Printing a PDF (CFMX6)

I'm working on an app that prints forms and was wondering if
there was a way to print a PDF that was stored on CF webserver to a
users default printer or printer of their choice ??
I'm just trying to explore is there a simpler way than
lauching the PDF in a broswer window and prompting the user to hit
the print icon in the PDF Reader toolbar. Is there a way to script
the generation of the print command ?? Or am I barking up the wrong

I wonder whether it is possible to do that through the usual
scripting. Coldfusion ignores all HTML and CFML outside the
<cfdocument format="pdf"> </cfdocument> tag pair. But
that is precisely where we would want to put the code that
instructs the browser to print.
To illustrate, the following (browser-independent?) code will
call up the printing interface. However, it wont anymore when you
activate the cfdocument tag.

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    What color is the text?
    Can you show some screen shots?

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    Best regards
    Lars Hansson
    Bergsgatan 24 A
    83241 Frösön
    Tfn: 070-3853088
    Från: Ajlan huda 
    Skickat: den 7 november 2014 08:28
    Till: Lars Hansson
    Ämne:  I can't print a PDF created in MAC with window 8.1?
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    Gasketgirl, On top of flattening the layers, then saving as a Photoshop PDF, you can reopen the file in Acrobat and using the advanced menu, look for an option called 'Optimize PDF'. This option (and there are many more options once you open the dialogue) allows you to compress the file, downsample (I don't suggest you do this) and remove application specific data. Don't save the file after Optimizing as the optimizing itself is a save option. Resaving again removes much of the Optimization you just did!!!

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    Thank you.

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    Quark has it's own built in PDF exporter called JAWS. Set it up in preferences and execute it via the file menu item, i.e., export as PDF. It doesn't however make Version 9 PDF's tho or any version that doesn't flatten the PDF.

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    Thanks! Carrie

    Since neither are Apple products, you should post your question on the Adobe forums and/or the Quark forums, as Apple discussions only provide support for Apple products:

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    Thank you!

    I had the same problem with a Word document and figured out the problem. Word seems to be spitting out separate PDF documents based on the page setup. So under File -> Page Setup you get a dialog box with the settings for the page, and usually a "Format for" dropdown and a "Paper Size" option. If these setting are not the same for the whole document, Word throws a wobbley and generates a PDF for each page setup.
    My solution (works where all of the pages are the same format).
    File -> Page Setup
    Settings: Choose "Microsoft Word" from the dropdown box
    Apply Page Setup settings to: Entire Document.
    This will setup up the entire document to use the same page settings, and will fix the problem for those of us who are wanting a document that all has the same page settings. (This won't work if you are mixing page sizes.)

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    Can you provide an example of "streaking in the font"?

  • Print to pdf often doesn't work with multiple pages?

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    Is there a way to do this? Is this an Apple error or Microsoft error? Since it looks fine in Preview, my guess it is an Apple error?

    It sounds like this is the problem with the way Apple handles multiple orientations in a pdf document. You can use Acrobat to print the files - it handles multiple orientations correctly. There was a previous thread on this:

  • Print to pdf in excel does not print full workbook

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    Are there other settings I need to change? Ideas anybody?

    Hi, I never use Ms Apps, but I think I remember something about Page Breaks in Word/Excel causing PDF problems... does quite explain the 1st three missing thoigh... unless it's maybe over writing them?
    Can You Print to PDF a single page #1 & such, then combine the 3 indivual ones with the 15 page one in Preview?

  • Print to PDF only saves to the desktop

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    I have just tried Print to PDF from Word 2010 (on Windows 7 with Acrobat XI), and I had no problem whatsoever to place the result into my Documents folder.
    Could it be a permission problem on your target folders?
    P.S. does Save as PDF have the same problem?

  • When trying to print to pdf the program I am printing from locks up

    I'm using Acrobat 11.0.07 on a Windows PC with Win 8.1
    I'm printing to pdf from QuickBooks. My first attempt works fine then the second locks up both programs.
    If I force close QuickBooks; run a repair on Adobe; reboot my computer; I am then able to print one more document only to have to do the whole thing over again.
    If I try to print from another program I get this error:
    Adobe PDF creation cannot continue because Acrobat is not activated.
    Click Retry after activating Acrobat to continue printing.
    Click Cancel to quit PDF Creation.
    If I open a PDF file on my computer I get this error:
    Shortly after the file is opened:
    Please uninstall and reinstall the product.
    If this problem still occurs, please contact Adobe technical support for help, and mention the error code shown a the bottom of this screen.
    Error: 16

    Adobe Acrobat Distiller
    Unable to find "Adobe PDF" resource files.
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\AMT\"
    Is there a way to download the missing files?

  • When trying to print to PDF from a sales program we use it keeps throwing errors

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    So to rehash what I just said, when I print to pdf, it asks me where to save, the notification said the printing completed, adobe opens and displays error. If you click on the file, then the file opens just fine.
    However several other people do not have this error while trying to print to file from mas90. Does anyone out there have any idea what could possibly be causing this error to be displayed?

    Hi ftd12300,
    Are you saving the PDFs you're creating to a network drive or are they being saved locally? 
    Do you have this problem when creating PDFs from other applications such as Notepad?

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