Problem with IP address

I have an odd problem that has recently cropped up. I'm using a LinkSys BEFW11S4 wireless router connected by Ethernet to my MDD 1.25 GHz dual Power Mac (running 10.4.7). We currently have three computers on our network, mine (wired), and a PowerBook (10.4.7) and a 400 MHz iMac (10.4.6), both wireless. All three machines get their IP addresses by DHCP. When the iMac and my Power Mac are active, there is no problem. But when my daughter logs on from her PowerBook and subsequently either 1) restarts or 2) disconnects and then reconnects, not only does she get the "self-assigned address" message with an address beginning with 169, but the router stops functioning and has to be rebooted to get it working again. Configuring her computer to have a static IP address does not seem to work.
Has anyone out there had a similar problem and found a solution for it?

I have a very similar problem since I upgraded to 10.4.7. I have an Intel MacBook Pro and I use both OS/X and Windows XP on my machine. I am connected via airport to a Livebox wireless ADSL router (I am located in France). Whenever I boot up my machine in OS/X now, I have to turn off the airport, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on, in order to get a DHCP assigned address from the router. The airport, on booting connects to the wireless network and shows a full signal, but it cannot connect to the internet and shows a "self-assigned address" when I check on the interface status. When I boot into Windows it does immediately come up with a DHCP assigned ip address (no, this is not an endorsement for Windows; merely pointing out that the problem is with OS/X and not my wireless router). This was not occurring prior to this update (I was on 10.4.6). My machine is "plain vanilla", except for the Windows partition.
MacBook Pro (Intel)   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Use the support link in the iTunes Store to contact Apple and see if you can straighten out whether you can buy songs, where ever you are and with whichever card you have.

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    Hi dp13.
    Do you have any Address Book plug-ins or system utilities that could interfere with Address Book? In the Finder, go to each of the following folders (if they exist). What do you see there?
    /Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/
    ~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/
    To make accurately reporting this information easier, you may open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal, type the following command (you can just copy it here and paste it in Terminal), and press <Return>. You can then copy the output of that command from Terminal and paste it in your reply to this post:
    ls -1 /Library/Address\ Book\ Plug-Ins ~/Library/Address\ Book\ Plug-Ins
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. You can easily locate any of the folders referred to in this post by copying the folder path here, doing Go > Go to Folder in the Finder, and pasting the folder path there.
    Did you also reinstall the appropriate Combo Update after reinstalling Address Book?
    Quit all the applications and verify/repair the startup disk (not just permissions), as described here:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
    After having fixed all the filesystem issues, if any, reinstall the Combo Update for the type of computer and the version of Mac OS X you’re using, unless this is the version of Mac OS X that came with the computer:
    About the Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update
    Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update for PowerPC
    Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update for Intel
    After installing the Combo Update, the computer may restart twice and the first restart may take several minutes. This is normal.
    Take a look at the following articles for guidelines on how to properly install system updates:
    Troubleshooting installation and software updates
    Installing software updates
    Basically, you should verify/repair the startup disk and back up before installing the update, no applications should be running while installing it, and you may experience unexpected results if you have third-party system software modifications (not normal applications) installed.

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    ondra wrote:
    First at all, thanks a lot for your reply :) ,
    It is read-only file ...
    So you meant write the code like this ?
    InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/kombinace.txt");
    Yes, somewhere in your code when you need to read it you do something like the above, assuming kombinace.txt lives in one of your classpath roots. For example, if your code and that file are jarred up, then the above code would work if the file were in the root of the jar.
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    james211 wrote:
    I have been trying to convince my landlord for months to get Fios in the building.   
    If your landlord doesn't want FIOS in the building, then it's not going to happen.
    Vote with your wallet and move.

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    thanking in advance

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  • Problems with Advanced Address Book Search

    Recently was running TB 24.2 under Ubuntu 12.4. All ran great, except could not search the Notes field in my address book. Got help from this forum and installed MoreFunctionsForAddressBook. This made the Notes field available for searching in the Quick Search window and in the Advanced Address Book Search dialog box (Edit > Search Addresses). Problem solved!
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    Toad-Hall ---- Thanks very much!!! I completely missed the new version of the plug-in. I upgraded TB to v 31 and wasn't bright enough to think about the add-on compatibility.
    With MoreFunctions 0.7.1, my Advanced Search (Edit > Search Addresses) now has a lengthy list of search-field choices, including the Notes field. This is a life saver for me, since that's where all my keywords are.
    You really bailed me out on this one! Many thanks.

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    I found this, that may help - BTW, MEU is Mail Enabled Users:

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    try contacting customer service. - How to Contact Skype Customer Service
    | | 

  • Problem with email address recognition

    I've spent most of the day searching this forum for an answer but I'm not finding it, so I'm hoping someone might be able to help.
    I've imported a comma-separated file (of 1000+ email addresses) from Filemaker Pro 9 into my Address Book. I'm now trying to send an email to all of them.
    I create an email in Apple Mail, click on Address Book, select the group, all the e-mail addresses appear in the BCC field, but when I try to send I immediately get a message that says: [email protected] does not appear to be a valid email address. I check the address, nothing's wrong. I delete it from the list and I get the same message for the next address. If I tell it to send anyway, the entire list kicks back as invalid.
    I don't know what to do now. What I see as the address is correct but for some reason the program is not recognizing it. Any thoughts on what I can do to get this email sent? Thanks!

    Two suggestions.
    1. What you see is not always what you get! If any of the imported addresses is correct, there may be unprintable characters in the FM file for those address causing this warning. Double check what FM is sending and/or how they are entered in the database.
    2. Mail maintains a list of addresses you have used. Even if you correct any problems in the FM file (assuming there are any), Mail may be trying to use the incorrect address in its own list.
    First, make sure the "Message Viewer" is the front-most window. Now check the Mail address list by using "Window->Previous Recipients" in the menu bar. If you find duplicates, you may need to delete both and start over with that recipient, assuming you can determine the correct address. I found it possible to manually type in an address, exactly the way it appeared but have it work because the one in the list was not showing exactly how or what was incorrect. Hope that works for you and you don't have too many addresses to correct!

  • Problems with Apple Address Book Sync after upgrading BBDesktop s/w. Also, no more Rogers support - abandoned customer

    I just upgraded my BB Desktop Software but now have a sync error - details show that over 800 entries need to be synced.
    When I look at 'details', the 'before' shows a phone number field called "Main Fax" the 'after' shows a phone number field called "Other", with the same phone number targeted.
    There are a handful of other syncs such as address blank in 'before' and completed in 'after.  I found these by just scrolling down the list with my down arrow and scanning the 'before' entries as they flew by. 
    There seems to be no way for me to manually choose which of the 'before' and 'after' I'd like to have.
    Worst of all, I called Rogers for sync support, as I have done for years.  Guess what? They've stopped supporting anything but their actual network connections, but didn't bother to tell their customers.  There I was in a 'user down' situation, late for an appointment (missed it totally thanks to this), and they were telling me the most they can do is send an e-mail. or have me *pay* for the support that used to be free, selling me a 'premium support' package. Yikes!
    So I clicked 'sync later' on the address book, and am looking for help before I try another sync tomorrow.
    For example, ideas to help me manually over-ride the data field mapping from 'Main Fax' to 'Fax' in Blackberry Desktop Software.
    Anyone have any ideas?  Much appreciated!
    I live in Canada, by the way, so if you are a Rogers customer in Canada, take note of their change in support.
    Thank God I did  a backup before I upgraded my Blackberry Desktop Software.
    Macbook Pro
    Leopard o/s
    Apple Address Book
    Blackberry Desktop Manager Version 2.1.2 build 8
    Blackberry 9700 Bold 

    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    First thank you for a clear detailed well written post!
    Here is the ink to the: BlackBerry Desktop Software for Mac Main support page
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

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