Prob  photo disparue mais aperçu visible

Bonjour, j'ai un problème pour visualiser des photos dans mon iphoto. Ma version de iphoto est 8.1.2. Lorsque je suis dans iphoto dans mes évènements, je vois toutes mes photos en "aperçu", quand je veux ouvrir certaines photos en grand et bien j'ai un gros point d'exclamation, ce problème se trouve sur toute une période et uniquement sur les photos horizontales. Je n'ai pas touché à iphoto library et je ne trouve pas les photos lorsque je fais une recherche générale dans l'orid. Est ce que vous savez d'ou ça peut venir et surtout comment récupérer les photos ? Merci pour votre aide

Google translation:
Hello, I have a problem to load pictures in my iphoto. My version of iPhoto is 8.1.2. When I am in iphoto in my events, I see all my photos in "preview" when I want to open some pictures in a larger, well I have a big exclamation point, this problem is on a whole period and only horizontal pictures. I have not touched iphoto library and I can not find the pictures when I do a general search in ORID. Is that you know, or it may come and especially how to recover photos? Thank you for your help
The "!" is an indication that the link/file path between the thumbnail and the master/original file has been broken. Apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
Fix #1
Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
Select the options identified in the screenshot.
Fix #2
Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
Download IPhoto Library Manager 4 for OS XC 10.6.8 and iPhoto  8.1.2 and later  or iPhoto Library Manager 3 (for OS X 10.5.8 and iPhoto 7.1.5 and earlier) and launch.
Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu (iPLM 3) or Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu (iPLM 4) option.
In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
Click on the Create button.
Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

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    You're right. There's not alot of info available on this particular issue regarding invisible slideshow photos. So let's try the following.
    You say the photos are showing in the drop zone editor nevertheless ..... correct?
    What happens when you add a transition (simple 3 second dissolve for example)?
    If that fails to help then add music as well and then set the slideshow to "fit to audio". Post back with your results.
    Message was edited by: SDMacuser

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    I don't have a good answer for you, If you under a deadline to finish the project, you can always view the image at 100% and do a series of screen captures, then piece the image back together. Not the idea solution, but it should work.

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    No, that is not normal.
    You optical drive may be defective.
    Try a SMC reset.
    Use a DVD lens cleaner disk (the lens may be dirty).
    If none of this works, go to an Apple store or a repair facility.

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    Try removing all the photos from your iPod by disabling the option to Sync Photos from under your iPod's Photos tab in iTunes.  Then Apply the changes to remove the photos.  Then reapply that same option to sync them back over and see if that helps.

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    Sorry for the massive post.
    Any help will be extremely welcome!

    Basically you need the photos available a tthe path the they had when they were imported, check the option to copy imported items to the iPhoto library and then you use the iplm rebuild -
    Photo Library Manager - -  can rebuild a referenced library into a managed library but only if the original photos are accessable via the path in iPhoto
    Or if you have iPhoto '11 9.4.2 and Aperture 3.3 or newer you can use Aperture to reconnect the photos

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    Glad you posted back. The problem as described would have had a lot of people scratching their heads.

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    système: MAC OSX 10.9.3
    Logiciel PHTOSHOP CC
    Imprimante Canon MG 7150
    l'aperçu visible dans Photoshop est correct
    la photo est de 15X10 cm (résolution 72)
    les paramètre d'impression sont bien "sans bordure"...
    Merci pour votre aide

    Merci pour cette réponse, mais je pense qu'elle n'est pas satisfaisante, trouver un biais est toujours possible, cela ne résout en aucun cas le pb, si on trouvait toujours des contournements aux problèmes, il n'y aurait jamais de solutions pour les résoudre. Si vous n'avez plus d'essence dans votre véhicule, vous pouvez toujours la pousser, elle va avancer c'est sûr..,
    Dominique Prévots
    Le 28 mai 2014 à 10:08, philgoes1 <[email protected]> a écrit :
    impression photo sans bordures
    created by philgoes1 in Forums en français - View the full discussion
    il n'y a pas 36 solutions, une imprimante de bureau aura toujours des petits doigts pour attraper le papier, donc toujours du blanc.
    Si tu ne veux pas allez chez un imprimeur et si tu n'utilise que photoshop, créé un document en A4 et colle y tes photos, tu fais des traits de coupe. Tu imprimes puis tu coupes avec un cutter proprement.
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  • How to share a photo stream w/ family account

    I have searched for two days for a solution, but could not find one.
    Our setup is as follows:
    One iMac at home, where iPhoto and Yosemite is running on.
    My wife has an iPhone 5S with iOS8 and I have one, too.
    We have an iCloud Family Account, and she has her own Apple-ID, but is part of the family account.
    Photos she is taking are not added automatically to the iMac - iPhoto Photostream. It only works with MY Photostream. It seems that one could only have a photo stream for one Apple-ID, regardless of a Family Account setup.
    I have created a shared Family iCloud - Album, but I find this too cumbersome, since she needs to add photos manually to it all the time and secondly I don't know if these are added automatically to the iPhoto Media Lib on the iMac.
    Desired solution: Without sharing the same Apple ID both iPhones should have a Photostream (not a shared iCloud album), and this photo stream should automatically add photos to the Media Lib on the iMac. Sort of a "shared photo stream".
    Many thanks in advance - hopefully somebody has cracked this nut before me :-)
    Best, Georg

    Where are you looking?
    There are a few ways to do it. You can select a photo in the Photo app then tap the Share button, there should be a Photo Stream button where you can add a new Photo Stream. Or from the Photo Stream section of the Photo app tap the (plus) button in the top left corner.
    If these options are not available check Settings/iCloud/Photo Stream to ensure both My Photo Stream and Shared Photo Stream are turned on.

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    I have three screen shots to help show my problem.
    The first one is the page before I make any cropping edits:
    This next one shows the beginning of making the crop, before clicking the green check mark to accept the crop. Notice the photos are still intact and visible in the layers:
    And when I accept the crop (by clicking the green checkmark), below is the view of my resulting new layers (the photo is no longer there):
    As you know, what I should see is the resulting, cropped photo in both layers -- not a grayed-out set of boxes.
    How can I fix this to get the crop feature to work again?
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Click this little triangle and choose Reset Tool from the popout menu:

  • Photo's Stuck In iPad Complex Situation HELP!'s my problem i have a first gen ipad running ios 5 and a while back the hard drive on my Mac busted so i lost everything but my family photos and important memories are still on that ipad but i don't know how to get it out i don't care much for the music as much but i really need those photo's back, they are visible in my events library but not in my photostream so how do i get it off? help PLEASE!

    To copy photos that were originally synced from a computer you will need a third-party app such as Simple Transfer which can copy them off via your wifi network. But as photos are 'optimised' when they are synced to the iPad, any that you then copy back to a computer may not be exactly the same as they originally were on your Mac.
    iTunes purchases you should be able to copy back via File > Devices > Transfer Purchases, for other content see if the programs listed on this page help :

  • How to save resized photo in the event

    I am having trouble saving my resized photo in my event. When I open an event, choose the photo I want to resize, and use the export feature, I am unable to choose my event as a place to save to. Any suggestions. What I end up doing is saving it somewhere else I don't want to based on my limited choices in the drop down and moving it to the event. This is a hassle.
    I also tried to resize the photo using the preview program and saving it to my event. THis way I at least got the option, but the saved file doesn't show up in the iphoto event, only in the finder when I view all of my photos.
    Any suggestions. In a perfect world I just want to upload photos from my camera, iphoto creates an event which is great. and now I just want to resize them and have the original and the resized photo in the same event visible in iphoto. Is this possible?

    Welcome to the Apple user discussion forums
    If you want to have two different resolutions of a photo in iPhoto (and I can think of no reason to have this) you have to export the photo in the second resolution and import that new photo into iPhoto
    You should never "save" anything into the iPhoto library - iPhoto is a database and you should never add or modify anything inside the iPhoto library

  • IPhoto won't open/display photos in edit

    I have an up-to-date version of iPhoto in my iMac.  It has been working fine for years.  About a month ago, pictures stopped displaying when I click on one to view it alone, either to see a bigger version or to edit it.  The pictures are all viewable in thumbnails, both in the "Events" and "Photos" views, but when I click on an individual photo, it expands out in a new window for a split second and then disappears leaving an empty black window.  All the photos in that event are visible at the bottom of the screen as if a slideshow is in progress -- but no big photo in the window.  I've tried opening photos by clicking "Edit" instead of clicking on the photo itself, and the same thing happens.  I can still import and export photos and I can rotate them from the thumbnail view.  I just can't open them for a closer look or editing.  Any ideas?

    Soe folks have fixed this black screen with a simple restart of the Mac.
    There are several possible causes for the Black Screen issue
    1. Permissions in the Library: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Include the option to check and repair permissions.
    2. Minor Database corruption: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.
    3. A Damaged Photo: Select one of the affected photos in the iPhoto Window and right click on it. From the resulting menu select 'Show File (or 'Show Original File' if that's available). (On iPhoto 11 this option is under the File -> Reveal in Finder.) Will the file open in Preview? If not then the file is damaged. Time to restore from your back up.
    4. A corrupted iPhoto Cache: Trash the folder from HD/Users/Your Name/ Library/ Caches...
    5. A corrupted preference file: Trash the file from the HD/Users/ Your Name / library / preferences folder. (Remember you'll need to reset your User options afterwards. These include minor settings like the window colour and so on. Note: If you've moved your library you'll need to point iPhoto at it again.)
    If none of these help: As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?

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