Problem with footer in table style not applying paragraph style... or just me?

I'm having a niggling problem making a table style with cell/paragraph styles for the header, body, and footer respectively. I want to make it as simple as possible for other users but one thing keeps tripping me up. I'll try and describe with screenshots. I'm using InDesign CS5 on Windows 7.
I have a table style set up with cell styles for the header, body, and footer, and paragraph styles for each as well. Say I'm converting a list of generic text to this table:
i convert it to my table style. The body style is a numbered list:
I convert the header to an, err, Header. The cell applies the header paragraph style as I should expect:
I convert the footer likewise, but it maintains the Body text paragraph style as an override!
So naturally I clear the override and it works fine. But of course, I'd rather it acted like the header row. I can't work out where the override on the footer comes from and why it operates differently in this respect to the header row. There is nothing different about how the styles are constructed. Have I made a mistake somewhere, or is this correct behaviour I'm misinterpreting, or something...?
edit: Here is the file, if that will help:

I was able to reproduce the issue you are facing.
I will be logging a bug for this and it would be investigated.
Thanks a lot for reporting the problem!!

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  • PL/SQL problem with too many lines - can not apply changes

    I have a complex PL/SQL that requires checking 90 check boxes and the query works to a certain point then it just stops being able to be saved (apply changes) after a high no. of lines has been typed in. (The PL/SQL query is to check against a file, that the file has all the check boxes as yes. If there is only 1 or 2 boxes checked, then the sql created only checks those 2 fields for yes.) Is there a way to increase the coding space (or number of lines) that APEX can save/use.

    This is the whole PL/SQL coding. At this point, we cannot add any more lines or it will come up with "web page cannot be found" message.
    q varchar2(32767); -- query
    new varchar2(1):='Y'; -- first one
    q := 'select a."CONTR_ID", a."NAME", b."PHONE_NO", b."EMAIL_ADDR" FROM contractor a, contacts b where a.contr_id = b.contr_id and a.contr_id not in (Select unique a."CONTR_ID" from contractor a, contractor_competency b where a."CONTR_ID" = b."CONTR_ID" ';
    -------------------Start ENV
    if :P33_AIR_QUALITY_TESTING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Air Quality Testing'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_ASBESTOS_REMOVAL_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Asbestos Removal De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_ASBESTOS_REMOVAL_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Asbestos Removal Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Building Asbestos Removal'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Environmental Consulting'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Asbestos Removal De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Asbestos Removal Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_OIL_FILTERING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Oil Filtering'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_OIL_SAMPLING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Oil Sampling'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_OIL_SPILL_CLEANUP = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Oil Spill Cleanup'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_PUMPING_OUT_MANHOLES = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Pumping Out Manholes'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_SIGNED_ENVIRO_DOCS = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Signed Enviro Docs PRO-MS-008'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Transportation of Dangerous Goods'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_TRANSPORTATION_OF_PCB = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Transportation of PCB'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_WASTE_PICK_UP = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Waste Pick-Up'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    -------------------- start OCM
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Greenfield Poleline Construction'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''HV Overhead Maintenance'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_INSULATOR_WARNING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Insulator Warning'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''LV Overhead Maintenance'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Overhead Infrared Scanning'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_POLEHOLES_AND_ANCHORS = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Poleholes and Anchors'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_POLELINE_INSPECTION = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and( '; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Poleline Inspection'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_POLELINE_WORK_TO_35KV = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Poleline Work to 35KV'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_POLELINE_TO_44KV = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Poleline to 44KV'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_ROCK_DRILLING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Rock Drilling'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_TENSION_STRINGING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Tension Stringing'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_TREE_TRIMMING_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Tree Trimming (De-Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_TREE_TRIMMING_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Tree Trimming (Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_WOOD_POLE_TESTING_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Wood Pole Testing De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_WOOD_POLE_TESTING_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Wood Pole Testing Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    ------------------ start UCM
    if :P33_CO2_CLEANING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''CO2 Cleaning'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_CABLE_PULLING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Cable Pulling'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Cable Testing De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Cable Testing Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_CONC_DUCT_MAN_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Conc. Duct & Manhole (De-Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_CONC_DUCT_MAN_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Conc. Duct & Manhole (Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_DIR_BURIED_DUCT_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Direct Buried (De-Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_DIR_BURIED_DUCT_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Direct Buried (Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Directional Boring De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Directional Boring Energized'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_GENERAL_EXCAVATION = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''General Excavation Around Plant'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_HV_UG_MAINTENANCE = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''HV Underground Maintenance'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_LV_UG_MAINTENANCE = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''LV Underground Maintenance'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_MANHOLE_CLEANING_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Cleaning De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_MANHOLE_CLEANING_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Cleaning Energized'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_MANHOLE_INSPECTION = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Inspection'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''UG Equipment Inspections'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_UG_INFRA_RED_SCANNING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''UG Infra Red Scanning'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_UG_CABLE_LOCATES = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Underground Cable Locates'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    ------------------------ start SCM
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Fencing Around Substation'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_FENCING_GREENFIELD = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Fencing Greenfield'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Inspection And Testing'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_STATION_CIVIL_WORK = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Station Civil Work'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Station Construction (De'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Station Construction (E'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Station Infrared Scanning'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Stations Asbestos Removal'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'N' then q := q || ' ) ';
    end if;
    q := q || ' ) ';
    return q;

  • Problem with Sections and Table of Contents

    I have just purchased pages. Both my iMac and MacBook have Lion. I do not have the "sections" button on the toolbar. When I open the "inspector" and try to insert a Table of Contents, the "paragraph styles" pane is empty. How can I correct these problems as I would like to use pages for a family story

    You have started your document with a Page Layout template. TOC doesn't work with text boxes. You need to use a Word Processing document and have the text in the main text layer.
    In the New from Template Chooser you can see the types in the left side bar.

  • Problem with checkbox on table component

    Hello i am having a problem with checkbox in table component
    i am developing something like a shopping cart app and i have a checkbox in my table component , i want users to select items from the checkbox to add to thier cart, They can select the items from cartegory combobox , my problem is when they select the items from the checkbox if they select another category the alread selected once do not display in my collection opbject please how can i maintain the state of the already selected items in my collection object

    Please go through the tutorial "Understanding scope and managed beans". This is available at:
    The details of the selected items need to be stored in an object that is in session scope.
    Hope this helps

  • I have big problems with mountain lion. you can not have a boot disk system I resulted in the need to re-download the os from scratch impiegandoci 8 hours, it is outrageous even with windows 95.

    I have big problems with mountain lion. you can not have a boot disk system I resulted in the need to re-download the os from scratch impiegandoci 8 hours, it is outrageous even with windows 95.
    at least that the operator has confirmed to me that he called me. I also have problems with either the start of the mac with the power off. I can not understand if it crashes or is just very very slow.
    Finally, I have a problem with the external hard disck. I often said to have been ejected incorrectly (not true) and I start to restore the startup recovery disk because disk utility is ineffective from the normal operating system .. is a shocking thing, but how you reduced. in four years it had never happened. seem to have windows or worse. Wake up.
    I am an Italian, alas, and then I would like an answer to my language because my € are the same as German French or English.

    You are on Windows 2000, you do not have a "Firefox" button, and should consider yourself to be fortunate in that you still have menus and don't have to do anything to get the menus back instead of the "Firefox" button. (The same applies to Windows XP users).
    Use the "File" menu to get to Import. You are not on Windows 7 or Vista, and don't have to put up with the nonsense added for Aero.
    If you want the "Firefox" button you can get it with View -> toolbars -> (uncheck) Menu Bar. The menu bar and the "Firefox" button were supposed to be mutually exclusive (which is impossible in some cases without being incompatible).
    Once you are using the "Firefox" button ...
    Use the "Alt" key to view the menu bar (temporarily) containing File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, and Help. On Windows 7 and Vista, the menu bar was hidden by default in Firefox 4 and above. These menu items are more or less available under the "Firefox" button which has the most used of the built-in Firefox menu items available in a different format.
    To get back to having menus again. "Firefox" button -> Options (second column) -> (check) Menu Bar
    You can make '''Firefox 7.0.1''' look like Firefox 3.6.*, see numbered '''items 1-10''' in the following topic [ Fix Firefox 4.0 toolbar user interface, problems (Make Firefox 4.0 thru 8.0, look like 3.6)]. ''Whether or not you make changes, you should be aware of what has changed and what you have to do to use changed or missing features.''

  • Problem with saving duplicated tables in interactive form

    I have an interactive form that contain a table with a row that contain "insert remove move " object .
    when i press the add button, it duplicate the table, but if i save the PDF and then open it again, the extra table does not appear,
    it seems like it never been save.
    do you knoe what is the problem? why the tables are not saved properly?
    thanks, Noa

    Try doing the following
    try using the simple 'Button'. In the button's object properties, in the tab named 'field', select 'Control Type: submit'.
    Then, in the 'submit' tab in the object properties, choose PDF in the 'submit format' dropdown field.
    In the 'submit to URL field' type:
    You may need to adjust the e-mail address, subject and body text.

  • : "Invalid object name '#Temp'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

     Hi   .
        I was creating the  pass the values t in temp tables  though s sis package vs2012 .
      First I was taken on executive SQL TASK.
     IN EXCUTIVE SQL TASK  . I was write the stored proce:
    reate  procedure  USP_GETEMP2333
    Select  eid,ename,dept,salary from emp
    create table #temp(eid int,ename varchar(20),dept varchar(20),salary int)
      insert into #temp
       exec USP_GETMP02333
     It was executive correctly.
     I was taken another sequence container. In the sequence container iam creating one   executive  sql
    In 2<sup>nd</sup> excutive sql task: sql statements is
    if object_id('emp_fact_sal') is not null
     drop table emp_fact_sal
    select eid,ename as emp_name,sal_bar=
    case when salary<=5000 then 'l'
    when salary >5000 and salary<=7000 then 'm'
    into emp_fact_sal from #temp.
     and one falt flies  it was taken to designation .
     iam changing  all  connection properties:
     in oldeb connection:
    in excutive sal task properties .
    delay validation is true,
    and retain connection maner is also true,
    and package mode is 64 bit is false.
     But iwas excutive in 2<sup>nd</sup> excutive ql task .
    Iam getting this type of errors,
                    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query " if object_id('emp_fact_sal') is not null
     drop ta..." failed with the following error: "Invalid object name '#Temp'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established
     Please help me

    Arthur suggestion works but you shouldnt even be doing this on a SQL Task.
    Use a data flow task. You'll have better control over the data that is being transfered and get better performance because no staging table will be used.
    Just because there are clouds in the sky it doesn't mean it isn't blue. But someone will come and argue that in addition to clouds, birds, airplanes, pollution, sunsets, daltonism and nuclear bombs, all adding different colours to the sky, this
    is an undocumented behavior and should not be relied upon.

  • Hello  I have a problem with Mac Pro, iPhoto does not want to stay open and close as I can figure this out?  thanks

    Hello  I have a problem with Mac Pro, iPhoto does not want to stay open and close as I can figure this out?  thanks

    Refer below link once
    App doesn’t open | Progress wheel spins continually

  • Has anyone experienced problems with Mackeeper? I did not complete downloading this software. Yet, occasionally when on the internet, I will have the MacKeeper multi-colored circle replace my pointer. How do you deal with this?

    Has anyone experienced problems with Mackeeper? I did not complete downloading this software. Yet, occasionally when on the internet, I will have the MacKeeper multi-colored circle replace my pointer. How do you deal with this?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Don't download MacKeeper. Users complain about this app and it damages OS X. Also, Mac OS X knows how to take care of itself, so you don't need any other cleaning application that may damage OS X. See >

  • I have a problem with ( AppleSyncNotifier.exe - Entry Point Not Found ) The procedure entry point sqlite3_wal_checkpoint could not be locate in the dynamic link library SWLite3.dll.

    I have a problem with ( AppleSyncNotifier.exe - Entry Point Not Found ) The procedure entry point sqlite3_wal_checkpoint could not be locate in the dynamic link library SWLite3.dll.

    With Windows Explorer, navigate to your C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support folder.
    Copy the SQLite3.dll that you should find there, navigate to the nearby Mobile Device Support folder, and Paste it in there also.
    Reboot and see if all is well
    In case that your OS is Windows 7 (64 bit)
    1. Open windows explorer, go to location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support
    2. Copy file "SQLite3.dll"
    3. Open new windows explorer, to to location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support
    4. Paste file "SQLite3.dll" to the location.
    5. Reboot your computer, it should not display that message, it should be clear.
    Good Luck

  • HT204088 i am having a problem with my previous payment, its not excepting it?

    i am having a problem with my previous payment, its not excepting it?

    Redemption Code Help
    If you just purchased the software and the redemption codes are coming up as invalid then the seller needs to resolve that.  If you were able to acquire the serial number by redeeming the redemption code, then you should follow the seller's advice and contact Adobe support thru chat (when they are available).
    Chat support - For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Make sure you are logged in to the Adobe site, have cookies enabled, clear your cookie cache.  If it fails to connect try using a different browser.
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

  • HT1222 hello i have a problem with my fingerprint id its not working anymore like before his not recognised my finger anymore why ?

    hello i have a problem with my fingerprint id its not working anymore like before his not recognised my finger anymore why ?

    I have had to periodically delete and re-enter my fingerprint. The last update (7.1) may have improved that. You can delete by going to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode, enter your passcode and then tap "Turn Passcode Off" and then go back to the same area, put a passcode back on and then a fingerprint.

  • [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "DECLARE_@XMLA nvarchar(3000) ,__@DateSerial nvarch..." failed with the following error: "Incorrect syntax near '-'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly,

    DECLARE @XMLA nvarchar(3000)
    , @DateSerial nvarchar(35);
    -- Change date to format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
    SET @DateSerial = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE);
    --SELECT @DateSerial
    Set @XMLA = 
    N' <Batch xmlns=" services/2003/engine">
     <ErrorConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ddl2=""
    xmlns:ddl2_2="" xmlns:ddl100_100="" xmlns:ddl200=""
    <Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ddl2="" xmlns:ddl2_2=""
    xmlns:ddl100_100="" xmlns:ddl200="" xmlns:ddl200_200=""
    xmlns:ddl300="" xmlns:ddl300_300="">
     <MeasureGroupID>Fact Internet Sales</MeasureGroupID>
    EXEC (@XMLA) At SHALL-PCAdventureWorksDw ;
     iam executive the    query when iam getting below error.
      [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "DECLARE
    @XMLA nvarchar(3000)
    , @DateSerial nvarch..." failed with the following error: "Incorrect syntax near '-'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set
    correctly, or connection not established correctly. 
     how to solve this error;
     please help me

    What are you trying to do? What sort of data source is  SHALL-PCAdventureWorksDw?
    When you use EXEC() AT, I would execpt to see an SQL string to be passed to EXEC(), but you are passing an XML string????
    If you explain why you think this would work in the first place, maybe we can help you.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • I have a problem with disk utility that is not on my mac pro

    I have a problem with disk utility that is not on my mac pro

    Open your Applications folder then open the Utilities folder. It should be there.
    If not, click the magnifying glass icon top right corner of your screen. That's Spotlight.
    Type:   Disk Utility
    Hopefully it will show up.
    Mac Basics: Spotlight

  • I installed Adobe CS6 Design & Web Premium on my Mac Book Pro a few years ago but have repeatedly encountered problems with the programs freezing or not opening properly. It's a Student and Teacher Licensing version so an academic ID is required but I am

    I installed Adobe CS6 Design & Web Premium on my Mac Book Pro a few years ago but have repeatedly encountered problems with the programs freezing or not opening properly. It's a Student and Teacher Licensing version so an academic ID is required but I am no longer a student--can I still reinstall it since my academic ID may no longer be valid?

    Erin Elzo as long as the serial number has been registered under your account at then you should be able to continue to utilize the software.  You can find details on how to locate your registered serial number at Find your serial number quickly -

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