Probably simple problem with while loops

I was programming something for a CS class and came across a problem I can't explain with while loops. The condition for the loop is true, but the loop doesn't continue; it terminates after executing once. The actual program was bigger than this, but I isolated my problem to a short loop:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ok {
public static void main(String[] args){
     Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
     String antlol = "p";
     while(antlol == "p" || antlol == "P"){
          System.out.println("write a P so we can get this over with");
          antlol = scan.nextLine(); 
//it terminates after this, even if I type "P", which should make the while condition true.

Thanks, that worked.
I think my real problem with this program was my CS
teacher, who never covered how to compare strings,Here's something important.
This isn't just about comparing Strings. This applies to comparing ANY objects. When you use == that compares to see if two references refer to the same instance. equals compares objects for equality in the sense that equality means they have equal "content" as it were.

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    read in files...
         //Go through each line of the first file
              while(matchLine1.find()) {
                   CharSequence line1 =;
                   //Get the words in the line
                   String words1[] = wordBreak.split(line1);
                   for (int i1 = 0, n = words1.length; i1 < n; i1++) {
                        if(words1[i1].length() > 0) {
                             int count= 0;
              }This is what i have been doing, but with this method count stores the number of words in all files combined, not each individual file, and similarly list1 stores the words in all the files not in each individual file. Does anybody know how i could change this or what datastructures i could use that would allow me to store each file seperately. I would appreciate any help on this topic, Thanks!

    Don't try to construct complicated nested loops, it makes things a
    tangled mess. You want a collection of words per file. You have at least
    zero files. Given a file (or its name), you want to add a word to a collection
    associated with that file, right?
    A Map is perfect for this, i.e. the file's name can be the key and the
    associated value can be the collection of words. A separate simple class
    can be a 'MapManager' (ahem) that controls the access to this master
    map. This MapManager doesn't know anything about what type of
    collection is supposed to store all those words. Maybe you want to
    store just the unique words, maybe you want to store them all, including
    the duplicates etc. etc. The MapManager depends on a CollectionBuilder,
    i.e. a simple thing that is able to deliver a new collection to be associated
    with a file name. Here's the CollectionBuilder:public interface CollectionBuilder {
       Collection getCollection();
    }Because I'm feeling lazy today, I won't design an interface for a MapManager,
    so I simply make it a class; here it is:public class MapManager {
       private Map map= new HashMap(); // file/words association
       CollectionBuilder cb; // delivers Collections per file
       // constructor
       public MapManager(CollectionBuilder cb) { this.cb= cb; }
       // add a word 'word' given a filename 'name'
       public boolean addWord(String name, String word) {
          Collection c= map.get(name);
          if (c == null) { // nothing found for this file
             c= cb.getCollection(); // get a new collection
             map.put(name, c); // and associate it with the filename
          return c.add(word); // return whatever the collection returns
       // get the collection associated with a filename
       public Collection getCollection(String name) { return map.get(name); }
    }... now simply keep adding words from a file to this MapManager and
    retrieve the collections afterwards.
    kind regards,

  • Problem with while loop in thread: starting an audiostream

    Hello guys,
    I'm doing this project for school and I'm trying to make a simple app that plays a number of samples and forms a beat, baed on which buttons on the screen are pressed, think like fruity loops. But perhaps a screenshot of my unfnished GUI makes things a bit more clear:
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    public void run(){
            //System.out.println("Wavfiles.size =" + getWavfiles().size());
            if (getWavfiles() == null) {
                System.out.println("Error: list of Wavfiles is empty, cannot start playing.");
                if(!active) return;
                    System.out.println("Wavfiles.size =" + getWavfiles().size());
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                        timer.schedule(filePlayer, getWavfiles().get(i).getStartTime());
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                        Logger.getLogger(LineBuilder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        }But once the second iteration should begin, I'm getting nullpointerexceptions. These nullpointerexceptions come exactly when the second period starts so I suppose the sleep works :-) The nullpointerexception comes from the wavfile I try to play. Wavfile class:
    import java.util.TimerTask;
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
    import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
    import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
    import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;
    import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
    public class Wavplayer extends TimerTask {
            private SourceDataLine auline;
            private AudioInputStream audioInputStream;
         private final int EXTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 524288; // 128Kb
         public Wavplayer(ByteArrayInputStream wavstream) {
              try {
                   audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(wavstream);
              } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e1) {
              } catch (IOException e1) {
                    AudioFormat format = audioInputStream.getFormat();
              DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format);
                    try {
                   auline = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
              } catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
              } catch (Exception e) {
         public void run() {
              int nBytesRead = 0;
              byte[] abData = new byte[EXTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE];
              try {
                   while (nBytesRead != -1) {
                        nBytesRead =, 0, abData.length);
                        if (nBytesRead >= 0)
                             auline.write(abData, 0, nBytesRead);
              } catch (IOException e) {
              } finally {
    }auline is null on second iteration, in fact, getAudioInputStream doesn't really work anymore, and I don't know why because I don't change anything about my list of wavfiles as far as I know... Any thoughts or extra info needed?
    Edited by: Lorre on May 26, 2008 12:22 PM

    Is my question not clear enough? Do you need more info? Or is nobody here familiar with javax.sound.sampled?
    Edited by: Lorre on May 26, 2008 2:07 PM

  • Problem with While Loop.

    Hi guys,
    i'm doing a pass exam java question, below is the question criteria.
    Write a program that allows a user to enter their mark attained in each unit and displays their grade. After all marks are entered the average mark is displayed.
    The main method should:
    Prompt the user to enter the number of units taken (check for NumberFormatException)
    Write a for loop to repeat for each subject, where each iteration
    Prompts the user to enter a mark ( a double) for unit 1, unit 2 etc. This should be in a while loop so if mark entered is less than 0 or greater than 100 the prompt will be repeated.
    Pass the mark to a method called getGrade.
    Display the returned grade
    Accumulate each mark
    Print the average mark to 2 decimal places
    The getGrade method should:
    Accept the parameter passed from the main method
    Determine the grade according to the following scale
    Return the grade
    The words that i highlighted in bold is the criteria.
    As you can see from the above question, i create an array , even though the question does not prompt me to create as what i know from tackling JavaQuestions "if it does not prompt me to add a criteria, it is ok to add it" :)
    below is my program code , in which the result i get is the same as the question result. BUT, from the above question it ask me to add a while loop, so if mark entered is less than 0 or greater than 100 the prompt will be repeated.
    But instead i use a do loop. :(
    so can anyone help me or show me how to create the while loop for mark entered is less than 0 or greater than 100 the prompt will be repeated, from my program code below. cause i want to know whether it possible to have a while loop instead of do loop for the my program and the while loop can work with an array criteria.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class Mark
        public static void main (String [] args)
            String unitStr;
            String markEnterStr;
            int validUnit;
            double total = 0;
            boolean validInput = true;
            DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
            while (validInput)
            unitStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter number of units: ");
            validUnit = Integer.parseInt(unitStr);
            double[] markArray = new double[validUnit];
            validInput = false;
            for (int index = 0;index < validUnit; index++)
                markEnterStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter mark " +(index+1) +":");           
                markArray[index] = Double.parseDouble(markEnterStr);
                while(markArray[index] < 0 || markArray[index] >100);
                String correctMark = getGrade(markArray[index]);
                total = total + markArray[index];       
            double average = (double)total / validUnit;
            System.out.println("Average = " +fmt.format(average));                   
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
            public static String getGrade(double x)
                String grade;
                if (x < 50)
                grade = "Fail";
                else if (x < 60)
                grade = "Pass";
                else if (x < 70)
                grade = "Credit";
                else if (x < 80)
                grade = "Distinction";
                else grade = "High distinction";
                return grade;

    Hope u got it.
               markArray[index] = -1;
                while(markArray[index] < 0 || markArray[index] >100);
                markEnterStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter mark " +(index+1) +":");           
                markArray[index] = Double.parseDouble(markEnterStr);

  • Time not stopping with while loop

    I've attached my VI.  I am having trouble with while loops.
    I want to turn on LEDs. The first LED should turn on after 3s.  The second LED should turn on after 5s.  The third LED will turn on later. 
    The LEDs turn on based on the following conditions:
    Case 0: numeric control > 10 then led_1 off, led_2 off, led_3 off
    Case 1: numeric control <= 10 then led_1 on, led_2 on, led_3 on
    Case 2: numeric control <=5 then led_3 on
    Because of the way I'm delaying time, I have the following problems
    Case 1 --> case 2: led_3 doesn't come on right away
    Case 2 --> case 1: led_3 doesn't turn off right away
    Putting probes in certain areas leads me to believe that these problems are due to the way the time delay is being generated.
    Thanks in advance.
    EDIT: Looking at it seems to be that when the stop condition is true, the loop runs one more iteration. Is there a way to keep it from running that "one more iteration."
    Attachments: ‏15 KB

    One of the problems is that your VI is not able to "breathe" because it is sometimes trapped inside inner loops that consume all CPU and step on each others toes. All you need is an single outer loop and a few shift registers.
    May of your specifications are still not clear, for example what should happen to LED 1&2 in case #3? Should they remain in the state they are in, or should they turn off, for example.
    Here is a simple rewrite that spins the outer loop at a regular rate, has no inner loop, and does not need any local variables or value property nodes. See if it makes sense. Also note that your code can be simplified dramatically by using arrays. Since the stop button is read with each of the regular interations, we don't need to worry about sequencing.
    Most likely you need to do a few simple modofications, because your specs are not clear.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Attachments: ‏15 KB

  • Timing with while loop

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    while- loop.GIF ‏6 KB

    nichts wrote:
    How can I do a time with while loop?. I want to read a data in the While- Loop for 1 sec and then go to B .. I added a pic,
    I would use as GerdW has mentioned,"elapsed" in a statement 1st case structure, after set time has elapsed> goto 2nd case structure. try not to use flat sequences....this can be done with case statements with transitional coding. I have noticed young LV programmers like to use flat sequences...I think it's a trap set up by LV developers? 

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    GameObject[] theArrayInQuestion;
    // populate array somehow or other
    void methodWithLoop() {
       while(arrayNotNull(theArrayInQuestion)) {
       // do stuff
    boolean arrayNotNull(Object[] array) {
      int len = array.length;
      for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if ( array[i] != null ) {
          return true;
      return false

  • Problems with opening file with while loop

    Greetings everyone,
      This is probably a quick question, but I am familiarizing myself how to open data files in Labview. The attached code works if you enter a file from the folder button on the front panel. However, if the path is blank and you hit the run (arrow) button, a dialog box comes up and asks for the file.
       I select the file, but the dialog box keeps coming up. I think this has something to do with my while loop. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏27 KB

    1. crossrulz was right. The Read FromSpreadsheet opens and closes the file each time it is called. If no file path is present at the input when it is called, it will pop up a file dialog.
    2. LabVIEW uses a dataflow paradigm. In your program the effect of this is that the File path control is read almost immediately when the program is started and never again after that. So, if the program is already running when the file is selected in that control, the new value is never read and the value (empty) in the control when the rpogram started is used.
    3. The fix is to use an event structure with a file path Value Changed event to detect when the control has a value entered and then read the file.
    4. Sequence structures obscure code, make it difficult to modify and extend code, and can almost always be eliminated by effective use of dataflow.  Local variables should not be used just to pass data around.  Wire is always the best way when possible. In your program adding a few wires allows elimination of the sequence structure and the local variables.
    5.  Your graph loop should have some kind of delay or wait.  No need for it to run as fast as the processor will allow - and to hog all the CPU time - to repeatedly put the same data onto the graph.  This is another place where an event structure is appropriate. Only update the graph when the X-Axis or Y-Axis selections have changed. Note: Accepted best practice is to use only one event structure in a program, although there are a few advanced cases where multiple event structures are appropriate.  You only need one.
    6. If the slected file does not contain the "endheader" string, the program will never stop.  Add a test for EOF to stop the program if the End of File is reached without finding the flag.
    Attachments: ‏27 KB

  • Problem using while loop with !=

    Hi, I'm a beginner and still learning the basics of Java!
    Right now, I have a problem creating a while loop to read in two values.
    This is what I have entered:
    while((input != 'a') || (input != 'b'))
           Screen.out.println("Invalid Input");
           Screen.out.println("Enter 'a' or 'b' to continue");
           input =;
    }    I'm trying to get a input from the user, either the character 'a' or 'b' to continue, where my next set of code would come in and if they did not enter the character 'a' or 'b', it would display the "Invalid Input" message.
    What I can't get to happen in my while loop is that when I enter 'a' or 'b' , I still get the "Invalid Input" message etc. Even when I enter any other character in, I still get the same "Invalid Input" message. I thought the " != " mean "not equal to" and the " || " means OR. What am I doing wrong??

    while((input != 'a') && (input != 'b'))The || operator evaluates to true if either operand is true. If you enter an 'a', (input != 'b') is true, so the code gets executed. Similarly, if you enter 'b', you obviously didn't enter an 'a', so your code gets executed.
    You want to execute the code only if (input != 'a') AND (input != 'b').

  • Problem with a loop

    Hello All
    I'm working on a Flash Gallery and I'm having some issues
    with a loop and it's probably something simple I don't know so I
    thought I'd see if someone can help me.
    the problem is that once the thumbnail panel is populated the
    image I want to display from a rollover is no longer defined. As I
    mentioned I was hoping someone could shed some light on this.
    // create the thumbnail panel
    var i = -1;
    while(++i<thumbList.length) {
    name = "item"+i;
    this[name]._x = i*spacing;
    this[name].contentPath = "children/" + thumbList
    // show the larger pic on rollover
    this[name].onRollOver = function() {
    picture.contentPath = "children/" + thumblist;
    by using this I get an error of: "error opening

    mark2685 wrote:
    Well, the array of student objects is larger than 2, there are about 6 students so it would have to get the highest from TestScore 1 and the lowests from TestScore 2 out of all of the students, not just those 2. And I want the entire object stored in the chessTeam array. Does this make sense?No you're not reading my code right (BTW - add an open brace on the for loop top and set score2 to 101), or else I'm not understanding you requirements correctly. The student array can hold as many Students as needs be. You stated that you have only two scores that you care about and so that's the 1 and the 2. Based on the Student class you've shown us, this should work, but you'll have to try it before you know.

  • Problem with one loop in another one

    When I drag and move cursor, X scale position will be show below. And then I click “add data in array”, the data should be put into array. I can move cursor again to add the second , the third ….into array.
    My problem is:
    In block diagram, once loop2 is outside of loop 1, it works. But I really want loop2 is in loop1 regarding to the rest part of the program. However, we I move loop2 into loop1, when I move cursor, nothing happens.
    Please help to make it work or you have different way to do this job.
    Thank you very much
    Attachments: ‏29 KB

    Hey, no need to make it so complicated.  Just add an indicator on the CursLoc.X wire in the  "0 To 5 MHz": Cursor Move  case.
    To answer your questions:
    1) The indicator does not react because you are still within the inner while loop.  It will not change until that loop completes. I.e. the stop button is pressed.
    2) Similarly, the stop 2 button will press, but nothing will happen until the inner loop is done.
    Generally, when I am using an event structure, I try to keep all the changing UI inputs and outputs in the same while loop with the event structure, if not in the event structure itself.  Local variables and property nodes can get the job done, but they are inefficient and can be difficult to debug.  As I am sure you are discovering
    Message Edited by jasonhill on 04-07-2006 12:40 PM
    cursor position indicator.PNG ‏7 KB

  • Noob Help with While Loop

    Sorry for the "Noob"-ness on this one. I am working on a program for class and I am having a problem with a while loop. So I opened a new document and began to code a while loop that is basic to test my while looping skill. Apparrently, I have none. Can anyone tell me why this While Loop will not work:
    public class test
         public static void main(String[] args)
         int LoanTerm = 0;
              while (LoanTerm < 3);
                   System.out.println (LoanTerm);

    to explain, the ; means that the while loop body is empty, and you will just spin forever testing whether LoanTerm < 3, without doing anything else.

  • Problem with multiple loops

    Hi all,
    I recently wrote my first VI for a soil consolidation test, which reads voltage measurements from an LVDT, keeps a moving average, and records the LVDT measurements versus time an XY graph.  Everything is contained in a while loop with a stop button and works just fine.  However,I'm having some trouble scaling this approach up for multiple LVDT measurements at once.  What I want to do is this:
    I have a while loop with a relatively short time delay that reads all channels in my SCC system at once.  My DAQ Express VI is set to acquire 1 data point on demand.  Then I send the dynamic data type wire out of the loop and convert the data for each channel to a different scalar value.
    Next, I have another while loop for EACH channel/consolidation test.  I'm doing this because I want each loop to have the potential cycle at a different rate, depending on the soil type I'm testing on that particular LVDT.  For example, on Test 1, I may want to acquire a point every half second, whereas for Test 2 I only want a point every 5 minutes.  I'd assumed the best way to do that would be to have ONE DAQ VI set to acquire all channels at a relatively high frequency (as I mentioned before), and then have each test go "get" the appropriate reading when it needs one.  I don't think I want to use a queue, because I may be skipping quite a few data points in between the ones I actually care about.
    This is the approach I'd thought up, but the concept could be completely wrong.  To make a long story short, I want to acquire time elapsed/voltage data for 5-6 different channels at different rates.  I want each channel/test to be contained in a different loop so that I can compute individual moving averages for each one.
    My problem is getting the multiple while loops to work with one another.  My 'secondary' loops for the individual channels don't seem to be cycling.  If I put a probe on the data tunnels, I get nothing passing out of the first loop containing the DAQ Express VI.  However, everything within that 'primary' loop works just fine.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Here's what I had in mind (LabVIEW 7.0).
    Message Edited by altenbach on 04-26-2006 01:25 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Attachments: ‏53 KB
    SampleFewer.png ‏9 KB

  • Help needed with while loops please :)

    I'm beginning to study java at School.
    My assignment using while loops, to ask user to input 2 numbers.
    I have to output all odd number between the two.
    I have to output the sum of all even numbers between the two.
    Output all the numbers and their squares between 1-10.
    Output the squares of the odd numbers between the 2 numbers the user entered.
    Output all uppercase letters.
    If anyone can give me any help, I would appreciate it greatly.
    Thank you.

    It would help if you put aside your code, and wrote out some pseudo-code first so that you understand the steps you will need to take. for example
    get input from user
    set counter to first number entered
    while counter less than/ equal to second number
          check if number is even
               if even, add to even_sum
               else output counter, along with its square
          increment counter by one
    end while
    output sum of evensthat block, when coded, will solve 3 of the problems, the other 2 will require separate loops
    Good Luck

  • Need help with while loop and shift registers

    I have a large data set and need to read in the data at maybe 200 samples at a time, process these samples through my VI, and have it append and concatenate a separate lvm file.  The part where I am confused is the shift registers. How do I limit the number of samples read in an iteration? How do I get the while loop to stop when all the data are read in?
    I've attached my diagram, maybe there is something wrong with my technique?
    Go to Solution.
    shiftreg.JPG ‏56 KB

    This will give you an idea.  There are plenty of other (probably more efficient) methods.  This is a basic, quick and dirty solution to help you grasp the overall concept.
    Using LabVIEW: 7.1.1, 8.5.1 & 2013
    ShiftRegLoop.JPG ‏54 KB

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