Problem in HTMLB..setOnClientClick()..Urgent Help....:)

Hello All,
I have 2 jsp files named:
1> NewOrder.jsp -> This file uses HTMLB Taglib style. includes form and set its layout to gridlayout. It further includes/calls another jsp called "i1_NewOrder.jsp"
2> i1_NewOrder.jsp -> This includes all the GUI elements like inputfield, textview, etc. This forms a TableView.
I have added a button in i1_NewOrder.jsp and have fired an event using AddLine.setOnClientClick("javascript:AddLines()");
Now, an alert is being executed (refer to the code below), which has been written in NewOrder.jsp file.
What I want is that when I click on this button (say "AddNewLine"), a new row should be added in the TableView that is being built up using i1_NewOrder.jsp file.
How can I get a reference of TableView from i1_NewOrder.jsp to NewOrder.jsp??
If you se the code, I have tried to do this, but failed
1> NewOrder.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="tagLib" prefix="hbj" %>
<%@ page import="com.sapportals.htmlb.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.sapportals.htmlb.enum.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.sapportals.htmlb.table.*" %>
/*<script language="JavaScript">
function AddLines()
{ var rowcnt;
rowcnt = tvOrderDetails.getRowCount();
</script> */
<jsp:useBean id="beanOrderDetails" scope="session" class="" />
title="New Order">
<%@ include file="i1_NewOrder.jsp"%>
2> i1_NewOrder.jsp
//****** define the cells **********//
GridLayoutCell cellEmpty = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelEmpty = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellGeneralOrderInfo = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellDetailsOrderInfo = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelYourOrderNo = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelCustomer = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelOrderDate = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelAddress = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelRequestedDelDate = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelCompletedelivery = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelGIM = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellLabelDeliveryAddress = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellInputYourOrderNo = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellinputRequestedDelDate = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellTvCustomer = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellTvOrderDate = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellTvAddress = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellTvDeliveryAddress = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellCBCompleteDelivery = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellCBGIM = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellTVOrderLines = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
GridLayoutCell cellButtonAddLine = new GridLayoutCell(" ");
//****** define design values for cells **********//
// Design values for labels
//****** define the visible gui elements and assign to the cell **********//
//order details
TableView tvOrderDetails = new TableView("tvOrderDetails");
//General order info: header>
TextView tvGeneralOrderInfo = new TextView("General Order Information");
//General order details>
TextView tvDetailsOrderInfo = new TextView("Order details");
//label Your order number
TextView labelYourOrderNo = new TextView("Your order number");
//Input Your order number
InputField inputYourOrderNo = new InputField("InputYourOrderNo");
//label Customer
TextView labelCustomer = new TextView("Customer");
//Textview customer
TextView tvCustomer = new TextView("tvCustomer");
//label Order date
TextView labelOrderDate = new TextView("Order Date");
//Text view order date
TextView tvOrderDate = new TextView("tvOrderDate");
//last check
//Label address
TextView labelAddres = new TextView("Address");
//text view address
TextView tvAddress = new TextView("Tjaskerlaan");
//Label Requested delivery date
TextView labelRequestedDelDate = new TextView("Requested Delivery Date");
//Label Complete delivery
TextView labelCompleteDelivery = new TextView("Completed Date");
//Checkbox Complete delivery
Checkbox cbCompleteDelivery = new Checkbox("cbCompleteDelivery");
//Label Complete GIM
TextView labelGIM = new TextView("GIM");
//Checkbox GIM
Checkbox cbGIM = new Checkbox("cbGIM");
//Label delivery address
TextView labelDeliveryAddres = new TextView("Delivery Address");
//text view address
TextView tvDeliveryAddress = new TextView("Tjaskerlaan");
// listbox delivery addresses
ListBox lbDeliveryAddress = new ListBox("lbDeliveryAddress");
Button AddLine = new Button("AddLine","Add New Line");
//****** add cells to grid **********//
gridNewOrder.addCell(1, 1, cellGeneralOrderInfo);
gridNewOrder.addCell(2, 1, cellLabelYourOrderNo);
gridNewOrder.addCell(2, 2, cellInputYourOrderNo);
//gridNewOrder.addCell(2, 3, cellEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(2, 4, cellLabelCustomer);
gridNewOrder.addCell(2, 5, cellInputYourOrderNo);
gridNewOrder.addCell(2, 6, cellEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(3, 1, cellLabelOrderDate);
gridNewOrder.addCell(3, 2, cellTvOrderDate);
//gridNewOrder.addCell(3, 3, cellEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(3, 4, cellLabelAddress);
gridNewOrder.addCell(3, 5, cellInputYourOrderNo);
gridNewOrder.addCell(4, 1, cellLabelRequestedDelDate);
gridNewOrder.addCell(4, 2, cellInputYourOrderNo);
//gridNewOrder.addCell(4, 3, cellEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(4, 4, cellLabelEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(4, 5, cellInputYourOrderNo);
gridNewOrder.addCell(5, 1, cellLabelCompletedelivery);
gridNewOrder.addCell(5, 2, cellCBGIM);
//gridNewOrder.addCell(5, 3, cellEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(5, 4, cellLabelDeliveryAddress);
gridNewOrder.addCell(5, 5, cellTvDeliveryAddress);
gridNewOrder.addCell(6, 1, cellLabelGIM);
gridNewOrder.addCell(6, 2, cellCBGIM);
gridNewOrder.addCell(6, 3, cellEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(6, 4, cellLabelEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(7, 4, cellLabelEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(6, 6, cellEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(8, 1, cellEmpty);
gridNewOrder.addCell(9, 1,cellDetailsOrderInfo);
gridNewOrder.addCell(10, 1,cellTVOrderLines);
Awaiting Reply.
Please help.
Thanks and Warm Regards,

I guess AddLine.setOnClientClick("AddLines()"); this wud work!

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  • Problem in HTMLB..Please Help...urgent....:(

    Hello All,
    Please refer to the below code:
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.*;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.enum.TableColumnType;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.table.DefaultTableViewModel;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.table.TableColumn;
    public class BeanOrderDetails implements Serializable
    {     public Date toDay, orderDate;
         public String toDayAsString;
         public IListModel deliveryAddress;
         public TextEdit address;
         public DefaultTableViewModel orderLines;
         public Locale locale;
         public String poNumber, model, qty;
         public Object colTitle[] = {"Model","Description","Qty (pcs)","AD Price","Net Price","Total amount","Indication ETA","12 NC","Part Del","GIM","# A-box","Pcd/A-box"};
         public BeanOrderDetails()
         {     Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
              toDay = cal.getTime();
              String year = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR));
              String month = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1);
              String day = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
              toDayAsString = year"-"month"-"day;
              deliveryAddress = new DefaultListModel();
              deliveryAddress.addItem("1", "Delivery Address1");
              deliveryAddress.addItem("2", "Delivery Address2");
              deliveryAddress.addItem("3", "Delivery Address3");
              //company address
              address = new TextEdit("Company Address");
              String line1 = "KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd.";
              String line2 = "MIDC, Hinjewadi";
              String line3 = "Pune, India";
              //Table creation
              Object data[][] = {{"HQ8894","Sensotec Dry Rota Shaver","500","1,512.00","1,498.00","749.00","08-08-2005","885889401710","N","Y","","50"}};
              orderLines = new DefaultTableViewModel(data, colTitle);     
              TableColumn columnModel = orderLines.getColumnAt(1);
              TableColumn columnDesciption = orderLines.getColumnAt(2);
              TableColumn columnQty = orderLines.getColumnAt(3);
              TableColumn columnADPrice = orderLines.getColumnAt(4);
              TableColumn columnNetPrice = orderLines.getColumnAt(5);
              TableColumn columnTotalAmunt = orderLines.getColumnAt(6);
              TableColumn columnETA = orderLines.getColumnAt(7);
              TableColumn column12NC = orderLines.getColumnAt(8);
              TableColumn columnPartDel = orderLines.getColumnAt(9);
              TableColumn columnGIM = orderLines.getColumnAt(10);
              TableColumn columnABox = orderLines.getColumnAt(11);
              TableColumn columnAmountInBox = orderLines.getColumnAt(11);
              TableColumn columnPcsBox = orderLines.getColumnAt(12);
         public void setLocale(Locale l)
         {     locale = l;
         public Locale getLocale()
         {     return locale;
         public void setOrderDate(Date od)
         {     orderDate = od;
         public Date getOrderDate()
         {     return orderDate;
         public void setOrderLines(DefaultTableViewModel mm)
         {     orderLines = mm;
         public DefaultTableViewModel getOrderLines()
         {     return orderLines;
         public void setAddress(String adr)
         {     address.setText(adr);
         public void setTextEditAddress(TextEdit adr)
         {     address = adr;
         public TextEdit getTextEditAddress()
         {     return address;
         public String getAddress()
         {     return address.getText();
         public void setDeliveryAdresses(IListModel model)
         {     deliveryAddress = model;
         public IListModel getdeliveryAddresses()
         {     return deliveryAddress;
         public void setPoNumber(String pon)
         {     this.poNumber = pon;
         public String getPoNumber()
         {     return this.poNumber;
         public void setModel(String m)
         {     this.model = m;
         public void setQty(String quantity)
         {     this.qty = quantity;
         public void getNewRow()
         {     Object data[][] = { {"","Sensotec Dry Rota Shaver ABC","","1,512.00","1,498.00","749.00","08-08-2005","885889401710","N","Y","","50"}};
              TableColumn columnModel = orderLines.getColumnAt(1);
              TableColumn columnDesciption = orderLines.getColumnAt(2);
              TableColumn columnQty = orderLines.getColumnAt(3);
              TableColumn columnADPrice = orderLines.getColumnAt(4);
              TableColumn columnNetPrice = orderLines.getColumnAt(5);
              TableColumn columnTotalAmunt = orderLines.getColumnAt(6);
              TableColumn columnETA = orderLines.getColumnAt(7);
              TableColumn column12NC = orderLines.getColumnAt(8);
              TableColumn columnPartDel = orderLines.getColumnAt(9);
              TableColumn columnGIM = orderLines.getColumnAt(10);
              TableColumn columnABox = orderLines.getColumnAt(11);
              TableColumn columnAmountInBox = orderLines.getColumnAt(11);
              TableColumn columnPcsBox = orderLines.getColumnAt(12);
    The above code creates a table. It actually maps the various fields as the TableColumn.
    I have added a button which appears below this table.
    Name of button = AddNewLine
    Now, when this button is clicked, a new empy row should appear in the table.
    <i><b>My stmts in method - getNewRow() are not working.</b></i>
    Please help me do so.
    Please help...its kinda urgent.
    Thanks and Warm Regards,
    Ritu R Hunjan

    Hi Ritu,
             First up all I don't see any code where exactly you have added a button in the table.
             Secondly as a general thing,looking on to ur scenario you have initialize the table on the event of clicking the button ie)in ur getNewRow() just initialize your code for building an empty row of the table.

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    i didn't know what's wrong, if i call http://localhost:8080/JMSTest , then i enter something into that textfield, then i press the button(form action is http://localhost:8080/test ). it writes that "Mesaj trimis" (message sent - written by me in Romanian), and when i call http://localhost:8080/receiver i did not receive the message. Why?
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    here is the server.xml file from Tomcat conf folder:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
      <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener"/>
      <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"/>
      <!-- Global JNDI resources
           Documentation at /docs/jndi-resources-howto.html
        <!-- Editable user database that can also be used by
             UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users
        <Resource auth="Container" description="User database that can be updated and saved" factory="org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabaseFactory" name="UserDatabase" pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" type="org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase"/>
      <Service name="Catalina">
        <Connector connectionTimeout="20000" port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" redirectPort="8443"/>      
        <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443"/>
        <Engine defaultHost="localhost" name="Catalina"> 
          <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>
          <!-- Define the default virtual host
               Note: XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.
          <Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="true" name="localhost" unpackWARs="true" xmlNamespaceAware="false" xmlValidation="false">
            <!-- SingleSignOn valve, share authentication between web applications
                 Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->
            <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />
            <!-- Access log processes all example.
                 Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->
            <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs" 
                   prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt" pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>
           <Context path="/JMSTest" docBase="JMSTest"
            debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
        <Resource name="jms/ConnectionFactory" auth="Container"
                     description="JMS Connection Factory"
                     userName="activemq" password="activemq"
                     clientID="TomcatClientID" />
        <Resource name="jms/myQueue" auth="Container"
                     description="JMS Queue"
                     physicalName="TEST.FOO" />
        <Resource name="jms/myTopic" auth="Container"
                     description="JMS Topic"
    </Server>or, how should i do this, but using Sun Message Queue? my way is using Apache MQ
    Edited by: Talkabout on Dec 13, 2008 7:15 AM

    I didn't go all through your code, but I'd say you should make sure that the Receiver servlet is up and running BEFORE your access the Sender servlet.

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    Could you add the list of your components to your signature (e.g. power suppy, memory, etc).
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    Thanks in advance for any possible help,
    Edit: the installed version is the latest (17/december) and the language is portuguese.
    Message Edited by echiron on 17-Dec-2007 02:27 PM

    This has always been a limitation in PC suite, I assume you've tried the latest version 6.85?
    You may want to take a look at the link below, it may suit your needs better.

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    1. no, just the webapps found on but you cannot download them.
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    1.) I firstly have a HTML file which a user will fill out 3 fields on and submit.
    2.) A servlet will get these parameters, validate some information and update a database.
    Problem Part Needs to send on these details to another servlet which will be located on a seperate server.
    Is there a way of doing a submit like function without an actual submit, as this will all be done away from the user.
    Was initially going to use:
    ctx = getServletContext();
    rd = ctx.getRequestDispatcher("https://localhost:8443/servlet/FileName");But found out you can only do this with files in the same immediate location!
    3.) Next servlet will accept in the same details as 2, and do some more functions and database updating. Before again sendin on some details to another servlet! (so same problem as in 2).
    4.) Accepts in details from 3 and updaes database!
    So does anbody have any ideas how this can be done??
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Whats so wrong with posting in more than one forum? I
    need to get this done in the next few hours and im not
    exaclt the most qualified java developer in the
    sorry if its such a crime! :o(Should be obvious. You post exact question in forum A and B. Person A answers you on forum A. Person B, not knowing you were already answered because he's looking at the post on forum B, answers you on forum B, thus having wasted his time.

  • Need urgent help with Ifs1.1 on Solaris

    We have installed IFS 1.1 with Oracle 8.1.7 on a three tier System (two Suns). We use JWS as WebServer. When we start IFS and JWS everything seems to work fine. But after some time (irregulary) we are not able to contact the JSP-Sites via a bowser. After restarting JWS, everything works fine for some time.
    Sometimes it happens (about one times a day), that the whole JWS crashes (JWS-Admin doesn't work). So we have to restart the whole IFS.
    What can be the problem? We need urgent help, because the deadline for our project is Wednesday.
    By the way:
    Where do I have to start CTX on the IFS- or the Oracle-Side?

    Yes, we tried the Oracle HTTP - Server, but we weren4t able to get it to work. We didn4t get our JSP-Files to work with it. But that is another issue. I think it4s not a problem of JWS, but IFS.
    Additionally it is strange, that we are still able to connect to the database via SqlPlus.
    IFS works fine for about 15 minutes, than it crashes, nothing works anymore. We found following errors in the IfsAgents.log:
    maybe it can help?!
    Mon Dec 04 23:12:20 CET 2000
    Server STARTED: IfsAgents(19944) not managed
    Attempting to load agent EventExchangerAgent
    Agent EventExchangerAgent loaded
    Server STARTED: IfsProtocols(19945) not managed
    Attempting to start agent EventExchangerAgent
    EventExchangerAgent: Start request
    Agent EventExchangerAgent started
    Attempting to load agent ExpirationAgent
    Agent ExpirationAgent loaded
    EventExchangerAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent ExpirationAgent
    ExpirationAgent: Start request
    Agent ExpirationAgent started
    Attempting to load agent GarbageCollectionAgent
    Agent GarbageCollectionAgent loaded
    ExpirationAgent: computed initial delay (in ms) is: 10024504
    ExpirationAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent GarbageCollectionAgent
    GarbageCollectionAgent: Start request
    Agent GarbageCollectionAgent started
    Attempting to load agent ContentGarbageCollectionAgent
    Agent ContentGarbageCollectionAgent loaded
    GarbageCollectionAgent: computed initial delay (in ms) is: 11816890
    GarbageCollectionAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent ContentGarbageCollectionAgent
    ContentGarbageCollectionAgent: Start request
    Agent ContentGarbageCollectionAgent started
    Attempting to load agent DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent
    Agent DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent loaded
    ContentGarbageCollectionAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent
    DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent: Start request
    Agent DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent started
    Attempting to load agent OutboxAgent
    Agent OutboxAgent loaded
    DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent: computed initial delay (in ms) is: 5500105
    DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent: starting timer
    Attempting to start agent OutboxAgent
    OutboxAgent: Start request
    Agent OutboxAgent started
    Attempting to load agent ServiceWatchdogAgent
    Agent ServiceWatchdogAgent loaded
    OutboxAgent: Done processing
    Attempting to start agent ServiceWatchdogAgent
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Start request
    Agent ServiceWatchdogAgent started
    Attempting to load agent QuotaAgent
    Agent QuotaAgent loaded
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Initializing ServerWatchdogTable with 9 entries
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: starting timer
    Server STARTED: FtpServer(20082) managed by IfsProtocols(19945)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: New Server being watchdogged
    Attempting to start agent QuotaAgent
    QuotaAgent: Start request
    Agent QuotaAgent started
    QuotaAgent: starting timer
    Server STARTED: CupServer(20124) managed by IfsProtocols(19945)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: New Server being watchdogged
    Server STARTED: ImapServer(20130) managed by IfsProtocols(19945)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: New Server being watchdogged
    Server STARTED: SmtpServer(20150) managed by IfsProtocols(19945)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: New Server being watchdogged
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server Detected in checkServer
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Unlocked Server being investigated
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19687
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19666
    Server STOPPED: CupServer(19687) managed by IfsProtocols(19519)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19723
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19520
    Server STOPPED: FtpServer(19666) managed by IfsProtocols(19519)
    Server STOPPED: SmtpServer(19723) managed by IfsProtocols(19519)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19519
    Server STOPPED: IfsAgents(19520) not managed
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freeing unlocked server 19712
    Server STOPPED: IfsProtocols(19519) not managed
    Server STOPPED: ImapServer(19712) managed by IfsProtocols(19519)
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: Freed Server removed from watchdog list
    QuotaAgent: Timer event: 0 active; 0 exceeded
    ContentGarbageCollectionAgent: Freed 5 unreferenced ContentObjects
    QuotaAgent: Timer event: 0 active; 0 exceeded
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-11012: Unable to get events from other services
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException in checkForDeadServices():
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException in handle loop; continuing:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: IfsException publishing timer details:
    ServiceWatchdogAgent: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10651: Unable to begin transaction
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10603: Unable to set database savepoint
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE

  • Problem in HTMLB :(  Very very very URGENT..Please help

    Hello All,
    I have a problem in HTMLB.
    1. Am implementing a JSP DynPage Portal Component.
    2. Have a class called "BeanOrderDetails", which consists of an Object table and mapped fields like ModelNo, Qty, etc as the Column Names in this class.
    3. The class using JSPDynpage is called "".
    This class instantiates the above bean class and calls a jsp file calls "NewOrder.jsp".
    4. NewOrder.jsp - uses HTMLB taglib style. consists of a form and set its layout to GridLayout. It further calls another JSP file which consists of all other GUI objects, called "i1_NewOrder.jsp".
    5. i1_NewOrder.jsp - creates instances of GUI Objects like InputField,etc and adds these instances to the GridLayoutCell.
    i> I have to create a button called "Add NewLine" such that when the user clicks on it, an empty row should be automatically generated in the above table, which is created as in step 1.
    Where should I add this button and where would the event be handled?
    Please help. URGENT......
    Awaiting Reply.
    Thanks and Warm Regards,

    Hi Ritu,
    I had a very similar problem. The default TableViewModel does not support adding rows at runtime. You have to extend the TableViewModel for this - don't worry it is easier as it sounds.
    Look here for the solution which was given to me by Detlev Beutner:
    How to add a row in TableViewModel?
    I hope this helps.
    Best regards

  • URGENT HELP NEEDED ... Tomcat Realm and JRE1.4 plug-in problem

    I have tried the Security Realm of Tomcat. Since I do not have
    an LDAP server, I decided to use the Tomcat-users.xml file in
    Tomcat\conf directory.
    I added the following lines of code in the web.xml file.
    <web-resource-name>Entire Application</web-resource-name>
    <!-- NOTE: This role is not present in the default users file -->
    <realm-name>Tomcat Manager Application</realm-name>
    The <role-name> "webviewer" is added into "Tomcat-Users.xml" as the following:
    <user name="test" password="password" roles="webviewer" />
    So, now when we type the url: http://localhost:8080/adbpdbre/default.htm, TOMCAT shows a dialog box asking for UserName: and Password:Now, only when we give the username and password, it shows the page. This is exactly what we want.
    But the problem now is, this default.htm page, has 5 links to 5 applets. The first time that I click on one of these links, the JRE plug of 1.4 shows a dialog again asking for the username and password. Till I dont provide the username and password the system doesnt go ahead and applet doesnt load. I do not want the JRE to ask me for the username/passwords again..How to avoid this ?
    Can you give me some more information on this. Ultimately in the production usage, we will be using LDAP and not Tomcat's memory realm.
    URGENT HELP NEEDED ... I need to get back to my client on this.
    Help would be v. much appreciated.

    In the config file, you 're essentially saying that you want Tomcat to prompt for usr/passw on every request (url-pattern = /*) made by a 'webviewer', and that's exactly what Tomcat is doing.
    Consider using specific url-patterns & roles for resources to be protected. If for now, all you need is to protect the first page, use a more specific url-pattern.
    Just an advice : if you'll be using LDAP in production, do not waste time with Tomcat's Security Realm and the BASIC authentication type, since the two have not much in common. Start reading doc on LDAP, and code a prototype, or even better, a vertical slice of the app (i.e a proof of concept).

  • Urgent help need on swing problem

    Dear friends,
    I met a problem and need urgent help from guru here, I am Swing newbie,
    I have following code and hope to draw lines between any two components at RUN-TIME, not at design time
    Please throw some skeleton code, Thanks so much!!
    package com.swing.test;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class LongguConnectLineCommponent
        public static void main(String[] args)
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Connecting Lines");
            f.getContentPane().add(new ConnectionPanel());
    class ConnectionPanel extends JPanel
        JLabel label1, label2, label3, label4;
        JLabel[] labels;
        JLabel selectedLabel;
        int cx, cy;
        public ConnectionPanel()
            label1.setBounds( 25,  50, 125, 25);
            label2.setBounds(225,  50, 125, 25);
            label3.setBounds( 25, 175, 125, 25);
            label4.setBounds(225, 175, 125, 25);
            ComponentMover mover = new ComponentMover();
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            Point[] p;
            for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
                for(int j = i + 1; j < labels.length; j++)
                    p = getEndPoints(labels, labels[j]);
    //g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(p[0], p[1]));
    private Point[] getEndPoints(Component c1, Component c2)
    p1 = new Point(),
    p2 = new Point();
    r1 = c1.getBounds(),
    r2 = c2.getBounds();
    int direction = r1.outcode(r2.x, r2.y);
    switch(direction) // r2 located < direction > of r1
    case (Rectangle.OUT_LEFT): // West
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.y > cy)
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_TOP): // North
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    if(r1.x > cx && r2.x > cx)
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_LEFT + Rectangle.OUT_TOP): // NW
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.y > r2.y + r2.height)
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_RIGHT): // East
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.y > cy)
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_TOP + Rectangle.OUT_RIGHT): // NE
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.y > cy)
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    if(r1.y > r2.y + r2.height)
    p1.y = r1.y;
    if(r1.y > r2.y + r2.height)
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_BOTTOM): // South
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.x > cx && r2.x > cx)
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_RIGHT + Rectangle.OUT_BOTTOM): // SE
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_BOTTOM + Rectangle.OUT_LEFT): // SW
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.x > r2.x + r2.width)
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    if(r1.x > cx && r2.x > cx)
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    return new Point[] {p1, p2};
    private void determineCenterOfComponents()
    xMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
    yMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
    xMax = 0,
    yMax = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
    Rectangle r = labels[i].getBounds();
    if(r.x < xMin)
    xMin = r.x;
    if(r.y < yMin)
    yMin = r.y;
    if(r.x + r.width > xMax)
    xMax = r.x + r.width;
    if(r.y + r.height > yMax)
    yMax = r.y + r.height;
    cx = xMin + (xMax - xMin)/2;
    cy = yMin + (yMax - yMin)/2;
    private class ComponentMover extends MouseInputAdapter
    Point offsetP = new Point();
    boolean dragging;
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
    Point p = e.getPoint();
    for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
    Rectangle r = labels[i].getBounds();
    selectedLabel = labels[i];
    offsetP.x = p.x - r.x;
    offsetP.y = p.y - r.y;
    dragging = true;
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    dragging = false;
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
    Rectangle r = selectedLabel.getBounds();
    r.x = e.getX() - offsetP.x;
    r.y = e.getY() - offsetP.y;
    selectedLabel.setBounds(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
    private void addLabels()
    label1 = new JLabel("Label 1");
    label2 = new JLabel("Label 2");
    label3 = new JLabel("Label 3");
    label4 = new JLabel("Label 4");
    labels = new JLabel[] {
    label1, label2, label3, label4
    for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)

    If you need some help, be respectful of the forum rules and people will help. By using "urgent" in the title and bumping your message every 2 hours you're just asking to be ignored (which is what you ended up with).

  • Urgent Help Reqd: Delta Problem....!!!

    Hi Experts,
    Urgent help reqd regarding follwoing scenario:
    I am getting delta to ODS 1 (infosource : 2LIS_12_VCHDR) from R/3. Now this ODS1 gives delta to Cube1. I got one error record which fails when going to cube (due to master data check).And this record would be edited later.
    So I thought of re loading cube and using error handling to split request in PSA and load valid records in cube.Later when I have coorect info abt error, I would load erroneous record manually using PSA.
    I did following steps:
    1)Failed request is not in cube...(setting is PSA and then into target)....also it has been deleted from PSA.
    2)Remove data status from source ODS1.
    3)Change error handling in infopackage to valid " Valid records update, reporting possible".
    4)start loading of cube.
    But when I did this I got following message :
    <b> "Last delta update is not yet completed.Therefore, no new delta update is possible.You can start the request again if the last delta request is red or green in the monitor"</b>
    But both my requests in cube and ODS are request is in yellow...!!
    Now the problem is :
    1) I have lost ODS data mart status
    2)how to load valid records to cube, since errorneous record can be edited only after 3- 4 days.
    3)How not to affect delta load of tomorrow.
    Please guide and help me in this.
    Thanks in advance and rest assured I will award points to say thanks to SDNers..
    Message was edited by: sorabh arora

    Hi Joseph,
    Thanks for replying....
    I apolgize and I have modified the message above..
    I just checked in cube...there is no failed request for today...and neither in PSA....Person who has handed this to me may have deleted this is PSA..and why req is not in failed state in cube...I am not sure..though setting is "PSA and then into data package".....
    So how to go frm here....

  • Need Urgent Help in PM8M-V H problem - keyboard freeze

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a newbie in this forum and I really need urgent help with my motherboard.
    My PC specification:
    Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz
    MSI PM8M-V H W7104VMS v3.4 022206 14:32:17
    1GB(512MB x 2) Kingston PC3200 400MHz
    Seagate SATA II 320GB ST3320620SV (set with jumper to support SATA I)
    Power Color ATI Radeon 9550 256MB
    Lite-On DVDRW SHM-165P6S
    USB mouse, PS/2 Keyboard
    I really appreciate if anyone can help to guide me in solving my problem. My keyboard tends to freeze at the part where it says "Press any key to boot from CD". This limits me to do anything until I'm totally loaded into Windows.  Thus, disable me to perform any formating and fresh installation of OS. However, the keyboards works fine at the begining of the POST and in BIOS. Is there any settings in BIOS that i should perform?.....
    However, I realise in order to get through the foresaid message without the the keyboard freeze up is by keep on trying to boot up and shut down until it works (but only work once, then hv to try again), but this is not a solution as if what if I wanted to have 2 OS?... I cant use the keyboard to choose either of the OS installed. I have tried to change the RAM, change keyboard, use the build in VGA, or even remove the motherboard from the ATX casing - result: still have the same problem. What should I do??.. I have look around the forum for answers but there isnt any (I hope I didnt miss any). Is there any problem with my motherboard, or its BIOS, or any of the harware compatibility or etc..... what actually can I do?   
    I do not dare to perform any BIOS update Unnecessary (it seems that many have problems with BIOS problem in this forum) and moreover i think my BIOS is the most up-to-date. I cant find any new version in the net. Anyway I will check this topic frequently as possible to hope for any solution. What is the best solutions?

    But the thing that makes me wonder is, my BIOS version is the latest but why this type of problem occurs??
    What version of BIOS should I use?? Any recommendation ??

  • Need urgent help. I have been trying to resolve this problem to no avail. I am able to preview my sp

    Need urgent help. I have been trying to resolve this problem to no avail. I am able to preview my sprymenu on my local browsers opera, google crome, and IE but when it is uploaded, the sprymenu squashes to the left hand side.

    Please get your checkbook ready. (Only kidding.)
    Have you ever done a hard factory reset of your Airport Express base? If not, then try it. Push down the reset button with a pen, then keep it depressed as you plug AX into the wall and keep holding it down until the green light blinks 4 times and then turns amber. Then let go. Unplug your broadband modem for a couple of minutes and shut down your Mac. First restart the modem, then the Mac. Use Airport Setup Assistant to set up a new network from scratch.
    In System Prefs > Network > Show > Network Port Configurations drop n drag Airport to the top of the list and deselect all port configurations that you do not use.
    That's a start.

  • Problem uninstalling MaxMSPRuntime on mac - urgent help needed

    Hello there,
    I've been using Cycle 74's MaxMSP Runtime version 5.1 for a while but recently had to witch to an earlier version to make some hardware function along side the Max runtime environment. The problem is that where i would usually just drag and drop Max 5.1 into the trash to uninstall it, for some reason, after i have done this and try to install the older version of Max, OSX wont let me install Max 4.0.8 as it says an updated version is currently installed. I have scoured my hard drive for the remanence of Max 5.1. and deleted everything i've found. Is there a way of overriding macosx and getting it to replace Max5.1 with an older version?
    Urgent help needed as i am playing a show this weekend and currently am not able to get my equipment to function.
    A shiny nickel for the one who saves my ***.

    Hi- Try this...
    If you can, reinstall or use time machine to recover your recently deleted MaxMSP Runtime 5.1.
    Then, download AppZapper. It is a utility that helps you cleanly delete programs off your mac. It is free for the first 5 uses.
    Then, install AppZapper, and then go ahead and drag the MaxMSP Runtime 5.1 into it, and it should hopefully get rid of the pesky program

Maybe you are looking for