Print mail signatures in Lion?

Is there a way in Lion to print my Signatures from Mail?  I have 40 or so, and I would like to print them.  How do I do that?

...  When I browse to the PreferencePanes folder, I do see an alias for PrintAndFax.prefPane,
In Lion, what used to be known as Print & Fax is now Print & Scan.
There are several PreferencePanes folder. The one you want to investigate is
Copy the line above and paste it in the Finder's Go > "Go to folder..." menu.
The preference pane you need is called PrintAndScan.prefPane
Can you find it there? The original, not an alias.
An alias of PrintAndFax.prefPane exists. That is normal, for backward compatibility I assume. It points to PrintAndScan.prefPane.

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    Problems with HP Printer working wirelessly after installing Mountain Lion. After calls to Apple and HP found this Solution on a HP discussion Board. it works. my Printer is the Photosmart Plus B209a-m but the fellow how posted the Solution did it for another HP Model.
    1. On the printer navigate to the Wireless or Network menu.
    2. Select Restore Defaults.
    3. On your computer look for a wireless network named 'hpsetup' and connect to it.
    4. Print a Wireless Network Test from the front of the printer to see its IP address. (on my b209a-m Printer the IP info was found by pressing the Wireless Icon)
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    6. Click on the Network tab and look for the Wireless Setup Wizard and run it.
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    8. Now change the network name on your computer back to your wireless network.
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  • Mountain Lion problems with Mail Signatures, Pages, Numbers, Keynote - This quick fix solved all my problems with these. Pages etc wouldn't launch and needed to be force quitted. Mail signature changes wouldn't save.

    The solution was simple in my case. I don't know why it worked and it may have been entirely coincidental but its worth a try.
    Close all applications and restart Mountain Lion.
    Log in as Guest. I opened Pages at this point but I don't know if that's required.
    Log out and then back in as your normal user.
    Pages, Numbers and Keynote now were fine for me and Mail signature changes were saved and available for later use.
    For those trying to edit the signatures to get their old ones back - I just found an old sent mail and copied the signature there into the newly created one via the normal preferences. No need for opening .mailsignature files and editing them. This included various colours, sizes, an image and a link with no problems.
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    The solution was simple in my case. I don't know why it worked and it may have been entirely coincidental but its worth a try.
    Close all applications and restart Mountain Lion.
    Log in as Guest. I opened Pages at this point but I don't know if that's required.
    Log out and then back in as your normal user.
    Pages, Numbers and Keynote now were fine for me and Mail signature changes were saved and available for later use.
    For those trying to edit the signatures to get their old ones back - I just found an old sent mail and copied the signature there into the newly created one via the normal preferences. No need for opening .mailsignature files and editing them. This included various colours, sizes, an image and a link with no problems.
    I hope this helps anyone having some of these problems.

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    Yes, I tried this as well.
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    Follow this link..

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    Close Mail in both machines.
    In the computer where your signatures are, go to your user library (in OS Lion this is hidden, but you may access it by holding down the option (alt) key while clicking on "go" then you will see the library item in the list. Another option to access it is to go to finder, click on "go", select "go to folder" and paste this: "~/Library"
    Once you are there, go to Mail - > v2 -> MailData
    You will find a folder called "Signatures". Copy this folder.
    Go to the same locatin in the other machine. Make a backup copy of the "Signatures" folder and replace it with the other machine's folder.
    Open Mail and check everything is running.

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    The signatures are located in <login dir>/Library/Mail/V2/MailData/Signatures
    The .plist files are significant, as they associate the signature to the e-mail account. Though I have not copied Mail signatures to another machine, I would take a copy of the entire Signature folder, and use that on the other machine, adjusting for any differences in e-mail accounts/signatures used there.

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    Word Processing documents can be opened directly in Pages 4 (AppleWorks 6 only) but this is no longer available - the newPages 5 (Mavericks required) does not open AppleWorks documents. Panergy Software's docXConverter v3.2 ($19.95) can convert Appleworks 5 and 6 Word Processing documents to RTF (though it has been reported that it can only handle documents which contain only text, not those which include images or frames). The latest version of the free LibreOffice has announced that it can open AppleWorks 6 Word Processing documents: it does appear to be able to handle at least some embedded images.
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    To use other programs, or open Painting or Database documents at all, you must export from AppleWorks first. Nothing will open AW database documents.
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  • Mail signature saving problems

    Hi! My mail signature changes are not being saved? This just started happening... I have Lion. Please help. Thx!

    I was having the same problem - some accts would lose the signatures when Mail would quit, some wouldn't. I have 8 POP accts and 1 IMAP, and 11 signatures.
    The thread Austin Kinsella1 suggested above was very helpful, specifically this suggestion from Zyfrog:
    " Re: Can a "signature" disappear?
    in response to: socalm
    Go to Mail Preferences -> Accounts -> Advanced and uncheck "Enable this Account". Exit the preference dialog so it saves the changes, then go back and re-enable the account.
    Do this for each account whose signature is broken. "
    I found that only forcing the preference pane to Save was not enough - as Zyfrog says, I had to close the preference window for the change to set. I even quit and restarted Mail in between each account I updated (I had 5 that would randomly reset to 0 signatures each time Mail was quit). I found it also helpful to have the Activity window open (Window>Activity Viewer) during this, so I could wait until Mail was done syncing before I quit it each time.
    Seems to be working perfectly now! Thanks all, for your assistance - this was one of those super annoying little glitches.

  • Making mail signatures with hyperlinks

    Hi, I want to make a simple email signature which has a link to my website which the recipient can click on and my email address which when clicked launches an email.
    I can set this up via hyperlink ok. However when people reply my signature the link to our site gets messed around :
    Oliver Gray
    We've moved - new address below
    White Night Films Limited
    The Print House, 18 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL.
    Office : +44 (0)20 8090 9326
    Mobile : +44 (0)7976912306
    Email : [email protected] <> <> <>
    How can I correct it?
    Also I have an iMac running 10.5.7 and I want to add hyperlinks to my mail signatures in that. How do I do it?>
    Many thanks!

    Hi Oliver,
    One way I understand is with this...
    To do it yourself, IIRC you have to do it in HTML, some help here...

  • How do I backup mail signatures

    I am going to upgrade my OS to lion &amp; was wondering how to backup important stuff like my email signatures that I can load once the OS is installed.
    Any help would be great, never really back things up before oh, oh!

    Hello, it'd be best to have a complete backup before you upgrade, but in theory 1st Installing 10.6/Snow Leopard, which you need to get Lion, should preserve all those things.
    Second best would be to copy tour whole Home folder, next best would be...
    On Mail...
    First Quit Mail, then I'd backup these two Mail folders, by right clicking on them in the Finder, then choose Archive/Compress.
    Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail (Signatures are in this folder)
    Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail Downloads
    (Could be a different folder here if you chose such in Mail Prefs)
    Right click on that Mail folder, choose archive, you'll get everything in the folder, and the folder itself in a file called, move it to a safe place, same for the Mail Downloads folder... only the plist is separate.
    For Address Book, quit AB...
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/

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