Problem of Flex Date.toUTCString();

I used the date.toUTCString function but the returned result is always one month later than the time I need.
For examle, I used " var date:Date=new Date();
                              var date.setUTCMonth(7);
                               var str:String=date.toUTCString();"
The UTC month value of the date is 7, so the month value in str is supposed to be "July". But I got the value "Aug" in str instead...
So what happended here? Does this related to my system time or browser?

Yep. It's a somewhat inintuitive design decision since it's the only date field that is 0-indexed. My guess is that there is an enumeration of the month names behind the scenes. However, you should learn always check the Language Reference first. Keep it open while developing and you can save yourself some frustration as there is a lot that you can quickly learn about a class once you get used to the layout of the documentation.

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    Ok, this is what I got.
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    generate a form from the createPeople service call
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           protected function button_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
              createPeopleResult.token = peopleService.createPeople(people);
      <valueObjects:People id="people"
      <peopleservice:PeopleService id="peopleService"/>
      <s:CallResponder id="createPeopleResult"/>
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    public var username : String;
    private var _username : String;
            public function get username():String
                return this._serviceState;
            public function set username(value:String):void
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                    this._username = value;
                    if (this.hasEventListener("propertyChange"))
                        this.dispatchEvent(, "username", oldValue, value));
    You also need to make sure what ever class contains this property implements IEventDispatcher and has the following functions:
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    private var =
      * @inheritDoc
    public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function,
      useCapture:Boolean = false,
      priority:int = 0,
      weakRef:Boolean = false):void
    _bindingEventDispatcher.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture,
    priority, weakRef);
      * @inheritDoc
    public function dispatchEvent(
    return _bindingEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event);
      * @inheritDoc
    public function hasEventListener(type:String):Boolean
    return _bindingEventDispatcher.hasEventListener(type);
      * @inheritDoc
    public function removeEventListener(type:String,
    useCapture:Boolean = false):void
    _bindingEventDispatcher.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
      * @inheritDoc
    public function willTrigger(type:String):Boolean
    return _bindingEventDispatcher.willTrigger(type);

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    import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
    import mx.utils.ObjectProxy;
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    public var getToken:AsyncToken;
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    <mx:Binding source="log.text"
    <mx:TextArea id="log" width="100%" height="100%"
    <mx:Button label="Send" click="ds.commit();"/>
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    at mx.messaging.config::ServerConfig$/getChannelSet()
    at tutorials1/initApp()
    at tutorials1/___Application1_creationComplete()
    at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()
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    2nd record     Mode = �7�
    3st record     Mode = �c�
    4nd record     Mode = �7�
    9th record     Mode = �c�
    10th record     Mode = �7�
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    //Here is the method that gets records and call to update and add to vector
    public static Vector getCanceledWorkOrders() throws CSDDBException{
    //Variable declaration
      try {
        objDBConn = DBHandler.getCSDBCon();
        strSQL  = "SELECT bal bla WHERE [Detailed Mode])=?)";
        objStmt = objDBConn.prepareStatement(strSQL);   
        objStmt.setString(1, '7');
        objWOPRs = objStmt.executeQuery();
        while ( {
         //Add elements to a vector by getting from result set
          //updating each record as PROCESSING_CANCELLED_WO(c)
          iRetVal = WorkOrderDetailingPolicy.updateRecordStatus(objPWODP.iWorkOrderNumber, objPWODP.strPersonInformed, EMSConstants.PROCESSING_CANCELLED_WO);
          if (iRetVal == -1) {
            throw new NewException("Updating failed");
      catch (Exception e) {
        vecWONumbers = null;
        throw new CSDDBException(e.getMessage());
        try {
        catch (Exception ex) {}
      //return vector
    //here is the code that actually updates the records
    public static int updateRecordStatus(int iWONumber, String strPerInformed , String strStatus) throws CSDDBException{
       PreparedStatement objStmt = null;
       Connection objDBConn  = null;
       String strSQL = null;
       int iRetVal = -1;
         objDBConn  = DBHandler.getCSDBCon();
         strSQL = "UPDATE Table SET [Detailed Mode] = ? WHERE bla bla";
         objStmt = objDBConn.prepareStatement(strSQL);
         objStmt.setString(1, strStatus);    
         iRetVal = 1;
       }catch(Exception e){
         iRetVal = -1;
         }catch(Exception ex){}
       return iRetVal;
    //Here is the code that call the records again
      public static WorkOrderDetailingPolicy getWorkOrders(int iWorkOrderNo) throws CSDDBException{
        Connection objDBConn = null;
        PreparedStatement objStmt = null;
        ResultSet objWOPRs = null;
        WorkOrderDetailingPolicy objPWODP = null;
        String strSQL = null;
        try {
          objDBConn = DBHandler.getCSDBCon();    
          strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Work Order Detailing] WHERE [Work Order No] = ?";
          objStmt = objDBConn.prepareStatement(strSQL);
          objStmt.setInt(1, iWorkOrderNo);
           objWOPRs = objStmt.executeQuery();
          if ( {
            objPWODP = new WorkOrderDetailingPolicy();
            objPWODP.iWorkOrderNumber = objWOPRs.getInt("Work Order No");
            //......Get Record values
        catch (Exception e) {
          objPWODP = null;
          throw new CSDDBException(e.getMessage());
          try {
          catch (Exception ex) {}
        return objPWODP;

    Can you put an example of your problem online?
    Are you sure you're not having problems with case sensitive data?

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    var conn = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
    conn.Open( "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=(local);Database=BillTracking;UID=sa;PWD=;")
    var sql = "UPDATE BillAssignments SET DatePosted = " + Today + " WHERE AssignmentID = '" + Request.QueryString("AssignmentID") + "'"
    var rs = conn.execute(sql)
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    CURSOR eftcursor(start_date DATE, end_date DATE, where_clause varchar2) IS
    select * from r_records
    where created_date between start_date and end_date and description like where_clause;
    and in the open statement
    select to_date('01/06/2010 00:00:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') into startDate from dual;
    select to_date('01/07/2010 00:00:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') into endDate from dual;
    str := '%something%aaaaa%';
    open eftcursor(startDate ,endDate , str);
    Do i need to do any kind of conversion in the cursor where clause or when i am passing the parameter in open statement.

    Almora wrote:
    Do i need to do any kind of conversion in the cursor where clause or when i am passing the parameter in open statement.No, your code looks correct -- ou're passing a date to the cursor.
    You might consider whether you really need an explicit cursor though. An implicit cursor is easier to code and performs better.

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    I'm waiting for my new iPhone 5s to be delivered. I lost my iPhone 5 but did have it backed up on my MacBook Pro. I was using iOS6 at the time. Will I have a problem restoring the data to my new iPhone 5s assuming it will come with iOS7?

    No, you should not.  There are problems trying to go the other way, but updating a newer iOS release from a backup of an older iOS release has always been supported and is the basic means of setting up a new device from a previous one.

  • HT1296 I have a problem synching calendar data between my iPhone 3GS iOS 5.1 & Outlook 2007 on MS7.  The basic calendar is OK but the birthdays (little box icon) are a day early & cannot be changed to the correct date. How can I fix this?

    I have a problem synching calendar data between my iPhone 3GS iOS 5.1 & Outlook 2007 on MS7.  The basic calendar data transfer is OK but the birthdays (little box icon) are a day early & cannot be changed to the correct date. The birthday entries in my Outlook contacts have correct dates.How can I fix this?

    The following peocess corrects the calendar entry:
    edit the contact & change the birthday, save the change; edit the contact & change the birthday to the correct value, save the change again. The calendar entry then displays on the correct date.  Alternatively as a temp solution I can just de-select the "birthdays" calendar which stops the icon being displayed.
    Thanks for your advice, I think that it's n going to be a slow process to fix all the entries for not much return.

  • Problem while retrving data from a view

    Hi Friends
      i have a problem while retriving data from a view <b>v_t685a</b>.
    the error message is :""" "V_T685A" is not defined in the ABAP Dictionary as a table, projection view or database view."""
    i wrote : select single VTEXT1 from V_T685A into w_cst_jin1 where
                        KSCHL = 'JIN1' and
                        KAPPL = 'V'.
    how to retrive the data.
    waiting for quick response

    This is a Maintenance View, not a Database View
    SO can't fetch data using select statement.
    You can use the Table <b>T685</b> directly to fetch the condition Types data straight away instead of the view. write the same select for this table and use.
    Message was edited by:
            Anji Reddy Vangala

  • Error while creating New flex data services project

    Error: Invalid server root. flex-config.xml or
    flex-enterprise-services.xml must exist in the WEB-INF/flex folder
    within the server root.
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    as the j2ee server, but am geting the above error in the screen
    where i point to the root of the server.
    I did deploy flex on weblogic.
    I would appreciate any help.
    Thank you

    Hi Nj,
    Thanks for you reply, I did point root folder to WEB-INF
    folder(which contains flex folder). My WEB-INF folder is in the
    weblogics "c://bea/userprojects/applications/appname/"
    this the value in the root folder field "
    Let me know if am doing anything wrong.
    thank you

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    IF (SML==1)
    ELSEIF (SML==2)
    ELSEIF (SML==3)
    ELSEIF (SML==4)
    ELSEIF (SML==5)
    ELSEIF (SML==7)
    ELSEIF (SML==8)
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    new thread is one possibility, but the messsage box is not win message box, but SAP form, so I think you can clcik there without new thread too.
    Check this thread, hope it helps
    Re: Confirmation Dialog in my way

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    it is due to posting period closed for the month of 07/2008.
    u need to open posting during that period.

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