Problem changing GTK2 theme with switch2

Hi everyone,
I'm stuck with an annoying problem...
Well I'm currently using Openbox alternatively with Fvwm and I use switch2 to change my GTK theme...
However I recently changed my theme to Muku (a port for Linux of a Windows Theme made by Lyrae).
This worked smoothly...
But now, when I want to change for another one some applications are blocked with Muku and won't change (ie Wifi-radar, and some others I do not recall for now...)
The strange thing is that ROX still switches perfectly...
So if anyone has any idea on how to solve that, I'd be most grateful !
Thx in advance.

Jennica wrote:
So when they say you can change themes, that's not really accurate. You can change them, it will look like crap.
I decided to switch to wordpress. Is there any kind of function in iweb that allows for a transfer of the blog, or am I going to have to go in and manually move each entry and each photo and each comment? I'm thinking I am, and I'm really not looking forward to this...

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    class MyLocale extends mx.lang.Locale {
    static function start():Void {  
    var langCode:String = xmlLang;
    currentXMLMapIndex = 0;
    static function setXMLLang(langCode:String):Void {
    xmlLang = langCode;
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    langListener = new Object();
    langListener.change = function(eventObj) {
    var target =;
    var newLang =;
    lang_cb.addEventListener("change", langListener);
    // Force Japanese
    lang_cb.selectedIndex = 1;
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    // Forces combobox to have the correct value
    on (release) {
    var component = _parent.lang_cb;
    for (var i=0; i< component.length; i++) {
    var item = component.getItemAt(i);
    if ( == "fr") {
    ex Ja :
    // Forces combobox to have the correct value
    on (release) {
    var component = _parent.lang_cb;
    for (var i=0; i< component.length; i++) {
    var item = component.getItemAt(i);
    if ( == "ja") {
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    I am looking for a way to change simply the language of my flash animation
    I work with flash cs4
    of course I got
    import mx.lang.Locale;
    class MyLocale extends mx.lang.Locale {
    static function start():Void {  
    var langCode:String = xmlLang;
    currentXMLMapIndex = 0;
    static function setXMLLang(langCode:String):Void {
    xmlLang = langCode;
    and different xml files in the same folder than my swf file
    in string , I ticked : "replace  strings automatically during the execution"
      with a default language (I am wondering if the problem is not from there)
      if I tick: "replace strings manually using the scene language " or "replace strings via actionscript"
    my code does not work.
      then I kept: "replace strings automatically during the execution"
    in my flash animation I have several scenes (pages)
    p1, p2, p3, p4
    in p1
    I created a language bar
    then 2 layers inside
    langListener = new Object();
    langListener.change = function(eventObj) {
    var target =;
    var newLang =;
    lang_cb.addEventListener("change", langListener);
    // Force Japanese
    lang_cb.selectedIndex = 1;
    Layer--language ex Fr:
    // Forces combobox to have the correct value
    on (release) {
    var component = _parent.lang_cb;
    for (var i=0; i< component.length; i++) {
    var item = component.getItemAt(i);
    if ( == "fr") {
    ex Ja :
    // Forces combobox to have the correct value
    on (release) {
    var component = _parent.lang_cb;
    for (var i=0; i< component.length; i++) {
    var item = component.getItemAt(i);
    if ( == "ja") {
    When I change the language in p1 , the language is also modified in p2, p3 and p4
    however , after a navigation in p2, p3 and p4 , once I come back in p1 , the default language is back automatically although I did not touch the language bar!!
    I don't know how to solve the problem
    to my mind , the script reset itself each time I come back on p1
    is there a way to keep the saved settings even when I am back on p1 until I modify manually again the language bar
    thanks a lot

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    Missed the post above. Running this at the terminal did fix the problem:
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    -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
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    You can remove the unused  themes the frameworkpages from the desktop and assign the correct one and set as default.
    Also please make sure that you are editing the copy of standard frameworkpage and desktop not the original ones.

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    Quote from: momosala on 02-April-13, 17:54:22
    I think you had better to flash back to beta 4.39 bios, here :
    And use and install on USB key MSI Forum HQ USB flashing tool from here :
    Flash using method 1.
    And tell us if that works.
    thank you for reply that fast i will try asap and tell here.
    Btw, have you ever face a problem as i wrote above?

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    [Edit] Fixed in lxappearance 0.5.1-2.
    Last edited by Modeler (2011-08-03 21:47:24)

    I noticed this myself. It seems like the latest lxappearance (0.5.1) has been ported to GTK3, and trying to set the GTK2 theme with it does not work so well. I tried installing it with abs and deleting the --enable-gtk3 config option from the PKGBUILD file, but that only seemed to change the appearance of the application back to GTK2--it did nothing to correct how it handled the themes. I ending up giving up and manually configuring my ~/.gtkrc-2.0. For example, here is mine:
    gtk-icon-theme-name = "nuoveXT2"
    gtk-theme-name = "Clearlooks"
    gtk-font-name = "FreeSans 10"
    See for more information. Another option would be to install a different application such as gtk2_prefs or gtk-theme-switch2, but I didn't find any of these to be as robust as lxappearance. You might also want to look at lxappearance2-git in AUR. Don't bother with the lxappearance-gtk2 package, as it is merely lxappearance 0.5.1 with a GTK2 interface.

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    Thanks for help!

    YES, I'm sure,  in gtk3 apps I have diffrent theme.
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  • ITSMobile - Problems when changing screen layout with CSS

    Good afternoon,
    I have a service ZLM00(SICF) with some public screens in the stile MOBILE4(Service of  internet-se80), and I am trying change your layouts with CSS.
    Steps taken:
        1 u2013 I activated the repository MIMES (/default_host/sap/public/bc/its/mimes);
        2 u2013 I copied the mobile.css from internet service standard ITSMOBILE for my service ZLM00(se80) with the name ZRF01.CSS;
        3 u2013 I added the parameter ~ITSMOBILECSSINCLUDE = ZRF01 in my service ZLM00(SICF);
        4 u2013 I published all screens and file ZRF1.CSS;
    The problem:
          When I test the service in the browser, I see in the source code that the file CSS was added u201C<link rel="stylesheet" href="/sap/public/bc/its/mimes/zlm00/99/ZRF01.css" type="text/css" />u201D
          And the screens received some changes, however when I added a new line in file CSS for exemple
    /* --- Basic Row -
          .MobileRow {
            background-color:#F3F3F3;  "new lineu201D
            Is not ok. Just the command standard works.
            I am doing something wrong ? Is missing some step ?
            My configurations:
             - Version SAP ECC 6.0/SAP_APPL 604 SP8;
             - Device mobile Symbol/motorola MC3190;
             - Operating system Windows CE 6.0 with Internet Explorer 6.0;
             ~THEME                          99
             ~TRANSACTION                          LM01
             ~ITSMOBILE                          1
             ~SOURCES                          ZLM00,ITSMOBILE
             ~POPUPS                           1
             ~ITSMOBILEELEMUNITS       px
             ~DYNPRO_COMPRESSION     1
             ~ITSMOBILEELEMFACTOR      6
          PS: I am trying change the layout of the screens only to remove blank spaces placed on the screen MOBILE4, the objects do not fit the device screen.        
          Best regards,  
          Gerson S. Livio

    If you want to see how the screen will look; look in the iPhone/ iOS 7 section of this site.

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    Check the manual for whatever backup program you used, or, if you just copied the files over, copy them that.
    How to restore data to your PC is outside the scope of these forums.

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    This problem is related also with chrome, opera and explorer. I reinstalled java but nothing changed

    To avoid confusion:
    Note the javascript: void(0); is often use as a placeholder URL to indicate that an onclick event is tied to the link to do the actual action.<br />
    If JavaScript is blocked for some reason then this javascript: void(0); links comes into view.
    Make sure that you do not block JavaScript.
    Also make sure that your security software isn't blocking JavaScript if it happens in other browsers as well.
    You can try these steps in case of issues with web pages:
    Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache to refresh possibly outdated or corrupted files.
    *Hold down the Shift key and left-click the Reload button
    *Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    *Press "Command + Shift + R" (Mac)
    Clear the cache and cookies only from websites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window.

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    Hi, I have problems in ordering book from iPhoto. It says "problems in getting contact with Apple Online Store" I have changed password on my Apple ID - could that be the problem ??

    Some additional efforts you can try:
    Go to the System/Sharing preference pane and make sure Remote Apple Events is checked.
    If it is, uncheck it and then recheck and try ordering again.

  • I am having problems importing my Iphoto pics into new Photo programme. I am inporting approx 11,000 pics that all seem fine in Iphoto but the iport rejects around 7,000 of them with incorrect mete data. What can I do to import these?

    I am having problems importing my I photo pics into new Photo programme. I am importing approx 11,000 pics that all seem fine in I photo but the import rejects around 7,000 of them with incorrect mete data. What can I do to import these?

    I have the same problem.
    Thread here: Import fails - "Unable to get metadata"

  • Hello Apple. Iphone6 ios8.0.2. I have problem with activation imsg and fctm. My number doesnt display on both apps. I can only use them with my apple ID. How can i fix this problem. Country:Azerbaijan. Number:  *********

    Hello Apple. Iphone6 ios8.0.2. I have problem with activation imsg and fctm. My number doesnt display on both apps. I can only use them with my apple ID. How can i fix this problem. Country:Azerbaijan. Number:  *******
    <Edited by Host>

    Hello Khayalh,
    You should be able to link your phone number by following the steps in the article below. From your iPhone, sign out of FaceTime and iMessage and then sign back in and it should link. Check in the Start Conversation With and I Can Be Reached at section in iMessage and FaceTime respectively. 
    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    -Norm G. 

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    1000€ is 1342$
    But this is a  user Helping user forum Apple dont Read or Write here
    This is here you contact Apple

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