Problem in crystal reports

i have a problem in crystal report, i want to dispaly data from MYSql data base to crystal report through my application
I have'nt work on crystall report before this
please help me.....
thanks in advance

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  • Problem in Crystal Report 2008 selectionFormula

    Post Author: saro_j
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I am having a strange problem in Crystal report 2008. Earlier I was using VS 2005 Crystal report. Then we purchased Crystal report 2008.
    When I open the VS 2005 projects it asks the reports to convert into Crystal report 2008. I did that.
    Earlier I was using the following syntax for passing the date as selectionFormula
    Dim selectionFormula As String = "{tblClient.Name} = '" & ddlClient.SelectedItem.Text & "' and {TBILL_File_Format.Week Ending Date} = #" _& Convert.ToDateTime(DtCtrlProDateFrom.DateTimeValue) & "#u201D WeeklyReportByClientNameReport.DataDefinition.RecordSelectionFormula = selectionFormula
    But now when I run this same it says
    This field name is not known. Details: errorkind Error in the file rptWeeklyReport.rpt: Error in formula Record_selection: 
    u2018{tblClient.Name} = 'ABC10' and "{TBILL_File_Format.Week Ending Date} = #04/20/2008#u2019 This field name is not known. Details: errorkind
    I have no idea about this
    Even If I tried to pass as follows
    selectionFormula = "{TBILL_File_Format.Week Ending Date} = DateTime (2008, 04, 25, 00, 00, 00) and {TBILL_File_Format.Client Code} = 'ABC10' "
    I couldnu2019t see any record on the report except Grouptree of the report. If I export the report it has all the data as I expected.
    Please help me out on this regards.
    Thanks in advance

    Post Author: jehanzeb
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I use CR2008 and VS2005, it never asked me to convert the file into VS2005. What do you mean by VS 2005 asked you to convert the file? Did you make the file in CR2008 and then imported it into VS2005 as a Report Document?
    I usually create a report on CR2008 and then move that report (copy) to the same folder as VS project folder, then from there I create a new Report Doc in VS and open the file.
    As you mentioned when you export the report it works fine but when you run it it gives errors. I think it is because of the import of the report. Look at the error message as it says the field name is not known, I suspect it is not connected/imported properly.
    "This field name is not known. Details: errorkind Error in the file rptWeeklyReport.rpt: Error in formula Record_selection: 
    u2018{tblClient.Name} = 'ABC10' and "{TBILL_File_Format.Week Ending Date} = #04/20/2008#u2019 This field name is not known. Details: errorkind"
    I think it is becasue of the import of the report or could be becasue you didnt save the report with an option of "save report data". Check your report and reimport it. might fix the problem:D

  • Report viewer "Go To Next Page" button always load Page2 with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.10. No problem with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.5

    Report viewer "Go To Next Page" button always load Page2 with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.10. No problem with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.5.
    NOTE: I did not check other Crystal Runtime versions.
    Any solution?

    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
    It is a web application.
    It was working fine with Crystal Report version 13.0.5. Only change is uninstall Crystal Report version 13.0.5 and install Crystal Report version 13.0.10
    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    __CALLBACKPARAM:{"tb":"gototext", "text":"5"}
    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Probleme with crystal report : a report with 3 levels

    please am a from france, i have a bad english so is there somme one how speak frensh, i have a probleme with crystal report...
    so my first report, i have an XML file xith contine a lotof data, ils with a lot of level so i want that you show me how can i reprensent that, i can give u my wml file and also a word file to explain you what do i want comme result..
    so i have donwload an evaluation version of crystal report...
    thaks for u

    Hi alpacino,
       I know a really good actor that has the same name...and you're new to reports...hmmmmmmmm.....well, first of all,
    bravo to you for being able to write english at all.  I'm glad I don't have to learn it again.
       Go to the Group Expert and select one of your "levels".
    This will be your top group.  Then select the next "level", etc.
    I know you're not a dummy, but get a "Crystal Reports for Dummies" book and then a Crystal Reference book.  The dummy books are actually pretty good and give you a "from the ground" start.  Then keep coming back to the forum and test out your ideas by helping others.
    Hope this helps,
    The Panda

  • Problem installing Crystal Reports 2013 on a Windows 2012 R2 server

    Sheesh.  One of my users needs crystal reports and still uses it weekly.  It's time to update off of an old 2003 server so I setup a new Windows 2012 R2 server so that she and others can RDP into it and use the application and reports (it's a payroll thing so they want limited access).
    So - totally plain vanilla Windows 2012 R2 install.  Then make sure I have all the .net stuff installed in the windows features.
    But, whenever I run the setup.exe from the downloaded ZIP file from the sap store I get:
    (1) "Assertion failure: A fatal error has occured which has caused the installer to quit.  Please gather any %TEMP% and installer logs to present to your support personnel."
    (2) Then followed by the message:
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library -- Runtime Error!  Programs: C:\install\CrystalReports\setup.engine\SetupEngine.exe  This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way.  Please contact the application's support team for more information.
    (3) Then:
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
      Application Name: SetupEngine.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp: 543416b3
      Fault Module Name: SetupEngine.exe
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp: 543416b3
      Exception Code: 40000015
      Exception Offset: 00131ee9
      OS Version: 6.3.9600.
      Locale ID: 1033
      Additional Information 1: ee59
      Additional Information 2: ee59ff165b01a7b873dafe8afa2598dc
      Additional Information 3: f1a8
      Additional Information 4: f1a876ca1cb1cf9f6541ac072dd70f88
    I can't find any information on this!  I have found a similar message that refers to a 2011 install that was fixed with a SP9?  But this machine has no current install.  I did buy the full version two days ago online from the sap store.

    There is an older C++ library that you need that is not available by default on Win 2012.  You can get the install for this here:
    Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update from Official Microsoft Do…
    Also, be sure you're logged in with Administrator rights, the right-click and "Run as Administrator" when you run setup.  You might also have to turn off the Windows Firewall when you run the install (you can turn it back on again after the install is complete.)
    Message was edited by: Dell Stinnett-Christy

  • Problem in crystal report API....

    Post Author: Pugalendran P
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
          I am migrating a report from version 8.5 to 11. The Report is having only one Parameter Field named as JOBID.
          I am using the API,  PEGetNParameterFields  to return the number of parameters. If i call the API ( PEGetNParameterFields ), which is in the CRPE32.dll of version 8.5 then the API function is returning 1. If the call the API(PEGetNParameterFields ), which is in the CRPE32.dll of version 11 then the API function returns the value as 0.
        I add one more parameter field DUMMYID in the same report after the JOBID in the version 11, then the API function is returns the value 1.  API PEGetNParameterFields is recognizing the newly Parameter DUMMYID and not recognizing the JOBID
        But if i read the first parameter using PEGetNthParameterField, then it is returning JOBID.
        PEGetNthParameterField is recognizing the JOBIDand PEGetNParameterFields  is not recognizing the JOBID.
       Can anyone help me on this?
    Thanks in Advance

    thanks for your reply,
    but there is one problem , i just want to show the count of dead persons caused by nature or violent  like follow
    Persons dead naturally   20
    persons dead Violently     25
         total                               45
    for this i have to use all three tables and i did that,
    but i don't know how crystal reports applying join on them ,
    As i am using crystal report's plugin in eclipse , i am doing drag n drop of tables in data field and and as per their relationship i joined them
    for your information i don't know which version of crystal report i am using , but when i use window->preferences->crystal report->crystal report application  , it showing me available version  11.8.0
    Please let me know if you need further information
    Edited by: Pankajjain15 on Jul 6, 2009 10:18 AM

  • Problem in Crystal Report Viewer 2008

    Dear all,
    I found that the crystal report viewer 2008  (Windows XP) could not display report properly when the file extension is in upper case. (report.RPT). In order to view this report, I must launch the viewer and click file --> open --> select file name.
    After rename the file name to report.rpt, I can the report by double click report file.
    This problem does not exist in Crystal Report Viewer XI. Any people encounter this problem?
    Michael LO

    Windows 2000 is not supported in current versions of CR. Check the platforms PDF file.

  • Problem in Crystal Report 11 Logon failed Vendor Code 4060- Please help

    We are using VB 6.0 as front end, SQL 2005 Express edition as a data base server back end and crystal report 11 as reporting tool on Windows XP with SP2. The problem is, In the local system where DB exits the report generates fine. But if DB in network system the report will not work and it will ask for connection information (Provide necessary information to Logon to the chosen data source). We are using ODBC to connect the report. And if we give the correct password the report will generate
    I have checked all your help file and sample code but solution not found. please help as soon as possible

    Hi Karthik,
    Ensure the report is using the correct connection information. For example, the data source name, server name, database name, and user name are correct.
    In a database-client test tool, ensure that the fields, tables, and procedures used by the report exist and that SQL queries can be executed against them.
    In the Crystal Reports designer, verify that the SQL query, as shown under the Database menu Show SQL Query option, does not contain syntax errors.
    If the SQL query shown in Crystal Reports is valid, execute the same SQL query through a database-client test tool.
    Is report working fine in designer?
    Which database connection are you using?

  • Paging problem with Crystal Report Viewer in VS 2013

    I am attempting to upgrade a VS 2008 project that uses a dozen plus Crystal Reports to display data for our owners.
    The problem that i am having is with navigating to other pages of any multiple page report using the paging buttons of the Report Viewer control. The report will load fine and display the first page. If I try and go to page two an overlay covers the screen and a progress graphic displays and will never go away.  I have to stop debugging the project and restart it.  I have been able to get the paging buttons to work if I click on one of the buttons that I have added to the page that run the .ShowFirstPage(), .ShowNextPage();.ShowPreviousPage(); or .ShowLastPage(); methods of the ReportViewer control.  When in click on one of these buttons an error displays within the ReportViewer control that reads simply "ERROR". From there I can click on one of the button described above and the report displays and at this time the navigation buttons work as expected.
    The parameters are being set via a series of asp controls and then stored in ViewState then passed to the ParameterFieldInfo of the ReportViewer control.
    This all works just fine in VS 2008 project but I have not been able to resolve the paging issue since upgrading.
    Does anyone have any ideas as two what may be causing this behavior?

    Thanks for your reply.
    I am on SP 9.
    I moved the block assigning the report source of the ReportViewer to the Page_Init method, but that did not change anything.
    The reports are loaded when the user clicks on a link button specifying the report that they wish to view.  In the click event of the button a method is called to set the LogOnInfo for each table of the reportsource;
    Tables  tables = reportSource.ReportDocument.Database.Tables;
    foreach ( CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in tables ) {
    var logonInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
    logonInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
    table.ApplyLogOnInfo( logonInfo );
    Then all the parameters are set;
    crvReportViewer.Visible = true;
    crvReportViewer.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields;
    crvReportViewer.ParameterFieldInfo.AddRange( equipClassParamFields );
    Session[ "CurrentReportSource" ] = crvReportViewer.ReportSource;
    Then in the Page_Init I assign the ReportSource of the ReportViewer control;
        if (Session["CurrentReportSourceId"] != null)
    crvReportViewer.ReportSource = Session["CurrentReportSource"];
    And in Page_Load;
    if ( Page.IsPostBack ) {
                    ApplicationSettings appSettings = AppConfigSettings.LoadSettings();
    connectionInfo.ServerName = appSettings.PrimarySettings.Server;
    connectionInfo.DatabaseName = appSettings.PrimarySettings.DataSource;
    connectionInfo.UserID = appSettings.PrimarySettings.UserId;
    connectionInfo.Password = appSettings.PrimarySettings.Password;
    startDate.Name = "StartDate";
    endDate.Name = "EndDate";
    trailerNumber.Name = "TrailerNumber";
    location.Name = "LocationId";
    equipClass.Name = "EquipClass";
    When in run this the reports will populate and display the first page but if I try to navigate to another page I get a error;
    Unhandled exception at line 12, column 82761 in http://localhost:63034/aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/allInOne.js
    0x800a138f - Java Script runtime error: Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference
    And on the screen there is a wait spinner.
    This all works fine in the VS2008 project.

  • Problem with Crystal reports for Eclipse and Postgres-databases

    Is there a known problem when using a PostgreSQL-database to create a report with Crystal reports Plugin? When I drag a table, then occurs a error-windows, that the object can't  created.
    I have found a workaround for solving the problem. After new installing Eclipse Platform Version: 3.4.1 Build id: M20080911-1700 and Crystal reports Plugin 11.8.6.v1371 with JRE 1.6.0_01 the error message allways occurs, when I select a table from a PostgreSQL database (Version 8.2). After restarting eclipse you see the last selected tables in the field explorer and you can drag the table fields in the report. A repeated choice of the same table causes aliases for the table in the field explorer after restarting eclipse.
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=de_DE Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86
    Tue Dec 16 14:03:53 CET 2008
    Verursacht durch: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.core.ReportException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.core.ExceptionFactory.B(Unknown Source) at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.core.ExceptionFactory.create(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.core.commands.AddCommand.doCommand(Unknown Source) at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.core.commands.ReportCommand.C(Unknown Source) at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.core.commands.ReportCommand.execute(Unknown Source) at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.CoreCommand.execute(Unknown Source) at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.dseintegration.DSEDropHandler.drop(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter$
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil$
    at org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter.drop(
    at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DNDListener.handleEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.notifyListeners(
    at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget.Drop(
    at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget$3.method6(
    at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback6(
    at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COM.DoDragDrop(Native Method) at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource.drag(
    at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource.access$0(
    at org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource$1.handleEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.access$4(
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$
    at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
    at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.application.IDEApplication.start(
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException---- Error code:-2147467259 Error code name:failed at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter.request(Unknown Source) at com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.x.a(Unknown Source) at com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.q.a(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.u.performDo(Unknown Source)
    Best Regards

    Your issue appears to be a Crystal Reports for Eclipse report designer thing, and not a JRC runtime thing.  The JRC runtime does support Type 4 JDBC drivers, but all modern PostgreSQL drivers are Type 4.
    The current report designer is more restrictive than the JRC runtime - and PostgreSQL, being not on the supported platforms list, has never been tested with the embedded designer.
    Unless there's anybody out there with experience with PostgreSQL and CR4E designer, who would be willing to share their experiences.
    Ted Ueda

  • Problem with crystal report that comes with VStudio 2008 Database edition

    I'm using crystal reports that comes with Visual Studio 2008 Database edition. But I'm having a problem these days. When there are more than 4 pages in the report, the summary field in the pagefooter(usually sum of data in the Details section) show 0 in the first page.It will be displaying in all other pages. I couldnt sort out the problem.I'm binding data to the report from an SQL Server 2005 table.
    Thanks in advance.I really appreciate if some one can sort out the problem quickly.

    Have not heard of the issue, but download SP1 and see if that helps:
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Problem with Crystal Report Job Server Destinations

    I am using Crystal Reports XI Server and I am having problems with scheduling.  I believe that the problem is that I have not enabled any destinations under the Crystal Reports Job Server.  The following is an observation list:
    -Enabled and set up all destinations for other servers, such as the Destination Server.
    -Have been able to use Infoview to directly email, inbox, and file save reports in different formats (I believe the Destination Server controls this, right?)
    -All servers are enabled in the Central Configuration Manager
    -Have been able to go into the Crystal Reports Job Server within the CMC, but I DO NOT FIND ANY destinations to enable (why is this?)
    -Have not been able to schedule an instance of any report (neither email, nor inbox, nor file, ...nothing)
    Could somebody please help me with this?  Is this a limitation to the Crystal Reports XI Server vs the Enterprise edition?  Is there something else I am missing?  I have never been able to successfully schedule a report.

    Thank you for the input, but I have not yet solved my problem.  Please allow me to provide some additional information which may give more hints:
    I have Crystal Reports XI Server R2 installed as 5 named user license (version that comes with developer)
    The following servers are enabled in CMC (which is all of them)
    -DomainNameSQL.destinationjobserver (has all destinations enabled)
    -DomainNameSQL.ListofValuesJobServer (no destination tab)
    -DomainNameSQL.programjobserver (has all destinations enabled)
    -DomainNameSQL.reportjobserver (has destinations tab, but there are no destination entries to enable! Object type is: CrystalEnterprise.Report and detail:
    . Details: %2.'
    These are the ONLY two event IDs that appear after I schedule the report instance.  No other events occur.
    Are there any other logs that I can check?  How do I look up what event ID 45387 and 45385 are?

  • Landscape Problems with Crystal Reports 2008 SP3

    My initial install of Crystal Reports 2008 was SP2 (  After installing SP3 and Fix Pack 3.3, I started to experience problems with reports in landscape orientation.
    The reports are set up as 11x8.5 in landscape.  They are loaded into a third party application that uses a Crystal Reports reviewer. 
    For some printers, the reports will reset to the 11x17 page size in portrait.  For others the reports stay at 11x8.5 landscape.
    The reports are typically set up with the "No Printer (optimize for screen display)" option active, but I tried a wide range of options including setting the "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" as the reference printer to activating the "Dissociate formatting Page Size and Printer Paper Size" option.  None of this helped.
    I backed out FP3.3 and that did not help.  After I backed out SP3, the problem went away.  It seems like something changed in the SP3 release that is causing this issue.
    What's the best way to communicate this to SAP?  I would like to see this fixed in a future patch.

    My initial install of Crystal Reports 2008 was SP2 (  After installing SP3 and Fix Pack 3.3, I started to experience problems with reports in landscape orientation.
    The reports are set up as 11x8.5 in landscape.  They are loaded into a third party application that uses a Crystal Reports reviewer. 
    For some printers, the reports will reset to the 11x17 page size in portrait.  For others the reports stay at 11x8.5 landscape.
    The reports are typically set up with the "No Printer (optimize for screen display)" option active, but I tried a wide range of options including setting the "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" as the reference printer to activating the "Dissociate formatting Page Size and Printer Paper Size" option.  None of this helped.
    I backed out FP3.3 and that did not help.  After I backed out SP3, the problem went away.  It seems like something changed in the SP3 release that is causing this issue.
    What's the best way to communicate this to SAP?  I would like to see this fixed in a future patch.

  • Font problem in Crystal report printing

    Post Author: chandansingh
    CA Forum: Exporting
    i am using CR 10.0 and .net 2.0 framework. In my report i am using unicode fonts(mangal,arial). Records in Crystal reports are of both font type but when i printing this report it shows only arial font records and turn remaining  records in to boxes.
    How i can sort out this problem ?
    Any idea ! it will be highly appreciated.
    chandan bhakuni

    Post Author: kclim
    CA Forum: Exporting
    Have you tried updating the printer drivers?  or checking your Control Panel to see if the printer is setup correctly?

  • Problem connecting Crystal reports 10 to Oracle 9, urgent help needed

    Post Author: SemV
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I am working with Crystal reports Developer 10, connecting  it to different native and ODBC datasources, everything working fine, exept the case when I am trying to connect to Oracle 9 ( I tested it with Oracle 10  - got the same result) through ODBC driver. I am getting list of users of specified Oracle DB, but instead of further division on Tables, Stored procedures, Views and Qualifiers for certain user, I am gettting plain list of stored procedures, without possibility to select certain table I need. When trying to connect on the same machine, with the same Crystal and Oracle client installation trough native Oracle driver it works fine.
    I tried to download and use last version of the Oracle ODBC drivers for Oracle 9.2 from Oracle web-site, but it didn't work and I got message about odbc driver internal error.
    Can anyone, pls, suggest, what the might be a reason for the problem and what can I do to fix it or to try to fix it.

    Post Author: synapsevampire
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    Oracle ODBC is more problematic, why not use native?
    If you want additional help, state speicifcally what the error was and when you received it.

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