Problem sorting data in a file?

I have a problem sorting this file alphabetically by second name. Basically, my method sorts each column alphabetically but i would like to sort the file according to the second name. I really really need help. Thanks
Moe     Carl
Saul     Sergio
Rocky     Louis
Ike     Ziken     
This is how my method sorts the file:
Ike          Carl
Moe          Louis
Rocky          Sergio
Saul          ziken
Moe     Carl
Rocky      Louis
Saul     Sergio
Ike     Ziken
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
class thedata implements Comparable
          private String firstname;
          private String secondname;
    public void setFirstname(String firstname)
             this.firstname = firstname;
    public String getFirstname()
              return firstname;
    public void setSecondname(String secondname)
            this.secondname = secondname;
    public String getSecondname()
            return secondname;
    public int compareTo(Object Student) throws ClassCastException
            if (!(Student instanceof ShowData))
            throw new ClassCastException("Error");
            String sn = ((ShowData) Student).getSecondname();
            return this.secondname.compareTo(sn);
public class sort {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void sortmethod(){
          int j = 0;
          thedata data[] = new thedata[4];
                  FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("datafile.txt");
                  DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
                  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
                  String line;
                  String[] firstname = new String[4];
                  String[] secondname = new String[4];
                  ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
                  while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
                  Iterator<String> itr = list.iterator();
                  int k = 0;
                  for (itr = list.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                          String str =;
                          String[] splitSt = str.split("\t");
                 for (int i = 0; i < splitSt.length; i++)
                             firstname[k] = splitSt[0];
                             secondname[k] = splitSt[1];
                     for(j = 0;j < 4;j++)
                             data[j] = new thedata();
                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                             thedata show = data;
                         String firstname1 = show.getFirstname();
                         String secondname1 = show.getSecondname();
                              System.out.println(firstname1 + "\t\t" + secondname1);
                    catch (Exception e)
     private static void arraysort(String[] array)
          for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++)
               for(int j=0; j<array.length-1-i; j++)
                              String temp1 ="";
temp1= array[j];
array[j] = array[j+1];
array[j+1] = temp1;
Edited by: 999363 on Apr 11, 2013 3:41 AM

You're not sorting your objects, you're only sorting the firstname and secondname arrays separately, so they get scrambled. Sort the array of `thedata` objects.
BTW this:
    public int compareTo(Object Student) throws ClassCastException
            if (!(Student instanceof ShowData))
            throw new ClassCastException("Error");
            String sn = ((ShowData) Student).getSecondname();
    }contains a complete waste of time. You should just remove 'throws ClassCastException' and the first two lines of the method. The test and throw happens anyway at the cast. If Student isn't an instance of ShowData the cast will fail with the same exception (and a much better error message).

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  • Problem converting data in XML file to internal table data

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement. I need to convert an XML file to internal table data and based on that data do Goods Receipt in SAP.
    With the help of this blog /people/r.eijpe/blog/2005/11/10/xml-dom-processing-in-abap-part-i--convert-an-abap-table-into-xml-file-using-sap-dom-approach
    I am able to convert the XML file to data in SAP. But this blog will display the output on screen as ELELEMNT = nodename VALUE= value of that node.
    But I donu2019t want in that way, I want to store all the data in XML file in an internal table so that I can make use of those values and do Goods Recipt in SAP.
    Can some one suggest how should I read the data in an internal table.
    Here is my code..what changes should I make?
    *& Report  z_xit_xml_check
      REPORT  z_xit_xml_check.
      TYPE-POOLS: ixml.
      TYPES: BEGIN OF t_xml_line,
              data(256) TYPE x,
            END OF t_xml_line.
      DATA: l_ixml            TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
            l_streamfactory   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
            l_parser          TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parser,
            l_istream         TYPE REF TO if_ixml_istream,
            l_document        TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
            l_node            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_xmldata         TYPE string.
      DATA: l_elem            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            l_root_node       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_next_node       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_name            TYPE string,
            l_iterator        TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator.
      DATA: l_xml_table       TYPE TABLE OF t_xml_line,
            l_xml_line        TYPE t_xml_line,
            l_xml_table_size  TYPE i.
      DATA: l_filename        TYPE string.
      PARAMETERS: pa_file TYPE char1024 DEFAULT 'c:\temp\orders_dtd.xml'.
    Validation of XML file: Only DTD included in xml document is supported
      PARAMETERS: pa_val  TYPE char1 AS CHECKBOX.
      Creating the main iXML factory
        l_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
      Creating a stream factory
        l_streamfactory = l_ixml->create_stream_factory( ).
        PERFORM get_xml_table CHANGING l_xml_table_size l_xml_table.
      wrap the table containing the file into a stream
        l_istream = l_streamfactory->create_istream_itable( table = l_xml_table
                                                        size  = l_xml_table_size ).
      Creating a document
        l_document = l_ixml->create_document( ).
      Create a Parser
        l_parser = l_ixml->create_parser( stream_factory = l_streamfactory
                                          istream        = l_istream
                                          document       = l_document ).
      Validate a document
        IF pa_val EQ 'X'.
          l_parser->set_validating( mode = if_ixml_parser=>co_validate ).
      Parse the stream
        IF l_parser->parse( ) NE 0.
          IF l_parser->num_errors( ) NE 0.
            DATA: parseerror TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parse_error,
                  str        TYPE string,
                  i          TYPE i,
                  count      TYPE i,
                  index      TYPE i.
            count = l_parser->num_errors( ).
            WRITE: count, ' parse errors have occured:'.
            index = 0.
            WHILE index < count.
              parseerror = l_parser->get_error( index = index ).
              i = parseerror->get_line( ).
              WRITE: 'line: ', i.
              i = parseerror->get_column( ).
              WRITE: 'column: ', i.
              str = parseerror->get_reason( ).
              WRITE: str.
              index = index + 1.
      Process the document
        IF l_parser->is_dom_generating( ) EQ 'X'.
          PERFORM process_dom USING l_document.
    *&      Form  get_xml_table
      FORM get_xml_table CHANGING l_xml_table_size TYPE i
                                  l_xml_table      TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
      Local variable declaration
        DATA: l_len      TYPE i,
              l_len2     TYPE i,
              l_tab      TYPE tsfixml,
              l_content  TYPE string,
              l_str1     TYPE string,
              c_conv     TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_in_ce,
              l_itab     TYPE TABLE OF string.
        l_filename = pa_file.
      upload a file from the client's workstation
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
            filename   = l_filename
            filetype   = 'BIN'
            filelength = l_xml_table_size
            data_tab   = l_xml_table
            OTHERS     = 19.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                     WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      Writing the XML document to the screen
        CLEAR l_str1.
        LOOP AT l_xml_table INTO l_xml_line.
          c_conv = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( input = l_xml_line-data replacement = space  ).
          c_conv->read( IMPORTING data = l_content len = l_len ).
          CONCATENATE l_str1 l_content INTO l_str1.
        l_str1 = l_str1+0(l_xml_table_size).
        SPLIT l_str1 AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf INTO TABLE l_itab.
        WRITE: /.
        WRITE: /' XML File'.
        WRITE: /.
        LOOP AT l_itab INTO l_str1.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab IN
            l_str1 WITH space.
          WRITE: / l_str1.
        WRITE: /.
      ENDFORM.                    "get_xml_table
    *&      Form  process_dom
      FORM process_dom USING document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document.
        DATA: node      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
              iterator  TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator,
              nodemap   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_named_node_map,
              attr      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
              name      TYPE string,
              prefix    TYPE string,
              value     TYPE string,
              indent    TYPE i,
              count     TYPE i,
              index     TYPE i.
        node ?= document.
        CHECK NOT node IS INITIAL.
        WRITE: /.
        WRITE: /' DOM-TREE'.
        WRITE: /.
        IF node IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF.
      create a node iterator
        iterator  = node->create_iterator( ).
      get current node
        node = iterator->get_next( ).
      loop over all nodes
        WHILE NOT node IS INITIAL.
          indent = node->get_height( ) * 2.
          indent = indent + 20.
          CASE node->get_type( ).
            WHEN if_ixml_node=>co_node_element.
            element node
              name    = node->get_name( ).
              nodemap = node->get_attributes( ).
              WRITE: / 'ELEMENT  :'.
              WRITE: AT indent name COLOR COL_POSITIVE INVERSE.
              IF NOT nodemap IS INITIAL.
                count = nodemap->get_length( ).
                DO count TIMES.
                  index  = sy-index - 1.
                  attr   = nodemap->get_item( index ).
                  name   = attr->get_name( ).
                  prefix = attr->get_namespace_prefix( ).
                  value  = attr->get_value( ).
                  WRITE: / 'ATTRIBUTE:'.
                  WRITE: AT indent name  COLOR COL_HEADING INVERSE, '=',
                                   value COLOR COL_TOTAL   INVERSE.
            WHEN if_ixml_node=>co_node_text OR
            text node
              value  = node->get_value( ).
              WRITE: / 'VALUE     :'.
              WRITE: AT indent value COLOR COL_GROUP INVERSE.
        advance to next node
          node = iterator->get_next( ).
      ENDFORM.                    "process_dom
    Any help would be highly apperciated.
    Jessica Sam

    Pavel Vera,
    With your example i tries doing the following .....
    I tried  to convert the data of XML file to internal table data. I am collecting the data in internal table to do goos recipt with that data.
    Please find my XML file, ABAP pgm and XSLT pgm . I donu2019t know what I am missing I am not getting any output. I donu2019t know what is wrong please help me with this
    Below is my XML file, My code and XSLT Program. In the below XML file I need to collect Vendor Number, Order Number, and Date tags which occur only once for one XML file.
    I also need to collect the following tags from <Shipmentdetail>
    <Shipmentdetail> has following child nodes and I need to collect them
    Need to collect to collect the following tags from <ProductInformation>
    <ProductInformation> has following child nodes and I need to collect them
    The <Shipmentdetail> and <ProductInformation> are child nodes of <OrderShipment>
    The <Shipmentdetail> occurs only ones but the <ProductInformation> can occur once or many times and will be dynamic and differs depening on the input file.
    My XML file is as follows
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
    - <ShipmentHeader>
      <AccountID />
    - <OrderShipment>
          <Company />
          <Division />
         <Department />
    -             <ShipmentDetail>
    -            <ProductInformation>
                     <AdvSKUNumber>003 4518</AdvSKUNumber>
                     <SKUID />
    -           <ProductInformation>
                    <AdvSKUNumber>001 7294</AdvSKUNumber>
                    <SKUID />
    -           <CaseInformation>
                   <AdvSKUNumber>003 4518</AdvSKUNumber>
                   <SKUID />
                   <AdvSKUNumber>003 4518</AdvSKUNumber>
                   <SKUID />
    -  </OrderShipment>
    My Program
    TYPE-POOLS abap.
    CONSTANTS gs_file TYPE string VALUE 'C:\temp\test.xml'.
    * This is the structure for the data from the XML file
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_shipment,
             VendorNumber(10)     TYPE n,
             OrderNumber(20)      TYPE n,
             OrderType(8)         TYPE c,
             Date(8)              TYPE c,
           END OF ts_shipment.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_shipmentdetail,
             TrackingNumber(30)     TYPE n,
             Freight(12)            TYPE n,
             Weight(14)             TYPE n,
             ShipmentDate(8)        TYPE c,
             ShipmentMethod(8)      TYPE c,
             END OF ts_shipmentdetail.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_productinformation,
             LineNumber(9)          TYPE n,
             SKUNumber(20)          TYPE c,
             OrderedQuantity(14)    TYPE n,
             ShippedQuantity(14)    TYPE n,
             UOM(4)                 TYPE c,
             END OF ts_productinformation.
    * Table for the XML content
    DATA: gt_itab       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF char2048.
    * Table and work ares for the data from the XML file
    DATA: gt_shipment               TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_shipment,
          gs_shipment               TYPE ts_shipment.
    DATA: gt_shipmentdetail         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_shipmentdetail,
          gs_shipmentdetail         TYPE ts_shipmentdetail.
    DATA: gt_productinformation     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_productinformation,
          gs_productinformation     TYPE ts_productinformation.
    * Result table that contains references
    * of the internal tables to be filled
    DATA: gt_result_xml TYPE abap_trans_resbind_tab,
          gs_result_xml TYPE abap_trans_resbind.
    * For error handling
    DATA: gs_rif_ex     TYPE REF TO cx_root,
          gs_var_text   TYPE string.
    * Get the XML file from your client
    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
        filename                = gs_file
        data_tab                = gt_itab
        file_open_error         = 1
        file_read_error         = 2
        no_batch                = 3
        gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
        invalid_type            = 5
        no_authority            = 6
        unknown_error           = 7
        bad_data_format         = 8
        header_not_allowed      = 9
        separator_not_allowed   = 10
        header_too_long         = 11
        unknown_dp_error        = 12
        access_denied           = 13
        dp_out_of_memory        = 14
        disk_full               = 15
        dp_timeout              = 16
        not_supported_by_gui    = 17
        error_no_gui            = 18
        OTHERS                  = 19.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    * Fill the result table with a reference to the data table.
    * Within the XSLT stylesheet, the data table can be accessed with
    * "ISHIPMENT".
    GET REFERENCE OF gt_shipment INTO gs_result_xml-value.
    gs_result_xml-name = 'ISHIPMENT'.
    APPEND gs_result_xml TO gt_result_xml.
    * Fill the result table with a reference to the data table.
    * Within the XSLT stylesheet, the data table can be accessed with
    * "ISHIPDET".
    GET REFERENCE OF gt_shipmentdetail INTO gs_result_xml-value.
    gs_result_xml-name = 'ISHIPDET'.
    APPEND gs_result_xml TO gt_result_xml.
    * Fill the result table with a reference to the data table.
    * Within the XSLT stylesheet, the data table can be accessed with
    * "IPRODDET".
    GET REFERENCE OF gt_productinformation  INTO gs_result_xml-value.
    gs_result_xml-name = 'IPRODDET'.
    APPEND gs_result_xml TO gt_result_xml.
    * Perform the XSLT stylesheet
        CALL TRANSFORMATION z_xml_to_abap3
        SOURCE XML gt_itab
        RESULT (gt_result_xml).
      CATCH cx_root INTO gs_rif_ex.
        gs_var_text = gs_rif_ex->get_text( ).
        MESSAGE gs_var_text TYPE 'E'.
    * Writing the data from file for gt_shipment
    *Collecting the Shipping Data from the XML file to internal table gt_shipment
    *and writing the data to the screen
    LOOP AT gt_shipment INTO gs_shipment.
      WRITE: / 'VendorNumber:', gs_shipment-VendorNumber.
      WRITE: / 'OrderNumber :', gs_shipment-OrderNumber.
      WRITE: / 'OrderType  :', gs_shipment-OrderType.
      WRITE: / 'Date  :',      gs_shipment-Date.
      WRITE : /.
    ENDLOOP. "gt_shipment.
    LOOP AT gt_shipmentdetail INTO gs_shipmentdetail.
      WRITE: / 'TrackingNumber:',     gs_shipmentdetail-TrackingNumber.
      WRITE: / 'Freight :',           gs_shipmentdetail-Freight.
      WRITE: / 'Weight  :',           gs_shipmentdetail-Weight.
      WRITE: / 'ShipmentDate  :',     gs_shipmentdetail-ShipmentDate.
    * WRITE: / 'ShipmentMethod  :'    gs_shipmentdetail-ShipmentMethod
      WRITE : /.
    ENDLOOP. "gt_shipmentdetail.
    LOOP AT gt_productinformation INTO gs_productinformation.
      WRITE: / 'LineNumber:',         gs_productinformation-LineNumber.
      WRITE: / 'SKUNumber :',         gs_productinformation-SKUNumber.
      WRITE: / 'OrderedQuantity  :',  gs_productinformation-OrderedQuantity.
      WRITE: / 'ShippedQuantity  :',  gs_productinformation-ShippedQuantity.
      WRITE: / 'UOM  :',              gs_productinformation-UOM.
      WRITE : /.
    ENDLOOP. "gt_productinformation.
    XSLT Program
    <xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
      <xsl:output encoding="iso-8859-1" indent="yes" method="xml" version="1.0"/>
      <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="//OrderShipment"/>
      <xsl:template match="OrderShipment">
            <xsl:value-of select="VendorNumber"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OrderNumber"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OrderType"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="Date"/>
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="//OrderShipment/ShipmentDetail"/>
      <xsl:template match="ShipmentDetail">
            <xsl:value-of select="TrackingNumber"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="Freight"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="ShipmentDate"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="ShipmentMethod"/>
    </xsl:transform> .
    Any help is highly appreciated. If anyone encountered this situation before please let me know where i am going wrong in my XSLT transformation.
    Any Help will be highly apppreciated. Thanks in advance
    Jessica   Sam

  • Best way to sort data from a file alphabetically

    If I have a file as such:
    I want to display the data in alphabetical order by last name and by first name. what is the best way to do this? I found java.util.Arrays
    but i thought that it might be best if i read the data into a linked list. I want to display it on a form, so that I can press a next and previous button. Next will show the next record in alphabetical order after the previous one(B->C) and previous would go (C->B)

    How about this:
    Create a PersonRecord object, and have it implement Comparable.
    import java.util.Comparator;
    public class PersonRecord implements Comparable < PersonRecord >
        public static Comparator < PersonRecord > surnameComparator ()
            public int compare (PersonRecord pr1, PersonRecord pr2)
                return pr1.getSurname ().compareTo (pr2.getSurname ());
        public static Comparator < PersonRecord > nameComparator ()
            public int compare (PersonRecord pr1, PersonRecord pr2)
                return pr1.getName ().compareTo (pr2.getName ());
    }See java.util.Comparator, java.lang.Comparable.
    Then use Arrays.sort(List, Comparable) at your own discretion...
    I've said enough; work that part out yourself.

  • Problem : Inserting Data from flat file  into  databse

    i m reading values from sybase tabel and writing those values into a flat file . some of those values are from table columns which has custom data type. the next thing i do is, read values from file , and insert into different table with the same column definition. the problem is that the values those are inserted into table are different than actual values . i dont know what's really happening. if any body have any idea ,plz help.

    when values are inserted ,only some column values are not inserted properly. i am reading those values as getBytes ,storing them in file and after that inserting into database using setBytes. but the values which are in file are different than those get inserted into database.
    dont know what is exact problem . is there something wrong with encoding. does anybody have any idea about this. what is basic encoding that sybase is using.

  • Problem with Data load from file

    if i try to load data from an comma seperated file into oracle, i get an error that the page cannot be displayed, after the dialog where to specify the file and the separation method.
    My Browser does not try long to open the page approx. 1 sec. ...
    Anyone have a Idea about that ?
    P.S I know my englisch is horribile, sorry

    A known bug. See below for a solution to set the timeout. Remember to reboot the PC for the changes take effect.
    See Re: Problem with importing HTML DB applications

  • Problem grouping data in xml file

    Hello All,
    Following is the sample xml file used as input source into my BIP stand alone report:
    The expected output should be:
    ID# 1234
    Grades: A1
    ID# 6789
    Grades: C1
    And the design i've created is:
    <?end for-each-group?>
    I could only display partial result but not able to achieve my desired output. Please guide.

    Thanks Jorge,
    This structure can be arranged by my third party and the output came out as required.
    But we also have another report which would use the same xml file as one data source and a sql query as another data source. The total xml generated would look like:
    <NAME>Rich Walker</NAME>
    <NAME>Steve Round</NAME>
    <NAME>Mary Joyce</NAME>
    And the rtf template i've designed(which is not working):
    ID# <?ID?>
    Name: <?NAME?>
    Dept: <?Dept?>
    <?end for-each-group?>
    <?end for-each-group?>
    The ideal output should be:
    ID# 1234
    Name: Rich Walker
    Dept: IT
    Grades: A1
    ID# 6789
    Name: Steve Round
    Dept: Arts
    Grades: C1
    Please assist me in getting the desired output.

  • Problem Loading Data Using UTL File Package

    Hi Friends..
    My Database is Oracle 10gR2 and OS is WINDOWS.
    I have one excel file which contains 10 fields.
    My requirement is to Load data from 1 excel file into two tables..
    tables are master and detail
    Below are sample data and structure for it..
    Excel file format
    Srno Empno Empname City Challanno challandate Materialno materialname Materialqty Materialcost
    1     232 raj      Hyderabad      533     20/04/2010     11     abc      34     10
    1     232 raj      Hyderabad      533     20/04/2010     12      aa      4     110
    1     231 ram Baroda      533     20/04/2010     14      abcd      33     210
    Master table
    Detail table
    My question is ..While reading 1st line if its empno is new then record is entered in master table for the first time and remaining records of same empno is entered in detail table.. now when empno no changes then new entry is done in master table and associated records are entered in detail table..
    So in this case for empno 232 master table would have
    Detail table for empno 232 would now have 2 records..
    I am using UTL_FILE package to achieve this as the file is on server...
    Kindly please help me to proceed in this..
    Really appreciate your help...

    sai121 wrote:
    Its ok..if u dont wanna reply sir... but thats what i m told to do..and i have 4yrs of industry experience too...but cant argue with boss..u know that right.It's not that people don't want to reply, it's that what you're asking for is something achieved very simply in a few lines of code using External tables but is a convoluted and complex thing to do using UTL_FILE, so why would anybody want to waste their time giving you a load of code to achieve what you want when they know it's the wrong approach anyway.
    I've been computer programming for 28 years (jeez has it really been that long :D ), so I wouldn't be telling you that you're doing it the wrong way without knowing that there are better ways to do it and you're asking for the wrong way. Speak with your boss, tell him that you've been recommended to use External Tables instead because they're the right way to read such data and UTL_FILE is not the right approach.

  • Problem reading data from a file

    this is inside a servlet.
    Re: servlet question
    Author: gramberto
    In Reply To: servlet question Oct 1, 2004 10:24 AM
    Reply 6 of 6
    I'm getting the following errors:
    java.util.NoSuchElementException     at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(     at myClass.readFile(     at myClass.doPost( am reading a file of the form:
    '|' is the delimiter. A null would just have another |
    Here is my code:
    public void readFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
             String row;
             BufferedReader infile1 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("c:\\file1.txt"));
             String FName="",MName="",LName="",Sex="",Street1="",Street2="",City="",State="",Zip="",PhoneLocalCode="",PhoneAreaCode="",PhoneLastCode="",Email="",OtherInfo="";
            try {
                    while ((row = infile1.readLine()) != null)
                      StringTokenizer in_str = new StringTokenizer(row, "|");
                      FName = in_str.nextToken();
                      MName = in_str.nextToken();
                      LName = in_str.nextToken();
                      Sex = in_str.nextToken();
                      Street1 = in_str.nextToken();
                      Street2 = in_str.nextToken();
                      City = in_str.nextToken();
                      State = in_str.nextToken();
                      Zip = in_str.nextToken();
                      PhoneLocalCode = in_str.nextToken();
                      PhoneAreaCode = in_str.nextToken();
                      PhoneLastCode = in_str.nextToken();
                      Email = in_str.nextToken();
                      OtherInfo = in_str.nextToken();
                 } catch (IOException ioException) {
                   out.println("Error: "+ioException);

    Well, you are probably passing in a line that is tokinized into less than 14 tokens.
    Add some debug output that prints the line that you are tokenizing.
    Use hasMoreTokens and countTokens to determine if it is ok to call nextToken or if you are already out of tokens.
    E.g. you could do something along these lines:
    fixed token count formatprivate void tokenize(final String line)
      final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( line, "|" );
      if ( st.countTokens() != 14 )
         throw new RuntimeException("Invalid token count: " + st.countTokens());
      FName = st.nextToken();
    }variable token count formatprivate void tokenize(final String line)
      final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( line, "|" );
      if (st.hasMoreTokens())
        FName = st.nextToken();
      if (st.hasMoreTokens())
        MName = st.nextToken();

  • Sort data does not match song info

    I've just discovered that some of my songs have sort data from different files. Short of going though all my music song by song is there a way to clear all sort data?

    Generally setting a common Album Artist will fix split albums.
    For deeper problems see Grouping tracks into albums.

  • In my opinion, the real solution is for Apple to offer us a choice of the photo sort order in ITunes. My preference would be filename, perhaps with options to choose the Date Taken attribute, file timestamp or date modified filestamp (EXIF date fields as

    I tryed to sort my pictures with buying Apps and following suggestion from apple, but without any success. In my opinion, the real solution is for Apple to offer us a choice of the photo sort order in ITunes. My preference would be filename, perhaps with options to choose the Date Taken attribute, file timestamp or date modified filestamp.

    Not a problem when using iPhoto on a Mac, which the transfer of photos is primarily based on - not manually managing photo storage as seems to be common with Windoze.
    The same should be available with a supported photo management app on a PC.

  • Efficent method to sort data from tab delimited text file

    I am currently writing a program to sort through data that was acquired and display it on a graph and some other indicators.  The file is a tab delimited text file with possibly 100,000s of data points.  the current method that I have tried using was that if I wanted all of the data from Oct, I would parse out the month from the timestamp, compare that to the desired month, and add it to the array if it is the same.  Other possible options of sorting are yearly and daily, possibly even hourly.
    The method does work, however it does take some time (up to a minute on a P4 3.6 GHz with 2 gb ram), and most of the other computers are not nearly as fast or with as much memory.  Is there a more efficent method to sorting the data??
    I attached my sorting vi as well as a sample data file.
    thanks for the advice.  It is saved in LV8.0.1
    data ‏84 KB
    oven1.txt ‏21 KB

    First of all, "sorting" has usually a different meaning (Sorting and numeric array ascending or descending, a string array aphabetically, etc.). Your data already seems sorted by date and time, you just want to pick a subset having certain characteristics.
    The main problem that is slowing you down is your constant growing of large arrays. This causes constant memory reallocations.
    Since your data is already sorted by date and time, all you need is to place your data in a sutable data structure, find the start and end point of your selection, then use "array subset" for example.
    Your code also seems to have a lot of unecessary complexity. See for example your "test for sort data" (see image below).
    the four cases only differ by filename --> only the file name belongs into the case and the file operation outside the inner case. Even better, just use autoindexing.
    that shift register does not do anything, because it always contains the same data. Using "index array" with index wired to [i] is equivalent to an autoindexing tunnel.
    You have a case structure to select which files to read, skipped files give you an empty array. Do you really need to do all these operations on an empty array. Why not place all code inside the TRUE case??
    Below is an image of one possible code alternative that addresses some of these points.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 10-26-2006 09:32 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    testForSortData.png ‏33 KB

  • Can no longer sort RAW with JPG files together by capture date.

    Suddenly I can no longer sort  JPG and RAW files together by capture date. I have two Canon SLR's shooting in RAW and one Canon point an shoot shooting in JPG and want to collate the photos in LR4, which I was able to do up to now. I cannot find out what I did to make this happen or correct it in LR preferences. Any solutions?

    View->Sort->Capture Time

  • I have one problem with Data Guard. My archive log files are not applied.

    I have one problem with Data Guard. My archive log files are not applied. However I have received all archive log files to my physical Standby db
    I have created a Physical Standby database on Oracle 10gR2 (Windows XP professional). Primary database is on another computer.
    In Enterprise Manager on Primary database it looks ok. I get the following message “Data Guard status Normal”
    But as I wrote above ”the archive log files are not applied”
    After I created the Physical Standby database, I have also done:
    1. I connected to the Physical Standby database instance.
    2. I started the Oracle instance at the Physical Standby database without mounting the database.
    STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE=C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\database\initluda.ora
    3. I mounted the Physical Standby database:
    4. I started redo apply on Physical Standby database
    alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session
    5. I switched the log files on Physical Standby database
    alter system switch logfile
    6. I verified the redo data was received and archived on Physical Standby database
    select sequence#, first_time, next_time from v$archived_log order by sequence#
    3 2006-06-27 2006-06-27
    4 2006-06-27 2006-06-27
    5 2006-06-27 2006-06-27
    6 2006-06-27 2006-06-27
    7 2006-06-27 2006-06-27
    8 2006-06-27 2006-06-27
    7. I verified the archived redo log files were applied on Physical Standby database
    select sequence#,applied from v$archived_log;
    4 NO
    3 NO
    5 NO
    6 NO
    7 NO
    8 NO
    8. on Physical Standby database
    select * from v$archive_gap;
    No rows
    9. on Physical Standby database
    ARC0: Archival started
    ARC1: Archival started
    ARC2: Archival started
    ARC3: Archival started
    ARC4: Archival started
    ARC5: Archival started
    ARC6: Archival started
    ARC7: Archival started
    ARC8: Archival started
    ARC9: Archival started
    ARCa: Archival started
    ARCb: Archival started
    ARCc: Archival started
    ARCd: Archival started
    ARCe: Archival started
    ARCf: Archival started
    ARCg: Archival started
    ARCh: Archival started
    ARCi: Archival started
    ARCj: Archival started
    ARCk: Archival started
    ARCl: Archival started
    ARCm: Archival started
    ARCn: Archival started
    ARCo: Archival started
    ARCp: Archival started
    ARCq: Archival started
    ARCr: Archival started
    ARCs: Archival started
    ARCt: Archival started
    ARC0: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH
    ARC0: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH
    ARC1: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
    Attempt to start background Managed Standby Recovery process
    MRP0: Background Managed Standby Recovery process started
    Managed Standby Recovery not using Real Time Apply
    MRP0: Background Media Recovery terminated with error 1110
    MRP0: Background Media Recovery process shutdown
    Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC
    -- Connected User is Valid
    RFS[1]: Assigned to RFS process 2148
    RFS[1]: Identified database type as 'physical standby'
    Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC
    -- Connected User is Valid
    RFS[2]: Assigned to RFS process 2384
    RFS[2]: Identified database type as 'physical standby'
    Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC
    -- Connected User is Valid
    RFS[3]: Assigned to RFS process 3188
    RFS[3]: Identified database type as 'physical standby'
    Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode
    Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode
    RFS[3]: No standby redo logfiles created
    Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC
    -- Connected User is Valid
    RFS[4]: Assigned to RFS process 3168
    RFS[4]: Identified database type as 'physical standby'
    RFS[4]: No standby redo logfiles created
    Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode
    RFS[3]: No standby redo logfiles created
    10. on Physical Standby database
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    ARCH CONNECTED 0 0 0 0
    RFS IDLE 0 0 0 0
    RFS IDLE 0 0 0 0
    RFS IDLE 1 9 13664 2
    RFS IDLE 0 0 0 0
    10) on Primary database:
    select message from v$dataguard_status;
    ARC0: Archival started
    ARC1: Archival started
    ARC2: Archival started
    ARC3: Archival started
    ARC4: Archival started
    ARC5: Archival started
    ARC6: Archival started
    ARC7: Archival started
    ARC8: Archival started
    ARC9: Archival started
    ARCa: Archival started
    ARCb: Archival started
    ARCc: Archival started
    ARCd: Archival started
    ARCe: Archival started
    ARCf: Archival started
    ARCg: Archival started
    ARCh: Archival started
    ARCi: Archival started
    ARCj: Archival started
    ARCk: Archival started
    ARCl: Archival started
    ARCm: Archival started
    ARCn: Archival started
    ARCo: Archival started
    ARCp: Archival started
    ARCq: Archival started
    ARCr: Archival started
    ARCs: Archival started
    ARCt: Archival started
    ARCm: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH
    ARCm: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH
    ARCd: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
    Error 1034 received logging on to the standby
    Error 1034 received logging on to the standby
    LGWR: Error 1034 creating archivelog file 'luda'
    LNS: Failed to archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 7 (1034)
    FAL[server, ARCh]: Error 1034 creating remote archivelog file 'luda'
    11)on primary db
    select name,sequence#,applied from v$archived_log;
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\IRINA\ARC00003_0594204176.001 3 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\IRINA\ARC00004_0594204176.001 4 NO
    Luda 4 NO
    Luda 3 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\IRINA\ARC00005_0594204176.001 5 NO
    Luda 5 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\IRINA\ARC00006_0594204176.001 6 NO
    Luda 6 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\IRINA\ARC00007_0594204176.001 7 NO
    Luda 7 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\IRINA\ARC00008_0594204176.001 8 NO
    Luda 8 NO
    12) on standby db
    select name,sequence#,applied from v$archived_log;
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\LUDA\ARC00004_0594204176.001 4 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\LUDA\ARC00003_0594204176.001 3 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\LUDA\ARC00005_0594204176.001 5 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\LUDA\ARC00006_0594204176.001 6 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\LUDA\ARC00007_0594204176.001 7 NO
    C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\LUDA\ARC00008_0594204176.001 8 NO
    13) my init.ora files
    On standby db
    *.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=irinaXDB)'
    *.log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=C:/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/luda/ VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=luda'
    On primary db
    *.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=irinaXDB)'
    *.log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=C:/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/irina/ VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=irina'
    Please help me!!!!

    After several tries my redo logs are applied now. I think in my case it had to do with the tnsnames.ora. At this moment I have both database in both tnsnames.ora files using the SID and not the SERVICE_NAME.
    Now I want to use DGMGRL. Adding a configuration and a stand-by database is working fine, but when I try to enable the configuration DGMGRL gives no feedback and it looks like it is hanging. The log, although says that it succeeded.
    In another session 'show configuration' results in the following, confirming that the enable succeeded.
    DGMGRL> show configuration
    Name: avhtest
    Enabled: YES
    Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
    Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
    avhtest - Primary database
    avhtestls53 - Physical standby database
    Current status for "avhtest":
    Warning: ORA-16610: command 'ENABLE CONFIGURATION' in progress
    It there anybody that experienced the same problem and/or knows the solution to this?
    With kind regards,
    Martin Schaap

  • How to avoid the split problem when uploading the data from csv file

    Dear Friends,
                  I have to upload data from the .csv file to my custom table , i have found a problem when uploading the data .
    i am using the code as below , please suggest me what i have to do in this regard
          SPLIT wa_raw_csv  AT ',' INTO
    APPEND wa_empdata_csv TO  itab.
    in the flat file i can see for one of the record for the field Title  as
    Director, Finance - NAR............there by through my code the  wa_empdata_csv-Title is getting splited data as "Director, and  Department field is getting Finance - NAR" , i can see that even though  " Director, Finance - NAR"  is one word it is getting split .
    .......which is the problem iam facing.Please could any body let me know how in this case i should handle in my code that this word
    "Director,Finance - NAR"   wil not be split into two words.
    Thanks & Records

    Hi Madhuri,
    Best way to avoid such problem is to use TAB delimited file instead of comma separated data. Generally TAB does not appear in data.
    If you are generating the file, use tab instead of comma.
    If you cannot modify the format of file and data length in file is fixed character, you will need to define the structure and then move data in fixed length structure.

  • Aperture Video Import Problem - from Lumix GH4: Imported clips have their dates changed to the import date.  The files show up on the hard drive but many are not showing up in Aperture.

    Aperture Video Import Problem - from Lumix GH4: Imported clips have their dates changed to the import date.  The files show up on the hard drive with import date not created date, but many of these same files are not showing up in Aperture. Sometimes the clips actually show up with the current import but take on the video information from a previously imported file.

    It was suggested I move this question to IPhoto or IMovie which I did. 
    Well moving to a different discussion group did not provide an answer to this question either. But what I finally did was import one batch of photos and videos into IPhoto for a given day at a time. Working with these I could change the date and times in order to get them in the original sequench taken. Then I would create an album with that batch. These would all be on the same day (IMove was closed for this phase). Then I would open IMovie, generate the thumbnails for that album, and select the album I had created. This was necessary because the importing process in IPhoto was using incorrect dates for my video so it was a real struggle finding them in IMove until I developed this approach.
    I believe that this whole process was so screwy because I was importing from an external hard drive not a camera. I had these photos on a PC and did not have the original cameras to use to import directly which I am fairly sure would have made this easier!

Maybe you are looking for

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    What benefit is there to use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for an UPDATE statement like the one below. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE mytable SET bonus = v_bonus(i)                    WHERE empid =:empid AND sal =:sal'                           USING v_empid(n),v_sal