Problem regarding Deployment Profile

I am trying to create an end-to-end J2EE application given in the following link
I am ok upto 10 chapters and at 11th chapter i am facing problem in PREPARING FOR DEPLOYMENT(11th chapter). When I have clicked Refresh button the project structure is not getting shown as given in 7th step. Am i missing anything or is there some thing else that is missing in the pdf provided?. Please help me regarding this.

The question is whether the file is in the new location after you copied it, check through the windows file explorer - if it is there, you can continue...

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

    In addition to the JavaEE Tutorial link above, Sun Java System Application Server 9.0 Documentation is here:

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    Thank you

    You need to login under the administrator account first, this would not be your user account currently using.
    Click Start>Type Regedit, hit enter or click the Regedit icon from the search results.
    Navigate to the following:
    HKLM>Software>Microsoft>Windows NT>CurrentVersion>ProfileList
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    Note: Haven't observed this problem with non-jsp projects.

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    I am having the exact same problem...
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    Once the application is closed and reopened, and deployment is attempted yet again it fails, and the same process is required to make it work again.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I have an open SR lodged with My Oracle Support: SR 7805211.992, if anyone lurking here with access would like to use it for further reference whilst investigating this problem.
    Edited by: Matthew Carrigy on 6/10/2009 15:46

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    I have followed the steps mention in the below link :
    I'm using Jdeveloper on windows.
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    To deploy to the emulator or to a device, you must create a deployment profile on your application, not on the ViewController or ApplicationController projects.
    Best Regards,

  • A problem regarding set up of Oracle Lite on Win 95, with JDK 1.1.8 &java 2

    A problem regarding set up of Oracle Lite on Win 95, with JDK 1.1.8 and Java 2 SDK ( Ver 1.3 Beta)
    After the installation of Oracle Lite on a laptop (with WIN 95 OS), When I run Oracle Lite Designer from start menu, I receive following error message :
    Invalid class name 'FILES\ORA95_2\LITE\DESIGNER\oldes.jar;C:\PROGRAM'
    usage: java [-options] class
    where options include:
    -help print out this message
    -version print out the build version
    -v -verbose turn on verbose mode
    -debug enable remote JAVA debugging
    -noasyncgc don't allow asynchronous garbage collection
    -verbosegc print a message when garbage collection occurs
    -noclassgc disable class garbage collection
    -ss<number> set the maximum native stack size for any thread
    -oss<number> set the maximum Java stack size for any thread
    -ms<number> set the initial Java heap size
    -mx<number> set the maximum Java heap size
    -classpath <directories separated by semicolons>
    list directories in which to look for classes
    -prof[:<file>] output profiling data to .\ or .\<file>
    -verify verify all classes when read in
    -verifyremote verify classes read in over the network [default]
    -noverify do not verify any class
    -nojit disable JIT compiler
    Please make sure that JDK 1.1.4 (or greater) is installed in your machine and CLASSPATH is set properly. JAVA.EXE must be in the PATH.
    My ORACLE_HOME is c:\program files\ora95_2 and Oracle Lite is installed under the ORACLE_HOME in LITE\DESIGNER directory.
    JDK version is 1.1.8 which is greater than 1.1.4 installed in c:\program files\jdk1.1.8, My PATH, and CLASSPATH are set in AUTOEXEC.BAT as follows:
    set CLASSPATH=c:\Progra~1\jdk1.1.8\lib\;c:\progra~1\ora95_2\lite\classes\olite36.jar;c:\progra~1\ora95_2\lite\designer\oldes.jar;c:\progra~1\ora95_2\lite\designer\swingall.j ar
    And, I can run JAVA.EXE from any directory on command prompt.
    With JAVA 2 SDK (ver 1.3 Beta) instead of JDK 1.1.8 I'm getting a different Error message as follows:
    java.lang.NoClassFoundError: 'FILES\ORA95_2\LITE\DESIGNER\oldes.jar;C:\PROGRAM'
    Please make sure that JDK 1.1.4 (or greater) is installed in your machine and CLASSPATH is set properly. JAVA.EXE must be in the PATH.
    the PATH and CLASSPATH were set accordingly, as with JDK1.1.8, and there was no in classpath
    also the class file or the jar file looks weird or wrapped in the error message : 'FILES\ORA95_2\LITE\DESIGNER\oldes.jar;C:\PROGRAM'
    Another interesting thing I noticed is if I run oldes.exe from Installation CD, the Oracle Lite Designer runs fine, and without error, I'm able to modify tables in the database of my laptop also.
    Could someone shade some light on what am I doing wrong here ?
    Thanks for help in advance .

    On 07/20/2015 06:35 AM, Itzhak Hovav wrote:
    > hi
    > [snip]
    > [root@p22 eclipse]# cat eclipse.ini -startup
    > plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar
    > --launcher.library
    > plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20120913-144807
    > -showsplash
    > org.eclipse.platform
    > --launcher.XXMaxPermSize
    > 256m
    > --launcher.defaultAction
    > openFile
    > -vmargs
    > -Xms40m
    > -Xmx512m
    > [snip]
    Try this: You should have read the
    sticky posts at forum's top for getting started help.

  • Problem during deploying  bw iview  from visual composer module on Portal.

    Hi all,
    we are working on Portal 6.0 sp 11 and  using  VC 6.0  sp 4  for developinrg R3 and Bw  iviews on  Visual composer. There is no problem in deploying the r3 iviews on the portal but in case of BW (3.0 and 3.5 ) iviews  while deploying it  to portal gives the following
    Error in executing a process for compilation, .\GUIMachine_Business_Packages\TESTRED_24360\com.autogen.guimachine_1104120045\src.core\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : constructor BIOlapFunction (java.lang.String,com.sapportals.guimachine.ep5kit.Iviewred_ctl,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,int,java.lang.String)
    location: class
    BIOlapFunction BIO1OZ = new BIOlapFunction ("BIO1OZ", this, profile.getProperty("System1"), "BIO_DEFAULT", "<Objects id=\"\" type=\"TEMPLATE_METADATA\"><Object id=\"0\" type=\"SCHEMA\" name=\"$INFOCUBE\"/><Object id=\"0\" type=\"CUBE\" name=\"$EMP_CUBE\"/><Object id=\"1\" type=\"MEASURE_DIMENSION\" name=\"Key Figures\" uniquename=\"[Measures]\"/></Objects><Objects id=\"\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\"><Object id=\"CUBE\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"$EMP_CUBE\" value=\"$EMP_CUBE\" techname=\"null\" uniquename=\"null\"/><Object id=\"MEASURES\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"[Measures].[SALARY]\" value=\"[Measures].[SALARY]\" techname=\"null\" uniquename=\"null\"/></Objects><Objects id=\"\" type=\"TEMPLATE_FILTER\"/>",2,500,"KEY");
    1 error
    can any one help us .
    Thanking in advance.
    Rajendra Redekar

    We are having a similar issue.  We have been able to deploy non-BI content on our setup.  There seems to be a problem with the BI plugin piece.
    1) Confirmation: PAR name may exceed OS limits.  To avoid errors PAR was automatically renamed to: com.autogen.guimachine_0509145218.par
    2)Error in executing a process for compilation, .\GUIMachine_Business_Packages\bw_query_wizard_model_53826\com.autogen.guimachine_0509145218\src.core\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol  : constructor BIOlapFunction (java.lang.String,com.sapportals.guimachine.ep5kit.Iview_7k_ctl,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,int,java.lang.String)
    location: class
    BIOlapFunction BIO94 = new BIOlapFunction ("BIO94",
    this, profile.getProperty("System1"), "RANKING_TOPN", "<Objects id=\"\" type=\"TEMPLATE_METADATA\"><Object id=\"0\" type=\"SCHEMA\" name=\"CO_C01\"/><Object id=\"0\" type=\"CUBE\" name=\"CO_C01/ZSEM_CO_C01_Q001\"/><Object id=\"1\" type=\"MEASURE_DIMENSION\" name=\"Key Figures\" uniquename=\"[Measures]\"/></Objects><Objects id=\"\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\"><Object id=\"TOPENABLED\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"true\" value=\"true\" techname=\"null\" uniquename=\"null\"/><Object id=\"TOPRANKTYPE\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"Count\" value=\"Count\" techname=\"null\" uniquename=\"null\"/><Object id=\"TOPVALUE\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"5\" value=\"5\" techname=\"null\" uniquename=\"null\"/><Object id=\"BOTTOMENABLED\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"false\" value=\"false\" techname=\"null\" uniquename=\"null\"/><Object id=\"BOTTOMRANKTYPE\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"Percent\" value=\"Percent\" techname=\"null\" uniquename=\"null\"/><Object id=\"BOTTOMVALUE\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"5\" value=\"5\" techname=\"null\" uniquename=\"null\"/><Object id=\"MEASURE\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"Tons Billed\" value=\"[Measures].[3VK0EY29VB8ZFHGIZ6JT89G4R]\" techname=\"3VK0EY29VB8ZFHGIZ6JT89G4R\" uniquename=\"[Measures].[3VK0EY29VB8ZFHGIZ6JT89G4R]\"/><Object id=\"DIMENSION\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"Sales Basis Weight\" value=\"[0MATERIAL__SLSBASWT]\" techname=\"0MATERIAL__SLSBASWT\" uniquename=\"[0MATERIAL__SLSBASWT]\"/><Object id=\"HIERARCHY\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"Sales Basis Weight\" value=\"[0MATERIAL__SLSBASWT]\" techname=\"0MATERIAL__SLSBASWT\" uniquename=\"[0MATERIAL__SLSBASWT]\"/><Object id=\"LEVEL\" type=\"TEMPLATE_PARAMETER\" text=\"Sales Basis Weight Level 01\" value=\"[0MATERIAL__SLSBASWT].[LEVEL01]\" techname=\"LEVEL01\" uniquename=\"[0MATERIAL__SLSBASWT].[LEVEL01]\"/></Objects><Objects id=\"\" type=\"TEMPLATE_FILTER\"/>",2,500,"KEY");
    1 error
    It points specifically to "BIO94" in this line:
    BIOlapFunction BIO94 = new BIOlapFunction ("BIO94"...
    Any help is welcome.
    Message was edited by: Jeff Tawater

  • Problem while deploying ADF application to standalone WLS server

    I am facing a problem while deploying ADF application to standalone WLS Server.
    Following is the error message that I am getting.
    [07:24:03 PM] ----  Deployment started.  ----
    [07:24:03 PM] Target platform is  (Weblogic 10.3).
    [07:24:07 PM] Retrieving existing application information
    [07:24:08 PM] Running dependency analysis...
    [07:24:08 PM] Building...
    [07:24:13 PM] Deploying 2 profiles...
    [07:24:14 PM] Wrote Web Application Module to D:\WorkSpace3\DashboardUi\deploy\Dashboard.war
    [07:24:14 PM] Wrote Enterprise Application Module to D:\WorkSpace3\deploy\Dashboard.ear
    [07:24:14 PM] Deploying Application...
    [07:24:22 PM] [Deployer:149191]Operation 'deploy' on application 'Dashboard' is initializing on 'msDevServer1'
    [07:24:27 PM] [Deployer:149193]Operation 'deploy' on application 'Dashboard' has failed on 'msDevServer1'
    [07:24:27 PM] [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]deploy application Dashboard on msDevServer1.: .
    [07:24:27 PM] Weblogic Server Exception: weblogic.application.ModuleException:
    [07:24:27 PM] Caused by: weblogic.common.ResourceException: DataSource DashboardDb already exists
    [07:24:27 PM]   See server logs or server console for more details.
    [07:24:27 PM] weblogic.application.ModuleException:
    [07:24:27 PM] ####  Deployment incomplete.  ####
    [07:24:27 PM] Remote deployment failed (oracle.jdevimpl.deploy.common.Jsr88RemoteDeployer)Any suggestion how to fix this.

    I logged into console and browsed to 'Home >Summary of JDBC Data Sources' but not able to locate DashboardDb. Please let me know where to find DashboardDB on wls console.
    Also, please let me know how to configure the app to not to auto-deploy JDBC data sources

  • Deployment Profile items are all greyed out

    I am using Jdev with Jheadstart. I created an application and started looking at deploying it as a WAR file. I was able to create a connection to the target Application Server with a Successful test connection. The next step is to create a Deployment Profile for the JDeveloper Project. I am following the Jdeveloper Help step 3.
    Step 3   Create a Deployment Profile for the JDeveloper Project
    Deployment profiles are project components that govern the deployment of a project or application. A deployment profile specifies the format and contents of the archive file that will be created.
    To create a deployment profile:
    In the Applications Navigator, select the project for which you want to create a profile.
    Choose File > New to open the New Gallery.
    In the Categories tree, expand General and select Deployment Profiles.
    In the Items list, select a profile type. For ADF applications, you should select one of the following from the Items list: WAR File EAR File
    You can also select Business Components Archive, if you are using ADF Business Components.
    If the desired item is not found or enabled, make sure you selected the correct project, and select All Technologies in the Filter By dropdown list.
    Click OK.
    I problem is that all the items listed under Deployment Profiles are greyed out.
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Maybe if I select the right object as the project I would fix my own problem.

  • Hi! I am new to Jdeveloper.Having problem while deploying on embeded OC4J

    hi everybody
    I am new to JDeveloper.I am using OracleJDeveloper 10.2.3 version.I am facing problem while deploying any application on embeded OC4J server.I have tried a lot after searching solution on this site,but all of no use.Actually i am not able to established connection with OC4J.Whenever i am testing the connection it`s giving message Connection Failed message.Please provide me the exact solution.I am in need of this so reply as soon as possible.
    Thanks In Advance
    Rohit Tiwary

    Hi Rohit,
    You dont have to create a connection to deploy in embedded oc4j. You can simply right click on the jsf page and run.

  • Problem while deploying an ear

      i have a problem in deploying an ear which contains an ejb and with a web service which is already deployed in another ear.The error is
      "Web service already exsits in the http service provider for that ear".
    Now i need a solution for this problem .I need to deploy that ear with out deleting that web service in the previous ear.Please send me the related links and information and the way of doing it.

    Hi Bhogi,
    Refer this link for deploying the ear files.<a href="">EJB Components ear deployment</a>
    Go to the EJB Components in the left hand side once u r into the link.

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    We are using JDeveloper 3.2.2 (NT) and 8.1.7 (NT) to deploy EJB's.
    Now we are trying to deploy the entity bean to Oracle JVM. We are facing the following problem while deploying an entity bean .
    "Persistence provider declared in the deployment descriptor is not supported
    *** Errors occurred while deploying the EJB to 8i JVM ***
    *** Deployment completed ***"
    We would appreciate if anyone could help us to solve this error.

    The error was coming because of the table structure. All the columns were composite keys. I alter the structured by removing composite keys and added a new column as primary key. Now it is getting deployed successfully.
    Can anybody comment on such a behaviour of OC4J?
    Jinal Shah

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