Problem In Policy

Dear All
I am binding the policy in ASA 5500, everthing works fine except we are not able to download the mail attachment from MSN.
The ASA OS Version is 8.2(1).
regex domainlist2 ".*sandai.*"
regex domainlist4 ".*megaupload.*"
regex domainlist5 ".*sendspace.*"
regex domainlist6 ".*rapidshare.*"
access-list inside_mpc extended permit tcp any any eq www
access-list inside_mpc extended permit tcp any any eq 8080
class-map type regex match-any DomainBlockList
match regex domainlist2
match regex domainlist4
match regex domainlist5
match regex domainlist6
class-map type inspect http match-all BlockDomainsClass
match request header host regex class DomainBlockList
class-map httptraffic
match access-list inside_mpc
policy-map type inspect http http_inspection_policy
protocol-violation action drop-connection
match request method connect
drop-connection log
class BlockDomainsClass
reset log
policy-map inside-policy
class httptraffic
inspect http http_inspection_policy
service-policy inside-policy interface Internal
shivlu jain

Try removing the non-standard HTTP check and see how it goes:
no protocol-violation action drop-connection
Or change the action from drop to logging only

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    * A SWF file may no longer make a socket connection to its
    own domain without a socket policy file. Prior to version
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    ports 1024 or greater in its own domain without a policy file.
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    check your amSDK log. Looks like you don't have some required indexes in your directory.

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    Did you follow the guidance in
    Especially the following paragraph - the setting has to be applied to DCs and Members...:
    You configure last interactive logon through a GPO. You must configure the following setting for the GPO with domain controllers in its scope of management if you want to report last interactive logon information to the directory service:
    Computer Configuration| Policies | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Windows Logon Options | Display information about previous logons during user logon = Enabled
    If you want to display last interactive logon information to the user, you must configure this setting for both the GPO with domain controllers in its scope of management as well as any GPO with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista client
    computers in its scope of management.
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    And if IT bothers me - :))
    Restore the forum design -
    I'm struggling with the TechNet article you direct us to.  We see in the TechNet article that Last Login Notification works ONLY with Server 2008 R2 and Vista.  Do we interpret that correctly?
    We need it to work with Server 2003, Server 2008, Win7, Win8, Win8.1, Server 2012, et. al.
    What is the work around to enable *Last Login Notifications to Users* functionality for these OSs?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Problem with policy file in Activatable tutorial

    hi all,
    i am just playing with the classes that comes with the RMITutorial.
    i am actually trying to execute the code that comes with the 'Creating an Activatable Object' tutorial, but i am having a lot of problems due to the policy file.
    First of all, i must say that i extracted all the classes in the directory d:\FalcoDevelopment;
    all the files has been put in the following directory:
    In hte class there is the following line of code:
    props.put("", "examples/activation/policy");
    when i have to run the Setup.class, i have to enter the following command
    -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:/home/rmi_tutorial/activation/ examples.activation.Setup
    so, since i have to change to my own path,and since i am in the d:\FalcoDevelopment directory, i entered
    java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:/d:/FalcoDevelopment/examples/activation/ examples.activation.Setup
    when i then run the Client with the following command
    examples.activation.Client myhostname
    it always return me a Security exception..
    can anyone tell me what is the CORRECT path that i have to put for the above -D properties??
    thanx in advance and regards

    I am having the same problem but to start with you are mixing up NT and UNIX things, like file paths
    Other thing is you are using the tutorial given file paths. You must use your own file paths, as you have installed the classes.
    I know its not much help, but still :0)

  • WebLogic 7 - problem with policy

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    correctly about its caller identity
    myuser belongs group Developers and this group has Developer global role p = ctx.getCallerPrincipal();
    System.out.println("callerPrincipal=" + p);
    System.out.println("isAdminRole=" + ctx.isCallerInRole("Admin"));
    System.out.println("isDeveloperRole=" + ctx.isCallerInRole("Developer"));
    isAdminRole returns false and isDeveloperRole returns true as expected
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    Define policies and roles for the indivisual beans -> Define Policies
    Policy Conditions:
    Caller is granted the role
    Since myuser does not have Admin role, I expected permission error but I
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    Is the web logic server on the same dns domain as
    Identity Server ?
    Does the agent log or web logic server logs show any
    errors ? Yes, they are under same domain.
    There is no error in agent log and weblogic log by default. But when I set debug level to higher value, Exception thrown out, as shown. Is it a problem?
    <Sep 18, 2002 8:20:52 PM HKT> <Agent> <Info> AgentRealmManager.authenticate(system, ...)
    <Sep 18, 2002 8:20:52 PM HKT> <Agent> <Info> AgentRealmManager.authenticate(system, ...): Exception caught: Invalid transport string version
    <Sep 18, 2002 8:20:52 PM HKT> <Agent> <Info> AgentRealmManager.authenticate(system, ...): Exception caught
    [AgentException Stack]
    com.iplanet.amagent.arch.AgentException: Invalid transport string version
    at com.iplanet.amagent.util.TransportToken.<init>(
    at com.iplanet.amagent.weblogic.realm.AgentRealmManager.authenticate(
    at com.iplanet.amagent.weblogic.realm.AgentRealm.authUserPassword(

  • Problem Installing Policy Agent 2.2 on Apache 2.2.3

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to configure policy agent 2.2 on apache 2.2.3 on linux platform CentOS (red hat 5.1).
    The configuration and the installation seem to work properly, in effect in the log file install.log you can find :
    [06/10/2008 16:38:49:865 CEST] Creating directory layout and configuring Agent file for Agent_001 instance ...SUCCESSFUL.
    [06/10/2008 16:38:49:936 CEST] Reading data from file /opt/web_agents/apache22_agent/passwordFile and encrypting it ...SUCCESSFUL.
    [06/10/2008 16:38:49:937 CEST] Generating audit log file name ...SUCCESSFUL.
    [06/10/2008 16:38:50:022 CEST] Creating tag swapped file for instance Agent_001 ...SUCCESSFUL.
    [06/10/2008 16:38:50:026 CEST] Creating a backup for file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ...SUCCESSFUL.
    [06/10/2008 16:38:50:031 CEST] Adding Agent parameters to /opt/web_agents/apache22_agent/Agent_001/config/dsame.conf file ...SUCCESSFUL.
    [06/10/2008 16:38:50:032 CEST] Adding Agent parameters to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file ...SUCCESSFUL.
    But, when I try to restart Apache it gives me an error and in the error.log file in Apache you can read:
    [Tue Jun 10 16:57:33 2008] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
    [Tue Jun 10 16:57:34 2008] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
    [Tue Jun 10 16:57:34 2008] [notice] Digest: done
    [Tue Jun 10 16:57:34 2008] [alert] Policy web agent configuration failed: NSPR error
    Configuration Failed
    Well, I found in the Sun documentation a well known bug about the NSPR and NSS library :
    Error message issued during installation of Policy Agent 2.2 on Linux systems
    When the Linux operating system is installed, specific components can be selected. Occasionally the specific components of the operating system selected lack the libraries necessary for Policy Agent 2.2 to function. When the complete Linux operating system is installed, all the required libraries are available. The libraries that are required for the agent to function are as follows: NSPR, NSS, and libxml2.
    Workaround: If the Linux operating system you are using is not complete, install the latest versions of these libraries as described in the steps that follow:
    At the time this note was added, the latest version of the NSPR library packages was NSPR 4.6.x , while the latest version of the NSS library package was NSS 3.11.x.
    To Install Missing Libraries for Policy Agent 2.2 on Linux Systems
    Install the NSS, and libxml2 libraries. These libraries are usually available as part of Linux installation media. NSPR and NSS are available as part of Mozilla binaries/development packages. You can also check the following sites:
    So, I checked my libraries but they are upgraded to the latest version.
    If I comment the line that includes the in the apache configuration file
    LoadModule dsame_module /opt/web_agents/apache22_agent/lib/
    Apache can restart but the agent is misconfigurated!
    Any Idea?

    thank you Subhodeep for your reply,
    I didn't try to change the library file and I didn't find in licterature any information about library file changing in the Policy agent installation. Please, could you suggest me something more about which library to use instead of
    ps. I am using red hat 5.1, and from the release note of the policy agent seems that the latest platform version supported is red hat enterprise linux 4.0 versions.....
    this one could definitely be the reason of the misconfiguration.

  • Little Problem with Policy Setting in EM 11g

    Hi all !!
    I wanna revoke some privileges such as UTL_HTTP, UTL_FILE for Database Security
    But I don't know if I can revoke above privileges by disabling them in Policy Rule Setting in EM 11g instead of using SQL*plus ???

    I've disabled some Pocily rules (Execute Privileges on UTL_FILE) in EM 11g . I just wonder if I need also to revoke it from PUBLIC by using SQL'Plus
    SQL>REVOKE execute on utl_file FROM public .

  • Problem With Policy Agent 2.2 for APACHE on WINDOWS !!!!

    I have been getting a nasty error for weeks configuring PolicyAgent 2.2 for Apache (tried 2.2.x and 2.0.x) on a Windows Server. After the configuring apache could not even start. I get the following error :
    Syntax error on line 1 of "C:/Sun/Access_Manager/Agents/2.2/apache/config/apache_80/dsame.conf":
    Cannot load C:/Sun/Access_Manager/Agents/2.2/apache/bin/libamapc2.dll into server. The specified module does not exist
    Does anyone have any ideas? (I have been pulling my hair off trying to resolve this and I am about to lift up the server and drop it !!! ) The dll file above is available in that path.
    Message was edited by:

    This dll file may need/depend other dlls. So sometimes you may still get this error after you download the dll into your windows system folder. But you can use a tool such as to find out which other dlls are needed for your installation....Hope this helps someone !!!

  • Granting different permissions to different codebases : policy file problem

    Hi all. I'm having a bit of a problem with policy files and granting different persmissions to different codebases. What I have at the moment is a server app that copies a class file from the client to a specified directory on the server, and then dynamically loads and runs that class. This all works fine, but obviously as user submitted code is going to be run on the server I want to restrict what they are allowed to do. My app is going to be bundled up in a single jar file, and the directory that the client code is being copied to a subdirectory of the app installtion (not that this should make much difference). What i want to do is grant all permissions to my code in the jar file and resrict the permssions granted to code in the strategies directory. I assumed i would just be able to do this using my own policy file, but at the moment i'm not having much luck.
    Directory structure:
    Contents of labyrinth.policy:
    grant codeBase "file:../code/labyrinth.jar" {
    Command line arguments:
    java -classpath .;./labyrinth.jar;./strategies/;%CLASSPATH%; labyrinth.LabyrinthServer
    I've tried specifiying the absolute path to the jar file in the policy file as well as the relative path, i've tried including -Xbootclasspath/a and appending the jar file. All I seem to be able to manage though is either granting all permissions system wide, including the strategies dir, or none and getting security exceptions within my code. Anyone tried doing anything similair or got any idea where I might be going wrong? Any help would be appreciated as its really starting to doing my head in.
    TIA. Matt.

    Did you try putting a slash at the beginning of your "file" specification? e.g., instead of saying
    grant codeBase "file:../code/labyrinth.jar" {
    grant codeBase "file:/../code/labyrinth.jar" {
    Hope this helps.

  • Policy Trace not returning the Correct policy

    Hi Everybody,
    Our issue here is that when we run a policy trace on any of our Active Directory users - it does not match the Correct policies and match the Global Access policy although the Trace return right Identity policy
    However if i try access an any URL  and monitor the activity from the cli OR  Ftp Access log - i cann see that the user has in fact had certain policies applied to it.
    i think there ara problem in policy trace to fatch the coorect policy form GUI
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how resolve this.
    Running the command testauthconfig - completes successfully.
    Web Security Appliance Version Information
    7.5.1-079 for Web
    Ahmed mostafa

    A TAC engineer informed me a while back that Policy Trace was currently unreliable, and they hope to fix it in the future. I wouldn't rely on it for accuracy.

  • Traffic exceeding the policy limit on ASR9K Bundle-Ether

    I have a problem regarding an issue on ASR 9000 bundle interface.
    I apply 20mbps input and output policy to the interface to limit our customers traffic but sometimes I see 40mbps of customer traffic. It doesn't happens always but it occurs on different customers on different bundle interface.
    What would be the possible reason? Thanks in advance.
    note: we have different burst values on other ASR9 devices  such as:
    police rate 20000000 bps burst 3750000 bytes
    police rate 20000000 bps burst 3200000 bytes
    police rate 20000000 bps burst 3000000 bytes
    police rate 20000000 bps burst 2500000 bytes
    but not sure if indeed this is the problem,
    policy-map 20mbps
    class class-default
      police rate 20000000 bps burst 3200000 bytes
       conform-action transmit
       exceed-action drop
    interface Bundle-Ether1
    mtu 9216
    load-interval 30
    interface Bundle-Ether1.100
    service-policy input 20mbps
    service-policy output 20mbps
    ipv4 address
    encapsulation dot1q 100
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1
    bundle id 1 mode active
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2
    bundle id 1 mode active
    when i send traffic of 40mb to the customer:
    ASR9#sh  int Bundle-Ether1.100  
    Bundle-Ether1.100 is up, line protocol is up
      30 second input rate 11361000 bits/sec, 6642 packets/sec
      30 second output rate 40558000 bits/sec, 6877 packets/sec

    Hi Rivalino,
    Here is the output, the thing is this time even if I've sent 40m, peak is 26m.
      30 second input rate 4291000 bits/sec, 886 packets/sec
      30 second output rate 24492000 bits/sec, 2574 packets/sec
         3763694312 packets input, 1626561697099 bytes, 108538 total input drops
         3365349 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
         Received 38 broadcast packets, 3365349 multicast packets
         4012226890 packets output, 3050913586640 bytes, 42481432 total output drops
         Output 123 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets
    ASR9#show policy-map interface Bundle-Ether1.100 output
    Wed Jan 22 08:06:41.049 Turkiye
    Bundle-Ether1.100 output: 20mb
    Class class-default
      Classification statistics          (packets/bytes)     (rate - kbps)
        Matched             :           413918382/342268391637         42461
        Transmitted         :           N/A
        Total Dropped       :             5387815/7327884962           17684
      Policing statistics                (packets/bytes)     (rate - kbps)
        Policed(conform)    :           408530567/334940506675         24777
        Policed(exceed)     :             5387815/7327884962           17684
        Policed(violate)    :                   0/0                    0
        Policed and dropped :             5387815/7327884962        

  • Policy Domain not found

    Hy everybody!
    Please help me, I have problem with Policy Doman,
    when I test access with option Access Tester on my Policy Domain,
    i get following message:
    Evaluation result
    Policy Domain      <not found>
    I checked in OID, my Policy Domain exists in following entry
    obname=policy_domain_id, obapp=PSC, o=Oblix <DN>
    but as you see error says that Policu Domain not found.
    best regards!

    I have :
    - 2 Authorization Rules
    - 1 Default Authentication Rule
    - 1 Default Authorization Expression
    I checked Host identifier with ping command, it's correct.
    Do you have any ideas about problem?
    On following URL I posted picture of the my Policy Domain
    <img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" />

  • Getting unexpected 3338 errors when your DRM policy is set to USE_IF_AVAILABLE?

    [ Background ]
    A popular restriction to set in an Adobe Access DRM policy deals with Output Protection - where playback of a content is disallowed unless the device's hardware can support Copy Protection technologies, such as HDCP or CGMS-A.
    A possible Output Restriction setting to set is "USE_IF_AVAILABLE".  When a license with this restriction is consumed by a device, the device will first check to see if an Output Protection technology is available, like HDCP, and if available - attempt to engage it before playing the content.  Regardless on if the Output Protection technology is available, playback of the content will always occur, since "USE_IF_AVAILABLE" is considered a best-effort enforcement.
    [ Problem Which Existed Prior to Flash Player 11.8.800.168 ]
    Sometimes, when "USE_IF_AVAILABLE" was used as the Output Protection policy setting, the Flash Player client would return an highly-intermittent "3338" error event and prevent video playback.  An attempt to re-play the content resolves the issue.  This does not affect other runtimes supported by Adobe Access, such as iOS or Android.
    [ Resolution ]
    2. (End User) Upgrade to Flash Player 11.8.800.168 or later, where this issue has been addressed.
    1. (Video Player Application Developer) If your business/contractual rules don't require Output Protection to be enabled (even on a best-effort basis), consider changing the Output Protection restriction to NO_PROTECTION.  Setting NO_PROTECTION instructs Adobe Access DRM to not even attempt to detect if Output Protection is available, preventing this OS error to even occur.
    [ Problem Not Resolved? ]
    This article details what Adobe believes will resolve 3338 errors from occuring when the DRM policy has only set USE_IF_AVAILABLE for analog or digital output channel.  If this hasn't resolved your issue - we would love to hear more from you!  Please reply below with the following information:
    - Your manifestation of the problem
    - The policy you used during packaging
    - OS & OS version this was observed on
    - Browser & browser version this was observed on
    - (Video Player Application Developer) The SWF version of your video player application

    Hi ,
    1.Please empty the auto complete cache in outlook and try sending the email by manually typing the user email address on the to field while composing the new message.
    2.Please ensure the AD replication is working properly.
    3.Then use the below mentioned command to check the recipient is available in your exchange or not.
    get-recipient -identity "[email protected]" | ft -au
    4.Make sure you are running your outlook in online mode.
    5.Please update the GAL manually.
    6.In case if you want have the outlook in cached mode , you need to have updated OAB in outlook client.
    Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham

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