Problem found in setting width of javafx.scene.control.Slider

I am trying to set the width of Slider control. But does not change whatever the value I provide.
I tried width value from 1 upto 100. It displays with constant width always.
Sample : Slider{width : 10.0}
Anyone have idea how to control the width of a Slider?

Yes, I found the issue when I tried to use layout on the excellent application written by Baechul: [Node Bounding Rectangles & Coordinates|]. Looks at comments for my version.
I found out that when in a layout, you have to set the width using the layoutInfo field.

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    I think you already have the recommended way to set an icon for Java 8u40.  Maybe some future Java version might add some additional API to make it a little bit less clunky, but for now, just go with the same code you have:
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    CSS documentation ( states:
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    .root   { -fx-background-color: azure; -fx-padding: 20; }
    #smurf-button { -fx-graphic: url(""); -fx-background-color: transparent; }
    #smurf-button:hover { -fx-effect: dropshadow( three-pass-box , rgba(184,134,11,0.6) , 20, 0.0 , 0 , 0 ); }
    #smurf-button:armed { -fx-effect: innershadow( three-pass-box , rgba(0,200,0,0.6) , 30, 0.0 , 0 , 0 ); }
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         min: 0.0
         max: 1.0
         value: 0.5
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        nodeHPos: HPos.CENTER
        content: [slider]
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            println("why does this not work?");
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        width: 400
        height: 150
       scene: Scene {content: mySuperNode}

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            cursor = Cursor.HAND;
            width = 90;
            height = 25;
            arcWidth = 15;
            arcHeight = 15;
            effect = DropShadow {radius: 6};
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                stops: [
                    Stop {offset: 0.0, color: Color.WHITE}
                    Stop {offset: 1.0, color: Color.LIGHTGRAY}
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                x: this.x + 5, y: this.y + 5
                content: text
                font: Font {size: 13}
            } into scene.content;
            onMouseEntered = function(e: MouseEvent): Void {
                fill = LinearGradient {
                    startX: 0.0, startY: 0.0, endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
                    stops: [
                        Stop {offset: 0.2, color: Color.WHITE}
                        Stop {offset: 1.0, color: Color.LIGHTGRAY}
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                fill = LinearGradient {
                    startX: 0.0, startY: 0.0, endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
                    stops: [
                        Stop {offset: 0.0, color: Color.WHITE}
                        Stop {offset: 1.0, color: Color.LIGHTGRAY}
            onMousePressed = function(e: MouseEvent): Void {
                fill = LinearGradient {
                    startX: 0.0, startY: 0.0, endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
                    stops: [
                        Stop {offset: 0.0, color: Color.LIGHTGRAY}
                        Stop {offset: 1.0, color: Color.WHITE}
            onMouseReleased = function(e: MouseEvent): Void {
                fill = LinearGradient {
                    startX: 0.0, startY: 0.0, endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
                    stops: [
                        Stop {offset: 0.0, color: Color.WHITE}
                        Stop {offset: 1.0, color: Color.LIGHTGRAY}
    }If I print scene.content from this class, there is no nodes in the scene! If I print content from the scene, the output show only the button, but not the Text...
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    Based on your code, do you even need to extend or create a CustomNode? I believe you can accomplish your desired result by adding a stylesheet to your scene and then specify a styleClass for a basic button.
    Here are a few snippets:
    The scene:
    scene: Scene {
                    stylesheets: uiCSS
                    content: [ //your button ]               ]
                }The button:
    Button{ styleClass: "myButton"}The css:
       -fx-text-fill: linear (0%,0%) to (0%,100%)
            stops (0%, rgb(220, 220, 220)) (25%, rgb(190, 190, 190))(50%, rgb(190, 190, 190))(100%, rgb(220, 220, 220));
      -fx-text-fill: linear (0%,0%) to (0%,100%)
            stops (0%, rgb(100, 100, 100)) (25%, rgb(100, 100, 100))(50%, rgb(100, 100, 100))(100%, rgb(100,100, 100));
    }You can modify the look and feel of any JavaFX control in this manner. An important resource to access is the caspian.css which can be found in the JDK library in the javafx-ui-controls.jar under the You can essentially copy and paste any of the controls css into your css file and modify as desired. This allows you to skin your components without having to change any of the behavior which becomes a big hassle.
    Hope this helps.

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    No Suitable 32-bit Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE) has been found.
    You should install:
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    - Java 7 Update 2 (32-bit) or above
    Could JavaFX Scene Builder installation depend on JRE_HOME setting or any other solutions exit for this issue? Thanks.

    Surprising. Your hardware should run Scene Builder without any trouble.
    With Java 7 U5 I run SceneBuilder 1.0 b44 on Win XP 32-bit and 1 G of RAM, with -Xmx1024m.
    Aren't you facing an issue with Java ? do you run successfully other Java applications of a comparable size ?
    You may also download the Scene Builder samples: according you've Ant and FX handy you can run them command line.
    For what is about removing or modifying the -Xmx option the answer is no, this can't be done in this release.

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    Here's the thing. I see some items which could be causing
    problems. However, we need to fix the basics before going too far
    into this or you will end up with more problems than when you
    Run your pages through the validator ( ) and
    fix those errors first. Your problems here seem to be identical on
    both pages. For instance, you have an extra head tag, you have
    <style> tags in the middle of your document (these are only
    allowed in the head), etc.
    Go through those and once you have eliminated the errors from
    the validation we can solve your problems with the

  • CustomNode not recognized as its class type but as class javafx.scene.Node

    In the following code...
    Stage {
        title: "Circles"
        scene: Scene {
            width: 200
            height: 100
            content: Box {}
    class Circle1 extends CustomNode {
        public var Name: String = "Circle1";
        public var Radius: Integer = 50;
        override function create(): Node {
            return Group {
                        content: Circle {
                            radius: Radius;
                            fill: Color.rgb(50, 50, 50)
    class Box extends CustomNode {
        public var Name: String = "Box1";
        var c1: Circle1 = Circle1 {Name: "c1"};
        var c2: Circle1 = Circle1 {Name: "c2"};
        var c_all = [c1, c2];
        def hbox = HBox {content: c_all};
        override function create(): Node {
            return Group {
                        content: hbox
        public function ChangeRadius(p_value: Integer): Void {
            for (i in [0..sizeof hbox.content - 1]) {
                //hbox.content.Radius = p_value; // ERROR: cannot find symbol - symbol: variable Radius - location: class javafx.scene.Node
    var box: Box = new Box;
    ... I get an error (see code comment).
    I think actually should it be not class "javafx.scene.Node" but "Circle1"?
    The println writes the correct types.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    It is indeed a bit perplexing... At runtime, we get Circle1, so it should work.
    I think the problem is that the 'content' variable of HBox is defined as Node[] and that's all the compiler sees.
    So the solution is to cast the object we get to tell the compiler it is a specialized node. If the node isn't of the right type, we will get a runtime error instead...
        public function ChangeRadius(p_value: Integer): Void {
            for (c in hbox.content) {
                // Checking type...
                if (c instanceof Node)
                if (c instanceof CustomNode)
                if (c instanceof Circle1)
                if (c instanceof Circle)
                if (c instanceof Group)
                (c as Circle1).Radius = p_value;
    //~             println("{c.Name}");

  • Problem found in Tile layout

    In a Tile layout columns and rows are set to 2.
    In the content, 6 ImageViews are loaded. And the output displays columns 2 and rows 3.
    (note that we had set the rows : 2)
    Does this mean the content object will iverride the rows defined.
    Tile {
    columns: 2
    rows: 2
    hgap: COLUMN_GAP
    vgap: ROW_GAP
    tileHeight : IMAGES_HEIGHT/requiredRows
    tileWidth : IMAGES_WIDTH/requiredColumns
    content: [
    ImageView {
    image: Image{url : "{__DIR__}images/1.png"}
    fitHeight : IMAGES_HEIGHT/requiredRows
    fitWidth : IMAGES_WIDTH/requiredColumns
    ImageView {
    image: Image{url : "{__DIR__}images/2.png"}
    fitHeight: IMAGES_HEIGHT/requiredRows
    fitWidth: IMAGES_WIDTH/requiredColumns
    ImageView {
    image: Image{url : "{__DIR__}images/3.png"}
    fitHeight : IMAGES_HEIGHT/requiredRows
    fitWidth : IMAGES_WIDTH/requiredColumns
    ImageView {
    image: Image{url : "{__DIR__}images/4.png"}
    fitHeight : IMAGES_HEIGHT/requiredRows
    fitWidth : IMAGES_WIDTH/requiredColumns
    ImageView {
    image: Image{url : "{__DIR__}images/5.png"}
    fitHeight : IMAGES_HEIGHT/requiredRows
    fitWidth : IMAGES_WIDTH/requiredColumns
    ImageView {
    image: Image{url : "{__DIR__}images/6.png"}
    fitHeight : IMAGES_HEIGHT/requiredRows
    fitWidth : IMAGES_WIDTH/requiredColumns

    From [javafx.scene.layout.Tile|]:
    Tile can be configured to lay out the tiles either horizontally or vertically
    and will automatically wrap tiles at the tile container's width (for horizontal) or height (for vertical).
    To establish the tile's initial preferred size, the number of rows and/or columns may be specified at initialization.
    However, if the tile container's size changes after initialization,
    the number of rows and columns may change to flow the tiles appropriately within the space.Default orientation is horizontal, so the Tile puts nodes horizontally until it meets the required number of columns. Then it flows the nodes to whatever number of items are there.
    If you set vertical: true, it does the reverse and respect row's number.
    var c = Tile {
    columns: 2
    rows: 2
    hgap: 20
    vgap: 20
    //~ vertical: true
    tileHeight : 100
    tileWidth : 200
    content: [
      content: "One"
      font: Font { name: "Arial Black", size: 50 }
      content: "Two"
      font: Font { name: "Arial Black", size: 50 }
      content: "Three"
      font: Font { name: "Arial Black", size: 50 }
      content: "Four"
      font: Font { name: "Arial Black", size: 50 }
      content: "Five"
      font: Font { name: "Arial Black", size: 50 }
      content: "Six"
      font: Font { name: "Arial Black", size: 50 }
    Stage {
        title: "Tile Layout"
        width: 800
        height: 800
        scene: Scene {
            content: c

  • Unable to run JavaFX scene builder

    I'm trying to run JavaFX Scene builder on Windows XP, 32-bit. Java version 1.7.0_07. I can't run it both with or without IDE (Netbeans 7.2, JavaFx Scene Builder home is stated). Nothing happens after a double-click. The problem might be in versions conflict, because previously I had 1.7.0_03, but now I uninstalled it and problem remains the same.

    I have the same problem.
    Version = JavaFX Scene Builder 1.0
    BuildInformation = Version: 1.0-b50, Changeset: 22db15834430
    Date = 2012-08-07 16:33
    Java version:
    java version "1.7.0_07"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_07-b11)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.3-b01, mixed mode)
    I can build and run the examples in Netbeans 7.2
    When I run the scenebuilder.exe I get the following text in a "cmd" window:
    No suitable 64 bits Java Runtime Environment (JRE) found : it must be
    Java 6 Update 29 or above
    Java 7 Update 2 or above
    Press <ENTER>...
    I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
    Thanks in advance!

  • Problem while changing the width of the Indesign document through inx.

    Hi Guys,
    I am facing a problem related to the width of InDesign documents. Description of the problem is as follows:-
    I have created an InDesign document with height = 700 and width = 500 and export this as an inx file (lets say Doc1.inx).
    As "Doc1.inx" is just an xml file I have made certain changes to the height and width fields of the dcoument in it. (Height =900 and Width = 600)
    For Height changes are made under following tags :- <docu>
                                                                                     phgt = "U_900" ;
    For Width changes are made under tags :- <docu>
                                                                      pwdt = "U_600";
    Now when I opened the modified "Doc1.inx" file with InDesign the modifications for height are correctly reflected, but the width of the column doesn't gets changed. Please open the attachments to see the difference.
    Attachment contains the snap shots of documents created at step 1(Initial_Doc1.indd) and step 3(Modified_Doc1.indd).
    What should be the modifications we have to do in inx file to reflect the correct modified width of the document. Also is there any document or article which gives the correct understanding of the tags used in inx files.
    Any help will be appreciable.

    I'm having troubles getting any sensible values at all using CS -- on the other hand, you forgot to mention your version, so I figgered I could try.
    (Just as an example, setting width & height to 600 pt and 900 pt -- you don't mention your units of measure either, is it meters? inches? -- I get "phgt="u_408c2000~0" pwdt="u_4082c000~0"", which doesn't make sense. Cicero's!? [*])
    But further below, I can see some definitions for columns: count (colc="l_1") and some measurements in that same system, which I suspect to be the width and height you are looking for. You switch between describing you succesfully changed the width and height of the document, and complaining the column does not change. Apparently, the column width is defined in itself, rather than using the "document marges" you are used to in the interface itself.
    [*] On second look, I can see more hexadecimal digits in other 'numbers'. It must be hexadecimally encoded IEEE floating point numbers -- "408c2000" decodes to 4.378906, and 4082c000 to 4.085938 -- both valid floating point numbers, but still I wouldn't know in what system.
    I hope your version uses regular decimal notation!

  • does not exist does not exist
    I got this message, and I don't know why since I already have downloaded java update 10 which should have javafx in it

    java 7 update 10 includes javafx, but not on the default classpath (I believe that is scheduled for java 7 update 12 and/or java 8).
    Look in your jre distribution and you find a jfxrt.jar file, you can add that to your classpath and the class will be found.
    If you package your application using the javafx packaging tools, then the javafx code should be also be found at runtime without you having to add jfxrt.jar to the runtime classpath.

  • Javafx.scene.layout.Priority missing from the API Doc

    I notice there is an important class "javafx.scene.layout.Priority" missing from the JavaFX 1.3 API Doc. I can still use that class without any problems in my apps.

    Thanks for spotting that - I'll fix that before the next release.

  • JavaFX Scene Builder

    Hi ,
    I have seen on YouTube a video posted by java channel about how to use JavaFX Scene Builder .
    I tried to look for a download link for the SB preview but , what I found on forums that SB is still only available for private access .
    Do you have any piece of information about the public release date or how to get access to the private release ?
    Thank you in advance .

    Yay getting started links are up:
    And a user guide too :-)
    It's just great to see a complete complex application for JavaFX.
    Installation was seamless.
    App works well.
    Layout is intuitive.
    Absolutely fantastic for discovering JavaFX component properties.
    Simple way to build nice GUIs.
    For the first time I can appreciate the benefits of FXML.
    FXML output is very clean.

  • HT201257 I just bought an imac in september 2012.  And i just find out that my microphone is not working.  So i did an apple hardware test and with no problems found?  I have sound but no one can hear me, not even the computer.  Should i bring it back to

    I just bought an imac in september 2012.  And i just find out that my microphone is not working.  So i did an apple hardware test and with no problems found?  I have sound but no one can hear me, not even the computer.  Should i bring it back to the store

    Before you go through that trouble open About this Mac > More Info... > System Report > Audio and see if the system actually knows it has a microphone.  Then you can look into Applications > Utilities >  Audio MIDI Setup and see if the microphone is there, select it and make sure the sliders are set to full. Then in System Preferences look for Sound > Input and make sure it shows up there and the sliders are at least half way up. If none of that works do a
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and ALL peripherals.
    Wait 15 seconds.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Wait another 5 seconds and press the power button to turn on the computer.
    It is the 5 second timing that initiates the reset.
    then go through the process of looking for the microphone again as the reset may reenable the mic.

Maybe you are looking for

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