Problem with Page Break In ALV Report

I have got a problem in my ALV report. I have a checkbox in the user input screen where users decide whether they want a page break or not in the print preview (or print) page. Now i also have the option to have layout name in the input screen. so If i leave the layout box empty the check or not check of page break works fine. but if use a save layout name in the layout box the add check box doesn't work anymore. If i have a layout name in the layout box it doesn't matter whether i have checked for page break or not it does the same thing.(in one report it always puts the page breaked)
Any ideas where to look for the error?
here is the code for the page break. Opt5 is the check box.
  perform build_sort tables pt_sort changing ls_sort.
  ls_sort-fieldname = 'PERNR'.
  ls_sort-subtot    = 'X'.
IF OPT5 = 'X'.
   ls_sort-GROUP = '*'.
  append ls_sort to pt_sort.
  ls_sort-subtot    = ' '.
  ls_sort-GROUP = ''.

Never mind it was acting like the page break was not working because the layout was saved with the page break on/OFF.

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    Hello everybody,
    Platform: Hyperion System 9.3.1.
    I have serious problems in managing the 'page break' in an Interactive Reporting report.
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    group 1: geographic area
    group 2: country
    group 3: city
    group 4: store
    columns: article, colour
    facts: quantity, price, value
    My client's request is to perform a page break at the store group level, meaning that apart from the first store occurance, any change in the store value shoul start a new page.
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    page1: geographic area1
    data store1...
    page 2: store2
    data store2...
    page3: store3
    data store3...
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    page 1: geographic area1
    page 2: store1
    data store1...
    page 3: store2
    data store2...
    If I use Break After the result is as follows:
    page 1: geographic area1
    store 1
    page 2: data store1...
    store 2
    page 3: data store2...
    even if I specify 'Keep with next' or 'Keep together' for store group and the store data table.
    Any help will be very very appreciated because I've been trying for weeks to figure out this issue.

    First start without using any of the Keep with Next and Keep together.
    Second. try putting the Page Break in the Group Footer. You do not need to keep it visible
    Then you may want to repeat headers on Store in case the Store's Detail rolls onto next page
    Hope this helps

  • Problems with page break

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    <?if@row:position() mod 7=0and position()!= last()?><xsl:attribute name="break-before"xdofo:ctx="incontext">page</xsl:attribute><?end if?>
    Plus for some reason I get a blank page for page 5???
    Anyone that may have any suggestions for me will be greatly appreciated.

    you have to write
    <?split-by-page-break:?> syntax before the <?end for each?> of the parcel group.
    the o/p wouldn/t contain any blank page.

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    .breakhere {page-break-before: always;}
    code I then use to implement it is.

    You may use a forum for IE.

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    <A NAME="redirect">sample_text</A>
    <A HREF="#redirect">sample_text</A>
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    Another problematic subject for me is the bookmarks creation. I know that they are not a problem if I’m doing DOC to PDF conversion. Then I’m able to decide what header should be used as a curtain level of bookmarks and everything is working great at the end. However - with direct HTML to PDF conversion - I really don’t know how to generate bookmarks that are based on the source of the input document. Is there any way to make fully working 2 level bookmark tree in this case? Here’s an example of the structure we want at the end:
    Could you please help me in finding the solutions? Just like I’ve mentioned - we can modify input HTML in any way, but in the end we would like to achieve our goals as quickly as possible.
    Please excuse my English.
    I am looking forward to your response,

    Frankly - we would like to avoid using Word. We are using it currently but there are long-term plans of improving whole conversion process, eliminate any mid-steps and automate as much as possible even though conversion is not going to be done unattended on a server. Thank you for your response, but I hope that maybe someone else would have any idea?

  • Problem with subtotal calculation in ALV reports

    Hi All,
       I am doing one program for calculating subtoals in ALV . For this i want to display subtotal text at each envey subtotal 's row.
    For that i have created one form 'SUB_SUBTOT_TEXT' and it has given to IT_EVENTS-FORM. But SUB_SUBTOT_TEXT Form is not called by IT_EVENTS event.
    what are all the mandatories for displaying subtotal text.
    Can any one please help me.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Sree,
    *& Table declaration
    &----TABLES: ekko.&----
    *& Type pool declaration
    TYPE-POOLS: slis. " Type pool for ALV&----
    *& Selection screen
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ebeln FOR ekko-ebeln.&----
    *& Type declaration
    &----* Type declaration for internal table to store EKPO data
    TYPES: BEGIN OF x_data,
           ebeln  TYPE char30,  " Document no.
           ebelp  TYPE ebelp,   " Item no
           matnr  TYPE matnr,   " Material no
           matnr1 TYPE matnr,   " Material no
           werks  TYPE werks_d, " Plant
           werks1 TYPE werks_d, " Plant
           ntgew  TYPE entge,   " Net weight
           gewe   TYPE egewe,   " Unit of weight                          
           END OF x_data.&----
    *& Internal table declaration
    DATA:* Internal table to store EKPO data
    Internal table for storing field catalog information
      i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
    Internal table for Top of Page info. in ALV Display
      i_alv_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader,
    Internal table for ALV Display events
      i_events TYPE slis_t_event,
    Internal table for storing ALV sort information
      i_sort TYPE  slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
      i_event TYPE slis_t_event.&----
    *& Work area declaration
      wa_ekko TYPE x_data,
      wa_layout     TYPE slis_layout_alv,
      wa_events         TYPE slis_alv_event,
      wa_sort TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv.&----
    *& Constant declaration
       c_header   TYPE char1
                  VALUE 'H',                    "Header in ALV
       c_item     TYPE char1
                  VALUE 'S'.&----
    *& Start-of-selection event
    &----START-OF-SELECTION.* Select data from ekpo
      SELECT ebeln " Doc no
             ebelp " Item
             matnr " Material
             matnr " Material
             werks " Plant
             werks " Plant
             ntgew " Quantity
             gewei " Unit
             FROM ekpo
             INTO TABLE i_ekpo
             WHERE ebeln IN s_ebeln
             AND ntgew NE '0.00'.  IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SORT i_ekpo BY ebeln ebelp matnr .
      ENDIF.* To build the Page header
      PERFORM sub_build_header.* To prepare field catalog
      PERFORM sub_field_catalog.* Perform to populate the layout structure
      PERFORM sub_populate_layout.* Perform to populate the sort table.
      PERFORM sub_populate_sort.* Perform to populate ALV event
      PERFORM sub_get_event.END-OF-SELECTION.* Perform to display ALV report
      PERFORM sub_alv_report_display.
    *&      Form  sub_build_header
          To build the header
          No Parameter
    FORM sub_build_header .* Local data declaration
      DATA: l_system     TYPE char10 ,          "System id
            l_r_line     TYPE slis_listheader,  "Hold list header
            l_date       TYPE char10,           "Date
            l_time       TYPE char10,           "Time
            l_success_records TYPE i,           "No of success records
            l_title(300) TYPE c.                " Title
    Title  Display
      l_r_line-typ = c_header.               " header
      l_title = 'Test report'(001).
      l_r_line-info = l_title.
      APPEND l_r_line TO i_alv_top_of_page.
      CLEAR l_r_line.* Run date Display
      CLEAR l_date.
      l_r_line-typ  = c_item.                " Item
      WRITE: sy-datum  TO l_date MM/DD/YYYY.
      l_r_line-key = 'Run Date :'(002).
      l_r_line-info = l_date.
      APPEND l_r_line TO i_alv_top_of_page.
      CLEAR: l_r_line,
             l_date.ENDFORM.                    " sub_build_header
    *&      Form  sub_field_catalog
          Build Field Catalog
          No Parameter
    FORM sub_field_catalog .*  Build Field Catalog
      PERFORM sub_fill_alv_field_catalog USING:     '01' '01' 'EBELN' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Doc No'(003) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',     '01' '02' 'EBELP' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Item No'(004) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '03' 'MATNR' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Material No'(005) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '03' 'MATNR1' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Material No'(005) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',
         '01' '04' 'WERKS' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Plant'(006) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '04' 'WERKS1' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Plant'(006) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',     '01' '05' 'NTGEW' 'I_EKPO' 'R'
         'Net Weight'(007) ' ' ' ' 'GEWE' 'I_EKPO'.ENDFORM.                    " sub_field_catalog&----
    *&     Form  sub_fill_alv_field_catalog
    *&     For building Field Catalog
    *&     p_rowpos   Row position
    *&     p_colpos   Col position
    *&     p_fldnam   Fldname
    *&     p_tabnam   Tabname
    *&     p_justif   Justification
    *&     p_seltext  Seltext
    *&     p_out      no out
    *&     p_tech     Technical field
    *&     p_qfield   Quantity field
    *&     p_qtab     Quantity table
    FORM sub_fill_alv_field_catalog  USING  p_rowpos    TYPE sycurow
                                            p_colpos    TYPE sycucol
                                            p_fldnam    TYPE fieldname
                                            p_tabnam    TYPE tabname
                                            p_justif    TYPE char1
                                            p_seltext   TYPE dd03p-scrtext_l
                                            p_out       TYPE char1
                                            p_tech      TYPE char1
                                            p_qfield    TYPE slis_fieldname
                                            p_qtab      TYPE slis_tabname.* Local declaration for field catalog
      DATA: wa_lfl_fcat    TYPE  slis_fieldcat_alv.  wa_lfl_fcat-row_pos        =  p_rowpos.     "Row
      wa_lfl_fcat-col_pos        =  p_colpos.     "Column
      wa_lfl_fcat-fieldname      =  p_fldnam.     "Field Name
      wa_lfl_fcat-tabname        =  p_tabnam.     "Internal Table Name
      wa_lfl_fcat-just           =  p_justif.     "Screen Justified
      wa_lfl_fcat-seltext_l      =  p_seltext.    "Field Text
      wa_lfl_fcat-no_out         =  p_out.        "No output
      wa_lfl_fcat-tech           =  p_tech.       "Technical field
      wa_lfl_fcat-qfieldname     =  p_qfield.     "Quantity unit
      wa_lfl_fcat-qtabname       =  p_qtab .      "Quantity table  IF p_fldnam = 'NTGEW'.
        wa_lfl_fcat-do_sum  = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_lfl_fcat TO i_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_lfl_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " sub_fill_alv_field_catalog&----
    *&      Form  sub_populate_layout
          Populate ALV layout
          No Parameter
    FORM sub_populate_layout .  CLEAR wa_layout.
      wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'." Optimization of Col widthENDFORM.                    " sub_populate_layout&----
    *&      Form  sub_populate_sort
          Populate ALV sort table
          No Parameter
    FORM sub_populate_sort .* Sort on material
      wa_sort-spos = '01' .
      wa_sort-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
      wa_sort-tabname = 'I_EKPO'.
      wa_sort-up = 'X'.
      wa_sort-subtot = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_sort TO i_sort .
      CLEAR wa_sort.* Sort on plant
      wa_sort-spos = '02'.
      wa_sort-fieldname = 'WERKS'.
      wa_sort-tabname = 'I_EKPO'.
      wa_sort-up = 'X'.
      wa_sort-subtot = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_sort TO i_sort .
      CLEAR wa_sort.
    ENDFORM.                    " sub_populate_sort&----
    *&      Form  sub_get_event
          Get ALV grid event and pass the form name to subtotal_text
          No Parameter
    FORM sub_get_event .
      CONSTANTS : c_formname_subtotal_text TYPE slis_formname VALUE
    'SUBTOTAL_TEXT'.  DATA: l_s_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
          i_list_type     = 4
          et_events       = i_event
          list_type_wrong = 0
          OTHERS          = 0.* Subtotal
      READ TABLE i_event  INTO l_s_event
                        WITH KEY name = slis_ev_subtotal_text.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE c_formname_subtotal_text TO l_s_event-form.
        MODIFY i_event FROM l_s_event INDEX sy-tabix.
      ENDIF.ENDFORM.                    " sub_get_event&----
    *&      Form  sub_alv_report_display
          For ALV Report Display
          No Parameter
    FORM sub_alv_report_display .
      DATA: l_repid TYPE syrepid .
      l_repid = sy-repid .* This function module for displaying the ALV report
          i_callback_program       = l_repid
          i_callback_top_of_page   = 'SUB_ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE'
          is_layout                = wa_layout
          it_fieldcat              = i_fieldcat
          it_sort = i_sort
          it_events                = i_event
          i_default                = 'X'
          i_save                   = 'A'
          t_outtab                 = i_ekpo
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
       MESSAGE i000 WITH 'Error in ALV report display'(055).
      ENDIF.ENDFORM.                    " sub_alv_report_display&----
          FORM sub_alv_top_of_page
          Call ALV top of page
          No parameter
    ----FORM sub_alv_top_of_page.                                   "#EC CALLED* To write header for the ALV
          it_list_commentary = i_alv_top_of_page.
    ENDFORM.                    "alv_top_of_page&----
    *&      Form  subtotal_text
          Build subtotal text
          P_total  Total
          p_subtot_text Subtotal text info
    FORM subtotal_text CHANGING
                   p_total TYPE any
                   p_subtot_text TYPE slis_subtot_text.
    Material level sub total
      IF p_subtot_text-criteria = 'MATNR'.
        = 'Material level total'(009).
      ENDIF.* Plant level sub total
      IF p_subtot_text-criteria = 'WERKS'.
        p_subtot_text-display_text_for_subtotal = 'Plant level total'(010).
    ENDFORM.                    "subtotal_text
    Hopes its helpful.

  • Please Help ... Problems with Page Breaks

    I am rather new to Adobe LifeCyle and am having problems with sections not contining to the next page.
    I have tried to read information on allowing page breaks  and overflow, but I am very confused.
    On my warnings tab I have warnings about page breaks, but do not understand what they are saying or how they should be fixed.
    "Although the object is allowed to break, deselecting the Allow Page Breaks Within Content option of the parent object from breaking between pages."
    Since I can't attach files .. I am not sure how to demonstrate the problem.  If there is work around to sending files, please advise and if someone could help, I could email the file.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated .... I feel like I am going in circles.
    Thanks so much!

    Ah ....send them to [email protected] and I will have a look when I get a chance.

  • Converting Word to pdf. Problem with page breaks

    I have Office 2007 and I am trying to convert a 100 page word document into pdf.  However, the pages are breaking different and I end up with more pages in the pdf document which causes problems with my table of contents and index.  Any advice on how to convert the Word doc exactly into pdf?  Thanks

    Michael's reponse is correct. However, as far as I knew, OFFICE 2007 came with printer metrics turned off, meaning it is not supposed to be sensitive to the printer selection. The setting is buried in the options list for compatibility. If it is turned off and a change in printer does affect the result, it would appear just one more of the many things in OFFICE 2007 that MS messed up. The latest one for me has been helping students with the messed up equation editor when you want to add equation numbers in a "standard" way. One of the MS employees even wrote a workaround macro for that problem.

  • Problem with User Command in alv report

    I have developed a ALV grid report with drill down capability to transaction code for user command. I am having a trouble with this.
    CASE ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.
          CLEAR: wa_import.
          IF selfield-fieldname EQ 'ANLN1'.
            READ TABLE t_import INTO wa_import INDEX selfield-tabindex.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'BUK' FIELD wa_import-bukrs.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'ANl' FIELD wa_import-anln1.
            CALL TRANSACTION 'AW01N'.
    here my parameter ids are showing the values but when i call the transaction i am not getting the actual asset numbers.
    Can someone help me out this

    add the AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN...addition..

  • How to give a page break in alv grid display after 65 lines are displayed?

    hi all,
    I need to give a page break in alv grid display after 65 lines are displayed on each page...Please help me with this...

    give this command beging of the report name... u have to diclar the beging of the report ......
    <b>report</b> ( name of the report)  <b>standard page heading line-size 200 line-count 65.</b>
    ex1.:- report name is  rtpm_trl_show_flows 
    report <b>rtpm_trl_show_flows </b> no standard page heading line-size 200
                                                         line-count 65.
    report  <b>zlpur01</b> no standard page heading line-size 200
                                                         line-count 65.
    type-pools: slis.
    tables: bkpf.
    selection-screen begin of block sel with frame title text-001.
    select-options: s_comp for bkpf-bukrs, " Company
                    s_valut for bkpf-budat. " Invoice Date
                   S_MTART FOR MARA-MTART. " Material Type
    selection-screen end of block sel.
    parameters: p_vari like disvariant-variant. " ALV Variant
    constants: formname_top_of_page type slis_formname value 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    data:   i_bseg type bseg  occurs 0 with header line.
    data: vatval type p decimals 2 value '0.15'.
    data: xhkont type string value '154000'.
    data COM type c.
    data: begin of invt occurs 100,
            budat like bkpf-budat, " Inv Dat
            bukrs like bkpf-bukrs, " Material
            STCEG like bsak-STCEG, "name of the companycode
            belnr like bkpf-belnr,
            xblnr like bkpf-xblnr, " Inv Reference
            ebeln like rseg-ebeln, " PO number
            lifnr like bseg-lifnr, " Vendor No
            name1 like lfa1-name1, " Supplier Name
            matnr like bseg-matnr,
            maktx like makt-maktx,
            stcd1 like lfa1-stcd1, " Supplier VAT REG NO
            xamt like bseg-dmbtr, " TAX amt
            yamt like bseg-wrbtr,
            wrbtr like bseg-wrbtr, " Base amount
            mwskz like bseg-mwskz,
            dmbtr like bseg-dmbtr, " TAX amt
            gjahr like bkpf-gjahr,
            hkont like bseg-hkont,
            zamt like bseg-dmbtr, " TAX amt
            wamt like bseg-dmbtr,
            shkzg like bseg-shkzg,
            shkzg1 like bseg-shkzg,
          end of invt.

  • How to get page break in PSP reports

    Dear All,
    is there a way to generate reports with page break using PSP .i
    am going to use ORacle 9iAS/9i DB and also apart from ORacle 6i
    i want to generate reports using PSP/Oracle 9iAS and i need to
    have a facilty for online printing of report like with page
    breaks and sub totals should come on my report...please clarify
    this asap...

    Checkout the code..
    *& Form after_line_output
    * After line output event is handled via this form
    * L_V_LINE : Capturing line value for page break.
    FORM SUB_after_line_output1 USING l_v_line TYPE slis_lineinfo. "#EC CALLED
    DATA: l_index1 LIKE sy-tabix,
    l_index2 LIKE sy-tabix.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_fs_output1> TYPE ty_output,
    <l_fs_output2> TYPE ty_output.
    CLEAR l_index1.
    l_index1 = l_v_line-tabindex.
    READ TABLE g_t_output INDEX l_index1 ASSIGNING <l_fs_output1>.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    CLEAR l_index2.
    l_index2 = l_index1 + 1.
    READ TABLE g_t_output INDEX l_index2 ASSIGNING <l_fs_output2>.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    IF <l_fs_output1>-FAEDT <> <l_fs_output2>-FAEDT .
    * WRITE: sy-uline.
    ENDFORM. " after_line_output
    for ref:Page break and Subtotal display in alv
    Re: Page Break while Printing ALV
    hope it helps..,

  • Help with Page Breaks!

    I am having great difficulty with page breaks.
    I have included a link below to a jpg of a format template I am working on (edited for public release, but it works):
    The layout template has many text form fields but I have re-colored them all to grey so that the pagebreak stands out in pink (and default text is the same as the help text for clarity).
    The data format that I am using for this layout template can be found at:
    This data is for sample use only and would (normally) contain many G_ORDERS for multiple G_ORD_TYPES in multiple G_REGIONS.
    My problem is that it does not matter where I place the page break, it simply does not work correctly.
    As you can see from the current placement I WISH the report to break between each and every occurrences of REGION in the group “REGION”. At this placement it does not break at all.
    I ‘can’ get the report to break (incorrectly, but at least it breaks) if I place this exact same syntax into the innermost grouping of data (i.e. the G_ORDER group) but even then the breaking is NOT CONSISTENT at all. In this case I would ‘expect’ it to break before every order…it does not.
    I have also tried the syntax: “ <xsl:if xdofo:ctx="inblock" test="1=1"><xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute></xsl:if> “ (without the quotes which got from he forum here) as well as the MSWORD pagebreak (which has never worked for me). None of these work correctly.
    Any assistance in or insight into getting my reports to CONSISTENTLY break at the appropriate times would be most appreciated as I have been trying to get this to work for several days now...
    Thank you,

    Hello again!
    I have the pagebreak problem working, but I would dearly like some insight as to why/how it is working…
    I have template builder for reference and I now have the report breaking at the correct times, i.e. after each region.
    My confusion is that to get it to work I must use the syntax and placement of the pagebreak text field exactly as shown below. No other placement cause the pages to break correctly and the other syntax sample varations I have found on this forum, etc (listed above) do not work at all.
    Please review the link to the (now working format template) jpg and provide feedback/insight.
    Thanks in advance for feedback,

  • Page break in html report

    Hi all,
    I am sending a report to external user e-mail id from SAP. The user is receiving the report in html format.
    The user asks me they need a page break on the report after each customer data. I am wondering is it possible to have a page break in html report? If yes, how it is possible?

    I insist : it is not possible with HTML to insert Page breaks. BUT, Tammie is right! You can use CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) to insert page breaks thanks to few lines of code in your HTML page.
    Follow this link to have a look at a very simple piece of code to illustrate this :
    Here it the code if you don't have access to this URL :
    <title> - Page Break</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    Page 1
    <br style="page-break-before:always;">
    Page 2
    <br style="page-break-after:always;">
    Page 3
    Use print preview on your browser to see how<br>
    this page would print out to three pages
    Hope it helps.
    Don't forget to close the post if solved (so that search in the forum is easier), and reward points (so that SDN members are happy !) 

  • Problem with Pages on the iPad 2.

    Hi all,
    I have been having a strange problem with Pages on the iPad that I hope someone can find a solution for.
    As a writer, I find that Pages on the iPad is a very good solution to my problem of needing something small and light to transport around, whilst still allowing me to do some serious writing.  I use the Apple 3 battery bluetooth keyboard, and this gives me a superb working solution.
    I started using the iPad 2 to do my second book and for the first 40,000 words everything was fine.  But as I started going back and forth with the cursor keys, editing passages in the book, I noticed that the cursor position did not match up with the I beam cursor on screen.  As it transitioned between pages it would loose it's corresponding position and the entry point for new text could be up to six characters in either direction.
    Now this is not a problem if you enter a new page, as there is nothing beyond it, but in the majority of cases it is a major problem when going back over your work and editing it.  I have to manually reset the start position of every new page so as to garantee the typing will go where I want it to.
    Now I thought at first this was something to do with Bluetooth keyboard, but after using the onscreen keyboard and the find and replace function, I have noticed that it loses it's position in the document in a similar way.  I have included a screen shot of it finding a problem I was searching for.  In this case it is ", and" to be replaced with "and," or "and".  Clearly in the image you can see that it is not happy and is not selecting the right things, if I replace it will replace exactly what is selected.
    Has anyone else seen this problem.  It seems to happen with large or small documents and I think that this is a fundamental problem with Pages on the iPad.  Seeing as I can't get Apple to acknowledge this I brought it here for everyone else to check out.  If we get enough voices on this, then we can make change happen.

    That's right Br Abdullah, I'm finding the same problem with my itune Arabic library that I synced to iBooks version 1.5! As you say the pages are not arranged correctly.
    The other problem that I'm finding is that the highlights &amp; notes that i have made on the books on a previous version of ibooks, when synced with ibooks version 1.5, they are scattered everywhere, and sometimes in areas where there are no texts.
    I left a message on the report a bug section of iBooks on the app store, and I contacted them on their feedback of apple product issues. I don't know what else we can do. It seems that no one is listening to us. I'm Dissapointed that I upgraded my iBooks version to 1.5; I was really looking forward to reading on my new iPhone 4S (on iBooks)!
    What else can we do to get our concerns heared? Somebody? Anybody?

  • Page number in ALV report

    Hi all,
    I use top of page to print page number for ALV report. When i run my report in backgrond and see the spool, the page is always started from page 2.
    These does not happen when I use non-ALV report, report prints the header starting from page 1 normally. It is weird.
    does anyone of you ever face such of that problem ?
    thanks alots

    Hi Alia,
    Page number is usually not set in an ALV display, as compared to  List processing.
    r u sure this is a requirement?
    chk this:
    ALV Print page numbers

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