Problem in class moving to next method

thank you to all those who helped me with dealing with time in my Movie class. My other problem is I can't return the charges (val) once a movie is hired. I need my Movie class to output the following when applied to the TestMovie class.
Movie MOV456 is hired to PC00034
Movie MOV456 cannot be hired to PC10101
Movie MOV456 is returned by PC00034
Total Charges = 16.5
Movie MOV456 cannot be hired to PC98456
Movie MOV456 is hired to PC99999
Movie: MOV456
Description: The Fellowship of the ring
Classification: PG
Status: H
Rate per day: 5.5
Date/time of hire: 2007/3/19 - 18:30
Here is my Movie class:
//CPT12 - Assignment2
//Written by Suzanne Howarth, 88886, Tutor - Clemens Meyr
//This is the class of an object orientated programme to manage the hiring of movies
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
//Defined instance variables set to private
public class Movie {
//Defined constuctor for the Movie class
    public Movie(String movieID, String description, String classification, float dailyRate) {
        ID = movieID;
        this.description = description;
        this.classification = classification;
        status = 'A';
        this.dailyRate = dailyRate;       
         private String ID;
         private String description;
         private String classification;
         private float dailyRate;
         private char status;
         private String hirer;
         private String s;
         private GregorianCalendar dob;
         private GregorianCalendar d;
         private GregorianCalendar dC;
         private double val;
         private long daysHired;
         private long age;
         private boolean valid;
//Defined accessors for the Movie class
    public String getID() {
        return ID;
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;
    public String getClassification() {
        return classification;
    public float getDailyRate() {
        return dailyRate;
    public char getStatus() {
        return status;
    public boolean hire(String hirerID, GregorianCalendar hirerDOB, GregorianCalendar dateTime) {
        hirer = hirerID;
        dob = hirerDOB;
        d = dateTime;
        boolean valid = false;
    if (status == 'A') {
            if (classification.equals("PG")) {
         valid = true;
        else {
         if (age<18) {
            valid = true;
    if (valid) {
     status = 'H';
    return valid;
    public String getHirer() {
        return hirer;
    public GregorianCalendar getDob() {
        return dob;
    public GregorianCalendar getD() {   
        return d;        
    public String getS() {
        Date date = d.getTime();
        DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
        s = df.format(date);
        return s;
    public long getAge() {
        age = (d.getTimeInMillis() - dob.getTimeInMillis())/(365*24*60*60*1000);
        return age;
    public double hireComplete(GregorianCalendar date_time2) {
        dC = date_time2;
        if ((status == 'H') && (val > 0.0))
            return val;
            return val = -1.0;
    public long getDaysHired() {
        daysHired = (dC.getTimeInMillis() - d.getTimeInMillis())/(24*60*60*1000);
        return daysHired;
    public GregorianCalendar getDC() {
        return dC;
    public double getVal() {
        val = daysHired * dailyRate;       
        return val;
    public void print() {  
        System.out.println("Movie ID - " + ID);
        System.out.println("Movie - " + description);
        System.out.println("Classification - " + classification);
        System.out.println("Status - " + status);
        System.out.println("Daily Rate - " + dailyRate);
        System.out.println("Hirer ID - " + hirer);
        System.out.println("Date and Time of hire - " + s);
}and here is the MovieTest class:
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
public class TestMovie
   public static void main(String args[])
      Movie mov = new Movie("MOV456", "The Fellowship of the ring", "PG", 5.50f);     
      String hirer1ID = "PC00034";     
      // GregorianCalendar date below correspond to 15th March 2007, 1.30 pm
      GregorianCalendar d1 = new GregorianCalendar(2007,3,15,13,30);
      GregorianCalendar dob1 = new GregorianCalendar(1989,01,22,15,15);
      if (mov.hire(hirer1ID, dob1, d1) == true)
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " is hired to " + mov.getHirer());  
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " could not be hired to " + hirer1ID);
      // Another attempt to hire the movie (after the movie has already been hired)
      GregorianCalendar d2 = new GregorianCalendar(2007,3,15,15,30);
      GregorianCalendar dob2 = new GregorianCalendar(1989,12,20,10,12);
      String hirer2ID = "PC10101";
      if (mov.hire(hirer2ID, dob2, d2) == true)
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " is hired to " + mov.getHirer());  
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " cannot be hired to " + hirer2ID);
      // Completing the hiring of the movie
      GregorianCalendar d1C = new GregorianCalendar(2007,3,18,10,30);
      double val = mov.hireComplete(d1C);
      if ( val > 0.0 )
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " is returned by " + mov.getHirer());  
         System.out.println("Total Charges = " + val);  
      Another attempt to hire the movie (after earlier hire is completed,
      but with hirer too young to hire a PG rated movie)
      GregorianCalendar d3 = new GregorianCalendar(2007,3,19,16,30);
      GregorianCalendar dob3 = new GregorianCalendar(1995,12,20,10,12);
      String hirer3ID = "PC98456";
      if (mov.hire(hirer3ID, dob3, d3) == true)
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " is hired to " + mov.getHirer());  
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " cannot be hired to " + hirer3ID);
      // Hiring the movie with the correct age again        
      GregorianCalendar d4 = new GregorianCalendar(2007,3,19,18,30);
      GregorianCalendar dob4 = new GregorianCalendar(1985,12,20,10,12);
      String hirer4ID = "PC99999";
      if (mov.hire(hirer4ID, dob4, d4) == true)
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " is hired to " + mov.getHirer());  
         System.out.println("Movie " + mov.getID() + " cannot be hired to " + hirer4ID);  
      // Printing the details of Movie object referred by mov  
}The problem must be with how I coded my Movie class. It just won't output that the movie has been returned and the total charges.
Any help would be very much appreciated.

Do u mean to put it like this:
//CPT12 - Assignment2
//Written by Suzanne Howarth, 88886, Tutor - Clemens Meyr
//This is the class of an object orientated programme to manage the hiring of movies
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
//Defined instance variables set to private
public class Movie {
//Defined constuctor for the Movie class
    public Movie(String movieID, String description, String classification, float dailyRate) {
        ID = movieID;
        this.description = description;
        this.classification = classification;
        status = 'A';
        this.dailyRate = dailyRate;       
         private String ID;
         private String description;
         private String classification;
         private float dailyRate;
         private char status;
         private String hirer;
         private String s;
         private GregorianCalendar dob;
         private GregorianCalendar d;
         private GregorianCalendar dC;
         private double val;
         private long daysHired;
         private long age;
         private boolean valid;
//Defined accessors for the Movie class
    public String getID() {
        return ID;
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;
    public String getClassification() {
        return classification;
    public float getDailyRate() {
        return dailyRate;
    public char getStatus() {
        return status;
    public boolean hire(String hirerID, GregorianCalendar hirerDOB, GregorianCalendar dateTime) {
        hirer = hirerID;
        dob = hirerDOB;
        d = dateTime;
        boolean valid = false;
    if (status == 'A') {
            if (classification.equals("PG")) {
         valid = true;
        else {
         if (age<18) {
            valid = true;
    if (valid) {
     status = 'H';
    return valid;
    public String getHirer() {
        return hirer;
    public GregorianCalendar getDob() {
        return dob;
    public GregorianCalendar getD() {   
        return d;        
    public String getS() {
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("d");
        GregorianCalendar d = new GregorianCalendar();
        s = formatter.format(d.getTime());
        return s;
    public long getAge() {
        age = (d.getTimeInMillis() - dob.getTimeInMillis())/(365*24*60*60*1000);
        return age;
    public double hireComplete(GregorianCalendar date_time2) {
        dC = date_time2;
        if ((status == 'H') && (val > 0.0)) {
            val = daysHired * dailyRate;
            return val;
            return val = -1.0;
    public long getDaysHired() {
        daysHired = (dC.getTimeInMillis() - d.getTimeInMillis())/(24*60*60*1000);
        return daysHired;
    public GregorianCalendar getDC() {
        return dC;
    public double getVal() {            
        return val;
    public void print() {  
        System.out.println("Movie ID - " + ID);
        System.out.println("Movie - " + description);
        System.out.println("Classification - " + classification);
        System.out.println("Status - " + status);
        System.out.println("Daily Rate - " + dailyRate);
        System.out.println("Hirer ID - " + hirer);
        System.out.println("Date and Time of hire - " + s);
}I must be wrong because I am still not getting the desired output.

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    What Kayaman said.
    Another suggestion, slightly more elaborate, is to use class.forName() and reflection to create an instance of the correct class:
    stringy =;
    Class clazz = Class.forName(makeClassCase(stringy));
    Object o = clazz.newInstance();
    SomeInterface i = (SomeInterface)o;
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    With static methods, this is absolutely useless.
    Instead, you could use the "Singleton" pattern which restrict a class to have only one instance at a time.
    To implement a class which has the singleton pattern principle, you make a sealed class with a private constructor, and the main instance which is to be accessed is a readonly static member.
    For example :
    sealed class Singleton
    //Some methods
    void Method1() { }
    int Method2() { return 5; }
    //The private constructor
    private Singleton() { }
    //And, most importantly, the only instance to be accessed
    private static readonly _instance = new Singleton();
    //The corresponding property for public access
    public static Instance { get { return _instance; } }
    And then you can access it this way :
    Now, to have a "mold" for this, you could make an interface with the methods you want, and then implement it in a singleton class :
    interface ICRUD<BaseClass>
    List<BaseClass> GetList();
    BaseClass Get(int ID);
    bool Insert(BaseClass objB);
    bool Update(int ID);
    bool Delete(int ID);
    And then an example of singleton class :
    sealed class CRUDClassA : ICRUD<ClassA>
    public List<ClassA> GetList()
    //Make your own impl.
    throw new NotImplementedException();
    public ClassA Get(int ID)
    //Make your own impl.
    throw new NotImplementedException();
    public bool Insert(ClassA objA)
    //Make your own impl.
    throw new NotImplementedException();
    public bool Update(int ID)
    //Make your own impl.
    throw new NotImplementedException();
    public bool Delete(int ID)
    //Make your own impl.
    throw new NotImplementedException();
    private CRUDClassA() { }
    private static readonly _instance = new CRUDClassA();
    public static Instance { get { return _instance; } }
    That should solve your problem, I think...

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    <af:selectItem label="French" value="fr" id="si2"/>
    <af:selectItem label="Dutch" value="nl" id="si3"/>
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    The error you get points to a problem on the page (somewhere). Switch to source mode and check the right margin if you see orange or red marks. These are pointing to problems (not all are show stoppers, but they give you hints that something is not according to the standard for jsf, jsff, jsp or jspx pages.
    Have you checked that the bean is correctly defined and that it's reachable?
    Start a fresh page and isolate the problem, e.g. build a selectOneChoiuce on the new page (don't copy it as you might copy the error too) and make it work on the new page. Once you have it running you can compare the solution to your not running page.

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    I have two classes myPoint.jav and, when I compile them, I error:
    in the command line I type:
    C:\otman\java>javac -g geometry\src\ cannot access myPoint
    bad class file: c:\otman\java\geometry\src\myPoint.class
    class file contains wrong class: geometry.src.myPoint
    Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpa
    myPoint p = new myPoint();
    1 error
    Can some one help me Thanks
    //Here is the class c:\otman\java\
    import geometry.src.*;
         Testing my class Point
    public class TestPoint {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
              myPoint p = new myPoint();
              System.out.println("thank you very much");
    // And here is the class c:\otman\java\geometry\src\
    package geometry.src;
         class myPoint members and methods of a 3D point
    public class myPoint {
         private double m_x,m_y,m_z;          // the coordinates
         public double getx() {return m_x;}
         public double gety() {return m_y;}
         public double getz() {return m_z;}
         public void setx(double x) {m_x=x;}
         public void sety(double y) {m_y=y;}
         public void setz(double z) {m_z=z;}
         public void translate(double dx,double dy, double dz) {
              m_x += dx;m_y += dy;m_z += dz;
         // Constructor ------------------------------------------------------------
         myPoint(double x,double y,double z) {
         myPoint() {
         myPoint(myPoint p) {
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Thank you for the reply but still have problem.
    I created a directory classes and the directories look like:
    When I compile using the line command:
    C:\otman\java>javac -g -d classes geometry\src\
    I get the error: cannot find symbol
    symbol : constructor myPoint()
    location: class geometry.src.myPoint
    myPoint p = new myPoint();
    1 error
    Now the directories look like:
    I think that myPoint was compiled without problem but TestPoint was not compiled and it gives 1 error.
    Can you help me? Thanks.<!--Session data-->

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    You have infinite recursion. A method or constructor is calling itself, or is calling another method or constructor that eventually ends up calling the first one.
    If you can't find it, post code. Use [code] and [/code] tags, which you can get with the code button, to make the code readable.

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    I am using the ODBC database connection to (Excel Sheet) and i wanna get the records from it. My code is scucess but there is a problem in method.
    The thing is it retrieving all the data including the none data fields (null null), so finally it became a never ending loop.
    pls help me to get the data rang's records
    Statement stmnt = connexl.createStatement();
    String query = "SELECT * FROM [IJTS$]";
    ResultSet rsxl = stmnt.getResultSet();
    while( {
    String excelname = rsxl.getString(1);
    String excelcate = rsxl.getString(2);
    System.out.println(" "+rsxl.getString(2));

    if null implies it has reached the last row, maybe you could check for null and break from the loop
    for example:
    while ( {
      String excelname = rsxl.getString(1);
      String excelcate = rsxl.getString(2);
      if (excelname == null && excelcate == null) {
      } else {
        System.out.println(excelname + " " + excelcate);

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    My macbook Pro 13" 2013 has a mouse problem, its not moving naturally, and keeps on moving around like its dancing. Please help solve this!!

    Go step by step and test.
    1. Restart
    2. Shut down the computer.
        Clean the trackpad with moist not wet microfiber cloth.
        System Preferences > Point & Click
        Try turning off three finger dragging and then turning it on after  testing.
    3. Is there any Bluetooth device nearby with failing batteries? If so, replace the batteries.
      4. Reset PRAM:
    5. Reset SMC.
        Choose the method for:
        "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    6. Close all windows and quit all applications.
        Click the Spotlight -the magnifying glass icon- in the menu bar. Enter Disk utility in the box.
        Select Disk Utility from the drop down. When the Disk utility window opens up,
        select  Macintosh HD, then First Aid.
        Click Repair Disk Permissions button.
        Ignore the  time remaining estimate.
        Last 1 minute may take longer.

  • When I plug my iPhone in to my computer, iTunes doesn't recognize it as a device.  I have deleted and re-downloaded iTunes twice which seems to fix the problem temporarily but then the next time, the device is not recognized.

    when I plug my iPhone in to my computer, iTunes doesn't recognize it as a device.  I have deleted and re-downloaded iTunes twice which seems to fix the problem temporarily but then the next time I plug my phone in, the device is not recognized.

    What happens if you go to iTunes > File > Devices, do you get the option to Sync iPhone?
    You could try a reinstall of iTunes. OS X Yosemite: Reinstall apps that came with your Mac

  • Facing problem in creating socket in a method from an already deployed application exe while same method is working from another exe from same environment from same location.

    Dll Created In: - MFC VC
    Application Exe Developed In:
    - VC 6.0, C# and (Applications which are using dll)
    OS: - Windows XP sp2 32bit
    / Windows Server 2008 64 bit
    Problem: - Facing problem in creating socket
    in a method from an already deployed application exe while same method is working from another exe from same environment from same location.
    Description: - We have product component which
    has an exe component and from exe we invoke a method, which is defining in dll, and that dll is developed in MFC VC6.0. In the dll we have a method which downloads images from another system after making socket connection. But every time we are getting Error
    code 7, it is not giving desire result while same method is working from another exe from same environment from same location. And also me dll is deployed on many systems and giving proper output from same application.
    Already Attempt: - Because error is coming on
    client side so what we did, we created a driver in C# which invokes same method from same environment(on client machine) using same dll and we are astonished because it worked fine there.
    Kindly Suggest: -
    We are not able to figure out root cause because nothing is coming in windows event logs but what I did, for finding the problem line, I wrote logs on each line and found the exact line in application exe which is not working,
    actually  it is not executing Create () method,
    I will give snippet of the code for understanding the problem because we are not finding any kind solution for it.
    Kindly assist us in understanding and fixing this problem.
    Code Snippet: -
    Int Initialize (LPTSTR SiteAddress, short PortId)
    CClientTSSocket *m_pJtsSockto;
    m_pJtsSockto = new CClientTSSocket;
    LONG lErr = m_pJtsSockto->ConnectTS(csIPAddress,PortId);
    ErrorLog (0, 0, "--------ConnectTS has been called ------------","" );
    DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();
    CString errorMessage ;
    ErrorLog (0, 0, "Image System", (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)errorMessage);
    return  IS_ERR_WINDOWS;
    Note: -
    CClientTSSocket extends CAsyncSocket
     IS_ERR_WINDOWS is a macro error code which value I found 7.
    LONG ConnectTS(CString strIP, UINT n_Port)
    ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling Create [is going to call]","");
    ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling [Create not called successfully] ","");
     n_Err = GetLastError();
     ErrorLog(n_Err,0,"ConnectTS is calling1111111111111111Erorrrrrrrrrrrrr","");
    return NET_INIT;
    ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling2222222222222222222","");
    n_Err = GetLastError();
    return NET_INIT;
    n_Err = GetLastError();
    Code description: -
    int GETImage_MT() method we call Initialize() method and pass client machine IP and Port and there we call
    ConnectTS() method, In this method we Create() method and finally it returns the error code as mention in macro 7.
    Logs after running the program: -
    --------ConnectTS has been called ------------
    ConnectTS is calling Create [is going to call]
    Image System 
    Note: - According to logs, problem is coming in Create method().
    Here 0 is errorMessage received in catch block. And from catch block it returns macro value 7. And when we run same method individually from same machine, same environment through same dll
    from different exe, it is working fine and we are facing any kind of problem. While same problem application was working properly earlier but now continuously it showing problem.
     Kindly assist us to resolve the issue.

    Pointer variable was already initialized; I have mention in code; kindly assist us.
    Dll Created In: - MFC VC 6.0
    Application Exe Developed In: - VC 6.0, C# and (Applications which are using dll)
    OS: - Windows XP sp2 32bit / Windows Server 2008 64 bit
    Problem: - Facing problem in creating socket
    in a method from an already deployed application exe while same method is working from another exe from same environment from same location.
    Description: - We have product component
    which has an exe component and from exe we invoke a method, which is defining in dll, and that dll is developed in MFC VC6.0. In the dll we have a method which downloads images from another system after making socket connection. But every time we are getting
    Error code 7, it is not giving desire result while same method is working from another exe from same environment from same location. And also me dll is deployed on many systems and giving proper output from same application.
    Already Attempt: - Because error is coming
    on client side so what we did, we created a driver in C# which invokes same method from same environment (on client machine) using same dll and we are astonished because it worked fine there.
    Kindly Suggest:
    - We are not able to figure out root cause because nothing is coming in windows event logs but what I did, for finding the problem line, I wrote logs on each line and found the exact line in application exe which is not
    working, actually it is not executing Create () method, I will give snippet of the code for understanding
    the problem because we are not finding any kind solution for it. Kindly assist us in understanding and fixing this problem.
    Code Snippet: -
    Int Initialize (LPTSTR SiteAddress, short PortId)
    CClientTSSocket *m_pJtsSockto;
    m_pJtsSockto = new CClientTSSocket;
    LONG lErr = m_pJtsSockto->ConnectTS(csIPAddress,PortId);
    ErrorLog (0, 0, "--------ConnectTS has been called ------------","" );
                       DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();
                       CString errorMessage ;
                       ErrorLog (0, 0, "Image System", (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)errorMessage);
                       return  IS_ERR_WINDOWS;
    Note: - CClientTSSocket extends CAsyncSocket
     IS_ERR_WINDOWS is a macro error code which value I found 7.
    LONG ConnectTS(CString strIP, UINT n_Port)
              ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling Create [is going to call]","");
                       ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling [Create not called successfully] ","");
              n_Err = GetLastError();
              ErrorLog(n_Err,0,"ConnectTS is calling1111111111111111Erorrrrrrrrrrrrr","");
                      return NET_INIT;
              ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling2222222222222222222","");
                       n_Err = GetLastError();
                       return NET_INIT;
                       n_Err = GetLastError();
                       return SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED;
    Code description: - From int GETImage_MT() method
    we call Initialize() method and pass client machine IP and Port and there we call ConnectTS() method, In
    this method we Create() method and finally it returns the error code as mention in macro 7.
    Logs after running the program: -
    --------ConnectTS has been called ------------
    ConnectTS is calling Create [is going to call]
    Image System  0
    Note: - According to logs, problem is coming in Create method(). Here
    0 is errorMessage received in catch block. And from catch block it returns macro value 7. And when we run same method individually from same machine, same environment through same dll from different exe, it is working fine and we are facing any kind of problem.
    While same problem application was working properly earlier but now continuously it showing problem.
     Kindly assist us to resolve the issue.

  • How to restrict the last record and not moving to next reocrd

    1) how to restrict the last record and not moving to next reocrd.
    2) Also for the F6 key(for new record).

    When you are on the last record, next-record will create a new one, so that my question is do you want to forbid new record creation.

  • Problem in App Module Impl client method

    Hope someone has an answer for this. I have a data action calling a client interface service method in the app module impl class. I am passing http request data wrapped in a Map to this method from the action class.
    In this method I am calling another method in a bean. Strangely, the code in app module method gets executed twice, acting like a recursive call! I debugged it and noticed that my action class calls the method only once, but the call in the method to bean method is executed twice. I want to capture a database error for inserting a new row in my bean method the first time by throwing a jbo exception in app module method, but throw new exception is ignored and message gets lost due to 2nd excecution of the code.
    Any ideas or help is much appreciated.

    User, please always tell us your jdev version.
    What do you mean by 'verbatim EO'?
    If you want to use the framework you should use it and not look for some hacks to archive your work. The docs help you to create or update data using the framework. If you don't want to use the framework, you don't have to, but then your post is for an other forum.

  • How to determine the Class of a static methods class?

    is there a way to get the code below to output
    foo() called on One.class
    foo() called on Two.classthanks,
    public class Two extends One {
       public static void main(String [] arg) {
; // should say "foo() called on One.class"
; // should say "foo() called on Two.class"
    class One {
       public static final void foo() {
          System.out.println("foo() called on "/*+something.getClass()*/);

    - One.class won't resolve to Two.class when the static
    method is called via the class TwoThat's because static methods are not polymorphic. They cannot be overridden. For example try this:
    public class Two extends One {
       public static void main(String [] arg) {
; // should say "foo() called on One.class"
; // should say "foo() called on Two.class"
          One one = new Two();
          ((Two) one).foo();
       public static void foo() {
          System.out.println("foo() called on Two");
    class One {
       public static void foo() {
          System.out.println("foo() called on One");

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