Problems calling nested panels

Hi there I've been going round in circles trying to figure this out. I have a jframe which is split in two, two seperate classes add content to each panel. I have a a mouse listener in one of these classes which I want to use to update the other panel in the other class. I don't know how to reference the other class though!
Can someone put me in the right direction?

One way to do this is to pass into the mouselistener object a reference to the other object. You may do this in the constructor, or after the fact. This approach may produce undesirable coupling.
Alternatively add the mouselistener object as a listener to the other class, or to its contained panel.

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    Connection: close
    Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 10:26:37 GMT
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.9
    Status: 200 OK
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    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 1887
    X-Zend-WinEnabler: 1.2.0
    <br />
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    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined property:  mustunderstand in <b>C:Program FilesZendWinEnablerphppearSOAPServer.php</b> on line <b>322</b><br />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope  xmlns:SOAP-ENV=" ....etc"
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    Hi Arnouid,
    as far as I understand your post, the HTML code is the body of the response.
    If it is so, it is not a correct SOAP-message. A SOAP header  is inside of the envelope and not outside of it.
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    A couple of threads here that should answer your query.

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    <SAP:AdditionalText> Peer certificate rejected by ChainVerifier</SAP:AdditionalText>
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    We had the same problem calling a web service where the url started with "https".  Once we loaded the certificate in NWA and stopped and restarted the communication channel, it worked fine. 
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    var myOkBtn:SimpleButton = new OkBtn();
    please help.
    Thank you very much

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    thanks for gentle reply
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    You can simply remove the label attribute for the input text on the page.

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    Hi Stuart.
    Thank you for your concern.
    I have spoken to Rita (floor manager) who called me back this afternoon.
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  • Problem call stored procedure from asp using oo4o

    I am having a problem calling a pl/sql stored procedure from ASP.
    Attached is the code. Any help would be appreciated. There are no errors returned on the page as far as I can tell.
    Sub add_cc_rec(p_location_rental_object_num, p_start_date, p_end_date, p_rate_code, p_quantity)
         'On Error Resume Next     
         Dim msg, stat, p_available, p_free_sell, p_cap_level, p_status_code, p_error_code
         Dim OraDatabase, PlSqlStmt
         Response.Write "In Function add_cc_rec<br>"
         msg = ""
         stat = ""
         p_available = "Y"
         p_free_sell = "Y"
         p_cap_level = "0"
         p_status_code = 2
         p_error_code = ""
         Set OraSession = Server.CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
         Response.Write "Created OraSession<br>"
         Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase(ORADB, RUUID &"/"& RUPWD, 0)
         'Set OraDatabase = OraSession.DbOpenDatabase(ORADB, RUUID &"/"& RUPWD,cint(0))
         'Set OraDatabase = OraSession.DbOpenDatabase(ORADB, UID &"/"& PWD,cint(0))
         Response.Write "Created OraDatabase with the following parameters<br>"
         Response.Write "Database is " & ORADB & "<br>"
         Response.Write "UserId is " & RUUID & "<br><br>"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_location_rental_object_num", p_location_rental_object_num, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_available", p_available, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_start_date", p_start_date, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_end_date", p_end_date, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_free_sell", p_free_sell, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_quantity", p_quantity, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_cap_level", p_cap_level, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_rate_code", p_rate_code, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_status_code", p_status_code, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_error_code", p_error_code, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         Response.Write "Calling PL/SQL procedure cc_insert <br>"
         Set PlSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSQL("Begin RATELINK_CAPACITY_CONTROL.cc_insert(:p_location_rental_object_num, :p_available, :p_start_date, :p_end_date, :p_free_sell, :p_quantity, :p_cap_level, :p_rate_code, :p_status_code, :p_error_code); end;", ORASQL_DEFAULT)
         Response.Write "PL/SQL procedure cc_insert has been called <br>"
         Response.Write "Status code from PL/SQL procedure cc_insert (" & OraDatabase.Parameters("p_status_code").value & ")<br>"
         Response.Write "Error code from PL/SQL procedure cc_insert (" & OraDatabase.Parameters("p_error_code").value & ")<br>"
         'Response.Write "Error code from PL/SQL procedure cc_insert (" & p_error_code & ")<br>"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_location_rental_object_num"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_available"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_start_date"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_end_date"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_free_sell"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_quantity"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_cap_level"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_rate_code"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_status_code"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_error_code"
         Set OraSession = Nothing
         Set OraDatabase = Nothing
    End Sub

    1 - Can I clear errors on the OraDatabase class. How do
    I do that?They store the last error, should clear itself.
    2. Is this a client side or server side error? If this
    is a client side error, how do I resolve it?Server side error only. Make sure the user you connect as can see 'RATELINK_CAPACITY_CONTROL.CC_INSERT' and has execute permissions on it. You may need to qualify it with a schema name if the connected user is not the schema owner.

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