Problem in executing  tutWD_Popup_Init application

I have imported the project template and when trying to deploy it is giving following errors . can not be resolved .
Any thing else to import ?

I did that no success . In tasks it shows following error
Error               Missing required library: 'C:Program Files/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/'.     TutWD_Popup_Init          Build path
I am using dev studio 7.0.11 and was is 6.4 and jdk is 1.4.2_09
when I say deplo and run despite errors , IE throws following error XMLParser: Bad attribute list. Expected WhiteSpace

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    Hi Experts,
    I developed web dynpro for ABAP application and placed table UI control, which contains 270 records. Executing from SE80, it is working fine and showing clearly all records.
    This application integrated in portal, while executing this applicaiton from portal, it is working fine and showing all records.
    Here I facing a small problem i.e Pager ( footer area ) of table.
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    244 will be available in a small box. this 244 is not showing clearly, while executing from portal ( last digit 4 displying half part only). but 244 showing clearly while executing from SE80.
    Kindly suggest how to resolve this problem.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Gopi Krishna,
    Thanks for your time. From SE80, it is working fine and showing clearly row number. There is no property for increase width of small box, which contains current row number).
    Facing problem while executing from portal.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Problem in executing javaFX application in web browser.

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    you embed a javafx app like this in your html-file:
        function javafxEmbed() {
                    url : 'ASimpleApp.jnlp',
                    placeholder : 'javafx-app-placeholder',
                    width : 1024,
                    height : 768,
                    jnlp_content : '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'
                    javafx : '2.2+'
        <!-- Embed FX application into web page once page is loaded -->
    if you change the values of width and height to '100%', your app will use the hole place of your html site.

  • Problem in executing client application as windows service

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    My Requirement is to run this client program as windows service.
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    now using sc command in DOS i was created a service named as ClientService
    But when i am trying to start this service like other services, it is giving error saying that "The Service did not respond to the start in a timely fashion"
    Please help me in this issue

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    how..I haven't seen any device that lets you run a J2ME app at start up as a service like windowsNT. May be you can do the above two things if you dig more in to Symbian OS programming.
    Good luck

  • Problem in executing command prompt commands through application

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    My application is a dialog based MFC application in VS2008.
    I want to execute below commands programmatically.
    devenv D:\TestApp\TestApp.sln /rebuild release
    devenv D:\TestApp\TestApp.sln /rebuild debug
    But I am not able to set the current directory path as "D:\TestApp\" programatically.
    Through which API I can execute multiple commands on command prompt programmatically same as  we do manually on cmd.
    Please Help.
    Thanks in Advance. 
    Thanks & Regards, Mayank Agarwal

    I want to execute below commands programmatically.
    devenv D:\TestApp\TestApp.sln /rebuild release
    devenv D:\TestApp\TestApp.sln /rebuild debug
    But I am not able to set the current directory path as "D:\TestApp\" programatically.
    Through which API I can execute multiple commands on command prompt programmatically same as  we do manually on cmd.
    Why can you "not able to set the current directory path as "D:\TestApp\" programatically"? Are you forgetting to escape the backslashes?
    Why to you need to set the current directory anyway?
    What is the problem with executing multiple commands?
    As to your basic goal, have you looked at
    ? Perhaps you should show us what you have tried.
    David Wilkinson | Visual C++ MVP

  • How to execute an application in Solaris using Runtime.getRuntime.exec() ?

    I am currently doing a project which requires the execution of Solaris applications through the use of Java Servlet with this Runtime method - Runtime.getRuntime.exec()
    This means that if the client PC tries to access the servlet in the server PC, an application is supposed to be executed and launched on the server PC itself. Actually, the servlet part is not an issue as the main problem is the executing of applications in different platforms which is a big headache.
    When I tried running this program on a Windows 2000 machine, it works perfectly fine. However, when I tried it on a Solaris machine, nothing happens. And I mean nothing... no errors, no nothing. I really don't know what's wrong.
    Here's the code.
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws ServletException, IOException
         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              Process process;                                                       Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
              String com= "sh /opt/home/acrobat/";
              String program = request.getParameter("program");
                        process = runtime.exec(com);
              catch (Exception e)
    It works under Windows when com = "c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe"
    When under Solaris, I have tried everything possible. For example, the launching of the application acrobat.
    com = "/opt/home/acrobat"
    com = "sh /opt/home/acrobat"I have also tried reading in the process and then printing it out. It doesn't work either. It only works when excuting commands like 'ls'
    BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));Why is it such a breeze to execute prgrams under Windows while there are so many problems under Solaris.
    Can some experts please please PLEASE point out the errors and give me some advice and help to make this program work under Solaris! Please... I really need to do this!!
    My email address - [email protected]
    I appreciate it.
    By the way, I'm coding and compiling in a Windows 2000 machine before ftp'ing the .class file to the Solaris server machine to run.

    it is possible that you are trying to run a program that is going to display a window on an X server, but you have not specified a display. You specifiy a display by setting the DISPLAY environment variable eg.
    setenv DISPLAY
    To check that runtime.exec is working you should try to run a program that does not reqire access to an X Server. Try something like
    cmd = "sh -c 'ls -l > ~/testlist.lst'";
    alternatively try this
    cmd = "sh -c 'export DISPLAY=;xterm '"
    you will also need to permit access to the X server using the xhost + command

  • You are not authorized to execute this application in SAP E-Recruit

    We are getting the below error while going to recruitment page for recruiter:
    "You are not authorized to execute this application"
    At the same time when we check in SLG1, we get the below errors:
    No candidate could be found for US E0023127
    The error occurred in program CL_HRRCF_CANDIDATE============CM003 line 361
    Apart from this we are not getting any dumps/traces in ST22/ST05/ST01.
    When we encountered this error for the first time, we executed the report RCF_CREATE_USER in SE38 and the problem was resolved.
    We got the error again 2 days back, after that also it got automatically resolved. But, now we are getting this error continuously.
    We also tried re-executing the report RCF_CREATE_USER and HRALXSYNC but no use.
    The service user (for recruiter) is a reference user from RCF_CAND_INT.
    We have also tried giving different roles and authorizations to the user.
    We are in ECC 6 EHP 6 and we have a standalone EREC system with ERECRUIT 617 SP3.
    We are stuck at this point in our EREC project.
    Kindly provide your valuable suggestions for this issue.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hello Khushboo,
    the message you are getting is a bit misleading as it is the standard behavior of the quick search if the user you are logged in as recruiter does not have a candidate assigned. So the message in SLG1 points into the correct direction.
    I am not sure what you are meaning by "the service user (for recruiter)". Although table T77RCF_ROLE allows to specify a reference user for all roles in eRec only the entries for internal and external candidates are actually used. So the authorization assignment for the recruiter specific roles has always to be done directy for each user. A reference user could be overwritten / reset to RCF_CAND_INT by the ALE.
    What bothers me a bit is the user name and that you mention RCF_CREATE_USER and HRALXSYNC at the same time. This might be the reason for your issue. Looks like you created a candidate for a user using RCF_CREATE_USER which is later transferred in the ALE from HR Core to eRec. This was not a good idea. RCF_CREATE_USER is only for creating project users when the HR core to eRec and for special users who need a candidate while do not have an employee id in HR core (e.g. WF-BATCH). This is why I always recommend to use non-production user Ids for everyone during project phase. Its been quite a time some of my projects did otherwise and I remember a similar issue with one of the customer admins. Everytime data for the user / employee was send in ALE the candidate / user was messed up.
    Getting this fixed was quite troublesome. In the end we had to dump the original candidate. We deleted all records between candidate object, central person, business partner and person object in HRP1001. By that time the customer was still on the old ALE version so today I would also delete all entries in HRP558X infotype tables for the employee. Then I would first try to finger the employee id (e.g. change the name, save, directly change it back, save again ) so it is transferred during the nightly processing of the change pointers and put in the IDoc. If this is not working I would try to transfer it again using PFAL.
    Kind Regards

  • Error while executing the application

    Hi Friends,
    I am getting error while executing the application.The error is
    "javax.ejb.EJBException: Transaction aborted; nested exception is: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Transaction marked for rollback."
    Can anybody help me..
    Thanks in advance.

    You need to step through a debugger and find the source of your problem as something is clearly going wrong and causing the transaction to roll back. That is all that message tells us.

  • CS5 has stopped working pop up everytime when selecting fonts. details:  Problem signature:   Problem Event Name:APPCRASH   Application Name:Illustrator.exe   Application Version:   Application Timestamp:4d76c9e3   Fault Module Name:CoolType.dll

    Stops responding, etc
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
      Application Name:    Illustrator.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:    4d76c9e3
      Fault Module Name:    CoolType.dll
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp:    4c296b69
      Exception Code:    c0000005
      Exception Offset:    00021ae1
      OS Version:    6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    1033
      Additional Information 1:    8e1b
      Additional Information 2:    8e1b636bd3438ac15d03ef1549553b25
      Additional Information 3:    1b31
      Additional Information 4:    1b316dab8b65bf468124c367b4a50e14

    But I am assuming that when I make the installer, the 32-bit Run Time Engine is appened with the installer, as show below
    Since from the picture you can see its including the support installers from '\Program Files (x86)\'
    The application runs queries to fetch data from database in SQL server 2008, and for that I am using a Microsoft SQL Native Client 2008 R2 64 bit ( this is the only version that installs on either PC, even the one on which I developed my LV Application).
    I am not using any driver, only toolkits for reports - and for that I un-checked the "Remove unused polymorphic VI instances" when making the executable, otherwise LV throws up an exception that share variable are not being included.
    Yes I did reboot every time after I ran the installation.
    Still getting the same error.

  • Problem in executing JFCunit test case

    Hi all,
    I have problem in executing a simple test case that checks for input blank fields entered.
    Below is the code for the test class that i am trying to run, but i am unable to execute it. Please can anyone try to resolve this.
    import junit.extensions.TestSetup;
    import junit.extensions.jfcunit.*;
    import junit.extensions.jfcunit.finder.*;
    import junit.extensions.jfcunit.eventdata.*;
    import junit.framework.Test;
    import junit.framework.TestSuite;
    import junit.textui.TestRunner;
    import com.erp.client.swing.ClientLoginDialog;
    import com.erp.client.swing.workspace.ClientWorkspaceFrame;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class LoginScreenTest
        extends JFCTestCase {
      private ClientLoginDialog loginScreen = null;
      private JButton login = null;
      private JButton cancel = null;
      private JTextField username = null;
      private JTextField password = null;
      private JFCTestHelper helper = null;
      LoginResults loginSuccess = null;
      ClientWorkspaceFrame workspaceFrame = null;
      public LoginScreenTest() {
      public LoginScreenTest(String name) {
      public static Test suite() {
        return new StartApp(new TestSuite(LoginScreenTest.class));
      private static class StartApp
          extends TestSetup {
         * Construct the test decorator, which starts the application     *
         * @param test
         *          Test case.
        public StartApp(final Test test) {
         * Start the LoginScreenTestapplication.
        public void setUp() {
          new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              try {
                new LoginScreenTest().setUp();
              } catch (Exception e) {
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
         * Tear down the LoginScreenTest application.
        public void tearDown() {
      protected void setUp()
          throws Exception {
        super.setUp(); // Choose the text Helper
        setHelper(new JFCTestHelper()); // Uses the AWT Event Queue.
        // setHelper( new RobotTestHelper( ) ); // Uses the OS Event Queue.
        ClientWorkspaceFrame workspaceFrame = ClientWorkspaceFrame.getHandle();
        // loginScreen = new ClientLoginDialog( "LoginScreenTest: " + getName());
        loginSuccess = ClientLoginDialog.login();
        loginScreen = ClientLoginDialog.login(new JFrame(), true);
        if (loginSuccess != null && loginSuccess.isSuccess()) {
          workspaceFrame.loggedInUser = loginSuccess.getName();
          workspaceFrame.loggedInFullUserName = loginSuccess.getFullLoginUserName();
          workspaceFrame.loggedInUserPassword = loginSuccess.getPassword();
      protected void tearDown()
          throws Exception {
        login = null;
        cancel = null;
        username = null;
        password = null;
        loginScreen = null;
        // getHelper.cleanUp( this );
      public void testInitialState() {
        NamedComponentFinder finder = new NamedComponentFinder(JButton.class, "Cancel");
        JButton exitButton = (JButton) finder.find(loginScreen, 0);
        assertNotNull("Could not find the Exit button", exitButton);
        NamedComponentFinder finder1 = new NamedComponentFinder(JButton.class, "Login");
        JButton enterButton = (JButton) finder1.find(loginScreen, 0);
        assertNotNull("Could not find the Enter button", enterButton);
        getHelper().enterClickAndLeave(new MouseEventData(this, enterButton));
        assertEquals("", workspaceFrame.loggedInUser);
        assertEquals("", workspaceFrame.loggedInUserPassword);
      public static void main(final String[] args) {;
    Thanks & Regards,
    VishalMessage was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    hi All,
    can any one guide me how to run the test casese in JFCunit ? as when i tried to run thru command prompt its not recognising the main class at all.
    Now i m trying with eclipse problem here is that it is showing error to this line of code
    DialogFinder dFinder = new DialogFinder(loginScreen);
    error is constructor is undefined?
    So looking for some solution.
    with regards

  • Problem  in executing EXE from browser-URGENT

    Hi all,
    I am facing a problem in executing "c exe" file from my web based application, iam using IAS
    on Solaris. my program is able to catch the path but its not executing (this is wirking fine in windows) i am giving a sample code here
    Runtime rt=Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process pro=rt.exec("/datadisk1/java/runsol.exe");
    runsol.exe will generate s text file when executed, when i run this in a independent java program then it is executing, on browser it is not executing and output text file is not creating.
    Note: i am working on Solaris / Oracle AS 9i

    Security issue. Calling .exe from applet not possible by default.

  • Error when I execute an application with the java command in a DOS prompt

    I have a trouble. I edit the most simple program in Java:
    In DOS prompt, I compile the program. The result is the file hello.class
    c:\> javac
    However, I try to execute this program with the command java
    c:\> java hello
    and the DOS prompt send me an error like this: Java.exe has a problem and must be closed.
    I press the option "Don't send". After this, the DOS prompt returns empty and it doesnt execute the application:
    By the way, in an IDE editor like Gel, the file is compiled and executed correctly without problems.
    I edited other simple Java files, I compiled them succesfully and I can't run them in a DOS pormpt. The result is the same dialog box: "Java.exe has a problem and must be closed".
    The question is: Why don't these programs run in a DOS prompt?
    My Operating System is Microsoft Windows XP and the Java compiler version is: 1.6.0_13
    Thanks in advanced.

    Hi again:
    What happens when you type "java -version"?
    java version "1.2"
    Classic VM (build JDK-1.2-V, native threads)
    What is the value of your %PATH%?
    Path=E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\Adaptec Shared\System;C:\Archivos de programa\Executive Software\DiskeeperLite\;C:\Archivos de programa\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\bin;C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\;e:\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\BITWARE\;C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\Ahead\Lib\
    Have you considered running Linux?
    Answer: No, because Linux is more complex.
    Additional information:
    My Operating System is: Microsoft Windows XP Profesional Version 2002, Service Pack 3, running on an Intel Pentium 4, CPU 2.4 Ghz, RAM: 2.23 Gb

  • Problem in executing function module: ERROR_IN_PDO: ERROR_IN_PDO

    Hi all,
    I am getting an error I can't solve until now.. Who can help?
    The Default Trace in the EP 7.0/NWA gives the following information:
    Severity:  Error
    Message: Problem in executing function module:[date]$AbapException: (126) ERROR_IN_PDO: ERROR_IN_PDO
    Category:  /uwl/service
    The UWL connection tests are correct! So, who can help!
    There is nothing to find in sap notes or sdn forum
    Best regards,
    G. Leurs

    Hi john,
    I am also facing hte same issue.
    when the user is trying to approve the Compleated shopping cart from  the button availble in  the UWL preview , I am getting the below error.
    Exception Message:Wed Aug 25 12:16:52 CEST 2010 (Connector) Aug 25 12:16:52 CEST 2010 (Connector)$AbapException:ERROR_IN_PDO
    we are not passing any ABAP role from teh SRM system.
    it would be great if you can share  your views regarding this.

  • How to Execute Webdynpro Applications

    Hi Gurus,
    Iam new to Webdynpro for ABAP . When iam executing Webdynpro Applications iam getting message like Service Connot Reached. Error no 403.
    I think my server need some setting, Please  solve my problem.
    Thank you.
    Peram Srinivas

    go to start->run.. and type
    Ping <server domain name> -t and enter
    you can see the server round trip time
    if you dont't have domain name check out this

  • Executing an application without JDK

    This may seem like a very back-to-basic kind of a question.
    I have created an application on my machine. The problem is how do I run it on my users machine?
    How can I run this on another machine which may not have jdk installed?
    if the users machine has browsers, JVM will be there, right?
    Is there anyway, I can run my application without downloading jdk? For instance, would having jre suffice?
    Is there any other , easier way of executing the application?

    The JRE is the same thing as the JDK, its just missing the compiler. Any application compiled using a JDK can be run on the JRE of the same (and usually newer) version.
    If you're distributing an applet, then you don't have to worry because the Java enabled browsers will most likely have enough of a VM to handle it.
    If you're distributing a stand-alone application, though, the users will have to have the appropriate JRE (or JDK) already installed. I've found its usually a good idea to include a link to a site where they can download the correct JRE if they need to.
    Using a third party-app to turn the byte-code into platform specific machine code is usually not the ideal solution as its usually not very clean and can turn into quite a mess if you ever have to update the code.

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