Problem with Handbrake- only allows 20 chapters to be ripped

I have been using handbrake with no problem, however the chapter bar that allows you to control how many chapters will be ripped only goes from 1 through 20, so all of my movies with more than 20 chapters are cut off. Does anyone know if there is a solution to this? Thanks.

Unless its changed since yesterday, from my own experience, don't believe HandBrake works at the "chapter" level. Enumeration appeared to be associated with VOB files and seems to frequently skip over some "sequential" entries which, in my case, represented entire "episodes" of video program.
Would probably recommend you switch to MacTheRipper for extraction (if decryption is required) and Forty-TwoDVD-VXPlus for accurate conversion at the "chapter" level by track.

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    Hi Mathonwy,
    As you probably know, the swf speed will depend on many factors: the computer's strength, what browser is being used (some take up more juice than others), what else is running at the same time, etc. It is always slower than when swfs are ran from the stand alone player.
    However, this thing you are experiencing with "moving the mouse" is indeed weird, since it should be the opposite, meaning that moving the mouse actualy takes up some juice, a tiny little bit.
    It is sad I cannot load your attachment right now (????)
    Could you also put a link?
    Design Cyboïde
    Création de sites web Montréal

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    #converter "samplerate_medium" # almost perfect: 6%cpu
    #converter "samplerate" # good: 4%cpu, definitely usable
    #converter "samplerate_linear" # bad: 2%cpu, way better than default wine resampler
    #converter "samplerate_order" # very bad: 2%cpu, like the default wine resampler
    Here is the reference topic:
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    Please try to use the phone with a different SIM card to see if this is related to your operator after all, or if it's something else. If it doesn't work with a different SIM card either, try the following to see if the issue lies in Nokia Suite or in the phone itself: 
    Install Nokia Suite on a different computer or laptop and check if you can use your phone as a modem on that computer. If this works, try reinstalling Nokia Suite on your current computer and see if this makes a difference. 
    If this doesn't work, try connecting a different Nokia device to Nokia Suite and try to use it as a modem. If you can connect a different phone with your SIM card to the modem but connecting with yout 6700 Classic fails,  then please visit a local care centre where your phone can be checked on any errors. 
    You can find a care centre by going to your local Nokia web page and clicking on Support. 
    If my post has helped you in any way, please accept it as a solution or click on the white star, so that other users will be able to benefit from it too.

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    - Admin(me) = Read/write
    - UserA = Read Only (with account PW and username identical to local login for computer below)
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    Wait, the maximum iPod bitrate is 2.5Mbps.
    The 768kbps figure is for the H.264 encoder, which (unless you are using the hacked HandBrake) does not yet produce iPod compatible video.
    iPod and Quicktime Pro use the BASELINE profile for H.264, all other programs to date use the MAIN profile. Therefore, you'll need to set HandBrake to use MPEG-4 video.
    If you are already using MPEG-4, then the plot thickens because the bitrate is not the problem.

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    Hello there! Welcome to the forums @UHBCDDP,
    I read about the printer issue you're having with it randomly printing out pages.
    I am really unsure of what could be causing the problem for sure, however, I have an idea that it could be related to the alignment of the unit itself. The steps I have are below and I'd suggest giving them a try to see if it helps!
    Try the steps from here: A 'Cartridge Problem,' 'Cartridge Failed,' or 'Incompatible Cartridge' Error Message Displays on the...
    I hope that helps! You can also try power resetting the printer and ensure the printer is plugged in directly to the wall outlet, avoiding power bars and surge protectors. This ensures the printer is receiving full power and may help greatly.
    Press the Power button to turn on the product.
    With the product turned on, disconnect the power cord from the rear of the product.
    Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
    Wait at least 15 seconds.
    Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.
    Reconnect the power cord to the rear of the product.
    If the product does not turn on by itself, press the Power button to turn it on.
    If the troubleshooting does not help resolve your issue, I would then suggest calling HP's Technical Support to see about further options for you. If you are calling within North America, the number is 1-800-474-6836 and for all other regions: click here.
    Thank you for visiting and posting in the community, I hope you have a wonderful day
    R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say
    “Thanks” for helping!
    Click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution!

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    Consider TenFourFox. It is a port of a later version of FireFox that was never coded for PowerPC Macs. Sites see it as a fairly recent version of FireFox. What TFF does not fix is web video content that was never optimized for PowerPC, and the current version of TFF does not suport plug-ins so Flash video is out.
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    Reward points if helpful

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