Problem burning my enhanced Podcast (.m4a files)

Hello together,
Since i have updated to the new iTunes 8.2 i've got some real problems, with burning my Podcast Sessions. (itpc://
For all my subscribers out there with an iPhone or an iPod touch i create all my podcast episodes as enhanced Podcast. So that they can browse it easily. (Track for Track)
Before i installed the new iTunes, burning my mixes and all other m4a mixes and podcasts of other artists have been splitted track to track on the CD. So i could easily switch between the different tracks in my car, when listening. Unfortunately, with the new iTunes version, the whole mix is burnt as one track. So that i get 1 track with 60 minutes music...this is pretty sad... :((
This anyone have a solution?!
Message was edited by: Claudio Bottega

I downloaded the 64-Bit version of iTunes 8.2 for my pc running Vita - found the same problem with enhanced podcasts. Real bummer! Am considering reinstalling 8.11.

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    I am getting into trouble.
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    The correct URL for your media file appears to be .m4a
    The '%20' bits are spaces in the filename, and you shouldn't do that, but the file will be located at this URL - I can't actually check whether it plays at the moment (I'm on Linux).
    You should use this actual URL in your XML file, not the version starting with the domain name particularly as so far I can't find a version which works).

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    You can save a CS3 .fla file to Flash 8 - Just do File >
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    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

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    iTunes does not show the images in enhanced podcasts when you simply play them from the Store page - don't ask me why. If you subscribe, then you will see the images, and this is the best way for your students to get your podcasts.
    If you click the 'subscribe' button on the Store page, then you will see the podcast listed when you click on Library>Podcasts in the sidebar. Clicking on the disclosure triangle will show the list of episodes: the latest one will be downloaded automatically and you can click on 'Get' to download the earlier ones. All subsequent episodes will be downloaded automatically as soon as they are published (provided iTunes is running). When you play them you will see the images.

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    Last login: Thu Dec 29 18:25:28 on ttyp1
    Welcome to Darwin!
    Shawn-Stricklands-Computer:~ Shawn$ Music/ChapterTool/Podcast Audio Guide/
    -bash: Music/ChapterTool/Podcast: No such file or directory
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    -bash: Music/ChapterTool/Podcast: is a directory
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    -bash: ./ChapterTool: No such file or directory
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    -bash: /ChapterTool: No such file or directory
    Shawn-Stricklands-Computer:~ Shawn$
    And attempted later with the same results:
    Last login: Fri Dec 30 13:54:41 on ttyp1
    Welcome to Darwin!
    Shawn-Stricklands-Computer:~ Shawn$ Music/ChapterTool/
    -bash: Music/ChapterTool/: is a directory
    Shawn-Stricklands-Computer:~ Shawn$ ./ChapterTool -x podcast.xml -a podcast.m4a -o podcast123005.m4a
    -bash: ./ChapterTool: No such file or directory
    Shawn-Stricklands-Computer:~ Shawn$
    Is there something wrong with TextEdit? Or am I looking over yet another problem?

    Just to clarify, I didn't realize the whole change directory command (cd) and the quotation of paths so that spaces and caps could be correctly altered. But wait! Now Apple has made this streamlined for me (As usual, a little delay, but as usual) and I don't even have to do the command line at all to create enhanced podcasts. A giant Hooray for that!

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    Just to clarify, I didn't realize the whole change directory command (cd) and the quotation of paths so that spaces and caps could be correctly altered. But wait! Now Apple has made this streamlined for me (As usual, a little delay, but as usual) and I don't even have to do the command line at all to create enhanced podcasts. A giant Hooray for that!

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      Windows XP  

    I think the problem is that your chapter titles are too long. If you make them shorter, they'll show up on the webpage too.
    Another tip for you: I notice you have the chapter "ComicBookLover" four different times because you have four different pictures to go with it. If that's the way you want it, that's fine. But if you only want one chapter, in GarageBand, delete just the titles from the last three chapter markers. When the file is played in iTunes, the viewer will still see the four different pictures but you'll only have one "ComicBookLover" chapter.
    iMac G5, MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Anyone else run into this or know how to fix it? I would hate to have to revert to ordinary .mp3 format.

    Yes, it is correct. I opened up one of the problematic episodes and changed the preferences to save it as "good" quality and the resulting .m4a played fine. Oddly the next setting up, "better" is supposed to record at 24 bits but export at 16 bit. The.m4a from this setting wouldn't play.
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    Playback Failed
    An enhanced .m4a file (aka enhanced podcast file) is created in GarageBand and has images placed at arbitrary points along the timeline to accompany the audio.  Think of an annotated slide show (Keynote or PowerPoint).  These files play just fine in QuickTime Player X on MacOS X and in the on iOS.  That is, you hear the audio and see the different still images. The images are different from album art.

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    I can't seem to see the chapter artwork when I listen (and watch) my enhanced audio podcasts (m4a) (Among others This Week in Media and .
    I'm also a podcast producer and tried watching my podcast on the nano, but unlike my older iPod Photo it does not seem to show the album art coupled to each chapter. Do I miss some sort of setting?
    I really really wanted just to see FULL SCREEN chapter artwork while watching the m4a files. Please fix this or help me!

    I wanted to add my comments about how disappointing it is to not be able to view enhanced podcasts on the 3G nano. I develop them for educational use (you can embed large images for Quicktime computer based viewing and we have little need for live action video). I do hope Apple gets this fixed-or makes an official pronouncement if they intend to abandon the enhanced format. It would be a REAL pain to have to redo my extant material in the video format. There are many annoying minor bugs in the 1.1 upgrade-these are described in other posts. The price we pay as early adopters I suppose.

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    I was recording an episode of my podcast (Radio Allegro- and for some reason my software quit on me. I was using Audio HiJack and recording multiple people in Skype. I have never had a problem before, but when I repopened Audio Hijack Pro it was like I had never recorded anything. When I found the file the .m4a file was obviously corrupted. My question is: is there a way to fix this and if so and with what. If you can answer this question I will publish your name on my site and give you the DVD of your choice. PLEASE HELP!!

    A few questions - (although most likely you're probably screwed):
    What's the file size like? Does it look like the data could be intact? For example - if you think you've recorded an hour of audio - and your file size is only like 150K or something - most likely your data is gone.
    If the filesize looks like it's in order for what you think should be in there...then it could be just a header screwup in the data file. Theoretically - you could get into the file and figure the headers out - adjust them properly - and go from there...
    I've managed to pull that kind of stuff off a few times in the past with corrupted data files - but most often - your stuff is just gone.
    Good luck man!

  • Problems with enhanced podcast

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    I have a podcast on iTunes in the music section which has many listeners.
    Currently the enhanced podcast is working fine in my iTunes locally. I created them via GarageBand, but if I upload them and refresh the xml file for iTunes and I download an episode from my iPhone, I must sync it to my iTunes before I get the picture within the link and description, very strange.
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  • Podcasts don't play m4a files on a non .mac account.

    So here is the deal I created a podcast site using iweb. Saved to a folder and uploaded it to
    I didn't change anything. Just created it and ftp'd to the web.
    If you click on the sample podcast, it doesn't load. Seems that mp4 and m4a files do not work on non .mac accounts.
    You can also check out
    This is for another test that I did. Here you will see that the m4a or mp4 files can not be downloaded but the mp3 files can. All of these files are in the same folder.
    The files do play just fine from my hard drive in itunes, on my ipod and through quicktime.
    Does anyone know why m4a and mp4 files can be played and downloaded from a .mac account but not another server.
    I don't mind doing things a little differently. I also don't mind working with my hosting company to make changes to their server.
    I have spoken with the Apple Genius Bar folks and they don't have answers.
    Is this enough information?
    thank you for your help,

    You bet it can't play what it can't find. Problem is, the file is right where the code says it is. Everything is in place. That is what I am talking about. The files are there. The code points to the right place and yet something doesn't work. I even had Apple Genius staff confirm file structure and naming.
    It can't play what it can't find:
    I broke the link (added a space) to keep this from
    stretching this page.
    The .mp4 file isn't on the server or is named
    different than the HTML code.

  • Novice with GarageBand: Can I export completed podcast as m4a file?

    Can you help me?
    I thought I could create a .m4A file from GarageBand, but I can't find a way to do that.
    Is it possible? How do I do that? I'm on a MacBook, OS X 10.7.5 and GarageBand 6.0.5
    Many thanks for looking and hopefully being able to answer this question.

    First of all, GarageBand is an amzing tool to record/prepare your enhanced podcast with all the artwork, chapters, etc.
    You export your finished podcast the same way you would export a song.
    You do that in from the Share Menu. Be careful, because the menu items are dynamic,whihc mean they change depending what is currently selected in your Project. Make sure you have the Podcast Track visible. This changes the "Send Song to iTunes..." to "Send Podcast to iTunes..."
    On the next page, select Compress using AAC. That creates an .m4a file during the export.
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

  • Itunes problem: when I change the file "media type" from 'Music' to 'Podcast' the file disapears from ITUNES. I do this via (1) right click, (2) select 'Get Info', (3) select 'options' tab, and (4) change media type. What is the problem?

    Itunes problem: when I change the file "media type" from 'Music' to 'Podcast' the file disapears from ITUNES. I do this via (1) right click, (2) select 'Get Info', (3) select 'options' tab, and (4) change media type. What is the problem?

    Hi Memalyn
    Essentially, the bare issue is that you have a 500GB hard drive with only 10GB free. That is not sufficient to run the system properly. The two options you have are to move/remove files to another location, or to install a larger hard drive (eg 2TB). Drive space has nothing to do with SMC firmware, and usually large media files are to blame.
    My first recommendation is this: download and run the free OmniDiskSweeper. This will identify the exact size of all your folders - you can drill down into the subfolders and figure out where your largest culprits are. For example, you might find that your Pictures folder contains both an iPhoto Library and copies that you've brought in from a camera but are outside the iPhoto Library structure. Or perhaps you have a lot of purchased video content in iTunes.
    If you find files that you KNOW you do not need, you can delete them. Don't delete them just because you have a backup, since if the backup fails, you will lose all your copies.
    Don't worry about "cleaners" for now - they don't save much space and can actually cause problems. Deal with the large file situation first and see how you get on.
    Let us know what you find out, and if you manage to get your space back.

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