Problem in creating default DCM layout

Hello All,
I have installed OC 4.5 as per installation guide.Everything worked fine but after installation when i try to create default layout, system gives error - 79940 Completed with RECEIVED_FAILED status. Psub log file has entry which says 'Connected to database' .
Psub Process log has following message
Log filename=c:\\opapps\\oc\\45/log/rxcpsd_octest_45_1.log
Connected to database.
Logging information in PSUB_PROCESS_LOG table..
Logged information in PSUB_PROCESS_LOG table. psub_process_log_id=65
Waiting to receive message from client....
Message received:ENTERED_IN_BATCH_JOBS, batch_job_id=61,
Submitting job...
Job Submitted. Batch Job Id=61
Waiting to receive message from client....
Database: octest Code Environment: 45
LOCAL has been set to "octest"
RXC_ROOT has been set to "c:\opapps\oc\45"
Please Help

Please check the OCL_PREFERENCES reference codelist local. Make sure that the server name is correct and the domain name is correct. This should match the ones in the tnsnames.ora The server name should be small case and no dmoain name attachment.
Frankly, whyare you not referring or reading the manuals. These issues arein the admin or installation manual. Please read the manuals first.You will educate yourself more.

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    I want to create customized report layout. However, it doesn't work. Can somebody help me?
    I have a page 24 in houbcm, username: apex, password: apex1). Here is the code in my .xslt.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <fo:root xmlns:fo="">
    <fo:simple-page-master master-name="content"
    page-width="210mm" page-height="297mm">
    <fo:page-sequence master-reference="content">
    <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
    <fo:table table-layout="fixed" width="100%">
    <fo:table-row >
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='right' > <fo:inline> Product Name: </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='left' > <fo:inline> <xsl:value-of select='.//PRODUCT_NAME' /> </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-row >
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='right' > <fo:inline> Description: </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='left' > <fo:inline> <xsl:value-of select='.//PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION' /> </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-row >
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='right' > <fo:inline> Category: </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='left' > <fo:inline> <xsl:value-of select='.//CATEGORY' /> </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-row >
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='right' > <fo:inline> Availability: </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='left' > <fo:inline> <xsl:value-of select='.//PRODUCT_AVAIL' /> </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='right' > <fo:inline> List Price: </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>
    <fo:table-cell> <fo:block text-align='left' > <fo:inline> <xsl:value-of select='.//LIST_PRICE' /> </fo:inline> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell>

    Thanks for the reply. I have created following report definition.
    SELECT Call_Type.EnterpriseName, Call_Type.Description AS DNIS, Call_Type_Interval.CallTypeID,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevelCallsOffered) AS CallsOffered,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.CallsAnswered) AS CallsAnswered,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband) AS TotalCallsAband,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevelAband) AS ServiceLevelAband,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.ShortCalls) AS ShortCalls,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime) AS CallDelayAbandTime,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime) AS AnswerWaitTime,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval1) AS AnsInterval1,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval2) AS AnsInterval2,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval3) AS AnsInterval3,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval4) AS AnsInterval4,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval5) AS AnsInterval5,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval6) AS AnsInterval6,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval7) AS AnsInterval7,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval8) AS AnsInterval8,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval9) AS AnsInterval9,
    SUM(Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval10) AS AnsInterval10
    Call_Type (nolock),
    Call_Type_Interval (nolock)
    WHERE Call_Type.CallTypeID = Call_Type_Interval.CallTypeID
    AND Call_Type.CallTypeID in (:calltype_list)
    AND Call_Type_Interval.DateTime >= :start_date
    AND Call_Type_Interval.DateTime <= :end_date
    GROUP BY Call_Type.EnterpriseName,
    For this definition i wanted to create a customized report which is apparently not possible.

  • Problem in Creating Default Form Through DI API

    Hi All,
    I am using the below code to create UDO and make it as Default Form through DI API. But the Default Form property is not getting set, that is the Default Form is not being created. The UDO is getting created. Any help is appreciated.
    // Verify that UDO is defined
                if (!(oCreateUDO.UDOExist(oCompany, "WEB_USER")))
                    SAPbobsCOM.UserObjectsMD MyUDO = (SAPbobsCOM.UserObjectsMD)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oUserObjectsMD);
                    //Set Services
                    MyUDO.CanCancel = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    MyUDO.CanCreateDefaultForm = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    MyUDO.CanDelete = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    MyUDO.CanFind = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    MyUDO.CanClose = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    MyUDO.CanLog = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    MyUDO.CanYearTransfer = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tNO;
                    //MyUDO.ManageSeries = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    MyUDO.Code = "WEB_USER";
                    MyUDO.Name = "Define Portal User";
                    MyUDO.ObjectType = SAPbobsCOM.BoUDOObjType.boud_MasterData;
                    MyUDO.TableName = "PORUSR";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "Code";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Code";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "Name";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Name";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_name";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Name";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_Email";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Email";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_Status";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Status";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_TAG";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "TAG";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_bp";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "BP Code";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_password";
                    MyUDO.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Password";
                    if (MyUDO.Add() != 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Failed to add UDO");
    Thanks and Regards,
    Noor Hussain

    Dear All,
    Thanks a lot. I had forgot to add the form columns to the UDO object while creating UDO.
    Noor Hussain
    Edited by: noor_023 on Mar 1, 2012 11:54 AM

  • Hyperlink Problem when Creating Fixed Layout ePub

    Hi guys, not sure if anyone can help...
    I've created a fixed layout ePub from a print document and everything works perfectly apart from I can't get hyperlinks to work.
    Originally I'd set up the hyperlinks on my text which didn't work. After a bit of digging around I found some documentation stating that text hyperlinks don't work and that they need to be fired from an image. Also, internal links (to other pages) don't work, only links to external URLs - fortunately for me - all my required links are to external URLs, however, they still don't appear to work... does anybody have any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong?
    I'm testing with Redium on Windows 7 and iBooks on iPad Air
    Thanks in Advance
    Kindest regards

    Hi Poll,
    The hyperlinks are set on what kind of objects? If the external hyperlinks are applied on a text frame or a rectangle, it won't work. There are two cases that work:
    1. Hyperlink on images
    2. Hyperlink on objects in a group and the group is set to rasterise from Object Export Options dialog.
    What is your case which is not working? Please elaborate.

  • Problem in creating a JDBC System on VC7.1 portal ( CE7.1 SP3)

    I have a problem in creating a JDBC System on VC7.1 portal (CE7.1 SP3)
    I get the following error:
    Test Details:
    The test consists of the following steps:
    1. Retrieve the default alias of the system
    2. Check the connection to the back-end application using the connector defined in this system object
    Default alias retrieved successfully
    Connection failed. Make sure user mapping is set correctly and all connection properties are correct.
    Could you please let me know if there are any guides on SAP Library; I was not able to find any documentation nor any threads discussing this on VC7.1
    Although, I saw this thread Can Visual Composer talk to/connect to any Database?..
    which says that VC7.1 can connect to SAP backend
    and web services only, and there is no direct connection to the db.
    Help needed please.

    Hi Dharmi
    Here is a quote of Dafna's post in [another thread in this forum|Re: Copy VC controls]
    CE7.1.1 will be released at September 2008 for ramp-up customers.
    There are many improvements and new capabilities in the new release of Visual Composer for CE7.1.1. Among the new features you can find:
    The missing features from Visual Composer 7.0 (Html view, portal Eventing support (EPCM), JDBC, Undo/Redo, and more..)
    Many layout & modeling improvements
    Additional ALV table functionality - export to Excel, switch to chart, configure ALV behavior at design time
    Integration of Visual Composer in Eclipse - additional entry point to the Visual Composer models from the NWDS. This integration provides the option to add a WD component (in case of missing functionality in Visual Composer), as a black box component to the Visual Composer model. Right-clicking the component will open the Web Dynpro perspective for creating/modifying the component.

  • [solved] Gnome default keyboard layout

    Hi guys,
    Can anybody please explain me why the following command works but the corresponding .conf entry does not?
    setxkbmap -layout "us,pl,de" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle"
    [orschiro@thinkpad ~]$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-keyboard-layout.conf
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "keyboard"
    MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
    Option "XKBMODEL" "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout" "us,pl"
    Option "XkbVariant" "altgr-intl,"
    Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"
    When using the .conf entry simply nothing happens.
    I was able to identify my problem. See the following:
    The above .conf does not work since Gnome seems to fetch a default US keyboard layout from somewhere which I cannot figure out where it is. Without any invocation from my side Gnome assumes this US keyboard. However, I do not want to us the default US keyboard layout but the altgr-intl option.
    So as a workaround I have to run setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl after Gnome had started. But I would like to understand how Gnome assigns the default keyboard layouts.
    Last edited by orschiro (2013-06-26 07:57:29)

    I still do not understand where the default keyboard layout is taken from. However, I use a workaround and created a file .keyboard in my home directory which is launched after startup of Gnome and changes the layouts according to my setkxbmap settings.
    More information.

  • Error while creating a new layout in a report.

    I am getting this error message:
    Failed to save data.
    Error occurred when creating xml data.
    when I try to save after I create a new layout in my report.
    Is there some common problem with templates that could cause this to happen?
    I'll continue to look around for an answer but if anyone would like to see the template and a sample set of XML data so they can help me figure out what the problem is, that would be swell.
    -Nevermind. The problem seems to have dissapeared. Apparently the appropriate order of operations is
    1: Create new layout.
    2: Upload RTF Template
    Please feel free to delete this post -.-

    i am also getting the same error here and i have followed what you laid out, i am still getting the same error.

  • Can I create a dashboard layout on the fly?

    Hi all, I am trying to create a dashboard layout "on-the-fly"
    for example: I can create the following layout using MXML
    very easily:
    <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%"
    <mx:Canvas id="dashboardCanvas" width="90%"
    <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%">
    <mx:Panel title="panel 1" width="50%" height="100%">
    <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%"
    <myDashboarComp borderStyle="solid" />
    <myDashboarComp borderStyle="solid" />
    <myDashboarComp borderStyle="solid" />
    <mx:Panel title="panel 2" width="50%" height="100%">
    <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%">
    <myDashboarComp borderStyle="solid" />
    <myDashboarComp borderStyle="solid" />
    <myDashboarComp borderStyle="solid" />
    You can see that I want to build my dashboard up using
    HBox's, VBox's, Panels and the individual custom components
    (myDashboarComp) - keepinng the layout and structure quite simple.
    The above MXML creates a simple Dashboard consisting of the
    canvas (where it all starts - it constructed from -
    "dashboardCanvas"). the canvas has 2 panels within a HBox (so are
    side by side) called "panel 1" and "panel 2". panel 1 contains a
    VBox containing 3 components (displayed vertically) and panel 2
    contains a HBox containing 3 components (displayed horizontally) -
    so very simple.
    However - I want to control this layout externally e.g.
    passing an object or array (some sort of descriptor) to describe
    the layout to my app.
    I then want to loop through this descriptor item and build my
    dashboard using ActionScript rather than MXML to more control and
    this is the object I have created and have been experimenting
    with in ActionScript:
    public var descriptorObj:Object =
    {item:"dashboard", children: [
    {item:"vbox", id:"vbox1", percentWidth:100,
    percentHeight:100, children:[
    {item:"panel", id:"panel1", percentWidth:50,
    percentHeight:100, children:[
    {item:"vbox", children: [
    {item:"panel", id:"panel2", percentWidth:50,
    percentHeight:100, children:[
    {item:"hbox", children: [
    This is as far as I got as I kept hitting hurdles from here.
    Basically - all I want to do is somehow read / loop through
    this object and build my dashboard.
    First of all I was unsure of the best way to loop through the
    object - as I have to do it in order to get the correct layout...
    i.e. the first 3 "myDashboarComp's" are added to the >
    VBox that is added to > "panel1" that is added to the > HBox
    that is added to the > Canvas.
    This is where I ran into my second problem. I managd to loop
    through and read the elements checking there "item" in the object
    and adding them accordingly.... I could loop though and add each
    item to the canvas ok, e.g:
    private function initApp():void
    for(var i:int=0; i<descriptorObj.children.length; i++)
    var itemType:String = descriptorObj.children
    var percentWidth = descriptorObj.children.percentWidth;
    var percentHeight = descriptorObj.children
    addContainer(itemType, percentWidth, percentHeight);
    private function addContainer(conType:String, pWidth:int,
    if(conType == "panel")
    addPanel(pWidth, pHeight);
    else if(conType == "vbox")
    addVBox(pWidth, pHeight);
    private var newPanel:Panel;
    private function addPanel(pWidth:int, ptHeight:int):void
    newPanel = new Panel();
    newPanel.percentWidth = percentWidth;
    newPanel.percentHeight = percentHeight;
    newPanel.title = "test panel";
    in the above actionScript the canvas "dashboardCanvas" is
    already set up in the MXML (but is the only MXML container added as
    the rest should be built using the create object "descriptorObj" in
    This is my next problem - when I have added a container,
    e.g. a panel the next items e.g. my "myDashboarComp's" should then
    be added to the previously added panel and not to the canvas
    anymore - I need some way of telling the app to add children to the
    last added container and not to the canvas (and each container can
    change type from a panel to VBox to HBox etc....)
    I hope what I am trying to say makes sense, and any help on
    this one would be greatly appreciated.
    I just need pointing in the right direction and some ideas on
    how to continue would be good - and if my thinking / method / ideas
    are actually possible.
    Kind Regards,

    There are several ways to do this. The third chapter in the
    cookbook is a good place to start.
    All things in ActionScript are based on objects. Constructing
    them with the data needed for the ui information you will need and
    then binding that data to your dashboard objects is basically what
    you are going to be doing.
    For me it makes the most sence to have an idea of what
    different types of objects you will be creating and create some
    extended components for those objects. Then when you recieve your
    data, binary or xml, you can digest the configuration settings from
    the layout and populate the constructor for each of your
    It sounds like you need to organize your layout structure in
    a heirarchy and from that you can walk each branch and create each
    set of things as you parse your data.
    Without a bit more information as to what you are
    specifically doing that is about as far as I can go minus adding in
    some code along some line that I think might work.
    Hope that helps some.

  • Problem in Creating Check boxes as a column in a table using MVC

    I am trying to display a table format using the Model view controlers, with 1st column as a checkbox. if the user chooses some check boxes and submit the screen then i need to update the information in a custome table.
    I am having a problem in creating the check boxes, also pls tell me how to catch the line items checked by the user in the table...

    HI Srinivas
       I am not getting what the exact problem is.....
    I am giving you a work me it does not seems to be an Ideal Solution..But Probably it will solve your problem....
    Changes To be Made in Page Layout...
    In Pagelayout     
    <htmlb:tableView id   = "tvX"                           width                 = "100%"                           visibleRowCount       = "8"                           fillUpEmptyRows       = "X"                         selectedRowIndexTable = "<%= selectedRowIndexTable %>"
    <b>selectedrowindex      = "<%= selectedrowindex %>"
    onrowselection        = "select"</b>
    selectionMode   = "MULTISELECT"                           table                 = "<%= sflight %>" />
    <b>selectedindexrow is an attribute of type INT4</b>
    In Do handle event.....instead of using the previous code use this one...
    if event->id = 'SUBMIT'.  
    DATA:      WA  TYPE  INT4.     
    *Here you can read your table of TABLEVIEW with index *equal to WA into a workarea and then use that workarea *to update the customer table      ENDLOOP.   
    elseif event->id = 'tvX'.
    tv ?= CL_HTMLB_MANAGER=>GET_DATA( request = request                                      name    = 'tableView'                                      id      = 'tvX' ).  
    IF tv IS NOT INITIAL.    
    table_event = tv->data.   
    selectedRowIndex = table_event->SELECTEDROWINDEX.
    append selectedrowindex into SELECTEDROWINDEXTABLE.
    Meanwhile..Let me check why that code does not work.....
    Hope it solve your problem....

  • How can I set default toolbar layout for all users in my system?

    Hi everybody! I am running a local ubuntu server at my office. I can set some defaults preferences (about:config) for all new users in the system by defining those prefs in the /etc/firefox/syspref.js.
    Now, I want to define default toolbar layout in a similar way (maybe not needed but fun), to copy the toolbar layout for my user. Is there a general way to do that?
    thank you in advance!

    You can try to create a default template folder (defaults/profile) in the Firefox and place the file(s) in that folder for newly created profile.
    The only way to customize an existing profile is to copy files directly to it.

  • Urgent: How to create a new layout for portal lightframeworkpage

    I want to create a new layout for  external facing portal. I have created a new par project also in NWDS, but being new I do not know where to get "" and other supporting libraries.
    Need an urgent help.
    Thanks in advance
    -Lave Kulshreshtha

    Look into this blog to know, how to write custom layouts:
    Nuts and Bolts of the External Facing Portal (EFP)
    Once you wrote your layout jsp, then declare it in portalapp.xml like this:
    <component name="example_narrowWide">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="2 Columns (Narrow:Wide)"/>
            <property name="" value="two-column layout displaying the narrow column on the right"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="*yourLayout.jsp*"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="Left Column">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConL"/>
            <property name="" value="Right Column">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 2"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConR"/>
    As all the layout taglibs and required classes are in application, you should refer to it in your portalapp.xml SharingReference property.
    Try all this and if you have specific questions, let me know.
    Praveen Gudapati

  • Changing default template layout from pdf to excel

    I've created an .rtf layout template. When I run the concurrent program, the layout defaults to pdf format. Is there anyway to change this to excel so that the user doesn't have to go into options each time and select excel?
    Thank you.

    Yes, but you will probably need to apply a couple of patches. Background article here:

  • Problem in creating text file from report file

    Hello Everybody...
    I have problem in creating text file.
    I had set System Parameter as below
    DESTYPE : File
    MODE : Character
    DESNAME : gayu.txt
    And ruler setting
    Units : Character Cells
    Character Cell Size : Horiziontal = 7
    Vertiacle =12
    GridSpacing : 1
    no of snap points per grid spacing : 1
    but when i run report it will give error
    "REP_1219 M_2 or R_2 has no size -- length or width zero"
    so is there any solution of that
    or another way to convert report into text file?....

    Hi Folks,
    Please don't go after that Error as its a very deceptive one. Please don't go for altering your design Or changing the size of items in your layout.
    Similar errors I have come across in reports. I think its due to file transfer type. You might have transferred the file in Binary and your File Mode I am seeing it as CHAR.
    This normally happens while making the Report Format as "Text". Either you change that format which I think is possible in your case as your basic requirement is making a report output of CHAR type.
    Please check for this error in Metalink and proceed accordingly. I could fix similar errors when I changed Format type to PDF(from text).

  • XSLT: Problem in creating Multiple Worksheet

    I am able to create one worksheet , i have a problem in creating a multiple worksheet.

    Then you haven't followed the method correctly. That error is
    addressed specifcally on that site, as that error is the main
    reason for the site. Did you read the note about the "known
    bug" because of the one port that is not included in the
    sample file?
    If you had tried the first method (set up a second IP and
    started both servers with the command line option providing
    an IP) there is no way this error could happen.
    If you followed the second method, and specified a different
    port for every port listed (including the one that is not in the
    sample file per default) then there is, once again, no way that
    this error could happen.
    The error happens on the second server because it is trying
    to bind the same port, using the same address, as the first
    server, which is impossible if you fully implement one of the
    two methods described there.

  • Problem in creating workspaces..Please guide

    Hello All,
    Am facing a problem in creating workspaces in DTR. Am working on EP7 SR2 (SP9)
    Have read mostly all related posts on SDN but cannot catch the missing link...Please guide me for the same:
    @echo off
    rem Default properties definition for the DTR Client Commandline Tool:
    rem -
    rem (1) Mandatory: DTR configuration folder:
    set DTR_HOME=C:\Documents and Settings\RHunjan
    set CFG_DIR=%DTR_HOME%\.dtr
    rem Remark: How to find DTR_HOME folder?
    rem - In Release 6.40:
    rem          The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\.sapnetweaver.
    rem - In Release 7.1:
    rem      Start Netweaver Developer Studio and login to the configuration / client
    rem      where you would like to work, then choose the menu: 'file' -> 'Switch workspace'.
    rem      The upcoming dialog shows the currently used Eclipse workspace.
    rem      The DTR configuration folder is <currently used eclipse workspace>.jdi
    rem (2) Optional: Folder with the definition of logging properties:
    rem (3) Default properties:
    rem set DEFAULT_PROPERTIES=-Dvfs.configfolder=%CFG_DIR% -Dvfs.logging=%LOGGING%
    @echo off
    rem Run DTR Commandline Shell:
    rem -
    rem (1) Get it running:
    rem -
    rem - Adapt configuration settings in setvars.bat.
    rem - Uncomment the settings for the used archives
    rem       that fit to the currently used Netweaver Developer Studio.
    call setvars.bat
    set CLASS_PATH=
    rem (2) Used Archives Settings:
    rem -
    rem Used Archives in 6.40 and 7.00 Netweaver Developer Studio installation:
    rem -
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;com_tssap_dtr_client_vfs.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;httpclient.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;httpclientext.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;com_tssap_dtr_client_commandline.jar
    rem Archives from foreign Plugins:
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\sapxmltoolkit.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\logging.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\jARM.jar
    rem The recommended value for maximum heap size for the JVM to run DTR Commandline client is 256M or higher.
    rem You can change the settings based on system resources available.
    set VM_PARAMS=-Xmx256m
    rem (3) Run DTR Commandline Shell:
    rem -
    java %VM_PARAMS% -classpath %CLASS_PATH% %DEFAULT_PROPERTIES% com.tssap.dtr.client.commandline.DTRShell %*
    I get an error saying:
    <i><b>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/tc/logging/Lo
            at com.tssap.dtr.client.commandline.DTRShell.<clinit>(</b></i>
    Please guide......
    Awaiting Reply.
    Thanks & WArm Regards,
    Message was edited by:
            Ritu  Hunjan

    Hello Ritu,
    the problem is probably in these lines:
    rem Archives from foreign Plugins:
    For a NW04s studio these paths are not correct, the plugin directories have some version suffix.
    rem Archives from foreign Plugins:
    Please check the folder names in the /eclipse/plugins/ directory to verify that this is correct for your installation.

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