Problems authenticating

Today I am having issues authenticating as an owner for my
room. I am confident that the username and password is correct and
was previously working. It also seems to work fine with the
Here's the message I get:
Users:stefan:Desktop:CocomoSDK_0.91:examples:SharedCollection:bin-debug:SharedCollectionE xample.swf
- 1,164,600 bytes after decompression
AFCS Beta Build # : 0.91
getMeetingInfo: status=0
Getting FMS at,
attempt #1/3
result: <fms>
#FMSConnector# Sat Feb 28 21:24:11 GMT+0000 2009 protocols:
[object ProtocolPortPair]
#FMSConnector# Sat Feb 28 21:24:11 GMT+0000 2009 [attempt 1
of 2] Connecting to 0/0:
#FMSConnector# Sat Feb 28 21:24:12 GMT+0000 2009
tempNetStatusHandler 0/1,NetConnection.Connect.Success
#FMSConnector# Sat Feb 28 21:24:12 GMT+0000 2009 isTunneling?
#FMSConnector# Sat Feb 28 21:24:12 GMT+0000 2009 is using
RTMPS? true
.user descriptor from server [object]
.affiliation [number]= 5
.role [number]= 10
.displayName [string]= stoem
.userID [string]= GUEST-E1B8C4D6-8E4F-4532-B219-D49A13DB3140
receiveAllSynchData UserManager
receiveAllSynchData FileManager
checkManagerSync:[object FileManager]
receiveAllSynchData AVManager
checkManagerSync:[object StreamManager]
receiveAllSynchData RoomManager
checkManagerSync:[object RoomManager]
checkManagerSync:[object UserManager]
RECEIVENODES _dataSharedModel
receiveAllSynchData _dataSharedModel
I think there are two problems here. Firstly I think I should
authenticate as an owner with the credentials I pass. However maybe
this is a temporary glitch with the service.
The second issue (regardless of whether or not there is an
issue with the service atm) is that I think the service should
alert me of the fact that authentication failed. Simply logging me
on to the room as Guest seems wrong as I am assuming that
authentication succeeded using the credentials I passed, yet they
did not and my role was downgraded which is not obvious to spot.
Hope this makes sense.

Hi Stefan,
Likely the problem here is that you've gotten a session
established as a guest, and your browser is holding on to it, and
sending those session credentials no matter what. Try clearing
sessions or re-starting your browser. We're trying to figure out
how to avoid this for developers, but at least the good news is
that your users should pretty much never hit this issue.

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    Hello, i finally have discovered what was happening, it has to be with the way FreeBSD passes the password field. By default FreeBSD passes the password field with a '*' while Oracle Linux (and Red Hat clones) expect an 'x' to look into shadow maps (Linux uses the '*' character in the password file to not allow login to that user).
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    Hello, i finally have discovered what was happening, it has to be with the way FreeBSD passes the password field. By default FreeBSD passes the password field with a '*' while Oracle Linux (and Red Hat clones) expect an 'x' to look into shadow maps (Linux uses the '*' character in the password file to not allow login to that user).
    To solve it the password field served by the NIS server must be substituted, which is accomplished with nsswitch.conf and adding a line to the /etc/password file on the NIS Client, so the final files will look this way:
    # nsswitch.conf (compat directive allows us to use the '+' sintaxis in /etc/passwd file)
    passwd files compat
    # /etc/passwd (just add at the end of file)

  • Problem authenticating user in Active Directory cross domain

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    The two ADs have domain trust setup between them. I have groups defined in London AD to which users from both the London and Tokyo ADs are assigned.
    'm trying to connect to London AD using the "users credentials" and retrieve the groups they are assigned to.
    I can connect to the London AD using any of the London user and I could retrieve the groups. But when I use a Tokyo user credentials to connect using the London AD server 'm getting Security exception with a code indicating "User Not Found".
    The code I use which is very basic is given below . The code below run as such gives me the following error,
    [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090334, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 525, vece.
    If I change in the code below, Provider URL to Tokyo AD Server URL then it works but I can't use that due to security restrictions. As per the Windows Team the domain trust should allow me to connect/bind to the London AD Server with the Tokyo credentials.
    Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "london ldap server url"); 
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
    env.put(Context.REFERRAL, "follow");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "[email protected]"); 
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password"); 
    env.put(LdapContext.CONTROL_FACTORIES, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.ControlFactory");
    ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
    I would like to know how to authenticate a user in a cross domain Active Directory environment. I read in one of the blogs that the "simple bind" will not work for cross domain user authentication. Unfortunately the blogger didn't mention what would work :( . Any help is much appreciated.
    Please bear with me if my query is a naive one and point me in the right direction.

    Hi Praveen,
    to avoid losing data when user objects are moved to new locations in the LDAP server, it is possible to configure the User Management Engine to use the value of a specific unique attribute as part of the unique ID instead of the distinguished name.
    For this, you have to change the following UME properties:
    For user objects: ume.ldap.unique_user_attribute=<attributename>
    For account objects: ume.ldap.unique_uacc_attribute=<attributename>
    For group objects: ume.ldap.unique_grup_attribute=<attributename>
    Be aware that the attribute (i.e. cn or uid) must be unique in the configured user/group path.
    Please read SAPNote 777640 for more information regarding this problem and the way to change the UME properties.
    Best regards,

  • Problem authenticating Wireless users with peap

    Good afternoon,
    I am currently trying to authenticate wireless users using PEAP and an external RADIUS server. The problem is when I try to authenticate I get this error :
    AAA/AUTHEN/PPP : Pick method list 'Permanent Local'
    DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED : Station ... Authentication failed
    It shouldn't use local authentication, but the aaa server I configured.
    I looked on the internet but didn't find a working solution.
    Does anyone know why it is not working ?
    Here is my running configuration :
    Current configuration : 4276 bytes
    ! Last configuration change at 00:45:40 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993
    ! NVRAM config last updated at 16:38:23 UTC Thu Jul 24 2014
    ! NVRAM config last updated at 16:38:23 UTC Thu Jul 24 2014
    version 15.2
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    service password-encryption
    hostname ap
    logging rate-limit console 9
    enable secret 5 $1$QVC3$dIVAarlXOo52rN3ceZm1k0
    aaa new-model
    aaa group server radius rad_eap
     server auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
    aaa group server radius rad_mac
    aaa group server radius rad_acct
    aaa group server radius rad_admin
    aaa group server tacacs+ tac_admin
    aaa group server radius rad_pmip
    aaa group server radius dummy
    aaa authentication login eap_methods group rad_eap
    aaa authentication login mac_methods local
    aaa authorization exec default local
    aaa accounting network acct_methods start-stop group rad_acct
    aaa session-id common
    no ip routing
    no ip cef
    dot11 syslog
    dot11 ssid test
       authentication open eap eap_list
       authentication key-management wpa version 2
    eap profile peap
     method peap
    crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
    bridge irb
    interface Dot11Radio0
     no ip address
     no ip route-cache
     encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
     ssid test
     antenna gain 0
     beamform ofdm
     station-role root
     bridge-group 1
     bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
     bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
     bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
     no bridge-group 1 source-learning
     no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
    interface Dot11Radio1
     no ip address
     no ip route-cache
     antenna gain 0
     no dfs band block
     channel dfs
     station-role root
     bridge-group 1
     bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
     bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
     bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
     no bridge-group 1 source-learning
     no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
    interface GigabitEthernet0
     no ip address
     no ip route-cache
     duplex auto
     speed auto
     dot1x pae authenticator
     bridge-group 1
     bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
     no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    interface BVI1
     ip address
     no ip route-cache
    ip default-gateway IP
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip http server
    ip http secure-server
    ip http help-path
    ip radius source-interface BVI1
    radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h
    radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key 7 140441081E501F0B7D
    radius-server vsa send accounting
    bridge 1 route ip
    line con 0
    line vty 0 4
     transport input all
    Thank you

    I haven't setup autonomous APs before but I think I might see the problem. You are defining an authentication list called "eap_methods" but you never call for it in your SSID settings. Instead there you call a list named "eap_list" In addition, I think you might be missing one more command. So perhaps try this:
    dot11 ssid test
    authentication open eap eap_methods
    authentication network-eap eap_methods
    authentication key-management wpa version 2
    Hope this helps!
    Thank you for rating helpful posts!

  • Ical problem - authentication problem?

    I dont seem to be able to get ical to work.
    Problems I am getting are:
    if I choose a wiki calendar (group or personal) - there is a message "Unable to access calendar, because the calendar server is not running"
    If I try to create an account in iCal (using automatic option) - says "found caldav server mydomain but couldn't log in with the user john. Make sure user name and password are correct"
    Here are some log details.
    2010-01-15 11:05:51+1100 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-01-15 11:05:51+1100 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: Y29tLmFwcGxlLmNhbGVuZGFyc2VydmVyIGEyNWY4ZThiMjkwYThiNTg4MmFkNjc5NjVmY2NlYmRi
    2010-01-15 11:05:51+1100 [-] [caldav-8009] [-] [] OpenDirectory Node /search not available
    2010-01-15 11:05:51+1100 [-] [caldav-8012] [-] [] OpenDirectory Node /search not available
    2010-01-15 11:05:51+1100 [-] [caldav_task] 2010-01-15 11:05:51+1100 [-] [] OpenDirectory Node /search not available
    2010-01-15 11:05:53+1100 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-01-15 11:05:53+1100 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0002 NO Authentication failed.
    2010-01-15 11:05:53+1100 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-01-15 11:05:53+1100 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP authenticate failed for, trying login
    2010-01-15 11:05:53+1100 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-01-15 11:05:53+1100 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0003 LOGIN "" "wha9F8OxLMOpoeCi"
    2010-01-15 11:05:54+1100 [-] [caldav-8011] [-] [] OpenDirectory Node /search not available
    2010-01-15 11:05:54+1100 [-] [caldav-8010] [-] [] OpenDirectory Node /search not available
    thanks for any help

    Just a thought: have you checked Service Access controls for the iCal service?

  • Problems authentication school network

    At the moment I'm unable to connect to the school network with Arch Linux.
    If using Windows and/or Android, I can connect without any issues.
    The school uses the following security (authentication)-method:
    - WPA2 Enterprise
    - PEAP
    - MSCHAPv2
    - No certificate (they said it's not needed)
    - A global username/password
    The school should support it (at least Ubuntu).
    There is also an eduroam network available, but also unable to login to this network.
    I also tried the code (wiki) for eduroam, but this didn't work either.
    I can connect, but I'm getting a message that the authentication failed with wicd & NetworkManager.
    Has it something to do with the certificate? I had this problem somewhere else, but I needed the certificate of the network before I could connect to it properly.
    Should it be possible to export the Android settings somewhere and port this to Arch? Has someone maybe an idea to solve this?
    I already searched on the forums, but most of them got it working, but I haven't found any solution yet. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong info.

    Thanks for the suggestion orschiro , unfortunately none of them work.
    I'm using USB-tether to share the WiFi-connection, but it is a bit strange it connects correct with Android, but not with Arch Linux.
    Maybe I'm missing something. :S
    For the record, I have the same error on both the own school network and eduroam.
    Last edited by beta990 (2014-02-11 19:04:38)

  • Problem authenticating with Active Directory

    We want to authenticate the users from Microsoft Active directory.We created users by doing a bootstrapping from AD to OID (10.1.2).
    I enabled the plug in by following the Chapter 18 Configuring Active Directory External Authentication plug -in.
    After running through the plug in is installed if i try to login with AD user id I am getting authentication failure error.
    I am not sure whether OID is connecting to Active Directory for authentication.How to ensure that it is connecting to AD
    I am giving uid attribute as login id.What is the login id to be given
    I have tried many combinations no luck. I am getting following error in ssoServer.log
    Sun Dec 11 19:44:13 EST 2005 [ERROR] AJPRequestHandler-ApplicationServerThread-5 Communication Exception received. Cleaning up the stale connection
    oracle.ldap.util.CommunicationErrorException: Unable to establish connection to directory. Please verify the input parameters: host, port, dn & password connection closed
         at oracle.ldap.util.Subscriber.getUser_NICKNAME(
         at oracle.ldap.util.Subscriber.getUser(
         at oracle.ldap.util.Subscriber.getUser(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$

    Did you check the debug information from the external auth plugin.?
    This is mentioned in metalink note
    here an excerpt:
    D) Enabled plug in debugging at the database level. Reference documentation: Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide 10g (9.0.4) Chapter 43 Integration with the Microsoft Windows Environment - Troubleshooting Integration with Microsoft Windows Under section "Debugging the Microsoft Active Directory External Authentication Plug-in"
    ...enable the plug-in debugging. To do this, enter:
    sqlplus ods/odspassword @$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/oidspdon.plsTo check the plug-in debugging log, enter:
    sqlplus system/managerSQL> select * from ods.plg_debug_log order by id;
    (To delete the plug-in debugging log:
    sqlplus system/managerSQL> truncate table ods.plg_debug_log
    To disable the plug-in debugging:
    sqlplus ods/ods @$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/oidspdof.plsE) Dump the plug-in profile to make sure it is enabled and configured correctly:
    ldapsearch -h <OID host> -p <OID port> -D "cn=orcladmin" -w <orcladmin password> -b "cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry" -L -s sub "(objectclass=*)" "*"please take also a look into the DIPTESTER tool available in

  • L2TP VPN Problem Authenticating

    Hi there
    I'm trying to get my mac mini server running again after moving to a new appartment and switching the internet provider.
    So I thought all I have to do is setup the new router and enable port forwarding on it on the UDP Ports 500, 1701 and 4500 (the rest should be still working, thanks to dyndns)
    But somehow I can't establich a vpn connection any more, and I wonder why... when I try to establish a vpn connection with my macbook air, it seems to remain in a "authenticating" state.
    I do not get an authentication failed message
    Nor do I get any other message...
    Here's the console output
    2/23/12 1:08:14.675 AM racoon: IKEv1 Phase2 Initiator: success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode).
    2/23/12 1:08:14.675 AM racoon: IPSec Phase2 established (Initiated by me).
    2/23/12 1:08:14.676 AM pppd: IPSec connection established
    2/23/12 1:08:14.855 AM pppd: L2TP connection established.
    2/23/12 1:08:14.859 AM pppd: Connect: ppp0 <--> socket[34:18]
    2/23/12 1:10:13.020 AM configd: SCNC: stop, type L2TP
    2/23/12 1:10:13.030 AM pppd: Connection terminated.
    As visible a connection get's established ... and then after two minutes I killed it again because it still showed "authenticating"
    And if I try to connect to the server from my iPhone I get a "The L2TP-VPN server did not respond" message.
    Any ideas what could be the cause?
    Best regards

    when i connect l2tp vpn I see the message in console ipsec connection faild after phase 1 and phase 2.
    Any solutiion of someone.

  • Having a problem authenticating Adobe photoshop 12

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    Can you please try once again and let us know if the issue is persistent?

  • Problem Authentication with AP 1130AG

    I have a problem with my access point model is 1130AG, it works fine , im using WEP encrypt, but just only 2 clients can connect to it, if i want to connect a 3rd client either laptop or pc the client sends a message Connectivity Null, but if disconnect or disabled any of the connected clients, the 3rd that i was trying connect, its connect inmediately. i dont know why just 2 clients can connect only to the access point, any help, i already attached the configuration, with no pass and WEP passwords. Pls Need Help with this

    There's nothing in your config to suggest any limit on the number of client associations, however there are a number of bad practises on there that you may want to clean up in general.
    Username = Cisco
    Client VLAN = AP Mgmt VLAN
    Using Static WEP = Very Bad
    Still got all of the low-speed data-rates enabled
    AP is on a massive broadcast domain, so performance is likely to be / get very bad
    int dot11 0 channel not set
    int dot11 0 power not set
    int dot11 1 config is all over the place
    The error message you posted suggests the client is opting to leave the AP, as opposed to the AP kicking it. What is the physical proximity of the AP & Laptops? Also, please please please make sure you've got the very latest drivers on your clients.

  • Problems authentication with PEAP WLC IAS Windows 2k3

    Hi all
    I have configured a WLC ( model 2100) with authentiacion PEAP with IAS and a DA of Microsoft Windows 2003. I have been reading in the documentation "PEAP Under Unified Wireless Networks with Microsoft Internet Authentication Service (IAS)" that in the installation proccess of Active Directory it must select the option "Permissions compatible with pre-Windows 2000 server operation systems". In my scenario the other option was chosen "Permissions compatible only with Windows 200 or Windows Server 2003 operations system".
    I have test this scenario and it does not work.
    Is there some configuration in the WLC so that it can work without having to reinstall the AD?

    For the most part the WLC doesn't care about what type of authentication is being used. It really is just proxying the requests between the client and Radius server.
    I would make sure your EAP timer are extended with the commands:
    config advanced eap identity-request-timeout 10
    config advanced eap request-timeout 10

  • Messenger Express: Problem authenticating using fully qualified user name - userID@domain

    I'm installing iPS SP3a with iMS 5.1, iDS 4.16, iCS 5.0P4... (<i>Sun ONE Starter Kit</i>) on Solaris 8 plataform.
    When I access the page for Messenger Express, with a non-default domain, (login: userID@domain) http://<server> a black box with script running down it and the page is then left white with a message:
    Loading: Please wait...
    and with url:
    If I edit the url and delete my-domain, all work fine (http://<hostname>/en/mail.html?sid=hes6bu6s3n35qm0&lang=en&cert=false)
    I created into <path to iMS>/msg-hostname/html/ a directory with same name of my-domain and copied the "default files and directories" of
    <path to iMS>/msg-hostname/html/
    <path to iMS>/msg-hostname/html/my-domain/
    I followed the documentation and modified the "<path to iMS>/msg-hostname/html/main.js" file.
    then, I restart all services (../start-msg )
    It don't work and... I continue seeing the same message:
    Loading: Please wait...
    There is some bug in <b>iMS 5.1</b> with which it does that the Messenger Express does not work when is
    used several domain ?
    Somebody can help me ???
    <b>Thanks in advice</b>.

    I think your issue is related to iMS, Please post your query in iMS forums.
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Microsystems

  • Still having problems authenticating and with Pandora

    IIIaass - I still can't get Pandora to work with the ios 6 while at work.  I have done all the steps you suggessted yesterday.  And when I got in this morning no luck.  So I reset everything again, and setup with the icloud backup.  Was able to get into Pandora, it played one station, so I got bold and tried to select another, and forget it.  It wouldn't play anything.  This is crazy because I can get to the internet on my ipod touch, it is just Pandora, and I still get the gray screen with  login success when I authenticate.  I am ready to put a bullet through this thing.  They should have left it alone.  Any other suggestions?

    Nobody else experiencing the same issue? :/

  • Problems authenticating after using "Find my phone"

    I just got a 52 a couple days ago and used the icloud feature of "Find my phone" as I lost it in the house.  After finding the phone, it asked me to authenticate.  I put in my apple ID and password on the phone and hit "sign in".  However, the phone will not proceed.  I have now changed my apple id password via the website but still the phone will not respond, and I'm locked out of my own phone now.

    The phone in your posession is the one that needs iCloud disabled.  This has nothing to do with the phone that was lost/stolen.

Maybe you are looking for

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