Problemas batería xperia Z1

Tengo un Xperia Z1, por 19 meses, hace un mes la duración de la batería disminuyó drásticamente, actualicé a Android 5.0.2 (Lollypop), esperando solución al problema y nada, cada día la batería (no extraíble) dura menos. Voy a cambiar el terminal y no creo que elija nuevamente un Sony Xperia. 

Buen día IvanZ1,
Gracias por su mensaje. Nos disculpamos por los inconvenientes que a pasado con su unidad, le sugerimos intentar los pasos disponibles a través del siguiente enlace para tratar de solucionar el problema que está presentando su Sony Xperia Z1 al agotar la carga de batería rápidamente:
Si el problema persiste puede verificar las opciones de servicio en su área visitando el siguiente enlace:
Si te fue útil esta solución, favor dar clic al botón que dice ''Aceptar como Solución''.

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    If you feel you have been cheated by Sony, Contact me. Let us sort it out.

    thereis already a self-help forum
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    the one is this one
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    You need to contact Xperia care or return it to the place of purchase - We are a user led support forum so are unable to help in matters like this -
    For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.   Richard P. Feynman

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    Hola Buen día Jorge. Te cuento que he solucionado el inconveniente con algo sencillo. Primero respondo a tu pregunta. El cellular NO se me descarga en modo reposo, sólo al estar conectado a internet. No lo utilizo mucho con juegos, pero por ej para ver videos o fotos ya descargados, eso no afecta tanto a la batería. Lo que pude hacer es algo simple y que ya había leído. Disminuí el brillo de la pantalla (sin ponerlo en automático). Ahora me dura 1 día entero usándolo bastante y a veces hasta 2 días. He mirado las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en segundo plano y hay una herramienta de seguridad contra virus, spyware, que en este momento no recuerdo bien su nombre pero tengo entendido que viene incluída de fábrica y otras más. Lo que sí me mejora notablemente es una utilidad que trae esa herramienta de seguridad llamada "Limpieza" que lo que hace es liberar aplicaciones innecesarias que están en ejecución en la memoria RAM de 1 GB del cel. le corro seguido esa utilidad y el % de batería disminuye más lentamente. Apenas termino de cargar el cel y lo enciendo, puedo ver ahora, desde que he bajado la intensidad del brillo de la pantalla, que disminuye rápido sólo desde el 100 al 80%. Al ver esto corro la utilidad Limpieza y se empieza a frenar. A partir de ahi, me dura un montón, incluso mirando videos online de youtube. Muchas gracias por tu respuesta. Vos tenés un celular igual???

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    ENGLISH Good day.
    Even though my device is unlocked and connected to the same Wi-fi as the computer, it is not recognized by the computer.
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    Thank You!   ESPAÑOL Buenas.Aunque mi dispositivo está desbloqueado y conectado a la misma red Wi-fi que la computadora, no es reconocido en la computadora.Por otro lado, Spotify en la computadora ni siquiera tiene la pestaña de "dispositivos".Además, hay canciones de los archivos locales que aparecen más oscuras en el spotify de la computadora y aún así se pueden escuchar, sin embargo en el celular no se escuchan.Gracias!

    Hola y bienvenido a la comunidad!
    La nueva versión de Spotify para PC ya no tiene la pestaña dispositivos, para poder sincronizar los archivos locales en tu Xperia, tienes que hacer que la playlist en concreto se pueda escuchar offline en el PC y una vez hecho eso, marcarla en tu teléfono como disponible offline. Si tienes problemas, te recomiendo que reinstales Spotify tanto en tu Xperia como en el PC.

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    @echo off
    echo --------------------------------------------------- >> C:\vmlog.txt
    echo Update_ausgeführt >> C:\vmlog.txt
    echo %Computername%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%_%DATE:/=% >> C:\vmlog.txt
    echo --------------------------------------------------- >> C:\vmlog.txt
    start "update" /wait "c:\windows\system32\wuauclt.exe" /resetauthorization /detectnow
    start "update" /wait "c:\windows\system32\wuauclt.exe" /updatenow
    Simply, some log infos before the update push starts.
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    checked : KB890830 (removal Tool)
    unchecked : .NET Framework 4.5.1 for Win 7 KB2858725
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    Thanks a lot !
    So here my question again, this time the correct forum :)
    Thanks for any help !

    start "update" /wait
    This is an undocumented and ineffective command line.
    I have never, ever seen this command working.
    To force a computer too install updates, you can :
    - Set a deadline to these updates. But be aware that these deadlines will apply to all computers that need these updates. And there is some serious drawbacks (reboot behaviors).
    - Use Windows Update Agent API. See UpdateHF.vbs
    David COURTEL
    IT Technician
    Wsus Third-Party Softwares Publishing :

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     Charge your phone for 40 minutes or so then start the update process all over again with either PCC or Bridge PC Companion (PCC)  Bridge (for Mac)   Alternatives on How to backup Xperias 

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    Robfedorka wrote:
    I'm having the same issue.  Incoming calls displayed full screen photo until I downloaded Apples software upgrade.  How do I return photos to full screen.
    That feature was removed in one of the recent updates. Unless and until Apple adds the feature back, you will have to live without it. Submit your feedback requesting it directly to Apple using the appropriate link on the Feedback page:

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    Please edit or re-post in English so that someone may help you out, as this is an English only forum. Thank you

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    I'd suggest that you do a PC Companion phone repair, this will do a clean installation of the latest firmware and will also wipe your internal memory.
    Open PC companion -> Support zone -> Phone/tablet software update -> Repair my phone/tablet (blue link style). Follow the steps given, do not connect your phone until prompted to press volume down while plugging USB cable.
    But if you want to downgrade to Kitkat, follow this post:
    A proud Sony User since 2002
    If I was helpful to you, thank me by Kudos

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    just be patient it won't be long before it's released
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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    After I visited the service center, the technician agreed to repair the Phone provided I give them a formal declaration that during repair if anything goes wrong, then I would not hold them responsible for the damage as the components required to rectify possible damage is not available with Sony.
    Please advice me what to do. Is there really any possibility for unrecoverable damage? Do technicians in service centers can claim such declaration?

    Hi ... I had a same problem and its resolved by just some working mentioned below, do not panic your data is same and it will be recovered, twhen your mobile arc s is continuesly restarting, when xperia logo is displayed, long press the home key or continuesly press it, the middle button and in 4 to 5 restart you will see the lock screen and your wall paper and it might restart from that point also but try again and again and if the screen stays move quickly to settings and close the blue tooth and with the next restart your phone will be normal, hence forth do not use bluetooth i future It will require many try so be patient and try again and again.  I was successful twice and got all my data as it is. ashok.gos wrote:
    I am having a strange problem with my Xperia Arc S. It's keep auto-restarting all the time and does not start at all. It's showing the "Sony" Logo then the "Xperia" logo then blank screen and then after some waiting it's keep showing the "Sony" logo and "Xperia" Logo. I reported this to Xperia Care and I got advice to visit Sony mobile Service Center.
    After I visited the service center, the technician agreed to repair the Phone provided I give them a formal declaration that during repair if anything goes wrong, then I would not hold them responsible for the damage as the components required to rectify possible damage is not available with Sony.
    Please advice me what to do. Is there really any possibility for unrecoverable damage? Do technicians in service centers can claim such declaration?

  • Android Xperia Z sound problem

    Good evening everyone.
    I decided to buy the sony xperia Z yesterday in the hope that Spotify would work well on it.
    I've i stalled spotify, downloaded for offline play one of my playlists and started playing the music.
    I noticed straight away that as soon as I press play on a song, it starts as normal, and after a second of playing, it kind of pops/cracks and then the sound quality changes. I'm guessing it is the xperia's EQ kicking in.
    Once the pop/crack has happened, after that it is perfect as It should be....
    This happens when I start a song, fast forward a song, or skip a song.
    I have reset all phone settings but this hasn't worked....
    I have tried the Walkman app on the phone, aswell as playing samples of songs on the google music store, and it is perfect, so the problem is only with spotify.
    I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue?
    Also, do you think it is an android software bug or is it a Spotify software bug?
    Thanks on advance for all your help.
    I will try and upload a video of it later on this evening if this will help to explain?
    Thanks everyone

    I had the exact same problem with my Xperia S, that whenever i played a new song, forward etc..It would sound too high, and then the EQ comes in. Anyway, id you go to Spotify settings, and disable EQ it won't work.Maybe you already found a solution, or maybe you no longer have a Xperia handset, but for those that still have this problem, here's how to solve it:1-Go to main menu2-Go to settings3-Go to apps/applications4-Go to "all" tab Note: This is the file you need to select if you have a Xperia handset, if you have this problem with any other cellphone brand, you will have to find out which is the correct one.5-Find a file/app called "sound enhancements".6-Tap on it and disable it. Now you can play music with Spotify without any issues.*Important Note*For Xperia handsets if you want to use the EQ on Walkman again, it's going to crash, for that do the same procedure and enable "sound enhancements". Hopefully this will help some one. If it helped you, please reply my commment, just to let me know that it worked for you, and what cellphone brand you have.

  • Xperia Z3 Compact 3.5mm jack problems

    Hello  I'm having problems with the audio jack on my phone (Z3 Compact). Recently i noticed that often, while listening to music over headphones, the playback would just stop. At first I thought it was an app problem so I tried switching apps. Turns out it's NOT software related; If I move the audio pin even a little bit (and it moves constantly in my pocket), the app just stops playback as if they were completely disconnected on purpose. After another nudge it recognizes the headphones again, only to lose them a moment later. If I absolutely dont touch it, it works fine, but preventing any movement at all while the phone is in my pocket is nigh impossible. Had the phone for about 3 months, and this only started happening a few days ago. Tried blowing the dust out, as well as using 3 different pairs of new headphones and the issue persists. It's kind of hard for me to send the phone to Sony for repair at the moment, so that is my last resort. I'm out of ideas how to fix this. Anyone had similar issues?? Thanks in advance.

    Happened to me today as well. Only had the phone for 2-3 month as well. had so much problems with the xperias, can't beleive I have to send it back again. Thought it was an app problem at first because I changed podcast app recently. But today it started going on and off. Turns out the black inner ring in the audio jack is all loose... there goes 2-3 weeks for the 6-7th time...

  • Z2 Problems

    Hi Sony,
    I just want to share my problems on my Xperia Z2.
    First is the sd card error message always pops up "unexpected removal of sd card".
    Second is when Im using the SBH52 headset for text to speech like for email and facebook notifications, the volume is always at low when starts to speech. Even I increased the volume it will go back to low volume when starts to read again.
    Please help to solve this issue. Your xperia Z2 design great and I love it.
    Thank you and regards,

    Alex2003 wrote:
    Hi Sony,
    I just want to share my problems on my Xperia Z2.
    First is the sd card error message always pops up "unexpected removal of sd card".
    Second is when Im using the SBH52 headset for text to speech like for email and facebook notifications, the volume is always at low when starts to speech. Even I increased the volume it will go back to low volume when starts to read again.
    Please help to solve this issue. Your xperia Z2 design great and I love it.
    Thank you and regards,
    I suggest you try an reinsert the micro SD card to make sure it goes in properly.

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