Problem with JSF 1.2 and Tomcat 6

Hello guys,
I have here:
Tomcat 6.0.10
JSF 1.2_04_b10_p01
I followed these steps without success:
Here what I did:
1) Removed the following line in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on" />2) Add the following lines to $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml
     </context-param>3) Add the following libs to $TOMCAT_HOME/lib
4) Add the following lines to $MYAPP/WEB-INF/web.xml
     </listener>And here is "the final product":
INFO: Initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_04-b10-p01) for context '/protocolo'
10/04/2007 08:18:47 com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp
SEVERE: Error Instantiating ExpressionFactory
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl cannot be cast to javax.el.ExpressionFactory
     at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(
     at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(
     at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
     at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
     at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
     at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
     at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
     at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR(
     at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWARs(
     at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps( I need to do? Someone can help me?
Thank you.

Thank you for the answer rlubke,
Well this happened because I had compiled the project with the jstl-1.1
The workaround to make jsf 1.2 run on tomcat 6 really works.
But now I have a problem because the JNDI tree in tomcat is read-only ( ro )
and I need to bind a object in the JNDI so an exception happens:
WARNING: Ocorreu um erro inexperado:
javax.naming.NamingException: Context is read only
         at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.checkWritable(
         at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.bind(
         at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.bind(
         at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.bind(
         at org.apache.naming.SelectorContext.bind(
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.bind( is the code:
     Context newContext = new InitialContext();
     newContext.bind( dataSourceWrappedID, wrappedDs );
}catch(NameAlreadyBoundException nabe){
     // ok no problem..
}catch(NamingException ne){
     if ( log.isWarnEnabled() ){
          log.warn("Ocorreu um erro inexperado:", ne);
}You know how to make the JNDI tree in tomcat read-write ?
Thank you a ton. :-)

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    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Name"/>
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    while (NomsParam.hasMoreElements()) {
    String NameParam = (String) NamesParam.nextElement();
    out.println("<h4>"++NameParam+ "+</h4>);
    YOU ARE WRONG : request.getParameterNames() wants the syntax *name="nameTableDb2" but JSF must use id="nameTableDb2" for "<h:outputText"... So, you can't process datas in a FORM generated with JSF in a Servlet ! Perhaps I have made an error, but really, I wonder which ?
    Edited by: ungars on Jul 18, 2010 12:43 AM
    Edited by: ungars on Jul 18, 2010 12:45 AM

    While I certainly appreciate ejb's helpful responses, this thread shows up a difference in perspective between how I read the forum and how others do. Author ejb is correct in advising you to stay inside JSF for form processing if form processing is what you want to do.
    However, I detect another aspect to this post which reminds me of something Marc Andreesen once said when he was trying to get Netscape off the ground: "there's no such thing as bad HTML."
    In this case, I interpret ungar's request as a new feature request. Can I phrase it like this?
    "Wouldn't it be nice if I could render my nice form with JSF but, in certain cases, when I REALLY know what I'm doing" just post out to a separate servlet? I know that in this case I'll be missing out on all the nice validation, conversion, l10n, i18n, ajax, portlet and other features provided by JSF".
    If this is the case, because it really misses the point of JSF, we don't allow it, but we do have an issue filed for it
    If you can't wait for it to be fixed, you could decorate the FormRenderer to fix what you want.
    I have an example in my JSF book that shows how to do this decoration.

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    com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.faces.ViewHandlerImpl.destroy( 601)
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    public void prerender() {
    try {
    String idauk = (getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("auk_id").toString());
    System.out.println("wartosc auk_id " + idauk);
    if (idauk != null) {
    xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:jsp="" xmlns:ui="">
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
    <ui:page binding="#{testpage.page1}" id="page1">
    <ui:html binding="#{testpage.html1}" id="html1">
    <ui:head binding="#{testpage.head1}" id="head1">
    <ui:link binding="#{testpage.link1}" id="link1" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
    <ui:body binding="#{testpage.body1}" id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
    <ui:form binding="#{testpage.form1}" id="form1">
    <ui:staticText binding="#{testpage.staticText1}" id="staticText1" style="position: absolute; left: 120px; top: 96px" text="#{SessionBean1.testDataProvider.value['Name']}"/>
    Help People ! Any Ideas I'm stuck, why is working with Sun Servet but not with Tomcat and only just thing ?
    Thanks in advance for helping me to resolve the night problem :)

    Hi I found solution, i puted on the page a table -component (with brand new automaticly created dataprovider) , then i set properties visible= false for table, and now I can bind statictext with database field and deploy on tomcat server .
    But i think it is not a elegant solution in page source i habe noused-code.
    Have Any another Ideas. HELP PEOPLE !!!!
    Mariuszek: I use Creator.because right now I can see result of my job and i can qickly change ideas ,
    I tried with JDeveleper but i did'nt find this functionality (wich version do you prefered ?) , unfortunately i have to deploy my application on Tomcat. This is my study project, and i make this to become a Master of Techinal Univeristy ;), Deadline time is 30 th September :(

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    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: Expression Error: Named Object: 'springBean' not found.
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    -> instead of using JSF EL, i hardcoded the property value and it worked
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    You must have in your web.xml :
         </listener>Give your code to understant what's wrong :
    yourSpringBeanContext.xml, web.xml and faces-config.xml

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    Hi everybody,
    I' ve got a problem with JSF and included subviews which makes me going
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    tip I've got is that it must be connected with the kind I do include my JSF-pages.
    When I use <%@file="sub.jsp"%> my pages are are represent right. When I use <jsp:include page="Sub.jsp" /> or <c:import url="Sub.jsp" /> ( mark: the usage of flush="true" or flush="false" doesn't matter )
    my pages are represent wrongly.
    The usage of tags like f:facet or f:verbatim were also included but didn't point to an solution.
    I searched the whole Sun Developer Forum and some other web-sites for any solution for my problem but the given hints and clues didn't help. Now I'm trying to post my problem directly in Sun's Forum in hope to get help.
    My environment is the following:
    JAVA JDK 1.5 Update 4
    Tomcat 5.5.9
    JSLT 1.1
    Sun JSF 1.1
    Win 2K
    Here's my code:
    <%@ page language="java"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
              String path = request.getContextPath();
              String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName()
                        + ":" + request.getServerPort() + path + "/";
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
         <base href="<%=basePath%>">
         <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
         <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
         <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">   
         <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3">
         <meta http-equiv="description" content="This is my page">
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="stil.jsp" type="text/css" />
                   <div class="table">
                        <div class="tr">
                             <h:outputText styleClass="tdleft" value="value 1"/>
                             <h:outputText styleClass="tdinfo" value="value 2"/>
                        <div class="tr">
                             <h:outputText styleClass="tdleft" value="value 3"/>
                             <h:outputText styleClass="tdinfo" value="value 4"/>
              <jsp:include page="Sub.jsp" />
    <%@ page language="java"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <f:subview id="subview">
              <div class="table">
                   <div class="tr">
                             <h:outputText styleClass="tdleft" value="value 11"/>
                             <h:outputText styleClass="tdinfo" value="value 22"/>
                   <div class="tr">
                        <h:outputText styleClass="tdleft" value="value 33"/>
                        <h:outputText styleClass="tdinfo" value="value 44"/>
    <%@page contentType="text/css"%>
        String  schwarz     = "#000000",
                grau1       = "#707070",
                grau2       = "#c0c0c0",
                grau3       = "#e0e0e0",
                grau4       = "#e8e8e8",
                grau5       = "#fdfdfd",
                blau        = "#0000dd",
                tuerkis     = "#00cfff";
        String  liniendicke = "1px",
                linienart   = "solid";
        String allgemeineTextFarbe           = schwarz;
        String allgemeineHintergrundFarbe    = grau3;
        String infoTextFarbe                 = blau;
        String fieldsetRandFarbe             = blau;
        String fieldsetRandDicke             = liniendicke;
        String fieldsetRandArt               = linienart;
        String hrLinienFarbe                 = blau;
        String hrLinienDicke                 = liniendicke;
        String hrLinienArt                   = linienart;
        String inputAktivHintergrundFarbe    = grau5;
        String inputReadonlyHintergrundFarbe = grau4;
        String inputPassivHintergrundFarbe   = grau4;
        String inputPassivFarbe              = schwarz;
        String inputRandFarbe1               = grau1;
        String inputRandFarbe2               = grau5;
        String inputRandDicke                = liniendicke;
        String inputRandArt                  = linienart;
        String inputButtonHintergrundFarbe   = grau3;
        String legendenFarbe                 = blau;
        String linkFarbe                     = blau;
        String linkAktivFarbe                = tuerkis;
        String linkBesuchtFarbe              = blau;
        String linkFocusFarbe                = tuerkis;
        String objectGitterFarbe             = grau5;
        String objectGitterDicke             = liniendicke;
        String objectGitterArt               = linienart;
        String tabellenGitterFarbe           = grau5;
        String tabellenGitterDicke           = liniendicke;
        String tabellenGitterArt             = linienart;
    <%-- ----------------------------------------------- --%>
    <%-- Textdarstellung mittels der Display-Eigenschaft --%>
    <%-- in den Tags div und span                        --%>
    <%-- ----------------------------------------------- --%>
    *.table {
    *.tbody {
    *.tr {
    *.td,*.tdright,*.tdleft,*.tdinfo,*.th {
    *.td,*.th {
    *.tdright {
    *.tdleft {
    *.tdinfo {
    *.th {
    }thanks in advance

    Hello Zhong Li,
    many thanks for your post, but it didn't work.
    My problem is that the JSF-Components im my included or imported
    JSP-Pages does not accept any kind of style or styleClass for
    designing. The components take over the informations for colors
    but not for alignment.
    When I take a look at the generated JAVA-Source in $TOMCAT/WORK/WEBAPP for my sub.jsp ( )
    it seems that the resulting HTML-page would be presented correctly.
    But later when I start the application via Firefox or Mozilla the html-sourcecode is totally wrong.
    In my example I create a simple grid with 2 rows and 2 columns.
    Both columns contains JSF-Outtext-Components and are included with div-tags.
    The generated shows that the text would be setted in the div-tags. Unfortunately the html-sourcecode represented by my browser shows that jsf-text is not setted in the tags but in the <h:form> tags. The div-tags are neither rounded by <h:form> nor containing the JSF-OutText-Components.
    Any clue?
    Many thanks Benjamin
    Here is the html-code from Firefox:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
         <base href="http://polaris21:8080/webtest/">
         <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
         <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
         <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">   
         <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3">
         <meta http-equiv="description" content="This is my page">
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="stil.jsp" type="text/css" />
         <form id="_id0" method="post" action="/webtest/Main.faces" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
              <div class="table">
                   <div class="tr">
                        <span class="tdleft">value 1</span>
                        <span class="tdinfo">value 2</span>
                   <div class="tr">
                        <span class="tdleft">value 3</span>
                        <span class="tdinfo">value 4</span>
              <input type="hidden" name="_id0" value="_id0" />
          <form id="SUB:_id5" method="post" action="/webtest/Main.faces" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
               <span class="tdleft">value 11</span>
              <span class="tdinfo">value 22</span>
              <span class="tdleft">value 33</span>
              <span class="tdinfo">value 44</span>
              <input type="hidden" name="SUB:_id5" value="SUB:_id5" />
         <div class="table">
              <div class="tr">
              <div class="tr">

  • Problem with jsf DataTable

    when data is fetch using user criteria:
    i have a problem with jsf DataTable. I use e request bean to populate the datatable and i insert a commandButton column. The data dispay successfully into the datatable, but when a push the button on the row...the page simply refresh and notinhg else
    when data is fetch using constants:
    The data dispay successfully into the datatable, when a push the button on the row...the action execute OK

    I don't think that with this description only anybody on this list is able to help you.
    I use e request bean to populate the datatable and i insert a commandButton column
    What is a command button column and what does it do ?
    but when a push the button on the row...the page simply refresh and notinhg else
    What did you do to debug the problem ?
    when data is fetch using constants
    What does this mean ?

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    I downloaded a new version of firefox. It said it had problems with my norton toolbar and now it doesn't feature it in the window. I'm not that comp savvy. How do I either get the Norton toolbar up or go back to the old firefox? Thank you.

    Please authorize ADE 3 with same credentials that you used with older version of ADE

  • After having yet another problem with my MacBook Pro and having to wipe the drive, I am now unable to sync my iPhones etc without erasing all the music on them. Is there a way around this? I have no other library!

    After having yet another problem with my MacBook Pro and having to wipe the drive, I am now unable to sync my iPhones etc without erasing all the music on them. Is there a way around this? I have no other library!
    iTunes is a mess! It couldn't find it's own libraries and I was forced to create a new one. Now I don't know where my music is or if any's missing.

    columbus new boy wrote:
    How crap is that?
    It's not crap at all.
    It's not that simple. For example, I've 3500 songs on my MacBook but don't want them all on my phone, so I have to manually select each song again???
    There has to be a solution.
    Why not simply make a playlist with the songs you want on the iPhone?
    and maintain a current backup of your computer.

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    The message says: "The payment method has been denied, try another method"
    I'm living in the same country and city since I was born, so I don't think the location is the problem.
    And yes, I paid with the card a meal in Burguer King today. And nothing more.

  • HT3552 I have been trying to download apps from the app store and every time it tells me there is a problem with my previous billing and direct me to put in new billing information and every time i do that it still will not let me download any apps.

    I have been trying to download apps from the app store and every time it tells me there is a problem with my previous billing and direct me to put in new billing information and every time i do that it still will not let me download any apps.

    Have a look here >

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    I'm having a problem getting a .pdf file to come up when I scan from a HP 5610 All-in-one printer. Have uninstalled and reinstalled HP software three times but when I scan and want a pdf file it won't communicate with Adobe 9.0 reader for some reason. Is there a setting in Adobe reader that's a problem?

    Thanks...found out that an HP5610xi All-in-One will not completely communicate with Adobe 9.0   Had to go to Adobe 6.0
    Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 03:19:49 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Communication problem with Adobe 9.0 and HP Printer when I scan
    May be that the HP software doesn't support Adobe Reader 9.

  • Problem with java swing button and loop

    Problem with java swing button and loop
    I�m using VAJ 4.0. and I�m doing normal GUI application. I have next problem.
    I have in the same class two jswing buttons named start (ivjGStart) and stop (ivjGStop) and private static int field named Status where initial value is 0. This buttons should work something like this:
    When I click on start button it must do next:
    Start button must set disenabled and Stop button must set enabled and selected. Field status is set to 1, because this is a condition in next procedure in some loop. And then procedure named IzvajajNeprekinjeno() is invoked.
    And when I click on stop button it must do next:
    Start button must set enabled and selected and Stop button must set disenabled.
    Field status is set to 0.
    This works everything fine without loop �do .. while� inside the procedure IzvajajNeprekinjeno(). But when used this loop the start button all the time stay (like) pressed. And this means that a can�t stop my loop.
    There is java code, so you can get better picture:
    /** start button */
    public void gStart_ActionEvents() {
    try {
    getJTextPane1().setText("Program is running ...");
    Status = 1;
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    /** stop button */
    public void gStop_ActionEvents() {
    try {
    getJTextPane1().setText("Program is NOT running ...");
    Status = 0;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    /** procedure IzvajajNeprekinjeno() */
    public void IzvajajNeprekinjeno() {  //RunLoop
    try {
    int zamik = 2000; //delay
    do {
    PreberiDat(); //procedure
    } while (Status == 1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    So, I'm asking what I have to do, that start button will not all the time stay pressed? Or some other aspect of solving this problem.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Best regards,

    This is a multi thread problem. When you start the gui, it is running in one thread. Lets call that GUI_Thread so we know what we are talking about.
    Since java is task-based this will happen if you do like this:
    1. Button "Start" is pressed. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    2. Event gStart_ActionEvents() called. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    3. Method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() called. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    4. Sleep in method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() on thread GUI_Thread
    5. Call PreberiDat(). Thread running: GUI_Thread
    6. Check status. If == 1, go tho 4. Thread running: GUI_Thread.
    Since the method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() (what does that mean?) and the GUI is running in the same thread and the event that the Start button has thrown isn't done yet, the program will go on in the IzvajajNeprekinjeno() method forever and never let you press the Stop-button.
    What you have to do is do put either the GUI in a thread of its own or start a new thread that will do the task of the IzvajajNeprekinjeno() method.
    This tutorial explains how to build a multi threaded gui.

  • Memory Problem With 4gb Crucial Ballistix and Asus M4A785TD-V EVO

    motherBoard: ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO
    bios Version :2005
    Video: amd hd5750
    Processor: AMD PHENON II X2 550 3.100MHZ
    Memory: Crucial
    Modele Memory: blt4g3d1608dt1tx0
    Capacity: 4GB
    greetings to all
    i have asus m4a785td-v evo mobo. i ve bought 4 gb crucial ballistix ram today. it says on product its 1600 mhz and cl8 but it shows on my pc 1333 mhz and cl9.  when i was searching for this problem i came across this topic: can i apply the same settings? how can i fix that?  is it possible via bios settings? thx in advance and sry for my bad english. here is some screenshots: 

    I am not good at RAM setting but the 'Timings Table' shows there is XMP-1600 profile available so I believe it would be enough to turn on that memory profile in BIOS.

  • I have problem with syncing in itunes and it stared since i installed new version of stuck in backup step for houres.what shud i do?

    I have problem with syncing in itunes and it stared since i installed new version of stuck in backup step for houres.what shud i do?

    So, in iTunes, when you look at the shuffle's content (in the sidebar) and click on the playlist under the shuffle, over to the right, the songs are in your desired order, correct?  Where do you look, or what do you do, that indicates the playlists are in alphabetical order?  Are you saying that when you play the songs while using the shuffle, they play in alphabetical order?
    If so, when you listen to the songs on the shuffle, are you using the playlist, or are you using the All Songs list? If you are in the default All Songs list, with the shuffle's power switch set to play-in-order (the middle position), the songs play alphabetically, I believe. 
    The 3rd gen shuffle uses VoiceOver.  If you are in the All Songs list, you need to use VoiceOver to switch to the playlist (see manual linked below for details).  When you are in the playlist (with the shuffle's power switch set to play-in-order), then the songs should play in playlist order.
    There are more details in the manual for the 3rd gen shuffle, which is online here
    See page 22 for the section about setting up and using VoiceOver.  The part about switching playlists starts on page 23 (Using the Playlist Menu).

  • TS1646 hello  I have problem with regist my visa and I cannot buy from store the message came in the end of form is says the phone number must be a 7-digit number and I have writed but not accepted iam from saudi arabia my mobile is 966504850992 pls answe

    I have problem with regist my visa and I cannot buy from store
    the message came in the end of form is says
    the phone number must be a 7-digit number
    and I have writed but not accepted
    iam from saudi arabia
    my mobile is 966504850992
    pls answer
    dfr aldossary

    Wow, Karan Taneja, you've just embarrassed yourself on a worldwide support forum.  Not only is your post ridiculous and completely inappropriate for a technical support forum, but it also shows your ignorance as to whom you think the audience is.  Apple is not here.  It's users, like you. 
    If you would have spent half the time actually reading the Terms of Use of this forum that YOU agreed to by signing up to post, as you did composing that usesless, inappropriate post, you (and the rest of us on this forum) would have been much better off.

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