Problem with XMLForms Rendering iview

Hi everybody,
I designed an XMLForm with the XML Forms Builder, with having 3 objects (one image, a title and the text). Now, I want all objects to be optional for the end-user, which means that if he uploaded an image it should be displayed and if he enters a title it should be displayed in the rendering view as well. This works fine, but the problem is that I want the content to be aligned on the top left of the iView. But unfortanately the KM Navigation iView keeps the placeholders for all objects. Is it possible to leave these placeholders out if there isn't any content to be displayed ?

You can build your own iview using the listshow form instead of km navigation. You can play around with the layout sets to use km navigation but the listshow form is a lot more flexable.
Check this out for more info:
Message was edited by: Jason Mitchell

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    Here's why. The Nvidia is a dedicated chip, and it doesn't rely solely on system RAM to operate. The Intel HD4000 does. The MORE system RAM you have, the MORE video RAM you'll have with the Intel chip. I have 16Gb and my VRAM is 1024Mb. I use Photoshop CS5 and CS6. With 4Gb RAM, I don't have enough VRAM for either to enable 3D drawing. With 512Mb VRAM (8Gb system RAM), CS5 would allow 3D, but only with software rendering, and CS6 wouldn't allow it at all. Once I put 16Gb in the Mini, BOTH allow 3D rendering with hardware.

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    Jitendra Kumar.
    "Andrew Clifford" wrote:
    I am having a problem of portlets rendering more than once. Or more specifically,
    it appears placements are rendering more than once. Anyone have this
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    got at least one more: username MYLOGIN placement
    placementId: 26004
    DesktopInstanceId: 22003
    PageInstanceId: 6004
    PlaceholderDefinitionId: 6010
    position: 1
    PortletInstanceId: 36007
    BookInstanceId: null location 1.>

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    Component :
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentContext.init(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentRequest.getComponentContext(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.PortalRequest.getRootContext(
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         at Method)
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         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
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         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentContext.getComponent(
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         ... 26 more
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    Loader Info -
    ClassLoader name: [com.sapportals.portal.prt.util.ApplicationClassLoader@2086d]
    Parent loader name: [com.sapportals.portal.prt.util.ApplicationClassLoader@695f94]
       not registered!
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         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         ... 30 more

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    Hi Praveen,
    Thanks for the quick response. 
    I have seen those notes already and unfortunately they don't solve this specific problem.  These will solve the problem for the SSD method (.sap file) of starting the SAPGUI for Windows but not for the SSF method (.ssf file).
    The main issue is that before the install of the Patch we did not get the popup, everything worked fine.  It doesn't make sense why we would have to change our IE settings now to get it to work properly.  It should work the same as before the patch.
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    - SSF_URL_Postfix = /
    - SSD_URL_Postfix = /tx.ssd
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    Hello, your help will be very important for me, so please read this :
    this is the code of my jspx page :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="1.2"
         < contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
         <f:view locale="#{locale.locale}">
              <!-- Load localized messages -->
              <f:loadBundle var="bundle" basename="localizedMessages" />
              <!-- Main document element -->
              <af:document title="#{bundle.account_bucket_title}">
                        <f:facet name="top">
                                  <!-- Top bar -->
                                  <jsp:directive.include file="includes/header.jspf" />
                                  <!-- Top menu -->
                                  <jsp:directive.include file="includes/MenuTop.jspf" />
                        <f:facet name="bottom">
                             <af:panelGroup inlineStyle="position: relative; bottom:0px">
                                  <!-- Bottom menu -->
                                  <jsp:directive.include file="includes/MenuBottom.jspf" />
                        <!--bucket details-->
                        <af:panelGroup layout="vertical"
                             inlineStyle="overflow:auto; height=88%; position:relative">
                             <af:objectSpacer width="100" height="20" />
                             <af:panelHeader text="#{bundle.account_bucket_title}" size="0" />
                             <af:objectSpacer width="100" height="20" />
                             <af:table emptyText="#{bundle.account_bucket_no_items}" var="item"
                                  value="" width="100%">
                                  <af:column sortable="true"
                                       headerNoWrap="true" formatType="text">
                                       <af:outputText value="" />
                                  <af:column sortable="true"
                                       headerNoWrap="true" formatType="text">
                                       <af:outputText value="" />
                                  <af:column sortable="true"
                                       headerNoWrap="true" formatType="text">
                                       <af:table emptyText="#{bundle.account_bucket_bucket_no_item}"
                                            var="item" value="" width="100%">
                                            <af:column sortable="true"
                                                 headerNoWrap="true" formatType="text">
                                                 <af:outputText value="" />
                                            <af:column sortable="true"
                                                 headerNoWrap="true" formatType="text">
                                                 <af:outputText value="" />
                                            <af:column sortable="true"
                                                 headerNoWrap="true" formatType="text">
                                                 <af:outputText value="" />
                                            <af:column sortable="true"
                                                 headerNoWrap="true" formatType="text">
                                                 <af:outputText value="" />
                                            <af:column sortable="true"
                                                 headerNoWrap="true" formatType="icon">
                                                      action="" />
    When i use IE there is no problem, an iFrame is generated and the bucket detais are rendered into it.
    The problem is with Firefox, the is an iFrame in the HTML code, but there is no rendering of it : why ?
    it seems that iFrames are well-rendered with FireFox and i don't no how to change my page to render it good with both FireFox and IE
    Please tell me a solution, something to change with my ADF tags ?...

    i found solution for the problem that i use the following code to include JavaScript file
    i found that the problem occurred when i use the following code to include JavaScript file
    <script type="text/javascript" src="javascriptfile.js"/>
    also if i included 2 JavaScript files only one file is included at runtime
    but when i used the following code to include JavaScript files
    <afh:script source="javascriptfile.js"/>
    the two problems were solved (the problem of LOV and the problem of including multiple /js files)
    i don't know if it is a bug in the ADF or i made a mistake in the previous way
    any way thanks to you all for helping me

  • I've had a problem with previewing rendered video files

    Hey guys, I'm Justin,
    thanks in advance.
    so when I render video files in fce, the video usually renders fine, but on the canvas the video just replays the first and last frame of the rendered video, making it look like a jumbled mess. but, when I export it as a quicktime file it runs just fine, I think the problem is in my canvas and I don't know how to fix it.
    Also I recently upgraded my system from 2gb of ram to 4gb of ram, can fce recognise this or do I need to do something fancy
    Thank you so much,

    Hello, Justin, and welcome to the forum.
    Where is the video coming from and how are you getting it into FCE? Almost always, your best bet is to convert your media into a format with which FCE works natively before you bring it into the program. If you do that, rendering and lots of other issues are minimized.

  • Problem with Collaboration maintenance IView

    I need a help or suggestion in Collaboration maintenance Iview requirement.
    When i am creating a room i am giving long description. But when i open this room in the room directory The description expands with a horizontal bar.  But i would like to split this description into two to three rows.
    like description.setWrapping(true);
    I am downloaded the room maintenance par file.  and i identified the jar file which consists of the source code , but its depending on so many objects.
    Any alternative or help in the above problem.
    Thanks in Advance

    Gerrit Lober wrote:
    in IE9 [...] If I click save the file will be saved. If I open the file then everything works fine. In FF [...]. If I save there the file before an open it manually it works fine also.
    this lets me assume that the generated file is fine. and that IE doesnt know how to open it, and that FF thinks it knows how to open it, but opens it "differently".
    I'd still suggest to (re)install the newest SAP GUI

  • Problems with KM Document iView in Navigation

    i have a KM Document iView which links to a document in the KM.
    If i use the preview function of the iView the iView and its document opens without problems.
    But if I add this iView to a role and afterwards try to open the iView through the navigation, I always get a "page not found" error, even with the same Admin user i created and previewed it before.
    Can anybody help me please?
    Thanks in advance,

    not only to the pcd object... do the users have atelast read access permissions to that document in KM content.
    Go to the context menu of that document or its parent folder  and click the details option.
    then go to settings->permissions
    There you give read access to the users that you want to display this document.
    Hope that helps you.

  • Anyone have problem with CS5 renderer?

    I put title to a sequence, and then nested this sequence to another sequence. the title "jumps" after rendering the second sequence.....
    and then i tried rendering sequence 1 and then put this rendered sequence 1 into sequence 2. the same thing happened.
    second problem. all titles added with premiere title will become very ugly if i render with progressive field type.... titles are find to render with lower field, but... since i used slow motion for the footage, the footage looks split.....

    Try clearing your media cache which is in the Media section of Premiere Pro's preferences.  Sometimes that can help.

  • Some probleme with my search iview

    Hi Everybody,
    We are making a search iView to display a list of UME users. So i'm using the Who's who list renderer settings.
    But, i'm facing a lot of problems :
    1. I want to hide some users from the results (like administration users or portal generated users), and I think it must be a permission problem. But I can't find this section in the portal.
    2. Some row are missing ... For instance, in the search result, the pager at the bottom indicate that there is up to 10 rows in a page, but the iView show about 5 or 6 row. Some results are hidden, and I don't understand why.
    3. I would like to have a unlimited number of results. But in the search option set, I can just set the max number of result to 50. And even if I do this, the max number of displayed results is just 10.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Alexandre,
    to the 1. question: The only way I know to restrict the visibility of user information from UME can be found here in documentation:
    The idea here is to restrict the user data dísplay like in external portals where different companies can access.
    Some generic information can also be found in following How to Guide:
    Please check also the following note: 891776
    Be aware that if you display an unlimited number of search Result, in theory this would also have an performance impact.
    Kind regards,

  • Problem with JSF rendered

    I have strange problem in my JSF project. When i use rendered along with <h:commandButton> it is not invoking method specified in action attribute. In following code
    <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri=""%>
         rendered ="#{myBean.buttonClicked == 'edit'}">
         rendered ="#{myBean.buttonClicked == 'save'}">
    It is showing proper buttons on jsp pages. i.e. if value of "myBean.buttonClicked" = save , it shows save button else it shows edit button.
    But problem is when i click the button, it is not calling any neither "saveMyData" nor "updateMyData".
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    <%@ taglib prefix="t" uri=""%>
    <t:saveState value="#{myBean}"/>
    Please help me out on this. I dont want to save the state and i want rendered to work fine. Any pointers will be really helpful to me.

    Hi rlubke,
    Thank you very much for replying. I understood first two work arounds but not clear about third one. i.e "modifying the rendered attribute directly via method calls instead of via expressions" .
    Can you please elaborate this technique?If you can provide some example code then it would be great.

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    Thanks for the help

    I wonder if this can be overcome using data binding. There is
    default binding behavior you can set up, but if you are using
    custom classes perhaps some of the more advanced binding techniques
    would work.
    These FB 2.0.1 help topics (or via LiveDocs) might help:
    Defining bindings in ActionScript
    Defining binding watchers

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