Problem on opening a cursor

I created a database and it is transactional.
So after closing it, I tryed to open it again to search for something. So a cursor is necessary. I opened the cursor with:
Cursor cursor = database.openCursor(null, null);
Ok the cursor is not null, but when I do something simple like:
System.out.println(cursor.count()); it throws the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cursor not initialized.
Is there any stuff I should do before doing cursor operations?

Please note this information from the javadoc for Cursor.count() that you must call Cursor.getXXX to position the cursor on a record before calling count:
IllegalStateException - if the cursor or database has been closed, or the cursor is uninitialized (not positioned on a record), or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.

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  • Problem in opening a ref cursor.

    I'm getting the following error when i'm trying to open the ref cursor. PL/SQL: ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item
    What i'm trying to do is I'm dumping the data into pl/sql table and i want retrieving the by using a ref cursor. Please see the code and help me out.
      TYPE pool_rec IS RECORD (
       status  varchar2(50)
      ,stsno number
      ,stscode varchar2(5)
      ,candidatename varchar2(200)
      ,monyear varchar2(10)
      ,yyyymm number
      ,stscnt number
      --type rec_sts_tab is table of number ;--index by pls_integer;
      type pool_tab IS table of pool_rec index by binary_integer;
      type pool_cv is REF CURSOR return pool_rec;
    FUNCTION pool_status_query(p_start_date in date,p_end_date in  date,p_invitedtopoolbit  in number,p_showedForPoolBit in  number)
       RETURN pool_tab;--pool_cv ;
      cursor cur_pool(p_start_date date,p_end_date date,p_invitedtopoolbit number,p_showedForPoolBit number)
         SELECT   distinct to_char(date1,'yyyymm')yearmonth
                  FROM acs100data a,
                     acs100_candidate_verification b,                
                     acs100_candidate_pool d
                 WHERE UPPER (a.basic_email) = UPPER (
                 AND (b.candidate_status IN ('FORL', 'FWRT') or BITAND (b.candidate_status_bit, 4 ) > 0
                  or BITAND (b.candidate_status_bit, 2) > 0)                         
                 AND d.pool_id = b.pool_id
                 AND pool_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
                 AND is_tentative_date IS NULL  ;
      cursor cur_name(p_yyyymm varchar2,p_cond number,p_start_date date,p_end_date date)
      select *
      from (select distinct (case
                                when p_cond = 0 and b.candidate_status = 'FORL'
                                   then (last_name || first_name)
                                when p_cond = 1 and b.candidate_status = 'FWRT'
                                   then (last_name || first_name)
                                when p_cond = 2
                                and bitand (b.candidate_status_bit, p_cond) > 0
                                   then (last_name || first_name)
                                when p_cond = 4
                                and bitand (b.candidate_status_bit, p_cond) > 0
                                   then (last_name || first_name)
                            ) candidatename
                       from acs100data a,
                            acs100_candidate_verification b,
                            acs100_candidate_pool d
                      where upper (a.basic_email) = upper (
                        and d.pool_id = b.pool_id
                        and pool_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
                        and to_char (date1, 'yyyymm') = p_yyyymm
                        and is_tentative_date is null)
    where candidatename is not null;  
    END pg_pool_status;
       FUNCTION pool_status_query (
          p_start_date         IN   DATE,
          p_end_date           IN   DATE,
          p_invitedtopoolbit   IN   NUMBER,
          p_showedforpoolbit   IN   NUMBER
          RETURN pool_tab--pool_cv
          tab_pool    pool_tab;
          temp_rf    pool_cv;
          n_index     NUMBER         := 1;
          --rec_sts_data  rec_sts_tab;
          n_stscnt    NUMBER;
          vc_status   VARCHAR2 (100);
          vc_label  varchar2(1000);
          vc_name  varchar2(100);
          vc_label :='Opening Pool cursor';
          FOR rec_pool IN cur_pool (p_start_date,
              if cur_pool%notfound then
              end if;
             vc_label :='Opening p_cond cursor';
             FOR p_cond IN 0 .. 3
                n_stscnt := 0;
                vc_status := NULL;
                    SELECT   SUM
                                            WHEN p_cond = 0
                                            AND b.candidate_status = 'FORL'
                                               THEN (last_name || first_name)
                                            WHEN p_cond = 1
                                            AND b.candidate_status = 'FWRT'
                                               THEN (last_name || first_name)
                                            WHEN p_cond = 2
                                            AND BITAND (b.candidate_status_bit,
                                                        p_cond) > 0
                                               THEN (last_name || first_name)
                                            WHEN p_cond = 4
                                            AND BITAND (b.candidate_status_bit,
                                                        p_cond) > 0
                                               THEN (last_name || first_name)
                                ) cnt,
                             DECODE (p_cond,
                                     0, 'FAILED WRITTEN TEST',
                                     1, 'FAILED **** TEST',
                                     2, 'Invited for Pool',
                                     4, 'Showed up for Pool'
                                    ) status
                        INTO n_stscnt,
                        FROM acs100data a,
                             acs100_candidate_verification b,
                             acs100_candidate_pool d
                       WHERE UPPER (a.basic_email) = UPPER (
                         AND d.pool_id = b.pool_id
                         AND pool_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
                         AND TO_CHAR (date1, 'yyyymm') = rec_pool.yearmonth
                         AND is_tentative_date IS NULL
                    GROUP BY candidate_status,
                             DECODE (p_cond,
                                     0, 'FAILED WRITTEN TEST',
                                     1, 'FAILED **** TEST',
                                     2, 'Invited for Pool',
                                     4, 'Showed up for Pool'
                     when no_data_found
                        n_stscnt :=0;
                        vc_status :=null;
                vc_label :='Opening name cursor';         
                FOR rec_name IN cur_name (rec_pool.yearmonth,
                   if cur_name%notfound then
                   end if;
                   tab_pool (n_index).yyyymm := rec_pool.yearmonth;
                   tab_pool (n_index).stscnt := n_stscnt;
                   tab_pool (n_index).status := vc_status;
                   tab_pool (n_index).candidatename := rec_name.candidatename;
                   dbms_output.put_line('tab_pool(n_index).yyyymm  : '||tab_pool(n_index).yyyymm);
                   dbms_output.put_line('tab_pool(n_index).stscnt : '||tab_pool(n_index).stscnt);
                   dbms_output.put_line('tab_pool(n_index).status : '||tab_pool(n_index).status);
                   dbms_output.put_line('tab_pool(n_index).candidatename : '||tab_pool(n_index).candidatename);
                   vc_name :=rec_name.candidatename;
                END LOOP;
                n_index := n_index + 1;
             END LOOP;
          END LOOP;      
          RETURN tab_pool;
         when others
             dbms_output.put_line('error :'||vc_label||'--'||  vc_name); 
    END pg_pool_status;
    ---run script
      RetVal CPS_RECR.PG_POOL_STATUS.pool_tab;
    temp_cv CPS_RECR.PG_POOL_STATUS.pool_cv;
      P_START_DATE := to_date('09/01/2008','mm/dd/yyyy');
      P_END_DATE := to_date('09/30/2008','mm/dd/yyyy');
      end loop;
       when others

    It doesn't help me out. I'm worndering one of code sample is working fine. i didn't my current is giving the problem.
    FYI, please see the some code i followed.
    SQL> Create or replace PACKAGE cv IS
      2     type comp_rec is RECORD
      3               (deptno number,
      4                ename  varchar(10),
      5                compensation number);
      6     type comp_tbl IS table of comp_rec;
      7     function get_coll return comp_tbl pipelined;
      8     temp_tbl comp_tbl := comp_tbl();
      9     type comp_cv is REF CURSOR return comp_rec;
    10  end;
    11  /
    Package created.
    SQL> Create or replace PACKAGE body cv IS
      2     function get_coll return comp_tbl pipelined
      3     is
      4     begin
      5      for i in 1..temp_tbl.count loop
      6       pipe row(temp_tbl(i));
      7      end loop;
      8      return;
      9     end;
    10  end;
    11  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> declare
      2     temp_cv cv.comp_cv;
      3     rc cv.comp_rec;
      4  begin
      5           cv.temp_tbl.delete;
      6           cv.temp_tbl.extend;
      7    cv.temp_tbl(1).deptno:=10;
      8    cv.temp_tbl(1).ename:='1223';
      9    cv.temp_tbl(1).compensation:=10;
    11          -- erroring out
    12   open temp_cv for select * from  table(cv.get_coll);
    13          fetch temp_cv into rc;
    14          dbms_output.put_line('Deptno is ' || rc.deptno);
    15          dbms_output.put_line('ename is ' || rc.ename);
    16  end;
    17  /
    Deptno is 10
    ename is 1223
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • [Help] statement.executeQuery(query) opens MULTIPLE cursors

    Hey everyone,
    I'm having a real hard time finding anything about this on the net so I've turned here. When we call:
    resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query)
    from a servlet for some reason that one executeQuery opens anywhere from 9-12 cursors in our oracle DB. All the executeQuery documentation I could find just said it should open 1 cursor for that particular ResultSet. query is a fairly simple SQL statement, it searches multiple tables but that doesn't explain why it should open so many cursors.
    On a side note the resultSet and statement are global to the method and are closed in the finally block, no SQLExceptions are thrown further adding to my confusion.
    If anyone has seen something like this where executing 1 query opens multiple cursors please let me know any information you might have.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Dave
    I had a similar problem using the Oracle 8i, but my query was a more complicated than yours and opened a lot of cursors.
    The answer is to close every ResultSet and the Statement:
    while ({ ... }
    This worked for me,
    Good luck,

  • Problem while opening Bex query on the web

    Hello BW experts,
    I have a problem while opening Bex query from my SAP Favorites.See below.
    When i double click on the query, i get the following page, with the server name KBWS01QX.
    But, from RSRT Tcode, select the query > query display as HTML > Click on ABAP Web , click execute as shown below, it is going to the correct URL as in the 2nd screen shot below.
    My question is why is it going to the wrong URL when i open it from  SAP Favorites menu?
    I want it to open the same URL as it opened from RSRT(which is the right one)
    What is the Config needed to make it to work from SAP favorites.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks alot.

    Thank you all for your responses.
    See below some additional info.
    From RSRT, this time I clicked on JAVA WEB, and i get the below URL, which is the same URL i was getting when i executed the query from SAP favorites.!3aportal_content!!2fplatform_add_ons!!2fiViews!
    Also, i have executed the Function module : RSBB_URL_PREFIX_GET and i get the below values.
    It seems that it is trying to connect to Java portal something services may be, but i want it to open in ABAP web only.
    Please help.

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    how to solve the problem when opening program illustrator cs6
    ERROR: 16
    It is WINDOWS 8.1 / 64 BIT
    help please

    Thanks, Jeff! The file Adobe Setup Error.log contains the following information:
    02/14/14 07:20:26:474 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 8860 | DEVersion:
    02/14/14 07:20:26:475 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 8860 | Loading library from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\DECore\DE5\Setup.dll
    [    8860] Fri Feb 14 07:20:26 2014  INFO
    ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    CHECK: Single instance running
    CHECK : Credentials
    Load Deployment File
    CHECK : Another Native OS installer already running
    Create Required Folders
    Assuming uninstall mode
    Lookup for master payload
    [    8860] Fri Feb 14 07:20:26 2014 ERROR
    DW040: The product "{893B3B44-0A1E-404B-8FE8-0A74509102A9}" is not installed. Cannot proceed with the uninstall
    [    8860] Fri Feb 14 07:20:26 2014  INFO
    :: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 6.90443 milliseconds (0.00690443 seconds) DTR = 579.338 KBPS (0.56576 MBPS)
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ERROR: DW040: The product "{893B3B44-0A1E-404B-8FE8-0A74509102A9}" is not installed. Cannot proceed with the uninstall
    Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.
    These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.
    Exit Code: 33 - The product is not installed, cannot uninstall.
    Please see specific errors and warnings for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DW040 ...

  • Problem in opening Query

    Hi all,
    I need to create a workbook on a query, Am facing problem in opening the query, when i try to open a query in analyzer/ RSRT  it starts processing & continues till 1 hour or more & finally message "Time limit Exceeded" pops up.
    i tried opening a workbook & copy the workbook & tried changing the query in the data provider. but the same problem persists.
    can anyone suggest me an alternate way to create workbook on a specified query.

    Hi arun, 
    It is not due to query performance coz all the performance related measure such as BIA & Aggregates are already taken, i dont even get the variable pop up screen for selecting &
    once when i executed the query in RSRT it gave an ABAP Debugger errror. i check if it was problem with table space, but space is available & its auto extendable.

  • Problem with opening of PDF in my webmail application

    I have a problem with opening a pdf file in my webmail application of my internet provider in apple safari since yesterday. When I wanted to open up a pdf file I got a pop up message to allow a connection between adobe and the webmail application which I did. Since then I can not open up a pdf file. If I go to another browser or if I use email from another internet provider I use too it works and I can open up. It seems to be a blockage of the specific combination of this webmail application and safari.
    What can I do ?

    I have same requirement.
    I need to cnvert smartform->pdf->send mail.
    The mail is send but the attachment is corrupted.
    Can you tell me what code you have written so its working in developement?

  • Problem with opening a indd file in CC 2014.

    When I'm trying to open a 5.5 .indd-file in CC 2014 on my Windows computer, I get this error message: 'Either the file does not exist or you do not have permission to open it or the file is used by another program'. However my collague has no problem with opening the document on his Mac computer. I guess it has something to do with a kind of setting in my CC 2014. Can anyone help me?

    Nothing to do with ID. It really means what it says - your file permissions are hosed and it being an ID file this could include things like fonts or placed images referenced within it.

  • Problem with opening some of PDFs in Photoshop CS6.

    Hi, I have a problem with opening some of PDFs in Photoshop CS6. It is said: it isn't possible to carry out an order since the module of the file format cannot analyse this file

    Don’t know if Reader has this, too, but in Acrobat one can check under Document Properties.
    I can convert and place the file in Photoshop CS6.
    I would recommend trying the usual trouble-shooting routines and if nothing helps un-installing, running the Cleaner and re-installing Photoshop.  (After making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved to s secure location.) t-issues.html
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

  • I have a problem to open my Number Program. this message appear when i try to open"The last time you opened Numbers, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again" I would be thankful if you could help me?

    I have a problem to open my Number Program. this message appear when i try to open"The last time you opened Numbers, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again" then I tried to open it but nothing happened.... I would be thankful if you could help me..
    Process:         Numbers [1021]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         3.0 (1470)
    Date/Time:       2014-06-27 16:13:23.405 +0100
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  243D9264-54B7-E9AE-2F83-D11098965D14

    I have a problem to open my Number Program. this message appear when i try to open"The last time you opened Numbers, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again" then I tried to open it but nothing happened.... I would be thankful if you could help me..
    Process:         Numbers [1021]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         3.0 (1470)
    Date/Time:       2014-06-27 16:13:23.405 +0100
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  243D9264-54B7-E9AE-2F83-D11098965D14

  • F-32 : Problem with Open Item selection

    We have a strange problem with open Item selection for customer clearing in t-code F-32
    In My QA system
    if I input spl GL indicator ="*" and uncheck Normal OI tick,
    the system selects all open items,
    (those with spl GL indicator and those without spl GL indicator)
    In My Dev system
    If I input spl GL indicator ="*" and uncheck Normal OI tick
    the system does not select any open items,
    Please let me know which setting controls this behaviour ?

    Check your data in FBL5N for the option "Special GL Transactions". There could be that there is no data in the system with SPECIAL GL TRANSACTIONS.
    In F-32, there is no value like *
    You need to input right Special GL Indicator. "*" will not work here.
    I am sure in both the systems if you put "*" and UNTICK your normal transaction, you will NOT get any items to clear.
    Please DOUBLE CHECK whether you have unticked normal transaction.

  • Problem with opening more then one file in Adobe Acrobat X Pro - nvd3dum.dll

    I have Adobe Arobat X Pro version: Everything works great up to now. Last time I done upgrade my system to windows 7 64bit with SP1. When I open pdf file in adobe acrobat everything works great, but when I open second file, I receive this problem that Adobe acrobat stopped working and I receive this error : nvd3dum.dll. I have red somewhere that it will be due to driver to graphic card or DirectX. I upgraded them to a new but nothing, problem still remained.
    Here is problem details:
      Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: APPCRASH
      Nazwa aplikacji: Acrobat.exe
      Wersja aplikacji:
      Sygnatura czasowa aplikacji: 4d457194
      Nazwa modułu z błędem: nvd3dum.dll
      Wersja modułu z błędem:
      Sygnatura czasowa modułu z błędem: 4d27c323
      Kod wyjątku: c0000005
      Przesunięcie wyjątku: 003814fb
    Anybody tell me what must I do to disolve problem to open not only one but two, three .... and so on. Has anyone noticed the same problem at home?
    Thank all for advice

    Hello Dave
    the Problem affects all Uniplot 3d Files. I start with an Excel or .txt file with 3 columns and uniplot creates an engine diagram similar to this one:
    Uniplot can Export this as a .u3d but it can not be opened with Adobe. Then I tried to open the .txt.file with MeshLab. I can see the correct Points (which Uniplot uses to create the engine diagram) but of course they are not connected. If i Export those Points in MeshLab as a .u3d file, Adobe can not work with it.
    I do not know how to deal with this Problem. Do you have any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance for your help

  • Problem in opening layout editor in adobe forms

    There is a problem in opening the layout editor in adobe forms(T.code SFP).
    Eventhough I  have installed Adobe livecycle designer 8.0 and adobe acrobat reader 9.0.
    It is showing the error as " The forms design tool for developing the form layout could not be started; either it is not installed or there are errors in the installation".
    Suggest Me.
    Moderator message: please have a look in the dedicated forum for Adobe forms.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jan 15, 2011 9:49 PM

    HI Jaydeep,
    Thanks for reporting the issue. Is it possible for you to share the pdf , it is possible that the document is corrupt.  You may share the pdf at [email protected]

  • Problem to open a *.ppt document

    I got some problems to open a PowerPoint document in a content area where a file url was added.
    The result is a SSO Error.
    I can save on the disk the document and then I can read it, but I cannot open it directly from the web page. This problem does not appear in all cases. For certain computer, it works.
    I find it very strange and bizarre.
    If you got a solution and reason why it does not work, please help me.
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Sincerely yours.

    hi farouk,
    if this works on some machines and some others are causing problems this will most likely be a browser problem. could you compare the browsers (and versions) used on the different machines. maybe it helps to delete the browser cookies and delete the browser cache. if this does not help the exact error message would be helpful.

  • Problem to open websides from the meny in a Ipad

    I have made a website with dreamwaver CS 5,5 and everything
    working just fine, but on a Ipad it is sometime problem to open
    page from the drop meny? Is there anybody who can tell me
    why it is so? is there any solution ?
    Try it if you have access to Apple Ipad Air, 
    Greatful for answers

    The problem is the Spry Menu system that was included in your version of DW.
    Spry is not good at handling touch displays since it requires a mouse to make the drop down menus appear and those devices do not have mice.
    This is one of the reasons Adobe abandoned Spry back in 2012.
    You would be better served using a different menu system, either jQuery or pure css. Do a search in Google for either and you will be given many, many options to choose from. If you aren't comfortable with the copy/paste and minor tweak coding from the how-to instructions, you can also obtain the Menu Magic extension for DW from Project VII that would allow you to use DW's design view interface to make the menus.

Maybe you are looking for