Problem connecting Crystal reports 10 to Oracle 9, urgent help needed

Post Author: SemV
CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
I am working with Crystal reports Developer 10, connecting  it to different native and ODBC datasources, everything working fine, exept the case when I am trying to connect to Oracle 9 ( I tested it with Oracle 10  - got the same result) through ODBC driver. I am getting list of users of specified Oracle DB, but instead of further division on Tables, Stored procedures, Views and Qualifiers for certain user, I am gettting plain list of stored procedures, without possibility to select certain table I need. When trying to connect on the same machine, with the same Crystal and Oracle client installation trough native Oracle driver it works fine.
I tried to download and use last version of the Oracle ODBC drivers for Oracle 9.2 from Oracle web-site, but it didn't work and I got message about odbc driver internal error.
Can anyone, pls, suggest, what the might be a reason for the problem and what can I do to fix it or to try to fix it.

Post Author: synapsevampire
CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
Oracle ODBC is more problematic, why not use native?
If you want additional help, state speicifcally what the error was and when you received it.

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    Hi Karthik,
    you could have a look over these developer guides below for understanding of Java sdk :-
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    The JDeveloper help system strongly recommends that you don't use shared workareas in this way. In fact, it's not possible in the beta release of JDeveloper to work this way at all, because there is no way for you both to get the files on to your file system in a way that JDeveloper will recognize.
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    Hi mfrank,
    I am also facing a similar kind of a problem. Did you get any solution to your problem. If yes, kindly let me know.
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    Post Author: jehanzeb
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I use CR2008 and VS2005, it never asked me to convert the file into VS2005. What do you mean by VS 2005 asked you to convert the file? Did you make the file in CR2008 and then imported it into VS2005 as a Report Document?
    I usually create a report on CR2008 and then move that report (copy) to the same folder as VS project folder, then from there I create a new Report Doc in VS and open the file.
    As you mentioned when you export the report it works fine but when you run it it gives errors. I think it is because of the import of the report. Look at the error message as it says the field name is not known, I suspect it is not connected/imported properly.
    "This field name is not known. Details: errorkind Error in the file rptWeeklyReport.rpt: Error in formula Record_selection: 
    u2018{tblClient.Name} = 'ABC10' and "{TBILL_File_Format.Week Ending Date} = #04/20/2008#u2019 This field name is not known. Details: errorkind"
    I think it is becasue of the import of the report or could be becasue you didnt save the report with an option of "save report data". Check your report and reimport it. might fix the problem:D

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    Moved to .NET SDK forums
    First issue is CR 10 has not been tested nor is it supported in VS 2010.
    To use CR in VS 2010 download [CR for VS 2010|Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Production Release Now Available;
    Likely what your problem is is you are not setting or replacing the database connection info but without more info I can't suggest how to fix it. It could also be that you have set your framework to 4.0, CR 10 is FW 1.1 or possibly 2.0 only.
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    Some forums to try (or for someone who might land on this thread):
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

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    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Probleme with crystal report : a report with 3 levels

    please am a from france, i have a bad english so is there somme one how speak frensh, i have a probleme with crystal report...
    so my first report, i have an XML file xith contine a lotof data, ils with a lot of level so i want that you show me how can i reprensent that, i can give u my wml file and also a word file to explain you what do i want comme result..
    so i have donwload an evaluation version of crystal report...
    thaks for u

    Hi alpacino,
       I know a really good actor that has the same name...and you're new to reports...hmmmmmmmm.....well, first of all,
    bravo to you for being able to write english at all.  I'm glad I don't have to learn it again.
       Go to the Group Expert and select one of your "levels".
    This will be your top group.  Then select the next "level", etc.
    I know you're not a dummy, but get a "Crystal Reports for Dummies" book and then a Crystal Reference book.  The dummy books are actually pretty good and give you a "from the ground" start.  Then keep coming back to the forum and test out your ideas by helping others.
    Hope this helps,
    The Panda

  • Cannot connect Crystal Reports 2013 to ERP

    When I try to connect Crystal Reports 2013 to ERP I am getting ABAP short dump. I have imported the all needed transports. I enclosed the file with dump.

    Hi Daro,
    Did you try creating a WebI report against the same Universe?
    What is the datasource for the Universe?

  • Connecting Crystal reports with dashboards and passing parameters

    Hi ,
    Can anyone have any document on Connecting Crystal reports with dashboards and passing parameters.
    I would appreciate for this.
    Thank You.

    Hi Ganesh,
    You can refer the following links for connecting Crystal reports with dashboards:
    Dashboard integration in Crystal Reports using flash variables | Clariba Blog

  • Need help Connecting Crystal Reports 8.5 with GBS Agency Expert 6.7.6c

    Need help Connecting Crystal Reports 8.5 with GBS Agency Expert 6.7.6c.  I need assistance on connecting these together so I can run a report.  I am not an IT person so if someone could dumb it down it would be great.

    I assume GBS Agency Expert 6.7.6c is some sort of database or data source? If you have an ODBC driver then create or use a System DSN to the database. Then you can create a report using that DSN.
    Otherwise I suggest you contact the makers of GBS Agency Expert 6.7.6c and ask them how to connect to the database.
    Let them know CR is ANSII 92 ODBC 3 compliant.
    Thank you

  • Crystal Report with 2 oracle datasources (left outer join) very slow

    I've made a crystal report with 2 oracle datasources (2 commands). I'm using crystal 10.
    These 2 data sources are linked with a left outer join.
    The report takes a while to run (more then one hour).
    i can run Both query's in a couple of seconds/minutes, but it looks like crystal is runniing the second query for each record in the first query.
    When i make the same report in BO. Just 2 queries with merged dimensions in the report, it is taking a couple of minutes to complete the report.
    Question is if somebody knows how crystal is handling these 2 different data sources.
    Is there any way to say to crystal to fetch the data of both queries and do the join after that?
    At the moment it looks like that crystal is going to the other datasource for each record in the first query, which will cost a lot of time.

    I've always had a bad time combining a Command with any other object. Performance seems to drop dramatically, just as you've described.
    I can't tell you specifically why, it falls off so bad...
    The solution I've used is to do a linked  server query (at least that's what it's called in MS SQL Server) I've never used Oracle, but I'd be VERY surprised if it didn't have that same feature. This will keep 100% of the processing on the server(s) and will get your run times back to what you would expect.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Flash not working in FF3

    Hello I recently updated my flash player to version10 and ever since, I haven't been able to view a site seal on my own website properly in Firefox 3. The seal should have my website name scrolling across it (this works in IE7) and should be crisp, n

  • JVM options doesn't accept option with spaces

    I am trying to pass an option via JVM options that has spaces in it. In Admin console I set it via server1->JVM Settings->General->Debug Options. I specified -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1678 -Xnoagent -Djava.compi

  • Dynamic sizing

    I'm working on a spinner control, similar to JSpinner under Swing. It should look like this: < value > Two arrows and a value in between. The whole control thing I've got setup ok, I'm having trouble with the painting. The spinner is constructed of t

  • Re: userexit in AR document creation

    Hi, Where can I find the User exit for ar entry, tcode FB70. I need to update a customized table when creating an entry (regardless CN or DN). Thanks

  • Production order finish date

    While creating a production order  I  am using forward scheduling order start date is today and finish date proposed by the system is 07.02.2011 but the problem is in house production time is 10 days. then why the system has proposed finish date as 0