Problems compressing HDV into SD

I'm converting HDV into DV wide, and I'm getting unwanted horizontal lines (like "scan" lines) in my final SD Wide movie...
I'm use a Z1 camcorder to shoot, capture it as HDV, Edit as HDV, and export as quicktime HDV 1080i60. The image is great when I watch my edited movie with the quicktime...
Then, I need to convert this movie to a SD Wide format ( 720x480, 1.2 )... When I do it in Compressor, my final m2v file has the horizontal line as mentioned before... It is more noticeable with texts, subtitles...
In Compressor I'm using the following settings:
Video Format: NTSC
Frame Rate: 29.97
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Field Dominance: Top first
Mode: Two Pass VBR Best
Average Bit Rate: 5.5 MBPS
Maximum Bit Rate: 7.2 MBPS
Motion Estimation: Best
So, could someone please help me? Is it possible to solve this issue? Make my final SD movie with a better look?
Thanks a lot.

Luca, thanks for your help.
I tried thje steps that you told me... but the stimation time to render 30 seconds wwas 12 hours... I'm sure that the quality will be great, but I can not spend so much time with rendering (my main movie has 1 hour and 3 minutes)...
Also, first I tried to turn off Filters, then in frame controls I left Anti-Alias and Details Level to zero... but it was the same, about 10 hours to render 30 seconds...
I do not have a powerful computer, but it is not a turtle... It is a MacBook Pro, Intel Core 2 Dual, 2.33 GHZ, 2GB RAM...
My last test was to render the movie only with the progressive option (in the encoder tab), leaving frame control and filters tab untouched... The results for still images, as text in the menus, subtitles, were great, but when I have a scene with some moves, the quality is terrible, the motion "bumps"...
So I think that the best (or the less worse) is to render using TOP FIRST as the field dominance...
Thanks a lot for your attention and time, and if you have any new sugestion, please let me know.
Marcelo Navarro.

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    private int uid;
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    private int uid;
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    FilesPK pk = new FilesPK();
    Files file = new Files();
    file.setFolderId(folderId) // added line
    FoldersPK folderPk = new FoldersPK(folderID, uid);
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    What version of EclipseLink did you try? This looks like bug that was fixed in EclipseLink 2.0, so please try a later version.
    You can also try working around the problem by making both fields writable through the reference mapping.
    Best Regards,

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    /points will be assured/
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    are you able to login to Visual Admin tool?
    B)when you start the SDM GUI, one commend prompt window will open, could you let me know last few lins of that.
    1)     Access the  usr/sap/<SID>/<INSTANCE_NAME>/SDM/program directory.
    2)     Access  the this script file :
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    2.     open the commend prompt d:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\SDM\program
    3.     type sdm jstartup "mode=standalone"
    4.     type sdm changepassword "newpassword=abcd1234"
    5.     type sdm jstartup "mode=integrated"   ( otherwise engine will not come up)
    6.     start SDM
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    Thank you in advance,

    For example, given a table like:
    Column0    Column1    Column2
    abc            C               !@#&@
    def                              $*(
    Compress it into a table consisting of one column of fixed-length strings, like:
    ..and then uncompress it back out to the original table.

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    iPhone 4S, iOS 7, ( error 403)"

    Error: error 403
    Recreate Error: On a Iphone/Ipad device that has "already" created the maximum of 3 per device Apple limit of ICloud account creation attempt to create or login to ICloud service tab in Settings. You will be presented with " error 403" which does not tell the laymen anything useful.
    Cause: IOS 7 reports a "best guess" error instead of detailed error explanation.
    How To Resolve Error: Find a device that has not been used to create an ICloud account the maximum 3 times and use it to create the ICloud account by logging into the Settings/ICloud tab with the Apple ID you want a ICloud account created for.
    Keep in mind this will use up one of the three lifetime allowed ICloud account creations allowed by Apple on that device.
    Also per support: If an existing account is logged into the ICloud service. A. Backup phone using iTunes on a mac/pc. B. At bottome of Settings/ICloud Delete the account "AND" all the user date from the phone. It will offer the Delete all data option. The reason for Deletion(and is why we backed up on a pc vs. the cloud) is when you create the new ICloud account it will backup all of the Device owners information to the wrong persons account.
    Once you have created the new ICloud account log into that account on device that was presenting error: " error 403" it should allow the ICloud login.
    Once you have verified the "device with error" is ICloud functional delete the ICloud account from the device used to seed the ICloud account and delete again all user data from cloud. Restore the recently created mac/pc Itunes locally created backup to the phone and then go to Settings/ICloud and login with the device owners Apple ID and password and verify your backup to the ICloud settings and Eureka! your done.
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    Thanks in advance for any help!

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