Problem getting Multiple Values From BPEL.

I have created the BPEL process (jdeveloper 11g) R1 which reads the data from database adapter and I have to iterate the values one by one from while loop.
I have created while activity and I want to assign my column value to one variable , I am following the concat option for assigning value.but I a was not able to concat my generated string please help me out.
Below are the Expression that should be concated.
I want to make the Expression as per following:
bpws:getVariableData('Variable_ForCount','/client:WfApproval/client:WFApproval[bpws:getVariableData(My Count)]/client:approverName')
can we use Escape for ' .
Thank you,

Here is an example from one of my flows - may be that will help you form your query:
<from expression="bpws:getVariableData('receivePedidoFromSelector_InputVariable','payload')/ns2:ServicioMovil/ns2:Componentes/ns2:BONO[bpws:getVariableData('CuentaBONO')]/ns2:InstanciaComponente"/>
<to variable="AuxiliarAddons"
CuentaBONO -- this is the array index

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    <%     // clicked on Select District Button
    Vector vselectedDistrict = new Vector();
    Vector vdistrictID = new Vector();
    String tmpSelectDistrict = "";
    tmpSelectDistrict = request.getParameter("bSelectDistrict");
    if(tmpSelectDistrict != null)
         // get multiple values from the list
         String[] selectedDistrict = request.getParameterValues("usrTDistrict");
         if((selectedDistrict != null) && (selectedDistrict.length != 0))
                             for(int i=0;i<selectedDistrict.length;i++)
              vdistrictID = dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
              for(int i=0;i<vdistrictID.size();i++)
                   out.println("district = " + selectedDistrict[i]);                         out.println("district ID= " + vdistrictID.get(i).toString());
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         <option value="<%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%>"><%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%></option>
    <input type="submit" name="bSelectDistrict" value="Select District">
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    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to convert string 'Xplace' to class java.util.Vector for attribute usrTDistrict: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager
    So where is going wrong and what the message means?. Any help very much appreciated. Thanks

    These are just guesses that might hopefully steer you in directions you haven't looked in yet.
    I presume you used triangle brackets (< >) to avoid having the Jive Forum think it was the "italics" tag?
    Are you certain this: dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
    expects a Vector as its second parameter? And returns a Vector?
    I don't believe you've shown how you use the javabean, or its code? Perhaps it should be rewritten to accept an array of strings instead of a Vector?

  • RE: Getting multiple values from more than one multiple select popup window

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    Please help if you can. Any advice or suggestions here would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you!

    I realize that I can use request.getParameterValues to get the values selected from my html because I am passing them to the hidden inputs I have and then using the request.getParameterValues to get each of the values.
    MY PROBLEM IS WHAT IF I HAVE 4 MULTIPLE SELECTS??? How can I use the same html popup menu to get the values from the 4 different multiple selects????
    I look forward to your response.
    This code is from my JSP:
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Field1" SIZE="15">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="F1Rad1">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="Permission">
    <input type=button name=choice onClick="'optionPicker.html','popuppage','width=250,height=100');" value="Options"></TD>
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    <script language="JavaScript">
    function sendValue(s)
    var boxSize= s.options[0].value;
    var restrict     = s.options[1].value;
    window.opener.document.addNewForm.F1Rad1.value = boxSize;
    window.opener.document.addNewForm.Permission.value = restrict;
    <form name=selectform>
    <select multiple name=selectmenu size="2">
    <option value="large">Large Text Input Area
    <option value="restrict">Restricted Access
    <input type=button value="Select Option(s) For Field" onClick="sendValue(this.form.selectmenu);">

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    Fragment 1
    This is the JSP Code am using for testing
    String[] name =request.getParameterValues("D1");
    String value=name[0];
    Instead of name.lenght==1 try with name!=null
    Fragment 2
    replace the above fragment with
       <%-- print result -->
    Fragment 3
    The list box D1 is a multiple select list box.
    If it still doesn't work, check that the checkboxes have the same name as well as different values
    <input type="checkbox" name="D1" value="1">
    <input type="checkbox" name="D1" value="2">I hope this helps :-)
    Good luck
    ps: i want duke

  • Getting multiple values from a list box

    I am not able to get multiple selected values from a list box using the getParameterValues(). I used the following code..
    String[] names=request.getParameterValues("lname");
    can anyone tell me what the error is or is there any other way i can get multiple selected values from a list box.

    Fragment 1
    This is the JSP Code am using for testing
    String[] name =request.getParameterValues("D1");
    String value=name[0];
    Instead of name.lenght==1 try with name!=null
    Fragment 2
    replace the above fragment with
       <%-- print result -->
    Fragment 3
    The list box D1 is a multiple select list box.
    If it still doesn't work, check that the checkboxes have the same name as well as different values
    <input type="checkbox" name="D1" value="1">
    <input type="checkbox" name="D1" value="2">I hope this helps :-)
    Good luck
    ps: i want duke

  • Problems getting selected values from HtmlSelectManyCheckbox

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    <h:selectManyCheckbox id="checkBox"
      <f:selectItems value="#{userEditBean.allGroups}"/>
    <h:commandButton action="#{userEditBean.ok}"     value="OK"/>Bean:
    public class UserEditBean extends BaseBean {
        private HtmlSelectManyCheckbox manyCheckbox = new HtmlSelectManyCheckbox();
        private String[] groupIds= {};
        private List allGroups = new ArrayList();
        public String[] getGroupIds() {
                groupIds= backing.getSomeIds();
                return groupIds;
        public void setGroupIds(String[] ids) {
            this.groupIds= ids;
        public HtmlSelectManyCheckbox getManyCheckbox() {
            return manyCheckbox;
        public void setManyCheckbox(HtmlSelectManyCheckbox newC) {
            this.manyCheckbox = newC;
        public List getAllGroups() {
            allGroups = backing.getAllGroups();
            return allGroups;
        public void setAllGroups(List newList) {
            this.allGroups = newList;
        public String ok() {
            Object o = manyCheckbox.getSelectedValues();
        }The problem is, the getSelectedValues() returns the values from the initial state of the page. The is no mark of the changes made by the user. Any help will be appreciated

    Your approach is somewhat odd. The selected values are just reflected in the groupIds, but you're overridding it with backing.getSomeIds() each time when the getter is called.
    Here is a basic working example:<h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{myBean.selectedItems}">
        <f:selectItems value="#{myBean.selectItems}"/>
    <h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{myBean.action}" />MyBeanprivate List<String> selectedItems;
    private List<SelectItem> selectItems;
    // + getters + setters
    // You can use initialization block or constructor to prepopulate the selectItems.
        selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    public MyBean() {
        selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    public void action() {
        // The selected items are reflected in selectedItems.
        for (String selectedItem : selectedItems) {

  • Problem getting arraylist values from request

    Hi All,
    I am trying to display the results of a search request.
    In the jsp page when I add a scriplet and display the code I get the values else it returns empty as true.Any help is appreciated.
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
         <%@ include file="/includes/header.jsp"%>
         <title>Research Results</title>
    <div class="ui-widget  ui-widget-content">
        ArrayList<Research> research = (ArrayList<Research>) request.getAttribute("ResearchResults");
         Iterator iterator = research.iterator();
              Research r = (Research);
              out.println("Result Here"+r.getRequesterID());
              out.println("Result Here"+r.getStatus());
         <c:when test='${not empty param.ResearchResults}'>
         <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="research" class="sortable">
         <h2>RESEARCH REQUESTS</h2>
                   <th><a href="#">RESEARCH ID</a></th>
                   <th><a href="#">REQUESTOR NAME</a></th>
                   <th><a href="#">DUE DATE</a></th>
                   <th><a href="#">REQUEST DATE</a></th>
                   <th><a href="#">CLIENT</a></th>
                   <th><a href="#">STATUS</a></th>
                   <th><a href="#">PRIORITY</a></th>
              <c:forEach var="row" items="${param.ResearchResults}">
                        <tr title="">
                             <td id="researchID">${row.RESEARCH_ID}</td>
                             <td>${row.REQUESTER_FNAME}  ${row.REQUESTER_LNAME}</td>
                             <td><fmt:formatDate pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" value="${row.DUE_DATE}"/></td>
                             <td><fmt:formatDate pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" value="${row.CREATED_DATE}"/></td>
                               <c:when test="${row.STATUS=='10'}">New Request</c:when>
                               <c:when test="${row.STATUS=='20'}">In Progress</c:when>
                               <c:when test="${row.STATUS=='30'}">Completed</c:when>
                               <c:when test="${row.PRIORITY=='3'}">Medium</c:when>
                               <c:when test="${row.PRIORITY=='2'}">High</c:when>
                               <c:when test="${row.PRIORITY=='1'}">Urgent</c:when>
         <div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">
                   <p><b>No results Found. Please try again with a different search criteria!</b> </p>
              <%@ include file="/includes/footer.jsp"%>

    What is ResearchResults?
    Is it a request parameter or is it a request attribute?
    Parameters and attributes are two different things.
    Request parameters: the values submitted from the form. Always String.
    Request attributes: objects stored into scope by your code.
    They are also accessed slightly differently in EL
    java syntax == EL syntax
    request.getParameter("myparameter") == ${param.myparameter}
    request.getAttribute("myAttribute") == ${requestScope.myAttribute}
    You are referencing the attribute in your scriptlet code, but the parameter in your JSTL/EL code.
    Which should it be?

  • Problem getting updated values from DCIteratorBinding

    I have one af:table which is binded using DataControl based on ViewObject.
    I typed some values in each column and now I want to access those values from the iterator but its giving me initial value at the time page loaded.
    //getting the iterator
    DCIteratorBinding itr = ADFUtils.findIterator("ViewObject1Iterator");
    Row row[] = itr.getAllRowsInRange();
    String deptName = (String) row[1].getAttribute("deptName");
    The strange thing is, I have another ViewObject binded to af:table and it works fine I do not know whats wrong here
    any ideas?
    many thanks

    the code seems okay and if it works with another VO but not this particular, then the issue obviously is not in teh Java code but the page code. Since you have a working and a not working solution, i don't think its an issue with the product.

  • Problem getting krUFS values from SunMC 4.0 on Sunfire X2100

    If I use the snmpget command to ask the SunMC agent for the krUFS oids I'm interested in (Mount point, SystemSize, PctUsedSpace), I get no error, but I get no data either (i.e. returned value is "" for all).
    I'm able to get this data for T1000 and Sun Blade 2500's w/ no problem.

    Hi Arutherford,
    Arutherford wrote:
    If I use the snmpget command to ask the SunMC agent for the krUFS oids I'm interested in (Mount point, SystemSize, PctUsedSpace), I get no error, but I get no data either (i.e. returned value is "" for all).
    I'm able to get this data for T1000 and Sun Blade 2500's w/ no problem.So, you're getting numbers from SPARC systems, but not x86? Is it possible some of your systems have the "Kernel Reader" module and other have "Kernel Reader Simple" loaded? Or is the X2100 maybe using ZFS (which SunMC doesn't track, you'd need SystemMonitor)
    [email protected]

  • Get multiple values from Command-Line

    Can any body tell how can I do this�
    When I input a number, then I should be able to insert that number of lines (rows). Note that number
    of columns is always 4.
    I.e.: If I put number 3 in command-line, It should be like this & then exit from the program.
    apple 10 20 30
    orange 60 50 70
    grapes 80 120 50
    If I put 5, It should be like this,
    one 54 57 67
    two 78 21 54
    three 89 22 69
    four 78 32 99
    five 89 21 11
    Note that the user should be able to type these values (one 54 57 67) that is after he press enter
    he should go to the next line & able input, Values (two 78 21 54) �like wise...Then after he
    completes 5 row, he should exit from the program.
    Can any-one help!...

    Please stick to your original thread. You're already getting help there.

  • How can I get multiple values from form as a list ?

    we designed a form , and there are some attributes designed as checkbox , the data in the form is like following :
        <xml ......>
    Is there any easy way to get the parties' data from the xml into a list predefined as a process varible  ?
    Any help is appreciated !

    You woudl use a setValue service and use xPath expressions to extract the individual party nodes from the inbound XML and then populate the list with these values.

  • Get multiple values from a html select

    I have a <select> object on my html page, with ~50 <option> values.
    My user must be able to select many options (with the ctrl key).
    How can I get more than one value with request.getParameter("...") ??
    currently, when I select more than 1 options, and I submit the form, I can only get the last selected item in my JSP.
    Thanks in advance!
    <form method="get">
      <select name="profs" size="10">
        <option value="prof 1">prof 1</option>
        <option value="prof 2">prof 2</option>
        <option value="prof 3">prof 3</option>
      <input type="submit" name="action" value="addSubject">

    just use getParameterValues("yourParameter") instead of getParameter("yourParameter")
    Hope this helps

  • How to get multiple values from the db using select

    hi all,
    i am using oracle 9i database
    i created a procedure
    create or replace procedure sample_proce
    to_i varchar2(50)
    select to_id into to_i from sample where flag in('y');
    dbms_output.put_line('hai'|| to_i);
    when i executed this procedure the following error occurred.
    error at line 5 fetching too many rows.
    but when i execute the select query alone i can able to view all the rows.
    how to resolve it

    i used the following procedure
    create or replace procedure sample_proc
    for s in(select to_id from sample where flag='y')
    end loop.
    it is executed fine. i can able to fetch all the rows.
    how to pass all these values into the another procedure.
    we usually pass only one value into another procedure, i do no how to pass all the values . please help me.
    Thank u.

  • Multiple values from a sequence ?

    Hi all,
    how can i guarantee that a user gets multiple values from a sequence in a row? (for example : 100, 101 ,102, 103)
    It should not happened that another user gets a sequence value such as 102.
    Can i solve this with sequences or do i need a table?

    Why would you want to do this? The easiest way of implementing it is through a code control table, which can be locked by user 1. However, this is only easy for you, not for your users. Consider: user 2 cannot do their work until user 1 commits. Note that if user 1 inserts three records (101, 102, 103) and then commits, user 2 can grab 104. User 1 can't insert any more records until user 2 commits. At which point user 1 can have 105.
    If you really have a business need for such a palaver then you ought to implement it through user-owned objects - sequences or tables - with each user assigned a unique range e.g. user 1 gets 101 to 150, user 2 gets 151 to 200. When a user exhausts their range give them a new chunk. This is an admin overhead and it also means that you can no longer guarantee that ID 157 is more recent than 133.
    To repeat: why do you want to do this?
    Rgds, APC

  • I am facing problem while reading values from properties file ...i am getting null pointer exception earlier i was using jdeveloper10g now i am using 11g

    i am facing problem while reading values from properties file ...i am getting null pointer exception earlier i was using jdeveloper10g now i am using 11g

    hi TimoHahn,
    i am getting following exception in JDeveloper(11g release 2) Studio Edition Version but it works perfectly fine in JDeveloper
    Root cause of ServletException.
    at java.util.PropertyResourceBundle.handleGetObject(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
    at org.rbi.cefa.master.actionclass.UserAction.execute(
    at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
    at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at Method)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(

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