Pro with mail sending

I want to send a mail to recipients( one employee ) and multiple employee ( more than 20 employees )  in CC.
I am using Classes to send a mail.
lr_receiver = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( receipient ).
CALL METHOD lr_email->add_recipient
                             i_recipient = lr_receiver
*                           i_express   =
                             i_copy      = 'X'.
But receiver will hold one mail id at a time.
So how can i send mails to multiple employees in CC and one employee to receiver in one shot.
Can u please help me.

Hi Mathew,
Hi all,
I am able to see the list of mail in SOST. I have wirtten the logic to display the image in the body of mail.
But in SOST, I am unable to see the image.
Please find the below image which i have taken from SOST.
my code ;
CALL METHOD o_mr_api->get
             i_url              = '/SAP/PUBLIC/Recruiting_Header.jpg'
             e_is_folder        = is_folder
             e_content          = l_current
             e_loio             = l_loio
             parameter_missing  = 1
             error_occured      = 2
             not_found          = 3
             permission_failure = 4
             OTHERS             = 5.
*l_current will hold the image in a XSTRING
*Step 4: Convert the binary image data into Base64.
       CLEAR b64data.
             bindata = l_current
             b64data = b64data.
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         DATA lv_length TYPE i.
         DATA lv_len2 TYPE i.
         wa_mail_body-line = 'Dear employee'.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         wa_mail_body-line = 'Warmest Birthday Wishes!!'.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         wa_mail_body-line = 'Wishing you very best always#'.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         MOVE '<html>' TO wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         MOVE '<head>' TO wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         MOVE '<title>Hello</title>' TO wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         MOVE '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-   1">' TO wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         MOVE '</head>' TO wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         MOVE '<body>' TO wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         wa_mail_body  = '<em><font'  .
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         wa_mail_body  = 'color="#0000FF" size="+7" face="Arial,'.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         wa_mail_body  = 'Helvetica, sans-serif">Test Image</font></em>'.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
*Add image Base64 content
         wa_mail_body = '<img src="data:image/gif;base64,'.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         lv_length = strlen( b64data ).
         lv_len2 = lv_length / 255.
         wa_mail_body = b64data.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         DATA lv_len3 TYPE i.
         DATA: temp1 TYPE i,
               temp2 TYPE i.
         DO lv_len2 TIMES.
           lv_len3 = 255 * sy-index.
           IF lv_len3 <= lv_length.
             wa_mail_body = b64data+lv_len3.
             IF wa_mail_body IS NOT INITIAL.
               APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
               CLEAR wa_mail_body.
           ELSEIF lv_len3 > lv_length.
         wa_mail_body = '"alt="Happy birthday" align="middle" width="304" height="228" />'.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         MOVE '</body>' TO wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         CLEAR wa_mail_body.
         MOVE '</html>' TO wa_mail_body.
         APPEND wa_mail_body TO gt_mail_body.
         l_subject = 'Birthday Greetings'.

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    Hi kirupa_sankar,
    To send mails to others you have to use javax.mail.jar file and sample code is
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    The total size of all three files is 48.4 mb.
    That's why. That maximum size of incoming and outgoing messages is 20MB:
    Email really isn't designed for transferring large files and all email providers have attachment size limits to avoid people clogging up their mail servers.
    Use one of the many (free) large file transfer services instead.

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    I'm not sure what "IPS wireless" is, but unless you have an Apple Wi-Fi base station (such as a Time Capsule, AirPort Extreme, or AirPort Express), AirPort Utility won't see anything.
    You might try defining a new SMTP server to see if that will work any better.
    By the way, the subject field for these messages isn't intended to hold a lot of text.  Put a short description of your problem in the subject field and save the rest of your message for the body field.

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    Hello Nicholas,
    It sounds like you are suddenly unable to send email from the Mail app but can log into your webmail and send the emails without issue. I recommend you use the following article, to help figure out what the issue is, named:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    Thanks for droping in my thread ...
    Doesn't the fact that I can surf the web with my iPhone's hot spot and that I cannot use Mail normally has I normally do give you a clue what the problem could be ?
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    If that doesn't work then try closing the Mail app completely : from the home screen (i.e. not with the Mail app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Mail app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
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    The question mark means the computer cannot find a bootable volumes so can;t do anything, That, combined with annoying sounds, strongly suggests a failed hard drive.
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