Problem with  Jdeveloper Embedded OC4J  XML parsing

Hi all,
I am having a problem getting jdeveloper to work well. If I use jdeveloper to build the WAR file for my app and I deploy to Tomcat, the app runs fine with no error.
However, if I try to run my app within the jdeveloper, I get this error -
08/06/10 19:11:10 com.ibatis.dao.client.DaoException: Error while configuring DaoManager. Cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: XML Parser Error. Cause: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDOMException: invalid character [ in name
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: XML Parser Error. Cause: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDOMException: invalid character [ in name
08/06/10 19:11:10 at com.ibatis.dao.engine.builder.xml.XmlDaoManagerBuilder.buildDaoManager(
08/06/10 19:11:10 at com.ibatis.dao.client.DaoManagerBuilder.buildDaoManager(
I have tried to turn off XML parsing within Jdeveloper but no luck. I don't understand why jdeveloper will be trying to implicitly parse the XML doc, and wont even do it well.
Is there a way I can turn off Embedded OC4J XML parsing ? and let it just use the parser in the application ? I mean Tomcat works fine with this application.
Please help !

I think maybe you use wrong adf lib when deploying your project to the OC4J.
You can update your oc4j in the jdev.[JDEV->Tools->ADF Runtime Installer-> Standalone OC4J].
Good luck

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    WARNING: Resource reference jdbc/testdev not found. Allowing J2EEContext creation to continue anyway.
    Nov 22, 2006 1:46:46 PM oracle.j2ee.jndi.JndiMessages warningNoTypeFoundAtLocation
    WARNING: No javax.sql.DataSource found at null
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    Hi, user544716,
    did you solved the problem? I got exactly the same problem. In my case, my application runs well with jdeveloper 10.1.2 but when migrated to jdeveloper, the emdedded OC4J won't wrok and generated the same error as yours.

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    08/03/26 19:50:38 at
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence xmlns="" version="1.0">
    <persistence-unit name="ApplicationEntityManager" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
    Does enyone know anything about this issue?

    It would be helpful if you copied and pasted the error messages you get.
    For what its worth, it probably isn't a bug, just a configuration problem. You may need to alter more than your application.xml file.
    If you developed the EJBs with JDeveloper, you can create a deployment descriptor that adds the necessary configuration files for the OAS platform, and package them into a WAR or EAR. Use Enterprise Manager to deploy the WAR/EAR to the OAS OC4J and everything will be placed where its needed.
    More info in the JDeveloper and OAS 10.1.3 documentation.

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    import HTTPClient.HTTPConnection;
    import HTTPClient.HTTPResponse;
    public class SSLSocketClientWithClientAuth {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length < 4) {
    System.out.println("Usage: java HTTPSConnectionTest [host] [port] " +
    "[wallet] [password]");
    String hostname = args[0].toLowerCase();
    int port = Integer.decode(args[1]).intValue();
    String walletPath = args[2];
    String password = args[3];
    HTTPConnection httpsConnection = null;
    OracleSSLCredential credential = null;
    try {
    httpsConnection = new HTTPConnection("https", hostname, port);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("HTTPS Protocol not supported");
    try {
    credential = new OracleSSLCredential();
    credential.setWallet(walletPath, password);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not open wallet");
    httpsConnection.setSSLEnabledCipherSuites(new String[]{"SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA"});
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not establish connection");
    // X509Certificate x509 = new X509Certificate();
    X509Certificate[] peerCerts = null;
    try {
    peerCerts =
    } catch ( e) {
    System.err.println("Unable to obtain peer credentials");
    String peerCertDN =
    peerCerts[peerCerts.length - 1].getSubjectDN().getName();
    peerCertDN = peerCertDN.toLowerCase();
    if (peerCertDN.lastIndexOf("cn=" + hostname) == -1) {
    System.out.println("Certificate for " + hostname +
    " is issued to " + peerCertDN);
    System.out.println("Aborting connection");
    try {
    HTTPResponse rsp = httpsConnection.Get("/");
    System.out.println("Server Response: ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Exception occured during Get");
    C:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath "D:\eclipse\workspace\OC4JClient\OC4JClient\classes;D:\eclipse\workspace\jdev\extensions\.jar;C:\Documents and Settings\nilesh_bafna\Desktop\Nitin\lib\jssl-1_1.jar;E:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar;E:\product\\OracleAS_1\jlib\javax-ssl-1_1.jar" -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=HTTPClient -DOracle.ssl.defaultCipherSuites=SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 SSLSocketClientWithClientAuth 443 F:/oc4jcert/client.keystore welcome1
    keyStore is : F:/oc4jcert/client.keystore
    keyStore type is : jks
    init keystore
    init keymanager of type SunX509
    found key for : oracle-client
    chain [0] = [
    Version: V3
    Subject:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    Signature Algorithm: MD5withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4
    Key: SunJSSE RSA public key:
    public exponent:
    87fcc8e9 0ffcef8e 61f3be10 be7c9715 2792849b 3bbdeb1c cc76b337 4b82bbab
    86972c63 9af3adfd 35b5df99 9078a0d1 6dc760d8 0549a95a bfa7648a 9eadd326
    a6bc4b61 d8f8b42f 44e0b178 ff1dee20 db8406cd d800c26a 9c5a6ed9 4d6f2aef
    bc919814 3b46be39 e129280c e83afe12 c9d4e3d7 fb5787b1 d98bed4a 4f0833d5
    Validity: [From: Thu Jan 18 21:18:14 GMT+05:30 2007,
                   To: Wed Apr 18 21:18:14 GMT+05:30 2007]
    Issuer:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    SerialNumber: [    45af96be]
    Algorithm: [MD5withRSA]
    0000: 41 47 35 41 90 10 E3 77 A7 F3 F5 81 37 49 4F 57 AG5A...w....7IOW
    0010: 01 11 82 A2 FB 69 46 E8 18 6C EE 11 23 A6 67 2E .....iF..l..#.g.
    0020: 68 4D D6 A6 E7 09 45 24 58 18 9A E5 44 49 10 9B hM....E$X...DI..
    0030: F1 EC 99 4A 45 5F A4 4F 71 3F 05 3D 45 29 42 CD ...JE_.Oq?.=E)B.
    0040: 11 87 DA 0C AA DC 55 4E CF 22 4A 94 85 CB E5 EB ......UN."J.....
    0050: BA E1 10 D2 C8 80 2C 6B 65 94 13 01 1F 6E 18 C3 ......,ke....n..
    0060: 87 33 8C 65 C7 03 16 03 24 FB 0D B0 6D D8 E7 AA .3.e....$...m...
    0070: A1 A5 48 90 0D D6 8C 47 50 2A AA 7C 7B 14 E5 B7 ..H....GP*......
    trustStore is: F:\oc4jcert\client.keystore
    trustStore type is : jks
    init truststore
    adding as trusted cert:
    Subject:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    Issuer:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x45af96be
    Valid from Thu Jan 18 21:18:14 GMT+05:30 2007 until Wed Apr 18 21:18:14 GMT+05:30 2007
    adding as trusted cert:
    Subject:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    Issuer:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x45af95dc
    Valid from Thu Jan 18 21:14:28 GMT+05:30 2007 until Wed Apr 18 21:14:28 GMT+05:30 2007
    init context
    trigger seeding of SecureRandom
    done seeding SecureRandom
    %% No cached client session
    *** ClientHello, TLSv1
    RandomCookie: GMT: 1152299454 bytes = { 41, 212, 166, 48, 109, 77, 185, 232, 204, 95, 158, 141, 60, 96, 196, 172, 49, 19, 49, 22, 222, 234, 47, 76, 27, 130, 5, 176 }
    Session ID: {}
    Compression Methods: { 0 }
    main, WRITE: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 73
    main, WRITE: SSLv2 client hello message, length = 98
    main, READ: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 839
    *** ServerHello, TLSv1
    RandomCookie: GMT: 1152299454 bytes = { 206, 186, 162, 116, 179, 72, 44, 198, 189, 25, 70, 227, 170, 235, 83, 186, 152, 49, 194, 222, 248, 3, 191, 170, 248, 95, 134, 35 }
    Session ID: {69, 175, 178, 190, 47, 141, 131, 115, 241, 226, 39, 29, 241, 65, 235, 165, 57, 40, 52, 85, 68, 85, 68, 84, 108, 141, 1, 125, 193, 191, 158, 208}
    Cipher Suite: SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
    Compression Method: 0
    %% Created: [Session-1, SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5]
    ** SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
    *** Certificate chain
    chain [0] = [
    Version: V3
    Subject:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    Signature Algorithm: MD5withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4
    Key: SunJSSE RSA public key:
    public exponent:
    6f24d75b 96919725 ad6ea93a cab0bd96 a49d2f3c e14f5c09 0e228e36 de64e0f2
    f2b82740 1653bdb4 5024d281 21ed8c4c 89bc322b 4dc9ffb2 0e97cd95 16e6fe1e
    380340c9 f3c67e2c 18d06461 f4f30eaf 4394716e 7bc66d80 810a9cb5 9c168b36
    cdd99919 67074ebc edebf02e ebf0accb 2193bc38 7ae1cdda af5ff300 ed0e7763
    Validity: [From: Thu Jan 18 21:14:28 GMT+05:30 2007,
                   To: Wed Apr 18 21:14:28 GMT+05:30 2007]
    Issuer:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    SerialNumber: [    45af95dc]
    Algorithm: [MD5withRSA]
    0000: 05 4E EE 12 5B DD 7F 26 92 37 67 C9 D0 73 46 4D .N..[..&.7g..sFM
    0010: 7E A5 1E 67 38 06 D9 5F 9F B7 2F E8 F6 9E BF 88 ...g8.._../.....
    0020: 01 31 7D EA 42 5E 4F 9E D7 8F DA 9F 94 A5 EF 47 .1..B^O........G
    0030: E3 E9 BA DE 94 15 C6 03 DE C9 C0 7D CE 58 C0 27 .............X.'
    0040: 0F 1A 66 EC 73 53 5D 1D DE 7E FA 35 15 E0 2A CC ..f.sS]....5..*.
    0050: C9 74 CC 58 E9 B6 2F 68 A0 89 2B F3 E6 61 7D E1 .t.X../h..+..a..
    0060: 21 AF BE E8 83 49 B1 BD 36 C5 2D 1B 0D A1 0E 63 !....I..6.-....c
    0070: 02 4A 82 71 B0 E1 9C AD 55 67 F9 17 A5 96 18 EB .J.q....Ug......
    Found trusted certificate:
    Version: V3
    Subject:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    Signature Algorithm: MD5withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4
    Key: SunJSSE RSA public key:
    public exponent:
    6f24d75b 96919725 ad6ea93a cab0bd96 a49d2f3c e14f5c09 0e228e36 de64e0f2
    f2b82740 1653bdb4 5024d281 21ed8c4c 89bc322b 4dc9ffb2 0e97cd95 16e6fe1e
    380340c9 f3c67e2c 18d06461 f4f30eaf 4394716e 7bc66d80 810a9cb5 9c168b36
    cdd99919 67074ebc edebf02e ebf0accb 2193bc38 7ae1cdda af5ff300 ed0e7763
    Validity: [From: Thu Jan 18 21:14:28 GMT+05:30 2007,
                   To: Wed Apr 18 21:14:28 GMT+05:30 2007]
    Issuer:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    SerialNumber: [    45af95dc]
    Algorithm: [MD5withRSA]
    0000: 05 4E EE 12 5B DD 7F 26 92 37 67 C9 D0 73 46 4D .N..[..&.7g..sFM
    0010: 7E A5 1E 67 38 06 D9 5F 9F B7 2F E8 F6 9E BF 88 ...g8.._../.....
    0020: 01 31 7D EA 42 5E 4F 9E D7 8F DA 9F 94 A5 EF 47 .1..B^O........G
    0030: E3 E9 BA DE 94 15 C6 03 DE C9 C0 7D CE 58 C0 27 .............X.'
    0040: 0F 1A 66 EC 73 53 5D 1D DE 7E FA 35 15 E0 2A CC ..f.sS]....5..*.
    0050: C9 74 CC 58 E9 B6 2F 68 A0 89 2B F3 E6 61 7D E1 .t.X../h..+..a..
    0060: 21 AF BE E8 83 49 B1 BD 36 C5 2D 1B 0D A1 0E 63 !....I..6.-....c
    0070: 02 4A 82 71 B0 E1 9C AD 55 67 F9 17 A5 96 18 EB .J.q....Ug......
    *** CertificateRequest
    Cert Types: RSA, DSS,
    Cert Authorities:
    <, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US>
    *** ServerHelloDone
    matching alias: oracle-client
    *** Certificate chain
    chain [0] = [
    Version: V3
    Subject:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    Signature Algorithm: MD5withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4
    Key: SunJSSE RSA public key:
    public exponent:
    87fcc8e9 0ffcef8e 61f3be10 be7c9715 2792849b 3bbdeb1c cc76b337 4b82bbab
    86972c63 9af3adfd 35b5df99 9078a0d1 6dc760d8 0549a95a bfa7648a 9eadd326
    a6bc4b61 d8f8b42f 44e0b178 ff1dee20 db8406cd d800c26a 9c5a6ed9 4d6f2aef
    bc919814 3b46be39 e129280c e83afe12 c9d4e3d7 fb5787b1 d98bed4a 4f0833d5
    Validity: [From: Thu Jan 18 21:18:14 GMT+05:30 2007,
                   To: Wed Apr 18 21:18:14 GMT+05:30 2007]
    Issuer:, OU=Marketing, O=Oracle, L=Atlanta, ST=Georgia, C=US
    SerialNumber: [    45af96be]
    Algorithm: [MD5withRSA]
    0000: 41 47 35 41 90 10 E3 77 A7 F3 F5 81 37 49 4F 57 AG5A...w....7IOW
    0010: 01 11 82 A2 FB 69 46 E8 18 6C EE 11 23 A6 67 2E .....iF..l..#.g.
    0020: 68 4D D6 A6 E7 09 45 24 58 18 9A E5 44 49 10 9B hM....E$X...DI..
    0030: F1 EC 99 4A 45 5F A4 4F 71 3F 05 3D 45 29 42 CD ...JE_.Oq?.=E)B.
    0040: 11 87 DA 0C AA DC 55 4E CF 22 4A 94 85 CB E5 EB ......UN."J.....
    0050: BA E1 10 D2 C8 80 2C 6B 65 94 13 01 1F 6E 18 C3 ......,ke....n..
    0060: 87 33 8C 65 C7 03 16 03 24 FB 0D B0 6D D8 E7 AA .3.e....$...m...
    0070: A1 A5 48 90 0D D6 8C 47 50 2A AA 7C 7B 14 E5 B7 ..H....GP*......
    JsseJCE: Using JSSE internal implementation for cipher RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding
    *** ClientKeyExchange, RSA PreMasterSecret, TLSv1
    Random Secret: { 3, 1, 236, 206, 185, 158, 75, 201, 230, 16, 170, 40, 193, 70, 188, 134, 36, 134, 14, 20, 191, 121, 246, 8, 7, 2, 137, 66, 166, 10, 185, 246, 104, 154, 27, 82, 161, 133, 11, 130, 11, 130, 71, 84, 155, 165, 239, 227 }
    main, WRITE: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 763
    PreMaster Secret:
    0000: 03 01 EC CE B9 9E 4B C9 E6 10 AA 28 C1 46 BC 86 ......K....(.F..
    0010: 24 86 0E 14 BF 79 F6 08 07 02 89 42 A6 0A B9 F6 $....y.....B....
    0020: 68 9A 1B 52 A1 85 0B 82 0B 82 47 54 9B A5 EF E3 h..R......GT....
    Client Nonce:
    0000: 45 AF B2 BE 29 D4 A6 30 6D 4D B9 E8 CC 5F 9E 8D E...)..0mM..._..
    0010: 3C 60 C4 AC 31 13 31 16 DE EA 2F 4C 1B 82 05 B0 <`..1.1.../L....
    Server Nonce:
    0000: 45 AF B2 BE CE BA A2 74 B3 48 2C C6 BD 19 46 E3 E......t.H,...F.
    0010: AA EB 53 BA 98 31 C2 DE F8 03 BF AA F8 5F 86 23 ..S..1......._.#
    Master Secret:
    0000: CA 5C BA B3 D0 C9 26 A9 3A 06 08 8F 27 2E CE 17 .\....&.:...'...
    0010: 93 98 BC DF EF 78 2A 99 DB 3E 50 3B 01 D1 84 5F .....x*..>P;..._
    0020: 28 80 CE 7C 7C C1 12 A4 11 F6 33 9B 2E D9 6F BE (.........3...o.
    Client MAC write Secret:
    0000: 80 FF CE 99 7C 45 4C D8 60 FA 40 79 A2 A4 36 7C .....EL.`[email protected].
    Server MAC write Secret:
    0000: 2D F1 A0 A8 ED A1 7B DD 89 A5 01 90 43 BF F1 19 -...........C...
    Client write key:
    0000: E1 3F 33 54 D3 C5 3A 26 4A 41 65 DA AC 44 3B 28 .?3T..:&JAe..D;(
    Server write key:
    0000: C5 08 52 AE A9 0A 4F D0 AD 54 49 C6 4E 2F 9C 4E ..R...O..TI.N/.N
    ... no IV for cipher
    JsseJCE: Using JSSE internal implementation for cipher RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding
    *** CertificateVerify
    main, WRITE: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 134
    main, WRITE: TLSv1 Change Cipher Spec, length = 1
    main, handling exception: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
    main, SEND TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, description = unexpected_message
    main, WRITE: TLSv1 Alert, length = 2
    Exception sending alert: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
    main, called closeSocket()
    IOException in getSession(): Software caused connection abort: socket write error
    Unable to obtain peer credentials peer not authenticated
         at SSLSocketClientWithClientAuth.main(
    Process exited with exit code -1.
    I think this is the problem with ciphers. So can anybody please help me with this!!!. This is very urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for your prompt reply I was able to make it run. Actually I am using the same keystore and truststore at both the client and the server end. I added those properties in opmn.xml as startup parameters.
    I have another query I am using JDev to create a client proxy for my webservice that is deployed in OC4J. I have setup OC4J in 2 way SSL (mutual authentication)
    When I invoke my client proxy with these system properties set
    System.setProperty("", keyStorePassword);
    System.setProperty("", trustStore);
    I get an exception in the log.xml which is
    <MSG_TEXT>IOException in ServerSocketAcceptHandler$AcceptHandlerHorse:run</MSG_TEXT>
    <SUPPL_DETAIL><![CDATA[ handshake alert: no_certificate
                at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Isn't setting these properties enough for sending a client certificate. Please help!!!!

  • MapViewer JDeveloper embedded OC4J installation error

    I downloaded all latest mapviewer.ear and latest OC4J.
    Followed MapviewerUG installation instructions
    After starting OC4J
    using the url http://localhost:8888/mapviewer/
    works well and the demos like jview also works well
    using the url http://localhost:8888/mapviewer/omserver
    however, generates the following error
    &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?&gt;
    &lt;oms_error&gt;Message:[oms] empty or null xml map request string. Sat Apr 02 14:40:14 IST 2005 Severity: 0 Description: at oracle.lbs.mapserver.oms.getXMLDocument( at oracle.lbs.mapserver.oms.doPost( at oracle.lbs.mapserver.oms.doGet( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke( at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal( at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest( at at at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ at;/oms_error&gt;
    I also downloaded the latest JDeveloper 10G and JDeveloper extensions and follwed the instructions in the How To Document
    How To Build Dynamic Maps Using JDeveloper 10g and Oracle Application Server MapViewer
    An Oracle JDeveloper How To Document
    Justin Lokitz
    October 2004
    I have no compilation errors but I am not able to view the density map. I am getting the Internal Server Error 500 instead.
    Can anyone please guide me through this.
    Thomas Joseph

    Hi Joao
    Thanks for tip on the log file.
    I have the data loaded.
    Evrything works fine when I use Mapviewer with OC4J and try the jview demo.
    I am however not able to get the example 'How to build Dynamic Maps' running using JDeveloper using the embeded OC4J server.
    The jsp source is as follows
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="mapviewer"%>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <DIV align="center">
    <P>MapViewer WebMap</P>
    <mapviewer:init url="http://localhost:8888/mapviewer/omserver" datasource="mvdemo" id="mvHandle"/>
    <DIV align="center">
    <mapviewer:setParam antialiasing="true" basemap="density_map" centerX="-122.4" centerY="37.8" height="450" size="10" title="MyWebMap" width="600"/>
    <img src="<mapviewer:getMapURL />"/>
    There are no comilation errors
    When I run the code I get 500 Internal Server Error.
    The Application2-oc4j-app.log generated is as follows
    05/04/05 20:04:11 Started
    05/04/05 20:05:14 Application2-ViewController-webapp: JDevOJSP: init
    05/04/05 20:05:14 Application2-ViewController-webapp: action: init
    05/04/05 20:05:16 Application2-ViewController-webapp: Started
    05/04/05 20:05:28 Application2-ViewController-webapp: Servlet error
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Connection refused: connect
         at oracle.lbs.mapclient.taglib.MapViewerRunTag.doStartTag(
         at webmap.jspService(webmap.jsp:17)
         at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at Source)
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Please put me on the track. I am not able to figure out what is going wrong.
    Thomas Joseph

  • Message Mapping Problem with UTF-16LE Encoded XML

    we have the following scenario:
    IDoc > BPM > HTTP Sync Call > BPM > IDoc
    Resonse message of the HTTP call is a XML file with UTF-16LE processing instruction. This response should then be mapped to a SYSTAT IDoc. However the message mapping fails "...XML Parser: No data allowed here ...".
    So obviously the XML is not considered as well-formed.
    When taking a look at SXMB_MONI the following message appears: "Switch from current encoding to specific encoding not supported.....".
    Strange thing however is if I save the response file as XML and use the same XML file in the test tab message mapping is executed successfully.
    I also tried to use a Java Mapping to switch encodings before executing message mapping, but the error remains.
    Could the problem be, that the codepage UTF-16LE is not installed on the PI system ? Any idea on that ?
    Thank you!
    Edited by: Florian Guppenberger on Feb 2, 2010 2:29 PM
    Edited by: Florian Guppenberger on Feb 2, 2010 2:29 PM

    thank your for your answer.
    This is what I have tried to achieve. I apply the java conversion mapping when receiving the response message - i tried to convert the response to UTF-16, UTF-8 but none of them has helped to solve the problem.
    I guess that using adapter modules is not an option either as it would modify the request message, but not the response, right?

  • Stability problem with Jdeveloper while working with BPM studio

    I am frequently facing this problem while working with Jdeveloper. I get the  message " an unexpected error has occurred in Jdevloper . Jdevloper memory setting in my case is 1000MB.  Any Any solution for this issue?
    Here is the details of error
    oracle.integration.platform.blocks:Nov 01, 2013 11:37:17 AM oracle.integration.platform.blocks.FabricConfigManager <clinit>
    WARNING: JRF is unable to determine the current application server platform.
    oracle.integration.platform.blocks:Nov 01, 2013 11:37:17 AM oracle.integration.platform.blocks.WLSPlatformConfigurationProvider <clinit>
    WARNING: JRF is unable to determine the current application server platform.
    Invoking command: Changes in technical Exception See enterprise manager for details
    Invoking command: Add Activity
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in technical Exception See enterprise manager for details
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in technical Exception See enterprise manager for details
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in Start2
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Remove
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Business Exception[ from ]
    Performing action Export[ from ]
    Performing action Export[ from ]
    Performing action Open Application...[ from ]
    Performing action Open...[ from ]
    Invoking command: delete_namespace_from_adfconfig
    Invoking command: add_namespace_to_adfconfig
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in Exception Notification
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in catchallSystemfault
    Invoking command: Add Activity
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Move catchallSystemfault
    Invoking command: Changes in catchallSystemfault
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Business Object[ from ]
    Invoking command: Remove
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in ServiceTask
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Move End2
    Invoking command: Changes in Exception Notification
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Save All[ from ]
    Invoking command: [ from ]
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in Exception Notification
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Save All[ from ]
    Invoking command: [ from ]
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskDataControlConfigs
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: create root element
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: savePathUrlToMetadatRegistry
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: addDataControl
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Initialize Unbounded Task Flow
    Invoking command: Modify XML[ from oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage ]
    Invoking command: Initial Reformat
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: Adding default render kit id
    Invoking command: Update skin version
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Initialize Bounded Task Flow
    Invoking command: ADFm create locale and bundle
    Invoking command: Creating Task Flow based on Human Task
    Invoking command: Creating Task Flow based on Human Task
    Invoking command: Modify XML[ from oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage ]
    Invoking command: Initial Reformat
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: Adding Converters to Faces - ADFm Phase Listener
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: Initial Reformat
    Invoking command: Configure ADF Faces Page
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskApplication
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: savePathUrlToMetadatRegistry
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskpageDefinition
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: AutoGenerateJSP
    Started CommandProcessor transaction: Arrange Nodes on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 1
    Started CommandProcessor transaction: Arrange Nodes (Part 1) on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 2
    Invoking command: Begin Adjustment[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: End Adjustment[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Finished CommandProcessor transaction on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 1
    Started CommandProcessor transaction: Arrange Nodes (Part 2) on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 2
    Invoking command: Begin Adjustment[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: End Adjustment[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Finished CommandProcessor transaction on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 1
    Finished CommandProcessor transaction on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 0
    oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl:Nov 01, 2013 12:01:49 PM oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl _initializeTrinidadFrameBustingAppMapValue
    WARNING: The framebusting context param '' has been deprecated. Please change your web.xml to use '' instead. The legal values are 'always', 'never', and 'differentOrigin'. If you were setting the value of '' to 'differentDomain', then please note that you should set '' to 'differentOrigin'. 01, 2013 12:01:53 PM _parseAgentProperties
    WARNING: Not a valid @agent CSS property rule: max-version: 1.9.2 01, 2013 12:01:53 PM _parseAgentProperties
    WARNING: Not a valid @agent CSS property rule: max-version: 532 01, 2013 12:01:53 PM _parseAgentProperties
    WARNING: Not a valid @agent CSS property rule: max-version: 1.9.2 01, 2013 12:01:53 PM _parseAgentProperties
    WARNING: Not a valid @agent CSS property rule: max-version: 532
    oracle.adf.share.ADFContext:Nov 01, 2013 12:01:54 PM oracle.adf.share.ADFContext getCurrent
    WARNING: Automatically initializing a DefaultContext for getCurrent.
    Caller should ensure that a DefaultContext is proper for this use.
    Memory leaks and/or unexpected behaviour may occur if the automatic initialization is performed improperly.
    This message may be avoided by performing initADFContext before using getCurrent().
    For more information please enable logging for oracle.adf.share.ADFContext at FINEST level.
    Performing action Save All[ from oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage ]
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Save All[ from ]
    Invoking command: [ from ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorWindow ]
    Invoking command: remove soa_shared
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorWindow ]
    Invoking command: remove soa_shared
    Invoking command: Changes in Start1
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Move Exception Notification
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in NotificationTask
    Invoking command: Add Activity
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Nov 01, 2013 12:36:36 PM oracle.ideimpl.index.ProjectTracker$ProjectListener invokeListener
    SEVERE: Exception in FileChangeListener oracle.bpm.fusion.repository.fs.FusionFileSystem$1
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.bpm.type.TypeHandle cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable
      at java.util.TreeMap.put(
      at java.util.TreeSet.add(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ComponentBundleTypeIndex.findByPropertyValue(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.XmlSchemaReferenceManager.fixExceptions(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.XmlSchemaReferenceManager.addObject(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ServiceReferenceManager.addSynthesizedServices(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ServiceReferenceManager.refresh(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle.reloadResource(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle.access$1300(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle$BusinessCatalogResourceListener$
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle$BusinessCatalogResourceListener$
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle$BusinessCatalogResourceListener.resourceUpdated(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.recognizer.VFileSystemBundleContext$1.onFileEvent(
      at oracle.bpm.fusion.repository.fs.FusionFileSystem$1$
      at oracle.bpm.fusion.repository.fs.FusionFileSystem$1.filesChanged(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.ProjectTracker$ProjectListener.invokeListener(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.ProjectTracker$ProjectListener.invokeListeners(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.ProjectTracker$ProjectListener.filesChanged(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.file.ActiveRootManager$ActiveRootListener.invokeListeners(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.file.ActiveRootManager$ActiveRootListener.invokeListeners(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.file.ActiveRootManager.notifyRoots(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.NodeTracker$TextBufferTracker.bufferChanged(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.NodeTracker$TextBufferTracker.actionPerformed(
      at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(
      at javax.swing.Timer$
      at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
      at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
      at java.awt.EventQueue$
      at java.awt.EventQueue$
      at Method)
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.bpm.type.TypeHandle cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable
      j.a.EventQueue$ Method)$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    Message was edited by: user2610167

    I am frequently facing this problem while working with Jdeveloper. I get the  message " an unexpected error has occurred in Jdevloper . Jdevloper memory setting in my case is 1000MB.  Any Any solution for this issue?
    Here is the details of error
    oracle.integration.platform.blocks:Nov 01, 2013 11:37:17 AM oracle.integration.platform.blocks.FabricConfigManager <clinit>
    WARNING: JRF is unable to determine the current application server platform.
    oracle.integration.platform.blocks:Nov 01, 2013 11:37:17 AM oracle.integration.platform.blocks.WLSPlatformConfigurationProvider <clinit>
    WARNING: JRF is unable to determine the current application server platform.
    Invoking command: Changes in technical Exception See enterprise manager for details
    Invoking command: Add Activity
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in technical Exception See enterprise manager for details
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in technical Exception See enterprise manager for details
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in Start2
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Remove
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Business Exception[ from ]
    Performing action Export[ from ]
    Performing action Export[ from ]
    Performing action Open Application...[ from ]
    Performing action Open...[ from ]
    Invoking command: delete_namespace_from_adfconfig
    Invoking command: add_namespace_to_adfconfig
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in Exception Notification
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in catchallSystemfault
    Invoking command: Add Activity
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Move catchallSystemfault
    Invoking command: Changes in catchallSystemfault
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Business Object[ from ]
    Invoking command: Remove
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in ServiceTask
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Move End2
    Invoking command: Changes in Exception Notification
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Save All[ from ]
    Invoking command: [ from ]
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in Exception Notification
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Save All[ from ]
    Invoking command: [ from ]
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskDataControlConfigs
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: create root element
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: savePathUrlToMetadatRegistry
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskJavaBean
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: initbean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: replacebean
    Invoking command: addDataControl
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Initialize Unbounded Task Flow
    Invoking command: Modify XML[ from oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage ]
    Invoking command: Initial Reformat
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: Adding default render kit id
    Invoking command: Update skin version
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Initialize Bounded Task Flow
    Invoking command: ADFm create locale and bundle
    Invoking command: Creating Task Flow based on Human Task
    Invoking command: Creating Task Flow based on Human Task
    Invoking command: Modify XML[ from oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage ]
    Invoking command: Initial Reformat
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: Adding Converters to Faces - ADFm Phase Listener
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: Initial Reformat
    Invoking command: Configure ADF Faces Page
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskApplication
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: savePathUrlToMetadatRegistry
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: createElementTaskpageDefinition
    Invoking command: setId
    Invoking command: setAttribute
    Invoking command: XML Edit
    Invoking command: AutoGenerateJSP
    Started CommandProcessor transaction: Arrange Nodes on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 1
    Started CommandProcessor transaction: Arrange Nodes (Part 1) on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 2
    Invoking command: Begin Adjustment[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "x"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "y"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: End Adjustment[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Finished CommandProcessor transaction on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 1
    Started CommandProcessor transaction: Arrange Nodes (Part 2) on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 2
    Invoking command: Begin Adjustment[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: Set Property "sdm:polyPoints"[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Invoking command: End Adjustment[ from oracle.adfdt.controller.adfc.diagram.editor.AdfcDiagramEditor ]
    Finished CommandProcessor transaction on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 1
    Finished CommandProcessor transaction on thread AWT-EventQueue-0 at batch level 0
    oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl:Nov 01, 2013 12:01:49 PM oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl _initializeTrinidadFrameBustingAppMapValue
    WARNING: The framebusting context param '' has been deprecated. Please change your web.xml to use '' instead. The legal values are 'always', 'never', and 'differentOrigin'. If you were setting the value of '' to 'differentDomain', then please note that you should set '' to 'differentOrigin'. 01, 2013 12:01:53 PM _parseAgentProperties
    WARNING: Not a valid @agent CSS property rule: max-version: 1.9.2 01, 2013 12:01:53 PM _parseAgentProperties
    WARNING: Not a valid @agent CSS property rule: max-version: 532 01, 2013 12:01:53 PM _parseAgentProperties
    WARNING: Not a valid @agent CSS property rule: max-version: 1.9.2 01, 2013 12:01:53 PM _parseAgentProperties
    WARNING: Not a valid @agent CSS property rule: max-version: 532
    oracle.adf.share.ADFContext:Nov 01, 2013 12:01:54 PM oracle.adf.share.ADFContext getCurrent
    WARNING: Automatically initializing a DefaultContext for getCurrent.
    Caller should ensure that a DefaultContext is proper for this use.
    Memory leaks and/or unexpected behaviour may occur if the automatic initialization is performed improperly.
    This message may be avoided by performing initADFContext before using getCurrent().
    For more information please enable logging for oracle.adf.share.ADFContext at FINEST level.
    Performing action Save All[ from oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage ]
    Invoking command:
    Performing action Save All[ from ]
    Invoking command: [ from ]
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorWindow ]
    Invoking command: remove soa_shared
    Invoking command: [ from oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorWindow ]
    Invoking command: remove soa_shared
    Invoking command: Changes in Start1
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Move Exception Notification
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command: Changes in NotificationTask
    Invoking command: Add Activity
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Invoking command:
    Nov 01, 2013 12:36:36 PM oracle.ideimpl.index.ProjectTracker$ProjectListener invokeListener
    SEVERE: Exception in FileChangeListener oracle.bpm.fusion.repository.fs.FusionFileSystem$1
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.bpm.type.TypeHandle cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable
      at java.util.TreeMap.put(
      at java.util.TreeSet.add(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ComponentBundleTypeIndex.findByPropertyValue(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.XmlSchemaReferenceManager.fixExceptions(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.XmlSchemaReferenceManager.addObject(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ServiceReferenceManager.addSynthesizedServices(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ServiceReferenceManager.refresh(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle.reloadResource(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle.access$1300(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle$BusinessCatalogResourceListener$
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle$BusinessCatalogResourceListener$
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.bundles.ProjectCatalogComponentBundle$BusinessCatalogResourceListener.resourceUpdated(
      at oracle.bpm.project.catalog.recognizer.VFileSystemBundleContext$1.onFileEvent(
      at oracle.bpm.fusion.repository.fs.FusionFileSystem$1$
      at oracle.bpm.fusion.repository.fs.FusionFileSystem$1.filesChanged(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.ProjectTracker$ProjectListener.invokeListener(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.ProjectTracker$ProjectListener.invokeListeners(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.ProjectTracker$ProjectListener.filesChanged(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.file.ActiveRootManager$ActiveRootListener.invokeListeners(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.file.ActiveRootManager$ActiveRootListener.invokeListeners(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.file.ActiveRootManager.notifyRoots(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.NodeTracker$TextBufferTracker.bufferChanged(
      at oracle.ideimpl.index.NodeTracker$TextBufferTracker.actionPerformed(
      at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(
      at javax.swing.Timer$
      at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
      at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
      at java.awt.EventQueue$
      at java.awt.EventQueue$
      at Method)
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.bpm.type.TypeHandle cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable
      j.a.EventQueue$ Method)$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    Message was edited by: user2610167

  • A problem with loadjava(install of plxml parser)

    I'm working on :
    NT4 SP5 (with an oracle816 client)
    the database server is running under unix
    I'm trying to install the parser plxml and I've a problem when I want to run :
    'loadjava -thin -user/[email protected]:port:instance xmlparserv2.jar'
    I've 31 errors of this kind :
    Error while creating resource : oracle/xml/parser/v2/mesg/ (
    I have run before initjvm.sql and initsqlj.sql.
    Thanks a lot for your response

    Thank you for answer.
    Unhappily I have already done what you suggest (many times) without any success.
    Do you have an other suggestion ?

  • Problem with jdeveloper

    Hello, i'm a newbie trying to learn developing ADF applications using JDeveloper 11. I'm currently following the tutorial :
    19. In the Application Navigator Right-click AppModel and select Run to invoke the application module tester. This is a small Swing based application that allows you to test the ADF Business Components you have just created.
    I have the problem with this step... When i Run the AppModel nothing happens... The process starts in the run manager but the program does not actually run... Does it have to do with the dafault run target?

    Well, by default, if you click the "Run" button from the toolbar with no active file in the editor, it will attempt to run the Default Run Target for the current project, and if there is not one set, JDev will prompt you for one. I'm sure you can complete the tutorial without completing that step, but if I were you, at some point, I'd have a go at the business components tester. I use it all the time to make sure my model works - and it's a good debugging tool when something isn't working and you're not sure if its the UI part or the model part - you can test the model independently.
    Good luck,

  • Problems with WLST embedded in java app.

    I have a problem with the WLST embedded in a java app.
    I want to programatically create or reconfigure a domain from a java application. Following is a simple example of what I want to do.
    public class DomainTester {
      static WLSTInterpreter interpreter = new WLSTInterpreter();
      private void processDomain() {
        if(domainExists()) {
          System.out.println("Should now UPDATE the domain");
        } else {
          System.out.println("Should now CREATE the domain");
      private boolean domainExists() {
        try {
          return true;
        }catch(Exception e) {
          return false;
    }The output of this should be one of two possibles.
    1. If the domain exists already it should output
    "Should now UPDATE the domain"
    2. If the domain does not exist it should output
    "Should now CREATE the domain"
    However, if the domain does not exist the output is always :
    Error: readDomain() failed. Do dumpStack() to see details.
    Should now UPDATE the domain
    It never returns false from the domainExists() method therefor always states that the exec() worked.
    It seams that the exec() method does not throw ANY exceptions from the WLST commands. The catch clause is never executed and the return value from domainExists() is always true.
    None of the VERY limited number of examples using embedded WLST in java has exception or error handling in so I need to know what is the policy to detect failures in a WLST command executed in java??? i.e. How does my java application know when a command succeeds or not??

    I did some creative wrapping for the WLSTInterpreter and I now have very good programatic access to the WLST python commands.
    I will put this on dev2dev somewhere and release it into the open source community.
    Don't know the best place to put it yet, so if anybody sees this and has any good ideas please feel free to pass them on.
    Here is the wrapper class. It can be used as a direct replacement for the weblogic WLSTInterpreter. As I can't overload the actual exec() calls because I want to return a String from this call I created an exec1(String command) that will return a String and throw my WLSTException which is a RuntimeException which you can handle if you like.
    It sets up stderr and stdout streams to interpret the results both from the Python interpreter level and at the JVM level where dumpStack() just seem to do a printStackTrace(). It also calls the dumpStack() command should the result contain this in its text. If either an exception is thrown from the lower level interpreter or dumpStack() is in the response I throw my WLSTException containing this information.
    package eu.medsea.WLST;
    public class WLSTInterpreterWrapper extends WLSTInterpreter {
         // For interpreter stdErr and stdOut
         private ByteArrayOutputStream baosErr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         private ByteArrayOutputStream baosOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         private PrintStream stdErr = new PrintStream(baosErr);
         private PrintStream stdOut = new PrintStream(baosOut);
         // For redirecting JVM stderr/stdout when calling dumpStack()
         static PrintStream errSaveStream = System.err;
         static PrintStream outSaveStream = System.out;
         public WLSTInterpreterWrapper() {
         // Wrapper function for the WLSTInterpreter.exec()
         // This will throw an Exception if a failure or exception occures in
         // The WLST command or if the response containes the dumpStack() command
         public String exec1(String command) {
              String output = null;
              try {
                   output = exec2(command);
              }catch(Exception e) {
                   try {
                        synchronized(this) {
                             output = baosErr.toString();
                   }catch(Exception ex) {
                        output = null;
                   if(output == null) {
                        throw new WLSTException(e);
                   if(!output.contains(" dumpStack() ")) {
                        // A real exception any way
                        throw new WLSTException(output);
              if (output.length() != 0) {
                   if(output.contains(" dumpStack() ")) {
                        // redirect the JVM stderr for the durration of this next call
                        synchronized(this) {
                             String _return = exec2("dumpStack()");
                             throw new WLSTException(_return);
              return stripCRLF(output);
         private String exec2(String command) {
              // Call down to the interpreter exec method
              String err = baosErr.toString();
              String out = baosOut.toString();
              if(err.length() == 0 && out.length() == 0) {
                   return "";
              StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("");
              if (err.length() != 0) {
              if (out.length() != 0) {
              return buf.toString();
         // Utility to remove the end of line sequences from the result if any.
         // Many of the response are terminated with either \r or \n or both and
         // some responses can contain more than one of them i.e. \n\r\n
         private String stripCRLF(String line) {
              if(line == null || line.length() == 0) {
                   return line;
              int offset = line.length();          
              while(true && offset > 0) {
                   char c = line.charAt(offset-1);
                   // Check other EOL terminators here
                   if(c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
                   } else {
              return line.substring(0, offset);
    }Next here is the WLSTException class
    package eu.medsea.WLST;
    public class WLSTException extends RuntimeException {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1102103857178387601L;
         public WLSTException() {
         public WLSTException(String message) {
         public WLSTException(Throwable t) {
         public WLSTException(String s, Throwable t) {
              super(s, t);
    }And here is the start of a wrapper class for so that you can use the WLST commands directly. I will flesh this out later with proper var arg capabilities as well as create a whole Exception hierarchy that better suites the calls.
    package eu.medsea.WLST;
    // Provides methods for the WLSTInterpreter
    // just to make life a little easier.
    // Also provides access to the more generic exec(...) call
    public class WLSTCommands {
         public void cd(String path) {
              exec("cd('" + path + "')");
         public void edit() {
         public void startEdit() {
         public void save() {
         public void activate() {
         public void updateDomain() {
         public String state(String serverName) {
              return exec("state('" + serverName + "')");
         public String ls(String dir) {
              return exec("ls('" + dir + "')");
         // The generic wrapper for the interpreter exec() call
         public String exec(String command) {
              return interpreter.exec1(command);
         private WLSTInterpreterWrapper interpreter = new WLSTInterpreterWrapper();
    }Lastly here is some example code using these classes:
    its using both the exec(...) and cd(...) wrapper commands from the WLSTCommand.class shown above.
        String machineName = ...; // get name from somewhere
        try {
         exec("machine=create('" + machineName + "','Machine')");
         cd("/Machines/" + machineName + "/NodeManager/" + machineName);
         exec("set('ListenPort', 5557)");
        }catch(WLSTException e) {
            // Possibly the machine object already exists so
            // lets just try to look it up.
         exec("machine=lookup('" + machineName + "','Machine')");
    ...After this call a machine object is setup that can be allocated later like so:

  • Plsql debugging problem with jdeveloper

    i have an oracle server name tiger and a client machine the packages and stored procedure exists on the server machine. but when i try to debug i get the following error
    Executing PL/SQL: CALL DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP( '', '1421' )
    ORA-30683: failure establishing connection to debugger
    ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP", line 68
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Process exited.

    I don't think JDev is able to debug with other application server. I can't see any server settings except embedded oc4j. you can only debug your application with embedded oc4j which JDev has. but you can create deployment profile for other server such as weblogic, jboss, and tomcat with JDev.
    -correct me if i'm wrong, thanks-

  • Problem with JBuilder and javax.xml.transform package

    My JBuilder 7 can not find javax.xml.transform package. i use javax.xml.parsers package but i can not access to javax.xml.transform. is there a problem or something necessary to do to access that?
    Best Wishes - WiseWarrior

    Hey WiseWarrior,
    your problem is directly related to your jar file in run time. The xml parser jar which you are using to perform transfor is not having the appropriate classes, take the latest version of xalan it has transform package and put it into your class path, it will work.
    Sandeep Raikwar

  • Problem with a embedded Nabble blog appearing on mobile site

    Hi All,
    I have a problem with a nabble blog embedded in my muse site that is appearing too wide on iphones.
    The website is
    Works OK on ipads, and computer screens, and also on Android, but when you view this page on an iphone it's a little too wide.
    Any ideas? My dev guy says it's "Something in the (most recent) post is outside of the css rules scope. Creating a broken appearance on ios"
    The custom CSS for the blog is
    .blog-text img {
    Any help would be appreciated

    I believe the issue is resolved as I checked the site on both iOS and Android devices but dont see the same behavior you have mentioned.

  • How to use the HTTP Analyzer with the embedded OC4J server?

    JDeveloper version: Studio Edition Version:
    I have a web application, which I run in the embedded OC4J server.
    I tried to use the HTTP analyzer to inspect http requests and responses, but I could not make the analyzer work.
    I tried to setup the HTTP analyzer by looking at the help entry, but I could not make it work.
    If the HTTP analyzer works for you in the embedded OC4J server, please write the steps on how to setup the analyzer.
    (Maybe I could not make the correct settings about port numbers?)
    Thanks in advance,
    Turgay Zengin

    I was able to use the HTTP Analyzer by changing the proxy setting directly in Internet Options. Check the browser/proxy settings set in JDeveloper preferences and copy them to the Connections tab of Internet Options. See if that works for you.

  • Problems with flash photo-gallery xml

    I need help. I have bought your photogallery template and i
    am having problems with it.
    When i test the gallery on my portfolio website (html) all it
    comes up is the background, the pictures and thumbnail pictures
    wont load. I am putting the files in the right folder and using the
    swf in an html (dreamweaver cs3). what is it happening?
    I dont know xlm. Plz give me a hand??

    Hi DZ,
    I am testing it locally. I didn't even upload anything yet.
    And yes, i put the swf into my html portfolios page (dreamweaver
    cs3) and tested locally. the pictures wont show up, only the bg for
    the photo-gallery. I bought this template here at the

Maybe you are looking for