(Unknown Source) Source) Source) Source) Source) Source)
         com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.v.a(Unknown Source)
         com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.v.if(Unknown Source) Source) Source)
    Moreover, in my jsp i am passing the data base parameter like below,
    PropertyBag logonProperties = new PropertyBag();;
        mainPB.put(PropertyBagHelper.CONNINFO_CRQE_LOGONPROPERTIES, logonProperties);
        mainPB.put(PropertyBagHelper.CONNINFO_DATABASE_DLL, "");
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              package Awtjava;
              //working example
              import java.awt.*;
              import java.awt.print.*;
              public class testPrint implements Printable {
              private static String s[];
              private static Font f;
              private static int nLines;
              public static void main (String arg[]){
              s = new String[10];
              f = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 11);
              int i;
              s[0] = "This is a printer test";
              for (i=1; i<10; i++){
              s[i] = "The next line";
              nLines = 10;
              public static void printa(){
              System.out.println("public static void printa () ");
              PrinterJob pj=PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
              Book b = new Book();;
              PageFormat pf = new PageFormat();
              pf = pj.defaultPage(pf);
              b.append(new testPrint(), pf, 2);
              pj.setPageable (b);
              if (pj.printDialog()){
              catch (Exception e) { System.out.println ("Error"); }
              public int print (Graphics g1, PageFormat pf, int n){
              System.out.println("public int print");
              int x,y,i,fa,fh;
              FontMetrics fm;
              Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1;
              fm = g.getFontMetrics (f);
              fa = fm.getMaxAscent();
              fh = fm.getHeight();
              x = (int)pf.getImageableX();
              y = (int)pf.getImageableY() + fa;
              g.setFont (f);
              if (n==1){
              for (i=0; i<10; i++){
              g.drawString (s, x, y);
              y += fh;
              return PAGE_EXISTS;
              else {
              for (i=10;i<10; i++){
              g.drawString (s[i], x, y);
              y += fh;
              return PAGE_EXISTS;
              Hope you will reply soon...
              Thanks in advance

    Hey, I got a doubt that who will call the print method in the same program and what about the g.drawString() it is showing any output effect. Finally how the variable n will get initializing to 0 and 1 for two times respectively. Can u please elaborate on this...

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    I use linux and print through the Mac - but I don't have the trouble you are describing.
    There are 2 places to enable print sharing on Mac - have you done both of those?
    What protocol are you using - the easiest for CUPS is IPP (port 631). I have an Ubuntu computer at home - describe exactly how you add the printer and I'll be able to follow through.

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    I've been searching the web for instructions for how to set up CUPS and/or SMB to allow me to print this way, but have only come up with a few tangential references. Almost everything I've found is how to print from a Mac to a Linux print server. I want to do the opposite.
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    Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Hi Chris,
       I've not done this with a Mac but CUPS is CUPS. Open the /etc/cups/client.conf file on your Linux machine and change the ServerName line to point to your Mac. That may be all you have to do because the Mac's CUPS automatically adds the local printer for you. You may have to define a queue for it; I'm not sure but I don't think so. Also, you will probably have to authorize it on the Mac. The /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file on the Mac should have a line in it that look like:
    Listen <Mac_IP>:631
    where <Mac_IP> should be replaced by the IP address of your Mac, (not and similarly for <Linux_IP> below. Such a line should already exist for Just copy-and-paste in a new copy of this line and change the IP address. Inside the definition of root directory you similarly may need to add an "Allow From" statement:
    <Location />
       Allow From <Linux_IP>
    The directory definitions are modeled on similar definitions in Apache's httpd.conf file. There may be more that is necessary; I'll see if I can find more specific information that I've saved. If you have to do more, please post it to this thread so that there is complete documentation for others. Of course a consistent configuration depends on having static IP addresses on your local network.
       I'm not really surprised that you didn't find much if you searched for strings including Mac or Apple; this is a purely UNIX question. The CUPS administration documentation can be found online at or even on your own machine at http://localhost:631/ or on your drive in the /usr/share/doc/cups directory.
       It's no surprise that things are so screwed up: everyone
       that knows how to run a government is either driving
       taxicabs or cutting hair.
             -- George Burns

  • Printing from Linux to Windows shared printer

    I am trying to print from Linux to a shared printer on a Windows XP PC. I installed cups and foomatic, started cupsd and configured the printer (HP Deskjet 720C) in KDE control centre. When I try to print a test page I get the following message:
    Catastrophe! - KNotify
    A print error occurred. Error message received from system:
    cupsdoprint -P 'deskjet' -J 'KDE Print Test' -H 'localhost:631' -U 'root' -o ' multiple-document-handling=separate-documents-uncollated-copies orientation-requested=3' '/opt/kde/share/apps/kdeprint/' : execution failed with message:
    I have Googled like crazy but couldn't find a working solution.
    For reference:
    # Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.1.23
    # Written by cupsd on Wed 29 Jun 2005 09:33:20 PM BST
    <DefaultPrinter deskjet>
    Info HP DeskJet 720C
    DeviceURI smb://guest@MSHOME/ANDROMEDA/HPDeskJet
    State Idle
    Accepting Yes
    JobSheets none none
    QuotaPeriod 0
    PageLimit 0
    KLimit 0
    AllowUser root shaurz
    /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (comments stripped)
    LogLevel info
    Port 631
    <Location />
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From
    <Location /admin>
    AuthType Basic
    AuthClass System
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From
    lpstat -t
    scheduler is running
    system default destination: deskjet
    device for deskjet: smb://MSHOME/ANDROMEDA/HPDeskJet
    deskjet accepting requests since Jan 01 00:00
    printer deskjet is idle. enabled since Jan 01 00:0

    Rather than use SMB to connect from Lion to the Windows XP printer share, a better method is to enable Print Services for UNIX on Windows XP and then use LPD on the Mac to print via the Windows share.
    To install Print Services for UNIX on Windows XP:
    Log on to the Windows server with an administrative-level account.
    Start the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel.
    Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
    Click Other Network File and Print Services, and then click Details.
    Click to select the Print Services for UNIX check box, and then click OK.
    Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the installation
    If you haven't done so already, share the printer on Windows XP and make the name one word - no spaces or special characters
    With the print services enabled you can then create the printer queue on Lion.
    Open Print & Scan and click + to add a printer
    Select the IP icon and set the protocol to Line Printer Daemon - LPD
    For the Address, enter the IP address of the Windows XP computer
    For the Queue name, enter the share name set for the printer in Windows XP
    Name and Location are free text so you can set this to something meaningful
    For the Print Using menu, select the supporting printer driver. Note that like connections via SMB, the vendors driver for Lion in some cases cannot be used and an alternate like those offered by the Gutenprint suite must be used.
    Click the OK button to complete the queue creation.
    Now you are ready to test the new print queue.   

  • Negative error code when trying to print from Linux OS

    What does a negative error code mean when trying to print from Linux OS.
    Terminated with error: REP-50157: Error while sending file to printer apps_dev. Exit with error code -1
    It is Oracle Application Server 9.0.4 on Redhat Linux when I'am directly sending the output to the printer.
    Thanks for the help in advace.

    Reinstall or update your Lexmark printer driver.

  • Printing from SAP GUI for JAVA on linux

    Hi All,
    What are the settings to be made in SPAD for printing from sapgui for java on linux ?
    We are using SAP GUI for JAVA 700 .

    configure printer in SPAD  , no setting for JAVA GUI
    check note
    605467:SAPscript/Smart Forms: Print preview in SAP GUI for Java
    634158      SAPscript/Smart Forms: Print preview in SAP GUI for Java (2)
    1024624 SAPscript/Smart Forms: Print preview in SAP GUI for Java (3)       

  • IPP Printing from Linux or Mac to Windows server

    I have windows server 2003 R2 ent with ipp printing installed. All windows clients are ale to connect, install and print to a shared printer via ipp. When connecting via a linux or mac machine, I am not able to print. I am asked for the creditionals to print but it does nothing.
    The ipp server is set to accept authentication via Intergrated Windows Authentication. I had read this is compatible with firefox and other browsers.
    Is there any particular settings I am missing on this one?
    The goal is to require only domain users access to the printers.

    Thank you for posting here.
    Since we can print from Windows clients properly, it indicates Windows Printing Server is working OK. Base on my research, we may have to setup a CUPS server so that Linux client communicate with CUPS Server and CUPS communicate with Windows Printer Server using IPP. For your reference:
    HowTo: Print to a Windows Print Server from a Linux Client.
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    If you have problem when setting up CUPS server, you can get help from the link below:
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


    I have a JSP with data that comes from beans. The issue is How I can print the data info and not the header, banners from my jsp page?
    I used the window.print(), but it print whole the page includes images, header,etc, and I just want to print the data.

    Yes. you are exactly right. You can see my entire code snippet for your reference.
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache, must-validate">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" content="0">
    <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="/apps/css/main.css" TYPE="text/css">
    <TITLE>Report Run on <%= new java.util.Date() %></TITLE>
    <SCRIPT Language="Javascript">
    function printit(){
    <form name="printpage">
    <TABLE width=750>
    <input type="button" class="printbutton" onClick="printit()" value=" Print">
    <TR HEIGHT=15>
    <div class=noprint>
    <IMG SRC=/apps/images/bluearrleft.gif BORDER=0 ALT=" Back ">���
    <IMG SRC=/apps/images/bluearrright.gif BORDER=0 ALT=" Forward ">
    <TR ><TD colspan=2>
    String param= new String();
    String rep= new String();
    param = (String)request.getParameter("params");
    rep = (String)request.getParameter("reps");
    catch(Exception e){
    <%= param %>
    <TR><TD colspan=2>
    <%= rep.replace('~','"') %></TD></TR>
    Hope this helps.
    Best Luck!
    Senthil Babu J

  • How to print invoice (text based) from jspx/jsp ?

    Hi All,
    On our ADF Faces application , there is a requirement to print Invoice on a dot matrix printer from the application .
    I can do that with Crystal XI but Java Report Component can only export to PDF or RTF, but the size of the report is too big for our narrow bandwidth.
    So I am looking for a way to produced an Invoice to print in Text based. How can I do that ?
    Thank you for your help,

    Thank you.. I am downloading JasperReport & iReport now, two questions :
    - Can JasperReport export to plain text file ?
    - Is there any docs anywhere about JasperReport & JDeveloper integration ?
    Thank you very much,

  • Can't print from iBook G4 via Windows XP to an HP PSC 1410

    I realize this question is very similar to others on this discussion but I haven't been able to find an answer to my problem.
    I cannot print from my iBook via XP to an HP PSC 1410.
    I can print from my iBook via XP to an HP LaserJet 4L.
    I was able to print from my iBook via XP to an HP882C that was connected
    to the same USB port that the HP PSC 1410 is connected to now.
    I have an iBook G4 running 10.4.3
    I have a PC running XP with an HP LaserJet 4L on a parallel port and an HP PSC 1410 on a USB port.
    I installed the following from
    I think I correctly followed the instructions at:
    They worked for the LaserJet printer.
    When I attempt to print from the iBook to the 1410 the HP doesn't print at all.
    I don't see any error messages on the iBook. The document gets spooled onto the Windows print spooler, the printer even starts making noises, the print heads move about a bit and then stop. The print job just sits there in the queue with a status of "Printing". The print job is then stuck and hard to delete.
    I don't need to be able to scan or check ink levels from the iBook.
    I would just like to be able to do color printing.
    What else should I try? Given the symptoms where might I be going wrong?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1 Gig RAM

    I found the answer to this problem on Linux printing provided by Steve Stuart.
    Steve Stuart wrote at:;articl e=1446
    Hi all,
    I finally figured out what the issue was, Why it fixes it I can not say,
    but it does.
    On the Shared printer on the Windows side, go to the properties of the Printer.
    Go to the Ports tab, and deselect the "Enable bidirectional Support" (do not
    have it checked). Once this is done and you also do not have any firewalls
    setup on the Windows machine (Windows, MCAfee, Norton, ....). You should be
    able to print.
    Finally!!!!! I hope this helps many many people. As I have had many
    people asking for the solution if I found it.
    Steven Stuart

  • Setting Up Google Chrome Features for Cloud Printing from an Android Device

    These steps are organized for optimal setup procedure and to decrease the time it would take to set this option up from start to finish. This is a lengthy process and is more for possibly troubleshooting issues that may arise during the setup of Google Chrome's Cloud Print feature. However, if you have an Android phone or tablet and are interested in being able to print virtually anything at anytime from anywhere from your phone to any brand of printer regardless of setup, there is a way. And this is how:
    Open/Install Google Chrome onto a computer
    Sign in with personal email to access the same Google Chrome account you intent to print from
    Download Google Drive as an external storage you can access from anywhere
    Open Google Chrome Settings (three lines stacked on top of each other)
    Scroll down to the bottom of settings and click "Advanced Settings"
    "Sign in/add printers/manage printers" are three of the print options you may see here 
    Follow this link for information on:
    adding a classic printer to this option:
    how to add an HP ePrint email:
    on registering the email of that printer (HP registration page):
    8.  add the printer to this section of Google Chrome
    9.  at the bottom of the page you will see "Send a test page/print test page" (that will be useful later)
    10. at the top of this page is the option to share this printer with other Google Chrome users
    11. Open Google Drive from (likely displayed at the top of the webpage)
    Can create a new document of any file type, upload, draw, etc
    Leave computer on if intending to print from off the network or another location
    The next steps are in regards to printing from a mobile device:
    Install/open Cloud Print App
    Add personal email account associated with Google Chrome
    Select printer management if on the same network as the printer
    Select Web tab and Google Drive if not on the same home network
    Find earlier test page in Google Drive Documents
    To locate other documents one could find many applications within this app or
     In another app like Documents To Go, you can select to send previously saved documents (like one might send an email on the Android) to the Cloud Print app to open, view, and print
    Print Test Document – this function means the printer has officially been added now
    In Google Drive, but within the Cloud Print app, you can select the printer that was added to this network or from "Printer Management Options."
    There are many ways to determine if your printer is still connected (offline, ready, etc.) but after confirmation that the printer is available, print jobs rest in the print queue until the printer receives the command to print.  Then the documents are stored and available for reprinting.
     Converts most print jobs to .pdf but prints most file formats from other applications as well
    In Printer Management advanced settings
    You can add a contact from the phone to use this printer
    Set as default
    See an extensive page of setup and printing options
    *After a test print while the computer was off the document did not print and the printer appeared offline until approx. 4 min after computer was rebooted, then the document printed automatically.
    Also if a document does not print, the troubleshooting guide on the phone suggested logging out of Google Chrome Cloud Print but I was unable to find that option it was suggesting (unable to log out)
    To completely finish adding any additional Google Chrome accounts that wish to share this printer using the suggestion in step 10, you must log into the email that was added and select ADD PRINTER from within the email that was sent for the confirmation and follow the link and instructions on how to do this from your email.
    Google Chrome and Google Drive support Windows, MAC, and Linux
    You can also change share options, privacy settings, etc. but if you choose to go with the two-step verification process, you may not be able to add your Google Chrome email account to the app without a 16 digit code generated within Google Chrome Privacy Settings for your app (not recommended)
    Now you have the option to also email any document to either the Cloud Print App or HP ePrint from the phone/tablet without actually accessing the app first.  Locate the document, press the menu button for more options, select "Send to" and a list of available apps will appear.  Choosing Cloud Print or HP ePrint sends the document or photo directly to the "print" function within the apps, instead of opening the app first and then searching for what it is you want to print.
    **computer connected to printer must be on**
    Requirements:  a) Google Chrome, Google Drive, and Cloud Print mobile app  b)  These steps outline the use of an Android device on the network for setup  c) will need the computer connected to the printer to be on at all times   d) go to this webpage  if you have any more questions.
    Available features of Cloud Print App
    a.  Print all file formats from Google Drive (uploaded or create)
    b.  Has an internal notepad and drawing tool
    c.  Prints off all contacts and phone numbers as well as specified text messages
    d. The scan option actually just means take a picture
    e. Without Cloud Print Pro you get 5 days to test the features of printing Facebook pictures, Drop Box and Schedules before those features are no longer available
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    This document is to assist others in understanding and troubleshooting Cloud Print. This took me many hours to get setup, troubleshoot, and prepare a document that is simple and easy to understand. These are literally step-by-step instructions on how you could be able to print from any Android device to any printer connected to a computer that has Google Chrome.  You would then be able to use the Cloud Print App without having to use HP ePrint to print to any printer connected to any computer (USB or wireless) basically allowing you to print virtually anything from your Android. 
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