Problem with String in JSP! Help Me

Hi all,
i spent my whole day with this error. How can i solve it. I am trying to convert a string array to Integer array. The program is taking all the select input from the previous JSP page and then converting them into integer array for storing to database. i am catching them as request.getParameterValues(); but i found out that if i select 4 item from the menu it is storing in 8 array cells and the format is if you select 1 2 3 4 the it stores [1 null 2 null 3 null 4 null] i guessed that those are null values. so i have tried to select only 1 2 3 4 from the array and it is showing number format error on tomcat. here is the code guys. Please i am tired of it please help me. Thanks. SORRY I TRIED TO SEPARATE THE CODE BUT IT SEEMS LIKE THERE ARE SOME PROBLEM IN THE FORUM SETTINGS. so the code is:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<%@page import="*"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<%@page import="java.lang.String.*"%>
<%@page import="java.lang.Character.*"%>
<%@page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@page import="java.text.*"%>
String emplno = request.getParameter("emplno");
String date = request.getParameter("date");
String proposal = request.getParameter("proposals");
String network1 = request.getParameter("network");
String suppassociates = request.getParameter("suppasso");
String intmngt = request.getParameter("intmgt");
String client[] = request.getParameterValues("client");
String client1= request.getParameter("client1");
String clientunit[] = request.getParameterValues("clientunit");
String clientunit1=request.getParameter("clientunit1");
boolean bool=true;
int staffid = Integer.parseInt(emplno);
int len=0;
//String[] check_client = new String[len];
//int check_length=0;
//int unitlength=0;
int arr_length=0;
int[] array = new int[arr_length];
int j=0;
for (int i=0; i<len-1; i++)
The error is:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: For input string: ""
root cause
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

what are you trying to test with client [ i ] == "\0"
You sure you dont need to test against null ?

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TG extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
      private int x, y;
      private int pendown, command, movement;
      String direction, output, temp;
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      JTextField tf1;
      JTextArea ta1;
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        y = 0;
        pendown = 0;
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        Container c = getContentPane();
        c.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
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           tf1 = new JTextField(20);
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           ta1 = new JTextArea(20,20);
           ta1.setEditable( false );
           c.add( ta1 );
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
           temp = tf1.getText();
           if( temp.length() > 1)
           command = Integer.parseInt(temp.substring(0,1));
           movement = Integer.parseInt(temp.substring(2,temp.length()));
           command = Integer.parseInt(temp);
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
      public void direct(String s)
           if(direction == "r" && s =="r")
              direction = "d";
           else if(direction == "r" && s =="l")
              direction = "u";
           else if(direction == "l" && s =="r")
              direction = "u";
           else if(direction == "l" && s =="l")
              direction = "d";
           else if(direction == "u" && s =="r")
              direction = "r";
           else if(direction == "u" && s =="l")
              direction = "l";
           else if(direction == "d" && s =="r")
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           else if(direction == "d" && s =="l")
              direction = "r";
      public void move(int movement)
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                for(int b=0;b<movement;b++)
                     floor[x][y+b] = "*";
                else if(direction == "d")
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                     floor[x][y-b] = "*";
                else if(direction == "l")
                for(int b=0;b<movement;b++)
                     floor[x-b][y] = "*";
                else if(direction == "r")
                for(int b=0;b<movement;b++)
                     floor[x+b][y] = "*";
            else if(pendown == 0)
                 if(direction == "u")
                for(int b=0;b<movement;b++)
                     floor[x][y+b] = "-";
                else if(direction == "d")
                for(int b=0;b<movement;b++)
                     floor[x][y-b] = "-";
                else if(direction == "l")
                for(int b=0;b<movement;b++)
                     floor[x-b][y] = "-";
                else if(direction == "r")
                for(int b=0;b<movement;b++)
                     floor[x+b][y] = "-";
          public void print()
         for(int row=0;row<20;row++)
           for( int column=0;column<20;column++)
                output += floor[row][column];
                if(column == 19)

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    Problem with String to Int conversion
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    _     Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW)._
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    _State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 1722, message: ORA-01722: invalid number at OCI call OCIStmtFetch. [nQSError: 17012] Bulk fetch failed. (HY000)_
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    Edited by: Musnet on Jun 29, 2010 5:42 AM
    Edited by: Musnet on Jun 29, 2010 6:48 AM

    Dear Kart,
    This give me another hint, Yes you are right. There was one row which returns neither blank nor any value.
    I have done the code like following and it works fine
    Thanks again for your support
    Code: cast (CASE (CASE WHEN Length(Grade.Grade)=0 THEN '--' ELSE Grade.Grade END) WHEN 'E4' THEN '24' WHEN 'E3' THEN '23' WHEN 'E2' THEN '22' WHEN 'E1' THEN '21' when '--' then '-1' ELSE Grade.Grade END as Int)

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    <jsp:useBean id="paramBean" class="licentza.ParamBean" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="paramBean"
              value='<%= request.getParameter("numeUser") %>' />
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    Put the class file or the package under :jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6\webapps\root\WEB-INF\classes.

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    I guarantee that something about your assertions are incorrect. Those variables are either not equal to the values you claim, or something else is going on. But it's not a problem with string variables versus string constants.
    Edit: My best guess in lack of a real example from you, is that the strings in question have non-printable characters in them, such as trailing spaces or line feeds.

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              if( nombre.equalsIgnoreCase(output.getStringValue("CN_NOMBRESf",null)) )
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              What I do wrong?.

    You are actually making your users key in things like
    "\026"? Not very user-friendly, I would say. But
    assuming that is the best way for you to get your
    input, or if it's just you doing the input, the way to
    change that 4-character string into the single
    character that Java represents by '\026', you would
    use a bit of code like this:char encoded =
    (char)Integer.parseInt(substring(inputString, 1),
    DrClap has the right idea, except '\026' is octal, not hex. So change the radix from 16 to 8. Unicode is usually represented like '\u002A'. So it looks like you want:String s = "\\077";
    System.out.println((char)Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1), 8));Now all you have to do is parse through the String and replace them, which I think shouldn't be too hard for you now :)

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    For CS4 you must update the Roxio component, especially with Win8 -and-Download

  • Problem with Sessions in JSP

    I am working on a JSP based website, where I am facing problem with sessions. The user is asked to login by providing her id and password. If found correct, a bean is created and populated with all her details and placed in session scope. I plan to use the information stored in the bean on other related pages until she logs out.
    <jsp:useBean id="validUser" scope="session" class="UserBean" >
    <c:set target="${validUser}" property="userId" value="${fn:trim(dbValues.UserId)}" />
    <c:set target="${validUser}" property="userName" value="${fn:trim(dbValues.UserName)}" />
    <c:redirect url="userHome.jsp" /> The user is presented her homepage - 'userHome.jsp', where she can find various links, like 'Update Profile', 'Pay Registration Fees', 'Book Room' etc. The information stored in the bean is available on 'userHome.jsp'page.
    <A HREF='userHome.jsp'>Home</A>
    <A HREF='editPersonal.jsp'>Update Profile</A>
    <A HREF='registrationFee.jsp'>Pay Registration Fees</A>
    <A HREF='bookRoom.jsp'>Book Room</A>
    <A HREF='logout.jsp'>Logout</A> The problems are:
    1. Whenever user clicks on any of the above mentioned links and moves to any page, the bean comes out as null.
    <%-- Verify that the user is logged in --%>
    <c:if test="${validUser == null}">
    <jsp:forward page="loginForm.jsp">
    <jsp:param name="origURL" value="${pageContext.request.requestURL}" />
    <jsp:param name="errorMsg" value="You must be logged in to access this site." />
    </c:if> 2. The URL shows an additional jsessionid, which my client doesn't want to see.
    3. On every click on any link, the value of this jsessionid changes.
    What I presume, when I am clicking on different links, my session changes, and so I am seeing a different jsessionid. And since session is changing, therefore the bean is not available in a different session.
    All this works fine with localhost, problem comes into picture, when I upload my pages to the server.
    Puzzled, can anyone help, where am I going wrong? Let me add here, I am new to JSP and hence don't have much resources with me.

    There are several ways sessions can be exchanged between the browser and the server in a j2ee web application.
    1. The default is through cookies. However when the client does not accept cookies, the server appends the session id to the url.
    2. Some servers also facilitate session information exchange using session id in the url even if the client does accept cookies. This is usually ahieved through a setting in some server configuration file.
    You will have to find out why the server in your application is appending the session id to the url.
    Whatever be the case, the server should be able to look up the session from the incoming request (be it from the session id in the url or a session cookie).
    When session information is exchanged through the JSESSIONID in the url, you should ensure that each and every url that goes to the server has this input parameter. To do that all links and form post urls in your servlet/jsp should be treated with a call to encodeURL().
    For example, in a jsp
       <a href = "<%=response.encodeURL("/nextJsp.jsp")%>">Click here </a>
       <form action = "<%=response.encodeURL("/nextJsp.jsp")%>">

  • Problem with Javascript in JSP

    Hi Guys,
    I have this problem with my JSP page. I am using a javascript function
    which calls a function within a bean. The problem that I have is that I get an error when trying to call the following function :
    function refDataTypes_onchange()
    Vector empNames = DBQuery.getResult();
    I get a runtime error at the line Vector empNames = DBQuery.getResult;
    Any ideas would be much appreciated.
    Below is the whole code:
    Thanks in advance
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252"%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*, java.lang.*" %>
    <%-- Declare the java bean for the countries to be queried --%>
    <jsp:useBean id="DBQuery" class="DBQuery" scope="page" />
    <%-- Bean property searchCondition is not set to query countries --%>
    <jsp:setProperty name="DBQuery" property="searchCondition" />
    Vector empNames = DBQuery.getResult();
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
    function refDataTypes_onchange()
    Vector empNames = DBQuery.getResult();
    <FORM NAME = form1>
    Please enter in the following details
    Reference Type :::====
    <select name="refDataTypes" onchange="refDataTypes_onchange()">
    <option value ="1"></option>
    <% for(Enumeration enum = empNames.elements();enum.hasMoreElements();)
    String nextEmpName = (String)enum.nextElement();
    <option value =<%=nextEmpName%>><%=nextEmpName%></option>
    Emp No
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=txtAge >
    <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Check Details" NAME=butCheckForm >

    Thanks dimadoo
    I need my JSP to do the following :
    When a user selects a option from a select list. There is a textfield which I want to populate based on the option that thas been selected from the list.
    I tried the following :
    <% Vector empNames = DBQuery.getResult(); %>
    and it does not even go into the bean.
    Will this work if I refresh the page?

  • Problem with String in a Vector

    I'm making a small hangman game. And I got a problem with putting words in a Vector... This is the code... Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
    // First I define it.
    Vector Words;
    //  Then add the words
    Vector Words = new Vector();
    Words.add(new String("HELLO"));
    Words.add(new String("GOOD BYE"));
    // When I try to get a string from the Vector I use this.
    // The program compiles but when I try to run it I get NullPointerExeption here
    W = (String) Words.elementAt(0);

    Not sure since I cant see all of your code but looks like this might be your problem:
    // First I define it.
    Vector Words; //<-- here you define a Vector named Words that is null
    // Then add the words
    Vector Words = new Vector(); //<-- here you define another vector named Words that holds a reference to a new Vector. This is a different reference than the one created above so you should probably remove the "Vector" part from the beginning of this line. Is this a local variable to a method and the one before is a global variable?
    //Here you probably access the locally created Words vector which is initialized
    Words.add(new String("HELLO"));
    // When I try to get a string from the Vector I use this.
    // The program compiles but when I try to run it I get NullPointerExeption here
    W = (String) Words.elementAt(0); //<--and here my guess is that this statement is inside another method than the one with the local Words vector defined. Thus this one accesses the global Words Vector that is never initalized and is Null. And that gives you the NullPointerException.
    So try changing the statement
    Vector Words = new Vector();
    Words = new Vector();
    or just remove it totally and move the Vector creation to the place where you introduce the global variable.
    Of course I might be totally wrong since I cant see all of your code but that is my guess.
    Hope it helps,

  • Problem with String parameters while Calling RFC enabled Function Module

    Hi all,
    I execute BAPI(RFC enabled Function Module) from my WebDynpro Application and retrieve data from R/3.
    To fetch the data I pass few String parameters to BAPI from my Dynpro Application.
    Now the problem is that while making this call, the parameters are automatically converted to UpperCase. And I want those parameters in the original case at R/3.
    I am not able to find out whether this conversion occurs at Dynpro side or R/3 Side.
    Should i configure my BAPI(RFC enabled Function Module) or is there some option on the Dynpro Side to preserve the Case of the String?
    Please help me.

    Hi Darshil,
    I'm not sure whether you have experience with ABAP or you are a Java Programmer, but we cannot set that flag permanently.
    Now, if you are saying that the domains are marked with the <i>Lowercase</i> attribute, then it means that the final table field will be capable of holding Case Sensitive data.
    I have a hunch that the case-conversion is happenning at the Web-Dynpro side. Or, the application logic converts the string to UPPERCASE explicitly.
    By the way, which BAPI are you talking about ?
    Anand Mandalika.

  • Problem with read() mehtod!Help please...

    Hi guys..please help me with this simple stuff...these small program will display the the character count in a word...example: a=4,'s my code...
    public class BufferedReaderTest {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    char[] capital = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J','K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
    'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'};
    FileReader fr = new FileReader("watu.txt");
    BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(fr);
    String inString;
    while ((inString = buffer.readLine()) !=null) {
    String upperCase = inString.toUpperCase();
    int nextChar;
    char ch;
    int count=0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
    while ( (nextChar = ) != -1 ) ***problem with this line**
    ch = (char) nextChar;
    if( ch== capital)
    System.out.print(" " + capital[i]);
    System.out.println(" " + count);

    Hi guys..please help me with this simple
    stuff...these small program will display the the
    character count in a word...example:
    For future postings please:
    - use code tags (see:
    - always provide the compiler (and/or runtime) errors.
    Your problem is String has no method called read().
    To loop through a String and check it's contents line by line you could use a for-statement and String's charAt(int) method.
    Here's how to use the for-statement:
    Good luck.

  • Problems with setCharacterEnconding, I need Help

    I have a problem with Internationalization, specially with the method setCharacterEnconding, because I need to put a new enconde for my request.
    And my code compile sucesfully, but when I try to run in a request Client, appear in the Browser the next.
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletRequest: method setCharacterEncoding(Ljava/lang/String;)V not found
    And this is the source
    String name=req.getCharacterEncoding();     
    Please the community can help me?.

    Sorry, for the inconvenients. Thank's.
    Maybe the problem is the container, but sorry. I don�t know how, I can change the servlet container.
    Please could you explain me and check in my problem?.
    Exactly the ISO8859-1 containt the languaje code pt, but is very extrange that not encode the output wih my source code. Also change the Locale to Portuguese. But is the same the request can�t encode in the getParameter. And for this reazon I try use setCharacterEncoding for give the request the correct encoder but appear the message error.
    In this link could you check the codes
    Also exist a table more clear in the book Java Servlet Programming by Jason Hunter.

  • I have a problem with my microphone, please help if you can

    Hello everyone.
    I have a problem with my microphone. After i bougth Creative's sound card "Sound blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio" and installed it, everything was allright and my microphone was working great, but this was when I used Windows XP, when i started to use Windows 7, it suddenly was very weak and i almost didn't heard it.
    Currently, I have bouth Windows XP and Windows 7 installed, so I know the microphone is working when I am switching up between the OS, because it still works good on Windows XP.
    If you can help please tell me.
    I am using Windows 7 64 bit, I made sure the flexijack settings in the Audio controll panel are set to microphone and not line in, in the Windows 7 audio controll I have set the microphone volum to maximum and made sure it is configured properly.
    Thank you for helping.

    Originally Posted by tav2000
    Hello everyone.
    I have a problem with my microphone. After i bougth Creative's sound card "Sound blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio" and installed it, everything was allright and my microphone was working great, but this was when I used Windows XP, when i started to use Windows 7, it suddenly was very weak and i almost didn't heard it.
    Currently, I have bouth Windows XP and Windows 7 installed, so I know the microphone is working when I am switching up between the OS, because it still works good on Windows XP.
    If you can help please tell me.
    I am using Windows 7 64 bit, I made sure the flexijack settings in the Audio controll panel are set to microphone and not line in, in the Windows 7 audio controll I have set the microphone volum to maximum and made sure it is configured properly.
    Thank you for helping.
    Hi tav,
    While waiting for other forum members to post..
    Perhaps you havent installed the latest drivers yet? (link HERE)

  • Bought a 2nd hand iphone4. On the screen it shows "Connect to itunes" after connecting it shows in my itunes "There is a problem with your iphone" Pls help me what to do next? Thanks

    Hi. I would really appreciate if someone could help me find a way to solve my problem. I bought a second hand iphone4 from my friend's friend. I fully trust my friend coz she said this iphone is working but it was handed to her lowbat so i get home i recharge it immediately and after charging it, i open and it shows to select language and country and i did select. After this it shows on the screen "Connect to itunes". Then i plug it in to my laptop and connect to itunes. It shows in my itunes " There is a problem with your iphone". Please visit the Service Answer Center to find answers to all your questions etc. To find your nearest Apple Store pls click here. I know i was so stupid to fully trust and paid before i check the phone. Can anybody pls help me with my problem.

    It's probably broken. Is there an error number displayed by iTunes?

Maybe you are looking for