Problem enqueuing with SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE payload

We are trying to enqueue a message into a SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE AQ from java using the standard AQjmsQueueSender. The message arrives onto the queue but the USER_DATA is always 'oracle.sql.STRUCT@5a41ec' instead of the actual message. When we enqueue from PL/SQL the USER_DATA contains the actual message. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE     Production"
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
CREATED:     09-09-03
LAST_DDL_TIME: 09-09-03

We've discovered with PL/SQL that setting any headers on messages causes the same problem that we're seeing from JAVA. There is no option in JAVA to send messages without headers (it's part of the JMS spec). This can be seen with the following PL/SQL script (use null instead of HEADER in the message constructor to see it work):
Enqueue_options DBMS_AQ.enqueue_options_t;
Message_properties DBMS_AQ.message_properties_t;
Message_handle RAW(16);
Message_text VARCHAR2(500);
Agent := SYS.AQ$_AGENT('',NULL,0);
User_prop_array := SYS.AQ$_JMS_USERPROPARRAY();
Header := SYS.AQ$_JMS_HEADER( Agent, '', 'dave', '', '', '', User_prop_array);
Message_text := 'Message from PL/SQL created at '|| TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss');
Message := SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE(Header, LENGTH(Message_text), Message_text, NULL);
Enqueue_options => enqueue_options,
Message_properties => message_properties,
Payload => message,
Msgid => message_handle);

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    queue_table => 'SOA_JMS.RJMTESTxx_QTAB',
    multiple_consumers => true,
    queue_payload_type => '$_jms_text_message'
    queue_table => 'SOA_JMS.RJMTESTxx_QTAB',
    retention_time => 86400, --Keep processed messages for 24 hours
    max_retries => 3,
    retry_delay => 1
    queue_name => 'SOA_JMS.RJMTESTQ',
    subscriber =>$_agent('SUBSCRIP1',null,0),
    rule => NULL,
    transformation => NULL,
    queue_to_queue => FALSE,
    delivery_mode => dbms_aqadm.persistent
    I then create a procedure with the following signature:
    create or replace procedure SOA_JMS.EXCEPTION_QUEUE_NOFIFYCB_1(
    p_context in raw,
    p_reginfo in$_reg_info,
    p_descr in$_descriptor,
    p_payload in raw,
    p_payloadl in number
    And register it as follows:
    reginfo :=$_reg_info(
    reg_list :=$_reg_info_list(reginfo);
    The problem is the notifications are not firing as they should be.
    I have done some tracing and found an error:
    Error in PLSQL notification of msgid:BA964334E5A057A4E040C69BAF397075
    Queue :"SOA_JMS"."RJMTESTQ"
    Consumer Name :SUBSCRIP1
    : Exception Occured, Error msg:
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'EXCEPTION_QUEUE_NOFIFYCB_1'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    This says that the parameters I have for my procedure is wrong. Looking through the documents I think it is something to do with the ?PR=0 used in the register call, but I can’t find any documentation telling me what the required parameters are.
    Does anyone here know?

    I have found the solution and I am posting here in case it helps anyone else.
    The paramater names must match the callback not just the types and in/out.
    So the following works:
    create or replace procedure SOA_JMS.EXCEPTION_QUEUE_NOFIFYCB_2(
    context in raw,
    reginfo in$_reg_info,
    descr in$_descriptor,
    payload in raw,
    payloadl in number

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    When I am testing my service to populate message on to the Queue. I get the following error:
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    My questions are:
    * Am I following the correct procedure to talk to AQ with JMS text message type payload?
    * If yes, how can I get around the issue I am stuck with?
    Please help!
    Edited by: user4696353 on 27-Sep-2011 11:43
    Edited by: user4696353 on 27-Sep-2011 11:49
    Edited by: user4696353 on 27-Sep-2011 12:25

    conn / as sysdba
    ( queue_table=> 'SCOTT.AQJMS'
    , queue_payload_type=> 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE'
    , compatible=> '9.1'
    This worked fine for me after a standard DB-installation.

  • Oracle 11g AQ : problem enqueue user-defined type with varchar2 attribute

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    The type is following:
    (id integer,
    label varchar2(100),
    code integer,
    today date
    )I have created a java class for this type with jpub utility supplied with oracle 11g client package:
    jpub -user=scott/tger -url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:sid-sql=FIXED_T5:ru.invito.FixedType -compile=falseIt generated and files. Don't understand why i need the latter (FixedTypeRef).
    Then in test app:
    package ru.invito;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.util.UUID;
    import junit.framework.TestCase;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;
    import oracle.sql.Datum;
    import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
    import oracle.sql.StructDescriptor;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    public class AqTest extends TestCase {
         protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
         public void testEnqueue() throws Exception {
              OracleDriver dr = new OracleDriver();
              Properties prop = new Properties();
              prop.setProperty("user", Config.USERNAME);
              prop.setProperty("password", Config.PASSWORD);
              OracleConnection connection = (OracleConnection) dr.connect(Config.JDBC_URL, prop);
              enqueueMessage(connection, "INVITO.FIXED_T5Q", null);
         private void enqueueMessage(OracleConnection conn, String queueName, AQAgent[] recipients) throws SQLException,
                   IOException {
              logger.debug("----------- Enqueue start ------------");
              AQMessageProperties props = makeProps(queueName);
              AQMessage mesg = AQFactory.createAQMessage(props);
              String msqText = String.format("Hello, %s!", queueName);
              FixedType data = createData(36, msqText);
              Datum d = data.toDatum(conn);
              STRUCT s = (STRUCT) d;
              debugStruct("s", s);
              String toIdStr = byteBufferToHexString(s.getDescriptor().getOracleTypeADT().getTOID(), 20);
              logger.debug("s.toIdStr: " + toIdStr);
              StructDescriptor sd = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("INVITO.FIXED_T5", conn);
              logger.debug("sd.toXMLString(): " + sd.toXMLString());
              AQEnqueueOptions opt = makeEnqueueOptions();
              // execute the actual enqueue operation:
              conn.enqueue(queueName, opt, mesg);
              logger.debug("----------- Enqueue done ------------");
         private void debugMessageId(AQMessage mesg) throws SQLException {
              byte[] mesgId = mesg.getMessageId();
              if (mesgId == null) {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("message id is NULL");
              String mesgIdStr = byteBufferToHexString(mesgId, 20);
              logger.debug("Message ID from enqueue call: " + mesgIdStr);
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private FixedType createData(int ID, String label) throws SQLException {
              FixedType data = new FixedType();
              data._struct.setNChar(1);// initializes the flag for 'label' field
              Date today = new Date();
              data.setToday(new Timestamp(today.getTime()));
              return data;
          * @param string
          * @param s
          * @throws SQLException
         private void debugStruct(String string, STRUCT s) throws SQLException {
              logger.debug(s + ".debugString(): " + s.debugString());
              logger.debug(s + "s.dump(): " + s.dump());
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private AQAgent makeAgent() throws SQLException {
              AQAgent ag = AQFactory.createAQAgent();
              String agentAddress = null;
              try {
                   agentAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
              catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                   logger.error("cannot resolve localhost ip address. will not set it as AQ Agent address");
                   agentAddress = "NA";
              return ag;
         private AQMessageProperties makeProps(String queueName) throws SQLException {
              final String EXCEPTION_Q_TEMPLATE = "AQ$_%sT_E";
              final int DEFAULT_DELAY = 0;
              final int DEFAULT_EXPIRATION = -1;
              final int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 0;
              AQMessageProperties propeties = AQFactory.createAQMessageProperties();
              propeties.setExceptionQueue(String.format(EXCEPTION_Q_TEMPLATE, queueName));
              // propeties.setRecipientList(null);//should not set
              return propeties;
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private AQEnqueueOptions makeEnqueueOptions() throws SQLException {
              AQEnqueueOptions opt = new AQEnqueueOptions();
              // these are the default settings (if none specified)
              return opt;
          * Form the AQ reference
          * @param buffer
          * @param maxNbOfBytes
          * @return
         private static final String byteBufferToHexString(byte[] buffer, int maxNbOfBytes) {
              if (buffer == null)
                   return null;
              int offset = 0;
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              while (offset < buffer.length && offset < maxNbOfBytes) {
                   String hexrep = Integer.toHexString((int) buffer[offset] & 0xFF);
                   if (hexrep.length() == 1)
                        hexrep = "0" + hexrep;
              String ret = sb.toString();
              return ret;
    }The output is following:
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:49,863 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - ----------- Enqueue start ------------
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,348 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5 length = 4 attribute[0] = 36 attribute[1] = Hell
    o, INVITO.FIXED_T5Q! attribute[2] = 1 attribute[3] = 2008-07-03 19:09:49.0
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5
    length = 4
    ID = 36
    CODE = 1
    TODAY = 2008-07-03 19:09:49.0
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - s.toIdStr: 507ccce5b6e9f572e040007f01007203
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - sd.toXMLString(): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <StructDescriptor sqlName="INVITO.FIXED_T5" >
      <OracleTypeADT sqlName="INVITO.FIXED_T5"  typecode="0" tds_version="1"
               is_embedded="false" is_top_level="true" is_upt="false" finalType="true" subtype="false">
          <attribute name="ID"  type="INTEGER" >
            <OracleType typecode="2" />
          <attribute name="LABEL"  type="VARCHAR2" >
            <OracleType typecode="12" />
          <attribute name="CODE"  type="INTEGER" >
            <OracleType typecode="2" />
          <attribute name="TODAY"  type="DATE" >
            <OracleType typecode="0" />
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,379 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - sending............
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,395 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - Message ID from enqueue call: 511ff143bd4fa536e040007f01003192
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,395 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - ----------- Enqueue done ------------But when dequeueing the 'label' attribute is lost:
    dequeue_options     DBMS_AQ.dequeue_options_t;
    message_properties  DBMS_AQ.message_properties_t;
    message_handle      RAW(16);
    message             fixed_t5;
      dequeue_options.navigation := DBMS_AQ.FIRST_MESSAGE;
         queue_name          =>     'fixed_t5q',
         dequeue_options     =>     dequeue_options,
         message_properties  =>     message_properties,
         payload             =>     message,
         msgid               =>     message_handle);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ID   : '||;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Label: '||message.label);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Code : '||message.code);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Today: '||;
    ID   : 36
    Code : 1
    Today: 03.07.08
    Could anyone tell me what is wrong with the setup/code?
    Why 'label' not saved in queue, though i saw it is not empty in STRUCT?

    Thank you for the reply!
    I have enqueued:
    [main] 2008-07-04 15:30:30,639 DEBUG [ru.invito.UserDefinedTypeAqTest$1] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5
    length = 4
    ID = 41
    CODE = 1
    TODAY = 2008-07-04 15:30:30.0and in table (select * from FIXED_T5QT) the 'label' is blank:
    Q_NAME     FIXED_T5Q
    MSGID     51310809B5EA3728E040007F01000C79
    CORRID     b8f38fd3-4fa6-4e0f-85d1-2440d02d655e
    PRIORITY     0
    STATE     0
    LOCAL_ORDER_NO     0
    CHAIN_NO     0
    CSCN     0
    DSCN     0
    ENQ_TIME     04.07.2008 15:28:44
    ENQ_TID                       4012
    RETRY_COUNT     0
    STEP_NO     0
    USER_DATA.ID     41
    USER_DATA.CODE     1
    USER_DATA.TODAY     04.07.2008 15:30:30I must point to a strange thing: when the FixedType instance is created (via new operator) and then the setLabel("....") called as:
    FixedType data = new FixedType();
    // hack: proper initialization for 'label' field
    Date today = new Date();
    data.setToday(new Timestamp(today.getTime()));
    Datum d = data.toDatum(connection);
    STRUCT s = (STRUCT) d;
    logger.debug(s + ".debugString(): " + s.debugString());
    logger.debug(s + ".dump(): " + s.dump());and if i comment line (data._struct.setNChar(1);) the debug messages for created STRUCT also shows empty value for label.
    But if i explicitly call data._struct.setNChar(1) then debug contains the label i defined in call to the setLabel method.

  • Problem in login with sys

    i have a problem in login with sys, the situation as follows:
    1- when i try to connect using : sqlplus "/as sysdba" or "sys/password as sysdba" it connect me to the DB.
    2- when i try to connect : sqlplus "sys/password@MYDB as sysdba" it gives me "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied".
    3- when i try to connect with another user i.e : sqlplus "system/password@MYDB" it connect me to the DB.
    DB version :
    OS version : Solaris 10
    please advice...

    1- when i try to connect using : sqlplus "/as sysdba"
    or "sys/password as sysdba" it connect me to
    the DB.This works anyway, because you're authenticated by OS. Example :
    SQL> conn sys/aaaa as sysdba
    SQL> conn sys/bbbb as sysdba
    2- when i try to connect : sqlplus "sys/password@MYDB
    as sysdba" it gives me "ORA-01017: invalid
    username/password; logon denied".Here you need the real password, so make sure you're using the correct one.

  • HT5439 Why does support *** u me this statement gets the problem solved ? Use Apple Configurator* to deploy a configuration profile with a Wi-Fi payload that contains the proxy configuration.

    Why does apple support help *** u me this opening statement help anyone without the knowledge to undertand what to do?
    Use Apple Configurator* to deploy a configuration profile with a Wi-Fi payload that contains the proxy configuration.

    Post in your native language, nothing posted so far makes any logical sense.

  • Can not dequeue JMS message of type SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE using DBMS_AQ

    I'm having a problem using DBMS_AQ package to dequeue a JMS message of type SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE that was put on the queue using Java JMS API.
    Both JMS header and payload return empty but if I do "select user_data" from the queue table, I can see the message.
    Appreciate any helps or tips.

    This has been asked a lot of times - I'm not sure how my initial searching missed all of the other questions/answers related to this topic.
    In our case, the solution was to:
    1) Leave the queue as a$_jms_text_message type
    2) Construct a sys.xmltype object with our desired payload
    3) Do a getStringVal() on the xmltype object and use that string as the payload for our queue message
    - Nathan

  • Publishing$_jms_text_message to Oracle Streams Queue

    I've created a streams queue using dbms_streams_adm and by default the payload type for the queue created is Sys.AnyData. How do I publish a message of type aq$_jms_text_message in PL/SQL to this streams Queue. I guess it all comes down to converting aq$_jms_text_message to AnyData in pl/sql. Sys.AnyData does NOT have anything to convert aq$_jms_text_message.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    This has been asked a lot of times - I'm not sure how my initial searching missed all of the other questions/answers related to this topic.
    In our case, the solution was to:
    1) Leave the queue as a$_jms_text_message type
    2) Construct a sys.xmltype object with our desired payload
    3) Do a getStringVal() on the xmltype object and use that string as the payload for our queue message
    - Nathan

  • There is a problem communicating with the printer.

    I have a Lexmark Interpret S405. I am using a MBP laptop with WiFi, running 10.5.8. I have a cabled (non-wifi) Linsys router. I am using an Airport Express.
    I was finally able to get the WiFi light on the Lexmark to be static green after reinstalling the Lexmark WiFi setup and reconfiguring my Airport settings so that both the computer and printer see each other.
    In fact, I even updated the driver from Lexmark's Web site last night and I watched the WiFi light on the printer blink green indicating that the installation of the driver update was being communicated to the printer.
    However, when I print, it opens the print window and says first "Looking for S300-S400", then it says "Printer is now online". Then after about 10 seconds, I get this error: "There is a problem communicating with the printer. Make sure the printer is powered on and connected to the computer. Delete or hold the job and try again."
    I've exhausted Lexmark's technical databases and couldn't find the answer here.
    I've read that one possible solution was to delete all the printers from the "Print & Fax" system preferences window and re-add. That didn't work.
    Lexmark says for: The printer communicating on a network; however, the printer is not responsive. Possible causes could be:
    1. Your printer is associated with a network, router, or access point, but it is not your network.
    2. A software process is blocked by a system security firewall preventing network communication.
    3. You are logged into Virtual Private Network (VPN).
    4. You are connected to a network but have decided to switch to a USB connection.
    I don't have a VPN and have removed the USB cable, then restarted both printer and computer, and deleted printers in Sys Prefs, restarted, and still no solution.
    I can print directly via USB cable, but want to print wirelessly.
    Lexmark also says to enter my PIN (which I have pulled out from the print menu screen on the printer) in the System. That tells me a lot...
    Network settings on the print window on the printer also tell me Signal strength is 5 (excellent) and that I am on the network my airport is on.
    Message was edited by: Macman17

    I bet this is too late but...
    Are you trying to print through the airport express wirelessly or the built in wireless of the lexmark? If you want to use the airport express, there is no need to mess with the wireless printing on the lexmark at all. The airport express will be easy to set up, all the wireless setups through the printers are a pain.

  • Has Apple acknowledged the problem yet with itunes aborting preview of songs after about 10 seconds on windows 7 and if so is there an answer other than ipconfig?

    Has Apple acknowledged the problem yet with itunes aborting preview of songs after about 10 seconds on windows 7 and if so is there an answer other than ipconfig?  IPConfig /flushdns doesn't help at all.  Until they fix it I will be previewing and buying my songs thru Amazon.

    Doublechecking ... do you still get that if you update to iTunes (just released today)?

  • Internet connection dropping out throughout day; problem NOT with provider

    My computer's connection to the Airport Express base station has no problems at all. But the internet connection goes out literally dozens of times a day (at no predictable schedule); this has been happening for almost a month. I originally thought the problem was with the internet provider, but I'm now beginning to think that either my settings are wrong, or that I have a corrupt file somewhere. Here are the details:
    I connect via a cable modem (Time Warner - Road Runner). I know people have had problems with Time Warner, so I assumed that was the issue; however I've had 3 service calls and they've checked signal strength inside and out, and swapped out the modem and the cables. I don't think it is simply problems in our geographic area (i.e. greater Los Angeles) due to the fact that the Internet fails sometimes 40-50 times daily, and the problem began when I upgraded from an old Airport base station to a brand new Airport Express about a month ago.
    The airport/internet connection is shared 3 ways: two MacBook Pro computers and one iPhone. My Airport's internet settings are as follows:
    Configure IPv4 using DHCP.
    DNS Servers: and (note I have already tried swapping these for OpenDNS -- this did NOT solve the problem)
    Domain name:
    DHCP Client ID: [blank]
    Ethernet WAN port: Default-Automatic
    Connection Sharing: Share a Public IP address
    DHCP Beginning Address:
    Ending Address:
    DHCP Lease: 4 hours
    NAT settings are all unchecked
    One of the main reasons I believe that the problem is with my computer's settings or a corrupt file is that I can fix the problem whenever the Internet "goes down" almost 100% of the time by doing the following: after loading Airport Utility, I make ANY trivial change (i.e. changing the DHCP lease from 4 hours to 5 hours) and then click UPDATE to refresh the Airport base station. This fixes the problem almost 100% of the time. But then, anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours later, the Internet connection goes down again. [Unplugging the power from the modem, waiting 30 seconds, and plugging it back in ALSO fixes the problem almost 100% of the time, until it goes out again a little while later.]
    Also, I have tried disconnecting Airport and connecting directly to the cable modem via Ethernet. The problem remains exactly the same -- I can connect, but then the connection fails soon after. Unplugging then replugging the modem fixes the problem temporarily. So I do not think the problem is a defective Airport base station, nor do I think it is the modem (which has been replaced), nor Time Warner.
    I can't think of what else to try -- but any advice would be greatly appreciated -- it's impossible for us to work with the Internet constantly going out throughout the day, every day.
    Thank you!

    Just in case I'm missing something obvious, I am here pasting all CONSOLE messages that appear when I do a standard RESTART:
    8/22/08 7:15:12 AM loginwindow[24] DEAD_PROCESS: 0 console
    8/22/08 7:15:12 AM shutdown[128] reboot by mark:
    8/22/08 7:15:12 AM shutdown[128] SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1219414512 407699
    8/22/08 7:15:12 AM[24] Shutdown NOW!
    8/22/08 7:15:12 AM[24] System shutdown time has arrived
    8/22/08 7:15:12 AM mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-171.4 (Apr 20 2008 11:59:52)[23] stopping
    8/22/08 7:15:12 AM[17] Stopping Adobe Version Cue CS2
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel npvhash=4095
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/chum.plist
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisoryd.plist
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/pilotfish.plist
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM[1] (com.adobe.versioncueCS3) Unknown key: ServiceDescription
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM[1] ( Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM[1] (org.cups.cupsd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM[1] (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kextd[10] 413 cached, 0 uncached personalities to catalog
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel PAE enabled
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel 64 bit mode enabled
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Darwin Kernel Version 9.4.0: Mon Jun 9 19:30:53 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.5.20~1/RELEASE_I386
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel vmpagebootstrap: 972190 free pages and 76386 wired pages
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel migtable_maxdispl = 79
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel 98 prelinked modules
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Loading security extension
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel calling mpopolicyinit for TMSafetyNet
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Loading security extension
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Loading security extension
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel calling mpopolicyinit for mb
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Seatbelt MACF policy initialized
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Security policy loaded: Seatbelt Policy (mb)
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel MAC Framework successfully initialized
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel devfsmakenode: not ready for devices!
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel mbinit: done
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Security auditing service present
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel BSM auditing present
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 419B2954-20DC-3880-AFEB-448924F9BE09
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 8025 built-in now active, GUID 001d4ffffe5f8d30; max speed s800.
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleICH8AHCI/PR T0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageD river/ST9160823AS Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Jettisoning kernel linker.
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Resetting IOCatalogue.
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel GFX0: family specific matching fails
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Matching service count = 1
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Matching service count = 2
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Matching service count = 2
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Matching service count = 2
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Matching service count = 2
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Matching service count = 2
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel ath_attach: devid 0x24
    8/22/08 7:15:31 AM kernel GFX0: family specific matching fails
    8/22/08 7:15:32 AM kernel Override HT40 CTL Powers. EEPROM Version is 14.4, Device Type 5
    8/22/08 7:15:33 AM kernel mac 12.10 phy 8.1 radio 12.0
    8/22/08 7:15:33 AM kernel CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start []
    8/22/08 7:15:34 AM kernel CSRHIDTransitionDriver::switchToHCIMode legacy
    8/22/08 7:15:36 AM bootlog[38] BOOT_TIME: 1219414527 0
    8/22/08 7:15:36 AM rpc.statd[19] statd.notify - no notifications needed
    8/22/08 7:15:37 AM[1] ([32]) Exited with exit code: 255
    8/22/08 7:15:37 AM DirectoryService[34] Launched version 5.4 (v514.21)
    8/22/08 7:15:37 AM fseventsd[28] bumping event counter to: 0x2e4ba71 (current 0x0) from log file '0000000002e4b394'
    8/22/08 7:15:37 AM mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-171.4 (Apr 20 2008 11:59:52)[23] starting
    8/22/08 7:15:38 AM kernel yukon: Ethernet address 00:1b:63:a2:29:d1
    8/22/08 7:15:38 AM kernel AirPort_Athr5424ab: Ethernet address 00:1c:b3:c0:f5:49
    8/22/08 7:15:38 AM /System/Library/CoreServices/[24] Login Window Application Started
    8/22/08 7:15:38 AM[20] Entering service
    8/22/08 7:15:38 AM /usr/sbin/ocspd[62] starting
    8/22/08 7:15:39 AM kernel 11D beacon causing regdomain change to CC 840
    8/22/08 7:15:39 AM kernel en1: 802.11d country code set to 'US'.
    8/22/08 7:15:40 AM kernel en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 149 153 157 161 165
    8/22/08 7:15:39 AM configd[36] setting hostname to "Macintosh-3.local"
    8/22/08 7:15:44 AM kernel USBF: 16.757 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 1 of Hub at 0x1a000000 about to terminate a busy device (IOUSBCompositeDevice) after waiting 10 seconds
    8/22/08 7:15:44 AM kernel USBF: 17. 59 CSRHIDTransitionDriver[0x723ca80](IOUSBCompositeDevice) GetFullConfigDescriptor(0) returned NULL
    8/22/08 7:15:44 AM kernel CSRHIDTransitionDriver... done
    8/22/08 7:15:46 AM kernel AppleYukon2: 00000000,00000000 sk98osx_dnet - recovering from missed interrupt
    8/22/08 7:15:46 AM org.ntp.ntpd[14] Error : nodename nor servname provided, or not known
    8/22/08 7:15:46 AM ntpdate[70] can't find host
    8/22/08 7:15:46 AM ntpdate[70] no servers can be used, exiting
    8/22/08 7:15:53 AM kernel AppleYukon2: 00000000,00000000 sk98osx_dnet - recovering from missed interrupt
    8/22/08 7:15:53 AM kernel AirPort: Link Up on en1
    8/22/08 7:15:54 AM kextd[10] writing kernel link data to /var/run/mach.sym
    8/22/08 7:16:02 AM loginwindow[24] Login Window Started Security Agent
    8/22/08 7:16:02 AM SecurityAgent[88] User info context values set
    8/22/08 7:16:02 AM SecurityAgent[88] Login Window done
    8/22/08 7:16:02 AM loginwindow[24] Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    8/22/08 7:16:02 AM loginwindow[24] USER_PROCESS: 24 console
    8/22/08 7:16:02 AM[1] ([81]) Exited: Terminated
    8/22/08 7:16:02 AM[91] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/machinit_peruser.d/com.adobe.versioncueCS3.monitor.plist
    8/22/08 7:16:02 AM[91] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/machinit_peruser.d/RemoteUI.plist
    8/22/08 7:16:03 AM[66] (0x101260.VersionCueCS3monitor) Failed to check-in!
    8/22/08 7:16:03 AM /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[44] SFLSharePointsEntry::CreateDSRecord: dsCreateRecordAndOpen(Mark's Public Folder) returned -14135

  • Problem is with my iPhoto on my Macbook air.  I am trying to move my library from my airbag onto my passport drive.  I did it and deleted it from the airbag but it simply re appeared possibly from the cloud. Not sure what to do next.

    The problem is with my iPhoto on my Macbook air.  I am trying to move my library from my airbook onto my passport drive.  I did it and deleted it from the airbook but it simply re appeared possibly from the cloud. Not sure what to do next. Sorry I am not a techie.

    Sorry - we can not see you
    what do you have? Version of iPhoto? Of the OS? How is the passport connected to your Mac? What format is the passport (for the iphoto library it must be Mac OS extended (journaled)  )?  The iPhoto library is not and can not be on the cloud (maybe later with the Photos Application)

  • I get an error message when trying to install windows 7 on my macbook pro. The message says "windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer. I don't have anything connected to my computer. How do I fix this?

    I'm trying to install windows 7 on my macbook pro. I went through the process of bootcamp telling it to install windows 7. Once the windows boot manager started an error message came up. The error message says " windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer. I don't have a usb connected to my computer. I  am using windows 7 professional install disc. I  can't figure out what i am doing wrong. The same message keeps coming up over and over. Am I doing something wrong or is it something else?

    Well, shucks, i just spent almost 30 minutes trying to find your model user guide to explain it better, I guess they never got around to making it.....
    I would just borrow another Windows disk and try installing it again and if it does it again then you might take it to an Apple Store and see if one of the "Genius' " can figure it out.
    Make sure your internet is enabled and click on your blank desktop and at the top of your screen is a Help menu option, enter PRAM and it should give you a list of things relating to Pram. It may take a few seconds to list anything as it has to connect to Apples severs first. It should list the things you may have to fill back in when your done.
    "P-ram" stores some common information that is used in the background, your date, time, startup disk, etc, that you don't have to re-fill when you restart, it's a little different for each computer.

  • Problems only with Adobe ImageReady Animated GIF

    Anyone encounter a problem and solution for getting ImageReady animated GIF working properly in a java app? Developer placed 2 animated gifs in the app which caused the CPU system resources to spike to 100%.
    We then tested animated GIFs made from Macromedia Flash and also a freeware animated GIF editor, and both work out fine in the same java app.
    It's odd, but we think there's a problem specifically with animated GIFs produced by Adobe's Image Ready in the Creative Suite 1 package.
    Anyone have more insight?

    Its been a long time since I have used ImageReady, and then it was for about year when CS3 came out. So my memory if very rusty with that program. (In other words I am hoping that I am not too far off base, lol.)
    Check and make sure there are the same number of layers as there are frames. I believe there is an option in the animation palette for sending the frames to layers. Once you know that the frames and layers match (plus any additional layers you create), you can clear out the animation and reapply the layers to frames.
    You should find a small icon in the upper right hand corner of the animation palette and the layers palette. Clicking them will bring up a menu that will do what you need.

  • Safari keeps crashing every time I try to open a link from a different application, i.e. Mail. The trouble report says that some problem occurs with libcooliris.dylib plug-in. Can any one help?

    Safari keeps crashing every time I try to open a link from a different application, i.e. Mail. The trouble report says that some problem occurs with libcooliris.dylib plug-in. Can any one help?

    Dear Linc,
    Thank you for the advice, John Blanchard1  and Linc Davis
    As suggested in your reference thread I removed "/Library/Printers/hp/PDEs/hpPostScriptPDE.plugin" and the problem has been resolved.
    I am guessing the the plug-in for the hp printers got corrupted and effected every thing, or became unsuitable when I installed an Apple update. I would be most grateful if you can confirm how the problem was coursed so I can understand and learn from this experiance.

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