Printing : Multiple XSLT

One more question on printing. I know that this is not directly related to ApEX, but this seems to be the only place where I get good responses :-) (thanks).
How can we specify which XSLT to use in the JSP. For example, I can see that htmldb_example.xslt is hardcoded in the JSP. I have different XSLT for different report regions and formats. ( i have already created the separate XSLT, and it is working with FOP and am able to render the PDFs). All I want now is to specify which XSLT to use for which region. Do I have to define separate JSP files for each combination ? Or is there any way to take the XSLT name from a parameter. ( Am sorry that I don:t work on javascript / xml / xsl.., I had adapted on the very good example jsp and xslt, hence the question )

It depends how the print spool is set up for your device, combining multiple jobs into a single job then it won't necessarily understand to eject the 'unused' page. Some software will send a multi-copy print run as a series of individual jobs, some will send it as one.

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    Hi ALL,
    We have a scenario where in we are calling the Driver program (RFKORD50) for Document Extract(F.64), Where in we have attached the Z-Script to the program(RFKORD50),
    Unable to print multiple items.
    1) Checked with all the elements in STD program for printing multiple items in main window but unable to get all the items we are able to fetch only 1 item .
    2) I have also tried with external subroutine but it also didnot is fetching the latest value.
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    see the perform which i have used
    IL  &V_BUZEI&,,     &V_SGTXT&,,,,&V_DMBTR&
    Please suggest me whetther we can call write_form from external subroutine. or is there any loop commands in SAP SCRIPT Form.

    The LOOP is always within the printer program. In this case also.
    Just check out the RFKORI35 include, the LOOP begins in the 215th line (in 4.6C).
                          BELNR GJAHR BUZEI.
            LOOP AT HBSEG.
    *         WHERE BUKRS = SAVE_BUKRS.
              SAVE_BUKRS  = HBSEG-BUKRS.
              IF  ( HBSEG-KUNNR = SAVE_KUNNR
              OR  ( HBSEG-LIFNR = SAVE_LIFNR
              AND   NOT SAVE_LIFNR IS INITIAL ).
                CLEAR RF140-ELEMENT.
                RF140-ELEMENT = '521'.
                CALL FUNCTION 'WRITE_FORM'
                         EXPORTING  WINDOW    = 'MAIN'
                                    ELEMENT   = '521'
                         EXCEPTIONS WINDOW    = 1
                                    ELEMENT   = 2.
    You might try out to write your code within the 521 elemnt in the sapscript.
    Edited by: Tamás Nyisztor on Jun 12, 2008 3:34 PM

  • I am unable to print multiple copies on 1 page

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    In order to print multiple documents on one page, you may follow the steps mentioned below:-
    Press Command+p- Select multiple pages or booklet
    If you are not getting these options, please send us a screenshot to better understand the issue.

  • I'm trying to print multiple frames from a website onto separate pages.

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    Select the pictures and type Command+P to bring up the Print window. Then click on the Contact Sheet option at the left. You can change the number of photos per page and their size by clicking on the Customize button and the changing the number of columns on the page. The size of each photo will automatically be scaled to fit.
    If you want a specific size, then instead of selecting Contact Sheet select a print size. The size you select will determine how many photos of that size you'll get on the paper size selected.

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    Look under the "Vorschau" menu for the Layout menu, and then choose "Seiten pro Blatt."
    Hope this helps.

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    This is a detailed set of instructions I made for my mother to use. Hope it helps.
    To print single or multiple photos in iPhoto
    Open iPhoto
    If photo(s) are not already in iPhoto then dragand drop into iPhoto
    Locate photo(s)
    Select (highlight) photo(s)
    Click File
    Click Print
    New window pops up
    Select border type on left side (standard, etc.)
    Select Print Size at bottom right (2x3, 3x5,etc.)
    Click Customize
    New window opens
    On bottom right are new icons
    IGNORE Print settings -are the options you chose in steps 7a, b & c
    IGNORE Themes - is thesame as step 7a
    IGNORE Background –ignore in most cases
    IGNORE Borders –default is 1 (use default in most cases)
    Layout (select 1 or 3 in most cases)
    1is horizontal photo
    IGNORE 2 is horizontal photo with text below
    3is vertical photo
    IGNORE 4 is vertical photo with text below
    SettingsClickon Photos per page
    If you want only 1 copy of each photo you selectedon each page then choose Single photo per page
    If you want 2, 3 or 4 different photos on eachpage then choose Multiple photos per page
    If you want many copies of the same photo oneach page then choose Multiple of the same photo per page
    ClickPrint on the bottom right
    Newwindow pops up
    If the arrow (triangle) to the right is pointingdown click it so it points up and displays additional options
    Choose number of copies (pages to print)

  • Printing multiple copies of 3 page BOL in Duplex mode-

    Hi Gurus!
    I have created a smartform to print the BOL on front side and terms and conditions on back side. I used the duplex mode to print and it works perfectly fine. When I have a BOL with 3 pages of information , it prints the items on the front side and terms and conditions on the second side and it does everything absolutely correctly.
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    Is there any settings that I am missing thats making the above happen when I print multiple copies of the BOL?
    Please suggest.

    Thanks for the reply. I changed the settings of the printer to 'Pass Copies as Separate Output Request(in SAP System)' and re-tried printing 5 copies of the BOL and it again seems to print the first page 5 sides then Terms and conditions on 5 sides, then again 5 sides of page 2 and followed by 5 sides of T&C.
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    Please suggest as to what to do next to make it print in proper sets.
    Thanks and Regards

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    Any suggestions??
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I don't know how to both "open and print" multiple files in one step. The ⌘O combination of course will open multiple items. The items remain selected so switching back to the "Finder" and dragging multiple icons onto the icon for "/Applications" > "Utilities" > "Printer Setup" seems to cause them all to be printed to the default printer.
    Alternatively, a user's "~/Library/Printers" folder contains printer icons -- I'm not sure what they are exactly, but they represent the printers set up for that account. They function pretty much like the pre-OS X "Desktop Printer" icons so dragging and dropping multiple files onto them should cause them to be printed. It may even be possible to create aliases to them on the "Desktop" to recreate "Desktop Printer" functionality. But again, this won't open the files into their applications.

  • Print multiple pdf from web site

    Hello everyone!!,
    I need print multiple pdf from web site (web page) to the local printer o client printer.
    I have investigated : cfexecuted, java code, javascript, but i can't do it.
    The idea is don´t open printer dialog box for to print.

    It is NOT POSSIBLE (for security reasons) to do silent printing in this way.  (you wouldn't want to visit a web site and have your printer start spewing out page after page of profanity, would you??)
    You can, however, offer the user the choice to print and then have it print.  That can easily be done by embedding JavaScript into the PDF to be printed.  If you have multiple documents, you should merge them together on the server first and then send a single document.

  • Print multiple forms between FP_JOB_OPEN and FP_JOB_CLOSE

    I am aware, that there are questions regarding "Printing Multiple forms", but I didn't find answers there.
    Still my system is not working as expected:
    1.  FP_JOB_OPEN is called
    2. the generated Adobe Forms function is called multiple times
    3.  FP_JOB_CLOSE is called
    This program doesn't deliver all the pages, but just the first call. How shall I solve this problem?
    (Coding should work anywhere with copy-pase.)
    data: fm_name           type rs38l_fnam,
          fp_docparams      type sfpdocparams,
          fp_outputparams   type sfpoutputparams.
    parameters: p_fpname type fpname default 'FP_TEST_02'.
    * Get the name of the generated function module
    call function 'FP_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME'
        i_name     = p_fpname
        e_funcname = fm_name.
    * Sets the output parameters and opens the spool job
    call function 'FP_JOB_OPEN'
        ie_outputparams = fp_outputparams
        cancel          = 1
        usage_error     = 2
        system_error    = 3
        internal_error  = 4
        others          = 5.
    * Call the generated function module
    call function fm_name.
    * SECOND CALL ****************************
    call function fm_name.
    * Close the spool job
    call function 'FP_JOB_CLOSE'
    *    IMPORTING
    *     E_RESULT             =
        usage_error           = 1
        system_error          = 2
        internal_error        = 3
        others               = 4.

    Hi ZSOLT,
    In order to call the form multiple times please do the following,
    1) Just before your FP_JOB_OPEN you need to pass the output parameters (good practice). You can also set other parameters as well (for example nodialog, preview, copies., etc)
      CLEAR  fp_outputparams.
      fp_outputparams-dest = 'PDF1'.      "Default pdf printer
      fp_outputparams-reqnew = 'X'.       "New spool request
    Now call your FM FP_JOB_OPEN with the above output parameters.
    2) Usually this step is processed in a loop. (getting your interface data into a internal table and then looping at it)
    But here I am enhancing your example code.
    In order to trigger the form multiple times you need to change some input data to the form (for example I have changed date and time below in the prepare test data sections) so that the call function fm_name gets regenerated every time there is new data
    data  l_datatypes       type sfpdatatypes.
    prepare test data
      l_datatypes-char = '#'.
      l_datatypes-string = 'Auf geht''s! '.    "#EC NOTEXT
      l_datatypes-numc = '42'.
      l_datatypes-dec = 0 - ( 12345 / 7 ).
      l_datatypes-fltp = 0 - ( 12345 / 7 ).
      l_datatypes-int = 4711.
      l_datatypes-curr = 0 - ( 12345 / 7 ).
      l_datatypes-cuky = 'JPY'.       " no decimals
      l_datatypes-quan = 12345 / 7.
      l_datatypes-unit = 'DEG'.       " 1 decimal
      l_datatypes-date = '20040613'.      
      l_datatypes-time = '100600'.         
      l_datatypes-lang = sy-langu.
    FIRST CALL ****************************
    Call the generated function module
      CLEAR fp_docparams.
      fp_docparams-langu = 'EN'.       
      fp_docparams-country = 'US'.  
      call function fm_name
          /1bcdwb/docparams        = fp_docparams
          datatypes                = l_datatypes
          mychar                   = l_datatypes-char
         mybyte                   =
          mystring                 = l_datatypes-string
         myxstring                =
          mydate                   = l_datatypes-date
          mytime                   = l_datatypes-time
          mynum                    = l_datatypes-numc
          myint                    = l_datatypes-int
          myfloat                  = l_datatypes-fltp
          mypacked                 = l_datatypes-dec
        /1BCDWB/FORMOUTPUT       =
    prepare test data
      l_datatypes-char = '#'.
      l_datatypes-string = 'Auf geht''s! '.    "#EC NOTEXT
      l_datatypes-numc = '42'.
      l_datatypes-dec = 0 - ( 12345 / 7 ).
      l_datatypes-fltp = 0 - ( 12345 / 7 ).
      l_datatypes-int = 4711.
      l_datatypes-curr = 0 - ( 12345 / 7 ).
      l_datatypes-cuky = 'JPY'.       " no decimals
      l_datatypes-quan = 12345 / 7.
      l_datatypes-unit = 'DEG'.       " 1 decimal
      l_datatypes-date = '20100913'.                 "You need to change your data in order it to trigger a new form with the new data.
      l_datatypes-time = '10700'.                        "You need to change your data in order it to trigger a new form with the new data.       
      l_datatypes-lang = sy-langu.
    SECOND CALL ****************************
    Call the generated function module
      CLEAR fp_docparams.
      fp_docparams-langu = 'EN'.
      fp_docparams-country = 'US'.
      call function fm_name
          /1bcdwb/docparams        = fp_docparams
          datatypes                = l_datatypes
          mychar                   = l_datatypes-char
         mybyte                   =
          mystring                 = l_datatypes-string
         myxstring                =
          mydate                   = l_datatypes-date
          mytime                   = l_datatypes-time
          mynum                    = l_datatypes-numc
          myint                    = l_datatypes-int
          myfloat                  = l_datatypes-fltp
          mypacked                 = l_datatypes-dec
        /1BCDWB/FORMOUTPUT       =
    Close the spool job
    call function 'FP_JOB_CLOSE'
        E_RESULT             =
        usage_error           = 1
        system_error          = 2
        internal_error        = 3
        others               = 4.
    I have tested the above code and I am getting multiple forms.
    Please try on your end and let me know if it works.

  • How to print multiple footers for each page in RTF template xml report.

    How to print multiple footers for each page in RTF template xml report.
    i am able to print ( two sets ) ...
    up to last page ( one template ) and for last page ( another template).
    i want to change the footer information based on the group value printed in the report ( it might be 5 to 6) In every report run.. can you please check and let me know do we have any feasibility to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance.

    You can remove all other logic, like last page only contents (start@last-page:body), etc and section breaks if any you have inserted manually.
    Just have for-each@section logic.
    It would be difficult for me to guess what you have done without looking at your RTF or describing here.

  • Print Multiple copies of report, and resetting Page number for each copy.

    Dear frnds!
    i am using developer 6i reports i have a problem.
    i want to Print Multiple copies of report, and resetting Page number for each copy" that is 4 copies of an invoice is required
    1 - for user copy
    2- gate copy
    3- accounts office
    4- office copy
    any body please tell me the solution "i am using oracle 9i and developer 6i"

    I was wondering if you were able to get your multiple copies working? Below is what I have so far, just trying to get it to work before changing the actual template.
    PSN: <?$G1/Pick_Slip_Number_Display_ID54?>
    PSN Detail: <?$G1/PickSlipNumber_ID260?>
    Page 1 of 3
    <?end body?>
    <?end for-each?>
    <?end for-each-group?>

  • Print multiple sections in report

    How do I print multiple sections in a report?
    For example, if I have 5 select statements in my data section and want to print them seperately, one after the other, how would I do that?
    I do not want to merge the data together. I want it to be like 5 reports concatenated together.
    Query1 Title
    Query2 Title
    ... etc ...

    What you need to do is create a new main frame for each query. The easy way that use to do this is create the section of the report and let the wizard create the frames for me. Then I move them around to make the section look the way I want it to. Then I open a new report. This one I'll build it using the second query. Then again use the wizard to setup the frames. Then you'll select the main frame from the second report using the frame selet button copy it and paste the layout into the first report. You will want to paste it under the first section. A little trick here is to first draw a small line right above where you want the second section. The paste the second section. This will make sure the the second section is close to where you want it. If you do not do this Reports will put it on top of the first section a lot of times. You'll have to recreate the data model again, but that is easier then setting up all the framing on a complex layout. Then repete the second report step until you have done all the queries or sections you want.
    I hope that helps,

  • How do you get rid of white space when you are printing multiple pages to one sheet of paper?

    How do you get rid of extra white space when you are printing multiple pages to one sheet of paper?  When printing multiple pages to one sheet of paper Acrobat won't let you select the "zoom" for printing.

    Take a look at Quite Imposing.

Maybe you are looking for