Probleme Vektoreigenschaften beim Export Fireworks nach Illustrator...

Ich habe da ein "kleines" Problem.
Ich habe in Fireworks eine Grafik entworfen, eine Vektorzeichnung.
Nun wollte ich diese Zeichnung zwecks Einbettung in ein Druckprojekt zum Illustrator exportieren.
Also in Fireworks gespeichert als Ai-Datei. Wenn ich die Datei nun in Illustrator öffne, sind jetzt alle Pinseleigenschaften der Vektoren verloren gegangen.
Was vorher verschiedene Pinselstärken und runde Striche mit dem Kaligrafiepinsel waren, das sind jetzt eckige Klotzstriche, wie mit einem Edding gezogen.
Dazu scheint Ai einige dünne Striche dicker darzustellen, als sie normal im FW waren.
Hat irgendwer eine Lösung, wie ich meine Grafik als Vektor in den Illustrator bekomme und zwar so, daß alle Striche so ausschauen, wie in Fireworks entworfen?
Import als Bitmap ist keine wirkliche Lösung, weil ich die Grafik je nach Anwendung noch leicht abändern muss.
Wäre super, wenn mir da jmd weiterhelfen könnte, ich habe wenig Lust alles noch mal neu zu zeichnen...

Naja, die Intention für Fw ist Web, Web, Web. Da ist es Spezialist. Es hatte nie die Intention für Print, Vektoren allenfalls für Flash, aber nicht für Print. Sehr guter Datenaustausch für Dw und Fl, miserabel für Ai und Ps, Id ist gar nicht angedacht.
Umgekehrt ist Ai der Allrounder für alle Bereiche.
Zugegeben, ideal ist das nicht, aber es wurde auch nie versprochen, dass ein Austausch zwischen Fw und den Alt-Adobe-Produkten da ist. Es kann jeder nachlesen, was die Programme leisten und nicht. Es steht sogar jedes Handbuch im Internet kostenllos zur Verfügung, das ist meiner Meinung die wichtigste und vor allem zuverlässigste Quelle für eine Kaufentscheidung. Im Zweifel gibt es viele Foren bei denen man vorher Fragen kann, so wie dieses Forum.
Der Wert der Creative Suite wird ja nicht nur durch diese eine, sicher schmerzlich vermisste Funktion definiert, sondern durch eine Vielzahl von notwendigen und produktionswichtigen Funktionen, die schon da sind. Sicher hat man Wünsche, dass das Programm dies und jenes tun könnte. Ja, ich würde mir auch Wünschen, dass die ehemaligen MM-Produkte in Sachen PDF (und dazu zählt AI) aufholen würden. Aber hier im Forum immer die gleiche Leier wiederholen ist kindisch und hilft uns nicht weiter. Setze bei Adobe einen Feature Request ab, wenn mehr Kunden eine Funktion einfordern, dann wird der Druck auf die Entwickler und vor allem die jeweiligen Product Manager so groß, dass dahin investiert wird. Es ist eine Sache des Markts nach Angebot und Nachfrage.

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  • Problem with exporting Fireworks mock-up into Dreamweaver

    Hallo everyone,
    I’m  beginner in Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Right now I am working on a  mock-up of a web-site in Fireworks. Just for practice, I created very  simple structure in Fireworks CS5 (two rectangles with one line of text  in 3 different languages placed into one rectangle). When I exported  created page into Dreamweaver CS5 as Html and Images, it looked nice  (obviously, since it is Html and Images). Then I tried to export the  page as CSS and Images. The strange thing is that the page looks fine  when displayed in Firefox, but the text breaks into two lines when  displayed in Explorer or Opera. Moreover, the design of the page in  Dreamweaver doesn’t replicate the Fireworks’ mock-up and looks not as  nice as in Fireworks. For you reference I am including the Html and CSS  code that was created by Fireworks. Does anybody have an idea what is  happening and what should I do to prevent this kind of problems when  trying exporting more complicated Fireworks mock-ups?
    Sincerely yours,
    This is the code created by Fireworks CS5:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
                   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
                   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./index_ALA_20110129.css" media="all" />
                   <!--[if IE]>
                   <style type="text/css" media="all">.borderitem {border-style: solid;}</style>
    <div id="main">
                   <div id="hor_line">
                   <div class="clearFloat"></div>
                   <div class="welcome">
                                                 <p class="lastNode">いらしゃいませ
                   <div class="clearFloat"></div>
                   <div id="blue_box">
                   <div id="green_box">
                                  <div class="pass_***">
                                                                <p class="lastNode">パスワードを入れてください
                                  <div class="clearFloat"></div>
                                  <div class="pass_eng">
                                                                <p class="lastNode">please enter password
                                  <div class="clearFloat"></div>
                                  <div class="pass_rus">
                                                                <p class="lastNode">введите ваш пароль пожалуйста
                                  <div class="clearFloat"></div>
                   <div id="Div">
    And this is CSS:
    @charset "utf-8";
    body {
                   background-color: #fff;
                   font-size: 62.5%;
                   margin: 0;
                   padding: 0;
    body * {
                   font-size: 100%;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
                   font-weight: normal;
    p {
                   margin-bottom: 1.1em;
                   margin-top: 0;
    #main p.lastNode {
                   margin-bottom: 0;
    a:link img, a:visited img {
                   border: none;
    div.clearFloat {
                   clear: both;
                   font-size: 0;
                   height: 0;
                   line-height: 0px;
    li.clearFloat {
                   clear: both;
    ul.symbolList {
                   display: inline;
                   float: left;
                   list-style-type: none;
                   margin: 0;
                   padding: 0;
    .AbsWrap {
                   position: relative;
                   width: 100%;
    .rowWrap {
                   width: 100%;
    #main {
                   margin: 0 auto 0 0;
                   width: 1000px;
    #hor_line {
                   margin-left: 45px;
                   margin-top: 80px;
                   display: inline;
                   float: left;
                   margin-bottom: 0;
                   border: 11px solid #ccc;
                   width: 887px;
                   padding-top: 1px;
                   height: 1px;
                   height: 2px;
                   overflow: hidden;
    .welcome {
                   font-family: 'MS Pゴシック', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                   font-size: 400%;
                   font-weight: bold;
                   text-align: left;
                   text-decoration: underline;
                   color: #900;
                   line-height: 120%;
                   padding-bottom: 2px;
                   padding-top: 1px;
                   margin-left: 50px;
                   margin-top: 58px;
                   display: inline;
                   float: left;
                   margin-bottom: 0;
    #blue_box {
                   margin-left: 44px;
                   margin-top: 16px;
                   display: inline;
                   float: left;
                   margin-bottom: 0;
                   background-color: #03c;
                   width: 417px;
                   padding-top: 0px;
                   height: 290px;
    html > body #blue_box {
                   height: auto;
                   min-height: 291px;
    #green_box {
                   margin-left: 57px;
                   margin-top: 16px;
                   display: inline;
                   float: left;
                   margin-bottom: 0;
                   background-color: #9f9;
                   width: 406px;
                   padding-top: 0px;
                   height: 290px;
    html > body #green_box {
                   height: auto;
                   min-height: 291px;
    .pass_*** {
                   font-family: 'メイリオ', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                   font-size: 230%;
                   font-weight: bold;
                   text-align: left;
                   color: #006;
                   line-height: 120%;
                   padding-bottom: 2px;
                   padding-top: 1px;
                   margin-left: 31px;
                   margin-top: 42px;
                   display: inline;
                   float: left;
                   margin-bottom: 0;
    .pass_eng {
                   font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                   font-size: 220%;
                   font-weight: bold;
                   text-align: left;
                   color: #39576b;
                   line-height: 120%;
                   padding-bottom: 2px;
                   padding-top: 1px;
                   margin-left: 31px;
                   margin-top: 45px;
                   display: inline;
                   float: left;
                   margin-bottom: 0;
    .pass_rus {
                   font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                   font-size: 180%;
                   font-weight: bold;
                   text-align: left;
                   color: #006;
                   line-height: 120%;
                   padding-bottom: 2px;
                   padding-top: 1px;
                   margin-left: 31px;
                   margin-top: 62px;
                   display: inline;
                   float: left;
                   margin-bottom: 0;
    #Div {
                   margin-right: -95px;
                   margin-top: 108px;
                   display: inline;
                   float: right;
                   margin-bottom: 0;
                   border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
                   height: 1px;
                   width: 1px;
                   height: 1px;
                   overflow: hidden;

    Hi Jim_Babbage,
    Thanks for your response. I am sending you the original PNG file.
    Looking forward to your solution,

  • Problem beim Export - 100%-Prozessorauslastung

    Beim Export von Fotos aus Lightroom 4 erreicht mein System eine 100%-Auslastung. Intel Core TurboBoost wird dabei deaktiviert. Ist der Export beendet läuft das System wieder wie gewohnt. - Auch TurboBoost funktioniert wieder einwandfrei. Gibt es Lösungsvorschläge für dieses Problem?
    When exporting photos from Lightroom 4 reached my system a 100% utilization. IntelTurbo Boost is deactivated. When the export finishes the system will run as usual. - Also,Turbo Boost works perfectly again. Are there any solutions to this problem?

    Terence, thank you for your quick reply!
    You basically confirmed what I found out by trial-and-error.
    Unfortunately, I think the news is bad. Here's why:
    A typical picture in my iPhoto library, a JPEG taken by a compact digicam, is 1.8 MB. Let's compare that to the sizes of the same picture when exported using the various options:
    1.8 MB - Current or Original; - metadata not included.
    11.4 MB - TIFF - lossless, all metadata included
    3.1 MB - JPEG Maximum - lossy but all metadata included
    0.7 MB - JPEG High - lossy but all metadata included
    You wrote "For my money the best bet is the tiff". I know tiff's are the highest quality format (non-lossy), but, in my case anyway, they're 6.3 X larger.
    Is it really true that the only way to move my photos out of iPhoto while preserving 100% of the quality and all the extended metadata is to increase the size of my photos over 6 times? Really?
    That seems a bit ridiculous. Consider a library of 10,000 photos averaging 2 MB each (which is on the small side these days). That library would be at least 20 GB (not really considering all the additional space used by thumbnails, dupes, etc). But if I want to export all those photos in a lossless way while preserving metadata, the size will jump to over 126 GB!!
    Many of us have Macs with hard drives large enough to easily handle a 20GB iPhoto library, but if that library suddenly exported itself into a 126 GB monster, that would challenge many of our hard drives.
    Is there really no other way?

  • Exportreihenfolge verändern beim Export nach INX

    Hallo Zusammen
    Ich arbeite als Übersetzter. Ab und zu bekomme ich auch Aufträge in Indesign. Da ich kein Indesign habe (ist mir viel viel zu teuer für die paar wenigen Äufträge pro Jahr) lasse ich mir jeweils inx zuschicken, die kann ich in meinem Übersetzungstool bearbeiten (ist ja ein XML-artiges Format). Das Problem ist jetzt das die Reihenfolge bei diesen Exporten manchmal stark vom Original abweicht. ich habe herausgefunden, das dies mit der Reienfolge wie die Textboxen angelegt werden zusammenhängt. Wenn ich also eine Textbox anlege die (Text 2" heisst und danach eine die "Text eins" heist, dann kommt text zwei vor text eins im Übersetzungstool. Scheint eine eigenart von INX zu sein. Die Frage ist jetzt ob man das irgendwie ändern könnte. Also ob das meine Kunden irgendwie ändern könnten beim Export, das das, was auf der Seite oben ist auch im INX-Quelltext oben ist usw.

    Dazu müßten deine Kunden die Dokumentenstruktur managen. Dafür gibt's ja in ID Tags und den ganzen Krempel. Da kann man explizit die "Flow" Reihenfolge, Metadaten, erweiterte Druckeigenschaften etc. für Objekte festlegen. Vermutlich sind aber deine Kunden damit hoffnungslos überfordert, wenn du schon Dokumente bekommst, bei denen nicht mal der normale Textfluß zu stimmen scheint. Ist aber ohnehin die Frage, warum und weshalb ihr für Übersetzungen mit Layoutdateien arbeitet. Ein sauber formatiertes Word-Dokument wäre doch viel besser. Aber vermutlich ist das wohl ein ähnliches Problem, weil Absatzformate wohl auch nicht drin sind... Kann man irgendwie drehen und wenden, wie man will, aber vermutlich liegt's einfach an der unsauberen Arbeitsweise mit der die Originaldokumente erstellt werden. Daher wäre es wahrscheinlich das einfachste, du legst dir wenigstens InCopy zu und deine Kleinetn arbeiten mit entsprechenden Assignments. dann bleibt auf jeden Fall das Layout erhalten  und du kannst visuell arbeiten...

  • Problem trying to export software simulation in captivate CS5

    Hi I have a problem trying to export a Captivate cs5 software simulation to flash cs5 gives me this error
    I used captivate4 and worked well, the cs5 captivate and Flash cs5 are from adobe e learnig 2 suit .... Its installed wrong? Or it is an error of mine? thanks

    your print size in the OP is 1.5" tall as you said. that's very small. not sure if your limit was the 2400 ppi or the overall pixel size. the set up matters.
    anyway. PSD is limited to a certain pixel size too. an image can only be so big then you have to use a different format. i don't know the cutoff point, that could be an issue too.
    anyway, if are just trying to get it into photoshop, a simple copy and paste will work. setup your file size you need in photoshop, then copy and paste your layout from illustrator. no exporting necessary.

  • Cannot export path to illustrator

    I am using CS3 and am trying to export a path to an illustrator file.  I started with an 8bit black and white image and made a path from a selection. When I go to File > Export the export option is greyed out and not selectable.  Any ideas on how I can open this option?  I have tried to use Save as to save the file as a .psd prior to export but the only options it gives me is a .tiff and a .raw.

    At least for me in cs3, the export menu or the export paths to illustrator option
    is never greyed out (when an image is open), even when there aren't any paths in the image.
    So your problem is probably something else. Did you try resetting the photoshop
    cs3 preferences?
    This is what i get when using export paths to illustrator on an image that doesn't have any paths.

  • Launch and edit problem from Dreamweaver to Fireworks

    > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader
    does not understand
    this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
    Content-type: text/plain;
    Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
    Not sure if this is a Fireworks or Dreamweaver problem but
    here goes.
    I¹ve created a graphic in Fireworks CS3 on the Mac and
    Exported the HTML and
    related images. I open the HTML file in Dreamweaver CS3, all
    fine so far.
    Then I highlight the table and click the ŒEdit in
    Fireworks¹ button and it
    throws up a warning dialogue saying ŒCannot launch and
    edit. The Fireworks
    table could not be found in the HTML. Please export from
    Fireworks and
    re-import the HTML into Dreamweaver.¹
    I¹ve only just exported it from Fireworks! It¹s
    even got the Fireworks table
    code in the Code section, so what¹s going here?
    Has anyone else had this?
    Content-type: text/html;
    Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
    <TITLE>Launch and edit problem from Dreamweaver to
    <FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN
    Not sure if this is a Fireworks or Dreamweaver problem but
    here goes.<BR>
    I&#8217;ve created a graphic in Fireworks CS3 on the Mac
    and Exported the H=
    TML and related images. I open the HTML file in Dreamweaver
    CS3, all fine so=
    far. Then I highlight the table and click the
    &#8216;Edit in Fireworks&#821=
    7; button and it throws up a warning dialogue saying
    &#8216;Cannot launch an=
    d edit. The Fireworks table could not be found in the HTML.
    Please export fr=
    om Fireworks and re-import the HTML into
    I&#8217;ve only just exported it from Fireworks!
    It&#8217;s even got the Fi=
    reworks table code in the Code section, so what&#8217;s
    going here?<BR>
    Has anyone else had this?<BR>

    > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader
    does not understand
    this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
    Content-type: text/plain;
    Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
    When you export the sliced graphics from Fireworks it places
    them into a
    table. In my instance the code says...
    <!-- fwtable fwsrc="Brands.png" fwpage="Page 1"
    fwstyle="Dreamweaver" fwdocid = "325827661" fwnested="0"
    So it recognises Fireworks was the the graphics app and jumps
    back to it
    when you want to edit the image. Fireworks then displays (or
    should) a
    ŒDone¹ button over the window. You do your alts and
    press Done to update the
    HTML and graphics back in Dreamweaver automatically.
    That¹s the only table I was referring to Murray.
    On 4/7/07 3:02 pm, in article
    [email protected], "Murray
    *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > Why would you be wanting to edit the table in a graphics
    editor, instead of
    > an HTML editor?
    Content-type: text/html;
    Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
    <TITLE>Re: Launch and edit problem from Dreamweaver to
    <FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN
    STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'>When =
    you export the sliced graphics from Fireworks it places them
    into a table. I=
    n my instance the code says...<BR>
    &lt;!-- fwtable fwsrc=3D&quot;Brands.png&quot;
    fwpage=3D&quot;Page 1&quot; fwba=
    fwstyle=3D&quot;Dreamweaver&quot; fwdocid =3D &quot;32=
    5827661&quot; fwnested=3D&quot;0&quot;
    So it recognises Fireworks was the the graphics app and jumps
    back to it wh=
    en you want to edit the image. Fireworks then displays (or
    should) a &#8216;=
    Done&#8217; button over the window. You do your alts and
    press Done to updat=
    e the HTML and graphics back in Dreamweaver
    That&#8217;s the only table I was referring to
    On 4/7/07 3:02 pm, in article
    [email protected], &quot;Murr=
    ay *ACE*&quot;
    &lt;[email protected]&gt; wrote:<BR>
    <FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF">&gt; Why would you be
    wanting to edit the table in a =
    graphics editor, instead of <BR>
    &gt; an HTML editor?<BR>

  • Ich möchte Datum und Uhrzeit der original CR2 Dateien beim export in .jpeg erhalten. Aber es gelingt mir bisher nicht.

    Ich möchte Datum und Uhrzeit der original CR2 Dateien beim export in .jpeg erhalten. Aber es gelingt mir bisher nicht. Kann mir bei der Lösung meines Problems jemand helfen ?
    Danke, Janis

    Ich kenne mehrere Fälle wo es sinn macht:
    Vergessen die Uhr korrekt einzustellen.
    Oder, ich fotografiere manchmal mit mehreren Cameras gleichzeitig und benötige da eine Sekundengenaue Abstimmung. Da fotografiere ich mein iPhone mit allen Fotoaparaten und dieses wird dann als Zeitpunkt-Bezug verwendet. Durch dieses Foto lass ich mit einer speziellen Software dann die Zeiten exakt auf diese Bezugszeit abgleichen. Jede Camera benötigt so ein Bezugsbild und die Bilder dieser Camera müssen dann auf dieses abgeglichen werden. Da schafft man wirklich sekundengenaue Abgleiche mehrerer Cameras, die sonst nicht möglich werden.
    Aber ich gebe Dir schon recht, wenn ich die Tautropfen im Frühling fotografiere oder ein Portrait-Serie der Schafe in Glonn mache, dann sind mir auch falsche Tage egal. (selbst ein falsches Jahrhundert würde mich da nicht jucken.

  • Bei in InDesign erstellten Elementen mit "Scherwinkel" und dem Effekt "Abgeflachte Kante und Relief" wird beim Export als "Pdf mit Transparenzen" (Acrobat 1.6) der Effekt nicht dargestellt. Bei Pdf ohne Transparenz (Acrobat 1.3) funktioniert der Effekt.

    bei in InDesign erstellten Elementen mit "Scherwinkel" und dem Effekt "Abgeflachte Kante und Relief" wird beim Export als "Pdf mit Transparenzen" (Acrobat 1.6) der Effekt nicht dargestellt. Bei Pdf ohne Transparenz (Acrobat 1.3) funktioniert der Effekt. Gibt es eine Lösung, die das Problem behebt?Deutsche Foren

    Mit welchem Programm betrachtest Du die PDFs? Nur mit Acrobat können sie zuverlässig dargestellt werden.
    Die PDF-Versionen heißen PDF1.3 oder 1.6 und nicht Acrobat 1.3 oder 1.6, Acrobat ist das Programm, PDF das Dateiformat.
    NEIN, das ganze in Photoshop zu rastern ist keine taugliche Lösung, Du musst nur das richtige Betrachtungsprogramm wählen. Etwa Apple Vorschau ist untauglich, PDFs korrekt darzustellen.

  • Many problems with the 'Export to Text' (.txt) in CR Xi

    I have listed many problems with the 'Export to Text' (.txt) function of CR Xi.
    These problems are related to this export format only (meaning everything works fine in the Viewer or in the 'Export to PDF')...
    - Multi-columns layout do not export as Multi-column (export only a one column);
    - Numeric values with parenthesis for negative values or with a fix currency sign at the leftmost position are not exported correctly;
    - Fields having a Suppress formula which is "WhilePrintingRecords" do not appears when exported;
    - Fields with 'Suppress double value' checked are not always suppressed when exported to Text.
    - 'Keep Group Together' flag is not working.
    - 'Reset Page Number After' simply does not works when exported to text;
    - 'Keep object together' on TextBox/Section is not working.
    - Whenever a group is ending on the last line of a page, the the following page as the same Group header as the previous group with no records until the page is filled, then the PageBreak and PageHeader is missing but the records of the following group appears.
    I would like to know what is the status of the 'Export to Text' function (is it a deprecated function not supported anymore???).
    If still supported, when will these bugs be fixed???

    Hi Rene
    Export to Text is supported till date. Crystal Reports 2008 also supports this with Keep together working however when I tried with format with multiple columns, it didnot show up in the exported text file.

  • How can I export an Adobe illustrator CC .AI file to a DWG or DXF file suitable for SolidWorks?

    Can anyone help?
    How can I export an Adobe illustrator CC .AI file to a DWG or DXF file,  without SolidWorks enlarging the file & converting every curve into hundreds of short little straight lines rather than a single continuous line/s.
    I have made sure the file is ungrouped or has any compound paths or colours.
    Opening it in Autocad 2010 still converts the DWG file into hundreds of short little straight lines!
    The file is needed to laser cut out an aluminium shape using SolidWorks 2008 (Metal soft)?
    Formats they can handle are:
    There must be a way to export it without re-drawing the whole design in Soildworks again!!??
    Can anyone help?

    Not really. This is a limitation you will have to live with. Unless you are extremely careful, most paths will be converted to polyline segments by AI and in particular in AI CC this is somehow busted, so it happens more often. You might have much more luck opening a native AI file in DraftSight or a 2D CAD program like TurboCAD and exporting a DWG or 2D IGES/ STEP file from there. The sizing issue is a different matter, but without knowing what units you actualyl used, nobody can advise.

  • Gallery problems and photo export issues with all images JPG Raw damaged.

    I'm starting to panic. I trusted Aperture 3 and upgraded entire library from Aperture 2.0.
    Yesterday I uploaded new project from a photoshoot. and today is gone. Just like that. I did some export already before from that project so I know that it was there.
    Yesterday I had couple crashes. But it should be saved??
    Now I have serious problem. I export any Jpegs from Aperture. and when I want to process them in CS4 photomatix etc I get this
    It does it in 32 and 64 bit? What is the problem? I can expot JPG and raw and get same result. entire gallery from 2000 to 2010 same issue.
    I'm badly hurt!!!!!!!!!!!! do you have same problem??

    this gave me a scare. I deleted preferences + everything in pro applications. I deleted Aperture and reinstall everything from the disk. Updated library and now it works. I even get my lost project back. It remembered my Places, but not faces, strange.
    I have no idea what happened. But from now on I double copy files.

  • CS5 has stopped working pop up everytime when selecting fonts. details:  Problem signature:   Problem Event Name:APPCRASH   Application Name:Illustrator.exe   Application Version:   Application Timestamp:4d76c9e3   Fault Module Name:CoolType.dll

    Stops responding, etc
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
      Application Name:    Illustrator.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:    4d76c9e3
      Fault Module Name:    CoolType.dll
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp:    4c296b69
      Exception Code:    c0000005
      Exception Offset:    00021ae1
      OS Version:    6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    1033
      Additional Information 1:    8e1b
      Additional Information 2:    8e1b636bd3438ac15d03ef1549553b25
      Additional Information 3:    1b31
      Additional Information 4:    1b316dab8b65bf468124c367b4a50e14

    But I am assuming that when I make the installer, the 32-bit Run Time Engine is appened with the installer, as show below
    Since from the picture you can see its including the support installers from '\Program Files (x86)\'
    The application runs queries to fetch data from database in SQL server 2008, and for that I am using a Microsoft SQL Native Client 2008 R2 64 bit ( this is the only version that installs on either PC, even the one on which I developed my LV Application).
    I am not using any driver, only toolkits for reports - and for that I un-checked the "Remove unused polymorphic VI instances" when making the executable, otherwise LV throws up an exception that share variable are not being included.
    Yes I did reboot every time after I ran the installation.
    Still getting the same error.

  • Problem in WAD: export to PDF all the tab panels of a TabPage

    Hi all,
    I have a problem with WAD and export to PDF.
    My template (schema):
    Group -->
    Container Barraher --> Button Group
    Container Form --> Tab Pages -->
    TabPanel1 --> Container1 --> Analysis1
    TabPanel2 --> Container2 --> Analysis2
    TabPanel3 --> Container3 --> Analysis3
    My problem:
    The button exports only the Analysis we are seeing (the TabPanel which is opened) but I would want the button exports the three Analysis. Is it possible?
    At the Button Group --> Command Export --> Data Binding --> Web Items:
    Thanks a lot in advance!

        Can you remove the Data Bindings and see if you use the Default if PDF is working ?.
    Another way also might be is to save the Same Template with a new Name, then  Keep only the Data Providers and the Analysis Grid.
    Back on Main Template in the Button Group use this new Template as a Print Template.
    Hope this helps.

  • Problem in the exportation to PDF (Indesign CS6)

    Problem in the exportation to PDF (Indesign CS6):
    Page with 3 layers: 1st background image, 2nd semi-transparent white square, 3rd text in color black.
    It looks OK in Indesign, but when exporting, in the PDF file the letters are not black, they are gray. What could happened? I've tryed already the obvious solutions (the order of layers is OK, restarted the PC...)
    Thank you in advance.

    the default [Black] swatch (0/0/0/100 in CMYK)  really is a lighter color than a rich black mixed from four CMYk ink, or 3 RGB colors. It would be pretty unusual to see a black background in an image that wasn't a mix.
    Do you have the preference in ID for Appearance of Black set to Display All Blacks Accurately? That will show you the difference in ID on screen as well.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Finally Fixed! Oracle 11g XE 'Get Started' Page (but it won't start) Error

    OMG--I JUST FIXED THIS!! I've been looking for days on these posts and saw a lot of frustration and finally got it. I'm coming from your 'average guy' approach, so I don't get all super technical stuff, so... I just read the message on my IE explore